two banners not displaying separately in joomla - joomla

I'm trying to display two banners at separate positions in joomla 1.7 using template beez_20 which comes with the installation but both of he banners are appearing at the same position. How can I separate them. I've set the position to position-3 and to position-5 both the banners are showing on both positions.

You'll need to have two instances of the banners module - one published in the first position, another in the second position. From the Modules Manager, copy the one you have, and make the changes to each accordingly

First upgrade to Joomla 2.5! 1.7 is not supported!


Multiple Base Image Magento

Is there any way, where I can upload multiple images for a Single Attribute.
In fact I want to achieve like, A product will have six type of attributes, Three are there in magento, Rest three will have more images than one. So i want to create checkbox instead radion button, and those all the values will be saved and fetched in Front End.
Can any one have idea how can i do programatically in magento 1.9

How to create a second frontpage in Joomla?

How to create a second (or more) front page in Joomla? (Joomla 3.1.5 here)?!
My dream website would be a website with several Homepages, but I haven't figured yet how to make it....
What I mean: for example if you have website on sports - you want a Homepage for: Hockey, Football and Basketball
- each with all 18 (or so) template positions, full page of Modules, etc....Exactly like it is on actual Front Page, but each on different topic....
How to do this?!
and how to get over 'question quality standarts' - everything is described above;
You need to create menu items, assign them to different templates, assign the modules et voilĂ .
Create the new featured menu items and filter them by category, assuming one is Hockey, Golf etc.
Then in the template manager, install your new template or create a new style for one of the templates based on your requirements, and assign the newly created menu item.
If you're looking for a howto, you might want to start from or google.
It's not a matter of quality, but of context. This is a developers site, not a Joomla usage forum.
Unless you have a total different requirements that what you have described, one way to achieve what you are after for in Joomla 3, is to create several featured articles menu-items with the category settings you want, and also configure your template to work the way you want, with the module positions and the module assignments.
There are also other custom content components, you may want to try, like k2, that offers a variety of options when creating blog layout pages.
And to add to Daniel Bottner's comment that under conditions, this was also possible even with J1.5.
similar simple example in J1.5:
'Riccardo Zorn' did answer this question pretty well.
What you basically wan't to do is to create a website with kind of a following structure.
1: category 1 (sport x)
2: category 2 (sport y)
2.1: subcategory to 2(sport y ~ men)
2.2: subcategory to 2(sport y ~ women)
While each category would be a seperate menu as well as very likely a different template.
It is up to you to filter for the templates and menues which modules are shown there.
But you will have one basic entry point for the website.
No offense but what you want to do is basically default in joomla since at least version 1.6

Joomla homepage, adding a module as cta

I have been tasked to add 3 images to a homepage in Joomla.
The homepage already has 3 cta boxes and all i need to do is to add another 3 just below them, containing images.
The existing Call to actions seem to be modules, I tried creating one of its same type and assign the next available position, but it didn't work.
Any ideas of how to add them?
Thank you in advance!!

Wordpress - Add multiple featured images dynamically

Multiple featured images
In Wordpress you can set a "featured image". I need to add multiple featured images dynamically.
Dynamically number of featured images
When I say dynamically I mean, for one post I might want 2 images and for the next one 6 featured images. The number is unknown.
Just loop them out, when done
When in the theme I just loop them out with a foreach loop. Featured images are stored as custom fields. This part I can handle.
A plugin might do it?
I know of but here I need to deside the number of images from the start. My number is unknown.
Plugin, script or good articles are welcome.
I recently added a plugin to a wordpress plugin repository which simulates the need of dynamic multiple featured image. You can check it out here.
Any suggestion, pull requests, issues, and plugin recommendations are more than welcome! Interested can join the development at GitHub.
The answer was to use Advanced Custom Fields. It's very powerful plugin for adding custom fields of all kinds.
The addon "Repeater" did the trick.
Depending on how you're planning to use your featured images, you might be able to just add them as a gallery to your post/page. Then, you could use one of these snippets to access your gallery images on your listing and detail pages:
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
The biggest drawback to this method is that they aren't featured images by the strict WordPress definition, so any themes or functions that are depending on them won't exactly work right.

Exclude main image from Magento product gallery

I need to update my database of products to mark the "base" image of every product as Excluded. Some products have 1 image, some have more than 1. In each case one image is marked as being the Base, Small and Thumb image. In every case, where an image is marked as such, I need it to be excluded from the gallery.
Currently, without it being excluded, that image will show up twice in the lightbox gallery (Magento
Does someone know the database structure well enough to give me a mySQL solution to update this?
I can manage future new products easily enough, but there's no way I'm running through 22000 products manually! :-)
Thanks in advance!
The SQL to do this in Magento is:
UPDATE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value`
SET Disabled = 1
WHERE Position = 1
I agree that updating the gallery code would have been a good/better solution, but in my case I am easily able to keep on top of this as new products are added in future.
It is easier to update your gallery code to exclude the first image you also do not have an ongoing need to update the product images.
