Validate against only a part of the defined constraints - validation

I have this field:
$builder->add('offices', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'ControlPanelBundle:Offices',
'property' => 'name',
In my form I am only using one field from all possible fields in this Offices object. When I am submitting, it tries to validate all the fields. How can I temporary disable validation only for this time?

Validation Groups are designed specifically for that.


Laravel if one field is filled then others are not required

I have three nullable fields ( Coupon, Membership, Offer) which are to be filled from requests. I want to validate/restrict users so that they can only fill one of these fields.
As the fields are not required, I cannot use the required:* validators to handle this.
I know this can be handled in the front-end, but I want to do it in the backend as well.
Appreciate any help/insight on this.
You can use required_without_all function from laravel validations.
'coupon' => ['nullable', 'required_without_all:membership,offer'],
'membership' => ['nullable', 'required_without_all:coupon,offer'],
'offer' => ['nullable', 'required_without_all:membership,coupon'],
I would take the approach of having the options as three possible values for the same field. You could use a select or radio button group on your form to fill in a single field. This way the user can only enter one of the three possible values.
If we call the field type for example, your validation would check that the value given for type is one of the three options.
'type' => [
Rule::in(['coupon', 'membership', 'offer']),
Add the nullable validation to allow the field to have no value at all

Two fields overwriting each others values on saving in Backpack for Laravel CRUD (spatie/laravel-tags implementation issues)?

I am trying to use spatie/laravel-tags together with Backpack for Laravel. I have 2 types of tags defined. Currently I have extended the Tag model from spatie/laravel-tags as MyCategory and MyTag and added global scopes to separate the two tag types. This works to the extent that it will display the current categories and tags correctly in Backpack, but when I try to save any changes it will only save the entries in the last field, and delete everything in the first field.
Here is my current field configuration for my CRUD:
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Categories',
'type' => 'select2_multiple',
'tab' => 'Overview',
'attribute' => 'name',
'model' => 'App\MyCategory',
'pivot' => true,
'name' => 'tags',
'label' => 'Tags',
'type' => 'select2_multiple',
'tab' => 'Overview',
'attribute' => 'name',
'model' => 'App\MyTag',
'pivot' => true,
When I check Laravel Telescope I see that the same thing happens for both fields. First all current tags (regardless of type) for the item I am saving are deleted, and the new tags from the field are added. This is then repeated for the second field, which of course deletes the tags from the first field that should also be kept.
It seems that GlobalScope on my extended Tag models does not stick around for this part. Is there any way to reintroduce the scopes into the queries run by backpack to get these tags to save correctly?
In my CrudController I created custom update and store functions. See the update example below. This seems to work fine. There are still 2 queries being run, with the second one undoing the first one, but for my purposes this is a good enough workaround to be able to have 2 fields with different tag types in the same form in Backpack, using spatie/laravel-tags.
public function update(UpdateRequest $request)
$request = request();
// Merge the values from the two tag fields together into the second field
$request->merge(['tags' => array_merge((array)$request->input('categories'), (array)$request->input('tags'))]);
$redirect_location = $this->traitUpdate($request);
return $redirect_location;

How to implement email validation on admin form in Magento2

I want to use email validation in admin form of my custom module. I've seen core module but couldn't get exact idea.
You can also validate the 'email' text field by adding a class ['validate-email'] in your form
'name' => 'email',
'label' => __('Email'),
'title' => __('Email'),
'required' => true,
'class' => 'validate-email'
Validation is Model's issue. Only model knows how your data should look like. You describe your data fields in model, so you should describe validation rules for this fields in the same place.
It seems to be obvious for me, but I'd gladly listen to opponents.
put database validation in the Model (assuming it's a db model) and http data validation in the controller. Xss filtering, for example, does not pertain to the Model. it pertains to the Controller in input and to the View in output
I found an answer by myself, I used PHP email validation in the save controller.

cakephp saveAssociated and validation foreign_key fails

I have two models that we're going to name Model and RelatedModel. Model has many RelatedModel. So if I add foreign key validation on validation array like:
public $validate = array(
'foreignKey' => array(
'rule' => 'numeric',
'required' => true,
'message' => 'The id of relatedmodel should be a number'
After I create a add() function to save new registers and in this function I use saveAssociated with validation true, this one fails throwing an error 'The id of relatedmodel should be a number'.
I'm debugging the code and saveAssociated checks validation of both models at the same time and before save Model.
Is this an issue?
I think what this function should do is to validate Model, save it, add foreignKey of RelatedModel and then validate it before save.
I came into this issue only recently. It's not an issue, saveAssociated() is designed to work this way unfortunately.
What you can do is alter the required => true on the fly using the model validator. Check out the book for more information.
This is working as would be expected with your given rule. required in Cake means it expects the value of foreignKey to be set in the save data prior to saving. All the validation will happen before Cake saves the data (and therefore before foreignKey is generated).
You shouldn't need to validate that it is numeric if you are allowing Cake to generate this for you behind the scenes. If you want to check that it is being passed in the data for an UPDATE you could modify the required to be only for an update like this:-
public $validate = array(
'foreignKey' => array(
'rule' => 'numeric',
'required' => 'update',
'message' => 'The id of relatedmodel should be a number'
Personally I wouldn't bother validating foreign keys unless a user is setting them rather than Cake.
To validate the foreignKey if it exists in a form submission you can drop the required option from the validation rule:-
public $validate = array(
'foreignKey' => array(
'rule' => 'numeric',
'message' => 'The id of relatedmodel should be a number'
This will allow you to pass data where the foreignKey is not present without throwing a validation error whilst validating it if it is.

Create custom validation for form entity

I am using the form builder to create an choice-field form an entity looking like this:
'existing_items','entity', array(
'label' => 'Artikel aus',
'class' => 'ProjectShoppinglistBundle:Item',
'empty_value' => 'Bitte einen Artikel auswählen',
'property' => 'name',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($options) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('item')
->leftJoin('item.userItems', 'userItem')
->where('userItem.user = ' . $options['attr']['id'])
->orderBy('', 'ASC');
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'form-control',
but I am using jquery to change the content of the dropdown, so I need to change the validation for the field, how can I achieve that the values in the form are valid for all elements in the items-table and not just the one's which are linked to my the userId used in the query?
This is necessary for my approach because I have a second dropdown where the user can define if he wants to see the items on his own list, of other lists or all items
I have already taken a look at this but I still don't really get it how I can use the eventListener to get the desired result.
If someone could give me a useful hint, I would appreciate this very much.
