MiniProfiler NullReferenceException in SqlServerStorage.LoadInBatch() function due to client timings - mvc-mini-profiler

I'm getting the following exception when I click on the share link for an individual profile. I'm using the latest version from NuGet, 2.0.1.
The Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at StackExchange.Profiling.Storage.SqlServerStorage.LoadInBatch(DbConnection conn, Object idParameter) in C:\Users\sam\Desktop\MiniProfiler\StackExchange.Profiling\Storage\SqlServerStorage.cs:line 348
at StackExchange.Profiling.Storage.SqlServerStorage.Load(Guid id) in C:\Users\sam\Desktop\MiniProfiler\StackExchange.Profiling\Storage\SqlServerStorage.cs:line 297
at StackExchange.Profiling.UI.MiniProfilerHandler.Results(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\sam\Desktop\MiniProfiler\StackExchange.Profiling\UI\MiniProfilerHandler.cs:line 314
at StackExchange.Profiling.UI.MiniProfilerHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in C:\Users\sam\Desktop\MiniProfiler\StackExchange.Profiling\UI\MiniProfilerHandler.cs:line 188
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
The code:
I found what I think is the source of the null reference in the code here:
ClientTimings clientTimings = null;
if (clientTimingList.Count > 0)
clientTimings.Timings = clientTimingList;
Am I missing something, or is that always going to throw an exception when there are entries in the clientTimingList?
I thought maybe if I disabled batching, I wouldn't run the LoadInBatch function, but LoadIndividually has the same issue.
I looked for a way to disable client timings, but couldn't find a setting for it.
Maybe I could set a trigger in the database to delete the rows, but that seems a little extreme.
If I get the time, I'll get the code and submit a pull request. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious first.

Looks like it was a bug. I've added a ticket on github and a pull request to fix it:
The new code looks like this:
if (clientTimingList.Count > 0)
clientTimings = new ClientTimings();
clientTimings.Timings = clientTimingList;


Serialize DataTable using protobuf-net-data gives Method Not Found error

I have been using the protobuf-net-data library (Richard Dingwall and Arjen Post) to serialize datatable. This was working fine and I was busy with something else. Recently I got back to this project, but I am getting error:
Method not found: 'Void ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter..ctor(System.IO.Stream, ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel, ProtoBuf.SerializationContext)'.
I took the source code and compiled as a separate library and tried to debug. Getting same error. In the DataSerializerEngine class, trying to enter the Writer.Serialize gives error.
public void Serialize(Stream stream, IDataReader reader, ProtoDataWriterOptions options)
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
if (reader == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
Writer.Serialize(stream, reader, options);
I tried using older version of protobuf-net (2.3.2), but same issue. Not sure why I am getting this error. Much appreciate any help.
Latest update - After Marc's comments below: the latest version of protobuf-net-data was still using the ctor. I changed from using new to Create. With that, I am able to serialize. I took the protobuf-net-data src code and am making changes locally.
Now I am getting problem in DeSerialize (below 3065 was length of byte string sent after serialization of data table):
Sub-message not read entirely; expected -3, was 3065
at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.State.ThrowProtoException(String message) in /_/src/protobuf-net.Core/ProtoReader.State.ReadMethods.cs:line 764
at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.State.EndSubItem(SubItemToken token) in /_/src/protobuf-net.Core/ProtoReader.State.ReadMethods.cs:line 514
at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.EndSubItem(SubItemToken token, ProtoReader reader) in /_/src/protobuf-net.Core/ProtoReader.cs:line 288
at ProtoBuf.Data.Internal.ProtoReaderContext.EndSubItem()
When I tried to use latest version of protobuf-net, the Create is deprecated as Marc mentioned. Some methods take writer as a parameter, so I am not sure how to change the code using State APIs.

StackOverflowException in solrnet

We have the same requirement of passing huge data like, we tried the following.
1) Increased the requestHeaderSize to Int32.MaxValue - stackoverflow exception
2) Used PostSolrconnection - got the StackOverflow exception.
3) Downloaded the source of solrnet and added as project reference - Stackoverflow exception
Then even we changed to GET, we are getting the StackOverflow exception. The error is coming when we have more than 500 reference ids. If we have less values, it works.
This is how we are calling,
searchResults = solrPost.Query(new SolrMultipleCriteriaQuery(new[] 
                      new SolrNet.Commands.Parameters.QueryOptions 
                          Fields = new[] { "*", "score" }, 
                          Start = pageSize, 
                          Rows = 40, 
                          OrderBy = listSort 
Any ideas?
We tried requesting solr using HttpRequest and identified as maxBooleanClause issue and then POST started working through HttpRequest. But using SolrNet the error is occurred and it is happening at serializing the query object. queryserializer.serialize(Query)
Wondering why step 2 didn't work which is the exact fix for the long Get request issue, i.e. to switch over to Post request.
Chances are there is an issue with the piece of code where you are initialising SolrNet to use PostSolrConnection instead of the default SolrConnection. Need to look at the bit of code which gets you the instance of solrPost object. Take another look at it and post it here.
Unfortunately the SolrNet didn't work due to stackoverflow error while serializing the query parameters. Alternate workaround is posted

Raising obfuscated events with moq throws error

We have using Moq for two month now. However there is a problem which can not solve somehow.
In visual studio all tests succeeded just fine. On the build server there are several tests which failed. What they have in common is, that they use the "raise" method to throw an event. Our build server tests obfuscated what is good to find obfuscation errors. Every "normal" expectation like "Setup(something).Returns(something)" works. Only the raise event fails. the stacktrace looks like the following:
Test method Ade.Graphic.Presenter.Test.RoutingEngineTest.TestRouteOverLadderLinesWithFbd threw exception:
System.ArgumentException: Could not locate event for attach or detach method Void ᜀ(ᦜ[ᢈ]).
bei Moq.Extensions.GetEvent[TMock](Action`1 eventExpression, TMock mock)
bei Moq.Mock`1.Raise(Action`1 eventExpression, EventArgs args)
bei Ade.Graphic.Presenter.Test.RoutingEngineTest.TestRouteOverLadderLinesWithFbd()
The code for this is:
documentEventHandler.Raise(stub => stub.DocumentChanged += null,
new DocumentChangeEventArgs(DocumentChangeTypes.ViewUpdate));
We have no idea what is the difference between the code above and this
eventHandler.SetupGet(stub => stub.DocumentChangeNotify).Returns(documentEventHandler.Object);
because this code works fine.
Does anyone had the same problem or at least can tell what the difference is?
The error comes probably (not sure as not tested) from the fact that events (i.e. DocumentChanged) are actually generated as 2 accessors: add_DocumentChanged and remove_DocumentChanged . This is similar to the properties that have the get and set accessors.
What the obfuscator did most probably is rename this add_DocumentChanged and remove_DocumentChanged. However, looking at the moq source code, I can see that moq relies on the events accessor keeping the same name:
var ev = addRemove.DeclaringType.GetEvent(
addRemove.Name.Replace("add_", string.Empty).Replace("remove_", string.Empty));
ev == null in this case, which raises an error.
In your second examples, you're using delegates which are not broken down into add_ and remove_ accessors.
You're probably better off not obfuscating events.

Editing in Telerik RadGrid

I'm working off of the following example to implement editing of a cell in my grid when the cell is clicked:
I'd like it to work just like in the example, but based on a single-click. I can't get it to work as I keep getting the following error buried away in Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource:
0x800a139e - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: The string was not recognized as a valid format.
If anyone can lend any assistance, I will you owe you my first-born, as I am pulling my hair out trying to get this to work.
Thank you
Initially, the error was here but it didn't seem essential:
protected void detailsGrid_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridDataItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
((e.Item as GridDataItem)["detailsGridMonthOneCol"].Controls[0] as RadNumericTextBox).Width = Unit.Pixel(50); // ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
detailsGridMonthOneCol is the name of the column I double-clicked. This didn't seem essential, so I commented it out and that's when I got the following error:
Unhandled exception at line 15, column 16485 in http://localhost:63919/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=RadScriptManager1_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_=;;System.Web.Extensions,+Version=,+Culture=neutral,+PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35:en-US:10a773fc-9022-49ec-acd6-8830962d8cbb:ea597d4b:b25378d2;Telerik.Web.UI,+Version=2012.2.815.40,+Culture=neutral,+PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4:en-US:bd12f06c-2391-4523-868e-0017245d9792:16e4e7cd:ed16cbdc:f7645509:24ee1bba:e330518b:1e771326:8e6f0d33:6a6d718d:58366029:4b09f651:a2c5be80:874f8ea2:c172ae1e:f46195d3:9cdfc6e7:2003d0b8:c8618e41:e4f8f289
0x800a139e - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: The string was not recognized as a valid format.
The code is buried away but here's where the exception gets thrown:
var e=this._get_eventHandlerList().getHandler("endRequest"),b=false;if(e){var c=new Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs(a,f?f.dataItems:{},d);e(this,c);b=c.get_errorHandled()}if(a&&!b)throw a}
In your Script Manager add a handler to the OnAsyncPostBackError="myScriptManager_AsyncPostBackError" and in code behind just put one breakpoint on the open curly brace of the method.
protected void myScriptManager_AsyncPostBackError(object sender, AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e)
{ // breakpoint this line.
doing this, probaly, this breakpoint will be hit and you could debug your code, and inspect who was thwrowing the exception.
This can help, but, the only way to help you, in fact, is if you provide the full source code. I suggest you to create another project, isolate the code that you want to work, and publish this code on github, ftp, etc.
Please, post your code and i will help.
The code is not really buried away. Javascript is showing you this error. However. the error is happening on the server side (Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException)
Check the Event Viewer (start => Run => eventvwr) it will show you more details of the error.

Having trouble with Spring.NET caching

I have been reading this post to help me get going on my caching and am running into a problem. When I attempt to do a call to the method below I get the following error:
"Cannot initialize property or field node 'LocalTariffId' because the specified context is null."
I thought the attribute syntax I am using below would use the LocalTariffId property of the result once it returns to cache my data. This error occurs as soon as I attempt to step into the method. It seems to me that it is trying access that property too soon. I must be missing something so any advice you could provide is greatly appreciated!
[CacheResult("AspNetCache", "'LocalTariff.Id=' + LocalTariffId", TimeToLive = "00:10:00")]
public Domain.LocalTariffs.LocalTariff GetDefault(string agencyCode)
I am also getting a weird error after the first error I was hoping somebody could shed some light on. It has to do with log4net at least I think it does. My logging is working so I am not sure what this one is about.
IGCSoftware.HHG.Business.LocalTariffsFacade - Exception thrown in GetDefaultLocalTariff;GetDefaultLocalTariff;9c0bb393-369c-4501-a2ce-9325fe525e38;183341 ms
<log4net.Error>Exception rendering object type [Spring.Core.NullValueInNestedPathException]<stackTrace>System.BadImageFormatException: The parameters and the signature of the method don't match.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo.GetParameters(IRuntimeMethodInfo methodHandle, MemberInfo member, Signature sig, ParameterInfo& returnParameter, Boolean fetchReturnParameter)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.FetchNonReturnParameters()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.GetParameters()
at System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.ToString(TraceFormat traceFormat)
at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Exception.GetStackTrace(Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Exception.ToString(Boolean needFileLineInfo)
at System.Exception.ToString()
at log4net.ObjectRenderer.DefaultRenderer.RenderObject(RendererMap rendererMap, Object obj, TextWriter writer)
at log4net.ObjectRenderer.RendererMap.FindAndRender(Object obj, TextWriter writer)</stackTrace></log4net.Error>
You can't use the returned object to generate the key of the CacheResult attribute.
You have to use parameters of the method to generate the key (here '#agencyCode').
