Is it bad to have the same Visual Studio project in two solutions? - visual-studio

I am writing a networking library using Google Protocol Buffers. I have a Visual Studio project that performs a custom build step to run the Protobuf compiler, and another project that builds the output classes.
I would like to put the client library and server library in separate solutions. But both depend on the same Protocol Buffers classes. Is it OK if they both contain the Protobuf-related projects?
Edit to clarify: I know it's possible to do this, but I am curious if it's considered good practice or not.

Well, I don't think it's a bad idea, but you might want to consider compiling your protocol buffers project into a .dll file and have your client and server side projects refence that instead. Just cleaner in my opinion.
When you make changes to the .dll you can right click the reference to it in your server and client projects and click Update Reference. Simple as that!

That is OK.
I ususally have several solutions (when I have 20+ projects) with the same set of projects. E.g. I have main solution with all projects I need. And development solution where I also include unit tests projects or similar needed for development perposes only.
There are some links that point to best practices in organizing projects and solutions:
SSW Rules to Better Large Builds in Visual Studio.NET
Structuring Solutions and Projects
Managing Dependencies
Hope that helps to figure out what is the best practice could be applied to your case.


Generate Solution with dependencies for building VS 2010 with hundreds of projects

We have a few hundred visual studio project files that I need to assemble into a solution for building. We currently have a custom ruby script, that uses rake, to do this. But is fragile, and only allows a few visual studio macros ( $(TargetDir),$(TargetName), etc...) through, and failing on the rest. Plus the grammar of Ruby rubs me like Perl: The wrong way.
So my question is, given a directory is there a tool that will recursively find all all the .vcxproj and .csproj files and generate a solution file with dependencies? When I say 'with dependencies' it means that some projects need to be built before others. I found some other posts here on stack overflow that pointed to a tool that generates solution files: but it doesn't generate dependencies. Therefore without dependencies any solution creation tool is completely useless. Does anyone know of something that will do this?
If not a solution file, does anyone know of something that will just emit a dependency list?
And before anyone asks: creating a solution file manually is completely out of the question. We simply have way too many project files.
So my question is, given a directory
is there a tool that will recursively
find all all the .vcxproj and .csproj
files and generate a solution file
with dependencies?
What you're asking for is very reasonable; your approach to the problem is quite rational. Unfortunately, the tools haven't kept up with you. (We had the same problem.)
You're going to have to script that yourself, or otherwise customize tools. That's what we did. Successful approaches I've seen include:
Generate the *.vcproj/*.sln from
"reference project definitions",
using tools like CMake, QMake, Scons, or
Gyp. Our main system currently sits
on Scons, with our custom Python
code to navigate these dependencies,
generate solutions based on projects
(spidering dependencies). By
default, we generate a "complete"
solution for each project (including
all required supporting projects),
plus a "Master All Projects"
solution. It works very well. But,
it was custom work that took effort,
and we extended Scons somewhat to
describe our projects (but we simply
rely on the Scons generation of
*.sln and *.vcproj).
Write a custom tool to "find" these dependencies by
parsing all the *.vcproj files in
your workspace. This is work, but can be done. Those files can be "tricky" to navigate, but you might be fine with a "good enough" solution that uses the GUIDs as hash keys to generate those dependencies.
I totally agree with you: This type of stuff (project dependencies) is prohibitively difficult to maintain manually when you move beyond "simple" (e.g., many dozens of projects, yes, we also have hundreds).
Sorry. MSVS is a pretty good IDE (intended for iterative development), and a terrible build configuration management system, and not designed to do what we're talking about.
Because I care about your sanity and Your Everlasting Soul, please Please PLEASE do not attempt to write your custom solution in MSBuild.
On a side note, having hundreds of VS projects is a bad idea, it will kill VS performances, see the two white-books:
Partitioning code base through .NET assemblies and Visual Studio projects (8 pages)
Defining .NET Components with Namespaces (7 pages)

Visual studio solutions with large numbers of projects

I see developers frequently developing against a solution containing all the projects (27) in a system. This raises problems of build duration (5 minutes), performance of Visual Studio (such as intellisense latency), plus it doesn't force developer's to think about project dependencies (until they get a circular reference issue).
Is it a good idea to break down a solution like this into smaller solutions that are compilable and testable independent of the "mother" solution? Are there any potential pitfalls with this approach?
Let me restate your questions:
Is it a good idea to break down a solution like this into smaller solutions
The MSDN article you linked makes a quite clear statement:
Important Unless you have very good reasons to use a multi-solution model, you should avoid this and adopt either a single solution model, or in larger systems, a partitioned single solution model. These are simpler to work with and offer a number of significant advantages over the multi-solution model, which are discussed in the following sections.
Moreover, the article recommends that you always have a single "master" solution file in your build process.
Are there any potential pitfalls with this approach?
You will have to deal with the following issues (which actually can be quite hard to do, same source as the above quote):
The multi-solution model suffers from
the following disadvantages:
You are forced to use file references when you need to reference
an assembly generated by a project in
a separate solution. These (unlike
project references) do not
automatically set up build
dependencies. This means that you must
address the issue of solution build
order within the system build script.
While this can be managed, it adds
extra complexity to the build process.
You are also forced to reference a specific configuration build of a
DLL (for example, the Release or Debug
version). Project references
automatically manage this and
reference the currently active
configuration in Visual Studio .NET.
When you work with single solutions, you can get the latest code
(perhaps in other projects) developed
by other team members to perform local
integration testing. You can confirm
that nothing breaks before you check
your code back into VSS ready for the
next system build. In a multi-solution
system this is much harder to do,
because you can test your solution
against other solutions only by using
the results of the previous system
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate has several tools to help you better understand and manage dependencies in existing code:
Dependency graphs and Architecture Explorer
Sequence diagrams
Layer diagrams and validation
For more info, see Exploring Existing Code. The Visualization and Modeling Feature Pack provides dependency graph support for C++ and C code.
We have a solution of ~250 projects.
It is okay, after installing a patch for Visual Studio 2005 for dealing fast with extremely large solutions [TODO add link].
We also have smaller solutions for teams with selection of their favorite projects, but every project added has also to be added to the master solution, and many people prefer to work with it.
We reprogrammed F7 shortcut (build) to build the startup project rather than the whole solution. That's better.
Solution folders seem to address the problem of finding things well.
Dependencies are only added to top-level projects (EXEs and DLLs) because, when you have static libraries, if A is dependency of B and B is dependency of C, A might often not need to be dependency of C (in order to make things compile and run correctly) and this way, circullar dependencies are OK for compiler (although very bad for mental health).
I support having fewer libraries, even to the extent of having one library named "library". I see no significant advantage of optimizing process memory footprint by bringing "only what it needs", and the linker should do it anyway on object file level.
The only time I really see a need for multiple solutions is functional isolation. The required libs for a windows service may be different than for a web site. Each solution should be optimized to produce a single executable or web site, IMO. It enhances separation of concern and makes it easy to rebuild a functional piece of the application without building everything else along with it.
It certainly has its advantages and disadvantages anyway breaking a solution into multiple projects helps you find what you looking for easly i.e if you are looking for something about reporting you go to the reporting project. it also allows big teams to split the work in such a way that nobody do something to break someone else's code ...
This raises problems of build duration
you can avoid that by only building the projects that you modified and let the CI server do the entire build
Intellisense performance should be quite a bit better in VS2010 compared to VS2008. Also, why would you need to rebuild the whole solution all the time? That would only happen if you change something near the root of the dependency tree, otherwise you just build the project you're currently working on.
I've always found it helpful to have everything in one solution because I could navigate the whole code base easily.
Is it a good idea to break down a solution like this into smaller solutions that are compilable and testable independent of the "mother" solution? Are there any potential pitfalls with this approach?
Yes it is a good idea because:
You don't want VS to slow down on a solution with dozens of VS projects.
It can be interesting to only focus on a portion of the code, this enforce the notion of code locality which is a good thing.
But the important first thing to struggle for is to have as few VS projects/assemblies as possible. My company published two free two white books that explain the pro/cons of using assemblies/VS project/namespaces to partition a large code base.
Partitioning code base through .NET assemblies and Visual Studio projects (8 pages)
Defining .NET Components with Namespaces (7 pages)
The first white-book explains also that VS is pretty slow when working with a solution with dozens of projects, and shows tricks about how to remedy to this slowness.

Add all projects to same solution or not?

I am the intranet developer for the company I work for and I have been doing this for the last 5 years. My projects are divided into two solutions, the "Intranet" solution itself and the "Library" solution. The "Library" sln itself has several projects containing the DAL, BLL, etc.. The reason why I kept them in a different solution is because I thought that "maybe", one day my library sln can be used in other projects as well - you know reuse the code that I already wrote :) Well, that never happened. Now, since its so easier to have all projects in the same .sln, I am thinking to just do that. Is that a wise situation? What would you do if you were in my shoes?
In the past I've used and reused the same 'project' in multiple solutions - I really just see a solution as a 'particular' instance of a collection of projects.
For example, we might have different solutions for the same overall piece of software depending on whether we want to be doing unit testing (in their own project) and or integration testing (in a separate project), and we'd open the right solution for what it is we're about to do. That way if you're doing normal coding with unit testing you don't have to build the integration test code every time and visa-versa.
Only thing to watch out for is bringing in a project to a solution that is a dependency of lots of other projects/solutions and then "accidentally" changing the code in it without realising it's in a side project rather than your main code. Then you can start breaking loads of other projects that depend on it and not realise!
Yes, you can do it! You may still reuse your DAL and BLL, as the project settings are stored in the specific project files (csproj, vbproj, ...). Also dependencies are stored there, so no problem and good to go. I have an addin-infrastructure and for every and each addin-package, I do need the addin-host, which is included in several solution files. I never experienced any problems with this. Open up your *.sln file in a text-editor to see its contents...just links to the projects.
Simply add your library projects to your intranet sln. Keep your library solution as is.
I would personally all add them to the same solution, yes. Namely, it doesn't matter if you plan on using some of the libraries in the solution in other projects: you can still add the compiled dll to those solutions, or you have the option to add them as an exisiting project to the new solutions.
So yes, I add everything to the same solution: gui-projects, libraries, even unit tests. Maybe if your solution becomes incredibly large (20+ projects, or larger) it would be better to split them up, but I've never worked on such large projects.
I prefer to have 2 solutions. They both have identical structure (more or less) but the 2nd contains reusable infrastructure code only that isn't tied to a particular project. The thing is - your project code shouldn't contain framework-like (i.e. 'IsNumeric()' string extension method) stuff next to serious banking business logic (even if you won't reuse your 'Library'). That just makes things much more readable and maintainable.
For example:
And I try not to have more than 10 projects in 1 solution. Otherwise - it leads to infinite toggling between "unload project"/"reload project.
I, for my part, have separated the Solutions and the projects, leaving me with a big punch of projects and only a few solution-files. I add all the projects I need in new solutions.
The upside is that I only have the projects in my workspace which I really need and it still changes in all other solutions.
The downside is that it changes in all other solutions too, means that if you change the API of a widely used library, you'll have to check all your other solutions if incompatibilities.

how to generate multi part assembly ( per folder) in visual studio for custom library project , C#?

Is there a pre build action or some compiler switch that we can add?
I have just too many projects in our solution at the moment. I want to add new modules and compile them into separate assemblies.I am looking for options where I can avoid adding new projects for each assembly.
I am using Visual Studio 2005.
Also, It will be worthwhile to know if 2008 has better features over this space.
edit #1: There are two development teams working on this project and we want to cut the modules broadly into two verticals and keep the assemblies separate so that the ongoing patches ( post release ) do not overlap with the functionality in two verticals and also the testing footprint is minimized.
Currently the solution has about 8 projects and we need to setup the structure for the second team to start development.
I do not want to end up adding 5 or 6
new projects in the solution but
rather create folders in the existing
projects so separate code for the new
team or some easy way.
No, Visual Studio is still "one project per assembly". Do you really need to have that many different assemblies?
You may be able to write your own build rules which create multiple assemblies from a single project, but I suspect it's going to lead to a world of pain where Visual Studio gets very confused.
If you could give us more details about why you want lots of assemblies, we may be able to help you come up with a different solution.
EDIT: Having read your updated question, it sounds like you would possibly be better off just working off two branches in source control, and merging into the trunk (and updating from the trunk) appropriately. Alternatively, if the two teams really are working on independent parts of the code, maybe separate projects really is the best solution.
One of the problems (IMO) with Visual Studio is that the files in the projects are listed explicitly - which means that the project files become big merge bottlenecks. I prefer the Eclipse model where any source file under a source path is implicitly included in the build (unless you explicitly exclude it).
Neither Visual Studio 2005 nor 2008 lets you create multi-file assemblies. However, you can run the C# compiler at the command line with the '/addmodule:ModuleName' switch and it'll do what you want. For general details on command line usage of csc see this article. For description of the /addmodule switch see this one.
That said, however, you're most-likely taking a non-optimal approach here. In normal situations you should not have to want to create multi-file assemblies just because you have too many projects. Give more details of your general problem so that people can offer suggestions regarding that.
I'd heed the advice you've been given thus far--if you find yourself asking such questions, there's probably a deeper design issue that's being overlooked--but if you really must do what you're suggesting be done, you have several options. You can hack the project file to allow you to compile files into separate assemblies: the project file is an msbuild file, so there's a lot you can do with it. Also, you can simply use an msbuild file for building your projects and solutions. Or you can use a different build system entirely--NAnt is one example.
The likely problem with these suggestions is that they won't be feasible for your work environment. It's no good to start hacking away at project files that other people on your team use, or to just decide that this or that solution is going to be built using your custom msbuild file. There are many good reasons to use something like a single custom msbuild file, or NAnt, to build your projects, but it's always the wrong decision if it's not made with input from everyone the decision affects.

Is there any best practices for Visual Studio Project/Solution Structure?

I've seen a lot of different takes on this subject so I figured if there's a preferred way on this.
Is there any best practices on how to setup Visual Studio Projects and Solutions in regards to multiple solutions for the same solutions?
For example:
Let's say I have a task that calls for a web app, a console application, and a shared business logic library.
I have seen this situation in a 1, 2, and 3 solutions at some time in my career. This is a simple example; however, what if number of projects grows? Is there a line when to keep it in one or break it apart?
Indeed, there are some guidelines for this sort of setup on MSDN. I wrote a short summary in my answer to a similar question on StackOverflow.
I blogged about this back in 2007. The advice still holds:
The bottom line is that I should be able to get your code out of source control, open it in Visual Studio, hit F5 and everything should work.
Solutions are for the developer, in a particular situation. Projects (.CSPROJ for C-Sharp) are where the real compilation takes place.
Theoretically if there are 4 different projects, there could be 24 different combinations of those projects a developer may want to combine into solutions.
If you keep everything at a project level, you won't need to worry about how a developer has arranged their .SLN files
You can have multipe solutions, and each one can reference the projects that it cares about. Extending your example, your shared business logic library may have a corresponding unit test library. These two projects can be contained in one solution. At the same time, you may have another solution that contains the three projects that you mention, but in this case the unit test library isn't included.
My solutions typically consist of:
Web Application project
'Common' folder for base & common helper classes
'Include' folder
'Styles' folder
'Scripts' folder
'Images' folder
'UserControls' folder
Web Services project
Web Framework project
Business Tier project
Business Framework project
Data Access project
I like to include all projects for a certain task, in a solution. So based on the example you mention, I would have a solution containing the three projects that belong to the solution I was asked to do. That keeps all elements to complete a task together, I find this simplifies the inclusion of other elements required to solve the task at hand.
