I'm trying to use CSV to calculate the average of three numbers and output it to a separate file. Particularly, open one file, take the first value (name), and then calculate the average of the next three values. Do this multiple times for each person in the file.
Here is my Book1.csv
I'm trying to get it to output this:
I have each person in an array and I could get this to work with the basic "pseudo" code I have written, but it does not work.
Here is my code so far:
require 'csv'
i = 0
CSV.foreach('Book1.csv') do |students|
names << students.values_at(0)
grades1 << reader.values_at(1)
grades2 << reader.values_at(2)
grades3 << reader.values_at(3)
while i<10 do
average[i]= grades1[i] + grades2[i] + grades3[i]
i= i + 1
CSV.open('Book2.csv', 'w') do |writer|
rows.each { |record| writer << record }
The while loop part is the part that I am most concerned with. Any insight?
If you have an array of values that you want to sum, you can use:
sum = array.inject(:+)
If you change your data structure to:
grades = [ [], [], [] ]
grades[0] << reader.values_at(1)
Then you can do:
0.upto(9) do |i|
average[i] = (0..2).map{ |n| grades[n][i] }.inject(:+) / 3
There are a variety of ways to improve your data structures, the above being one of the least impactful to your code.
Any time you find yourself writing:
foo1 = ...
foo2 = ...
You should recognize it as code smell, and think of how you could organize your data in better collections.
Here's a rewrite of how I might do this. Notice that it works for any number of scores, not hardcoded to 3:
require 'csv'
averages = CSV.parse(DATA.read).map do |row|
name, *grades = *row
[ name, grades.map(&:to_i).inject(:+) / grades.length ]
puts averages.map(&:to_csv)
#=> Tom,80
#=> Adam,82
#=> Mike,94
#=> Dave,100
#=> Rob,75
#=> Nick,80
#=> Justin,93
#=> Jen,90
#session is formatted as
and I'm trying to create an array that has those array elements but as hashes of {:time=>"time, :action=>"action", :user=>"user"}. The puts sessions line outputs each line as I desire, but when I try to capture those hashes into sessions_array I receive an array of only one hash repeated many times and not the unique hashes that puts is outputting.
sessions = Hash.new
sessions_array = Array.new
#session.each_with_index { |element, index|
next_element = #session[index+1]
sessions[:time] = element[0]
sessions[:action] = element[1]
sessions[:user] = element[2]
sessions_array << sessions
puts sessions
puts sessions_array
Create sessions inside of the each_with_index block instead of outside:
sessions_array = []
#session.each do |element|
sessions = {
time: element[0],
action: element[1],
user: element[2],
sessions_array << sessions
puts sessions_array
However, this can be done much more succinctly. When you're turning an array into another array with the same number of elements you almost always want to use map. Also, in a Ruby block you can extract the elements from an array by specifying multiple names in its arguments (|foo, bar, ...|).
This code is equivalent to the above:
sessions_array = #session.map do |time, action, user|
{ time: time, action: action, user: user }
You can see both of these snippets in action on repl.it here: https://repl.it/#jrunning/NavyImmaculateShockwave
Perhaps you are looking for something like the following.
def hashify(data, keys)
data.map { |row| keys.zip(row).to_h }
data = [
%w| 11:00 pummel Billy-Bob |,
%w| 02:00 maim Trixie |,
%w| 19:00 kill Bill |
#=> [["11:00", "pummel", "Billy-Bob"],
# ["02:00", "maim", "Trixie"],
# ["19:00", "kill", "Bill"]]
keys = [:time, :action, :user]
hashify(data, keys)
#=> [{:time=>"11:00", :action=>"pummel", :user=>"Billy-Bob"},
# {:time=>"02:00", :action=>"maim", :user=>"Trixie"},
# {:time=>"19:00", :action=>"kill", :user=>"Bill"}]
I have chosen to make data and keys arguments of the method so that those parameters can be modified without affecting the method itself.
Note that each of the three elements of:
data.map { |row| keys.zip(row) }
#=> [[[:time, "11:00"], [:action, "pummel"], [:user, "Billy-Bob"]],
# [[:time, "02:00"], [:action, "maim"], [:user, "Trixie"]],
# [[:time, "19:00"], [:action, "kill"], [:user, "Bill"]]]
is converted to a hash using the method Array#to_h. See also Array#zip.
I want to take a file, read the file into my program and split it into characters, split the resulting character array into a multidimensional array of 5,000 characters each, then write each separate array into a file found in the same location.
I have taken a file, read it, and created the multidimensional array. Now I want to write each separate single dimension array into separate files.
The file is obtained via user input. Then I created a chain helper method that stores the file to an array in the first mixin, this is then passed to another method that breaks it down into a multidimensional array, which finally hands it off to the end of the chain which currently is setup to make a new directory for which I will put these files.
require 'Benchmark/ips'
file = "C:\\test.php"
class String
def file_to_array
file = self
return_file = File.open(file) do |line|
return return_file
def file_write
file_to_write = self
if Dir.exist?("I:\\file_to_array")
File.open("I:/file_to_array/tmp.txt", "w") { |file| file.write(file_to_write) }
read_file = File.read("I:/file_to_array/tmp.txt")
class Array
def file_divider
file_to_divide = self
file_to_separate = []
count = 0
while count != file_to_divide.length
separator = count % 5000
if separator == 0
start = count - 5000
stop = count
file_to_separate << file_to_divide[start..stop]
count = count + 1
return file_to_separate
def file_write
file_to_write = self
if Dir.exist?("I:\\file_to_array")
File.open("I:/file_to_array/tmp.txt", "w") { |file| file.write(file_to_write) }
Benchmark.ips do |result|
result.report { file.file_to_array.file_divider.file_write }
echo "hello world"
This untested code is where I'd start to split text into chunks and save it:
str = "I want to take a file"
str_array = str.scan(/.{1,10}/) # => ["I want to ", "take a fil", "e"]
str_array.each.with_index(1) do |str_chunk, i|
File.write("output#{i}", str_chunk)
This doesn't honor word-boundaries.
Reading a separate input file is easy; You can use read if you KNOW the input will never exceed the available memory and you don't care about performance.
Thinking about it further, if you want to read a text file and break its contents into smaller files, then read it in chunks:
input = File.open('input.txt', 'r')
i = 1
until input.eof? do
chunk = input.read(10)
File.write("output#{i}", chunk)
i += 1
Or even better because it automatically closes the input:
File.open('input.txt', 'r') do |input|
i = 1
until input.eof? do
chunk = File.read(10)
File.write("output#{i}", chunk)
i += 1
Those are not tested but it look about right.
Use standard File API and Serialisation.
File.write('path/to/yourfile.txt', Marshal.dump([1, 2, 3]))
I have a CSV file like:
I have this code:
products_file = File.open('text.txt')
while ! products_file.eof?
line = products_file.gets.chomp
puts line.inspect
products[ line[0].to_i] = [line[1], line[2].to_f]
which is reading the file. While it's not at the end of the file, it reads each line. I don't need the line.inspect in there. but it stores the file in an array inside of my products hash.
Now I want to pull the min and max value from the hash.
My code so far is:
read_file = File.open('text.txt', "r+").read
read_file.(?) |line|
products[ products.length] = gets.chomp.to_f
products.min_by { |x| x.size }
smallest = products
puts "Your highest priced product is #{smallest}"
Right now I don't have anything after read_file.(?) |line| so I get an error. I tried using min or max but neither worked.
Without using CSV
If I understand your question correctly, you don't have to use CSV class methods: just read the file (less header) into an array and determine the min and max as follows:
arr = ["123,hat,19.99", "321,cap,13.99",
"222,shoes,33.41", "255,shirt,19.95"]
arr.map { |s| s.split(',').last.to_f }.minmax
#=> [13.99, 33.41]
arr.map { |s| s[/\d+\.\d+$/].to_f }.minmax
#=> [13.99, 33.41]
If you want the associated records:
arr.minmax_by { |s| s.split(',').last.to_f }
=> ["321,cap,13.99", "222,shoes,33.41"]
With CSV
If you wish to use CSV to read the file into an array:
arr = [["123", "hat", "19.99"],
["321", "cap", "13.99"],
["222", "shoes", "33.41"],
["255", "shirt", "19.95"]]
# => ["13.99", "33.41"]
#=> [["321", "cap", "13.99"],
# ["222", "shoes", "33.41"]]
if you want the records. Note that in the CSV examples I didn't convert the last field to a float, assuming that all records have two decimal digits.
You should use the built-in CSV class as such:
require 'CSV'
data = CSV.read("text.txt")
data.sort!{ |row1, row2| row1[2].to_f <=> row2[2].to_f }
least_expensive = data.first
most_expensive = data.last
The Array#sort! method modifies data in place, so it is sorted based on the condition in the block for later usage. As you can see, the block sorts based on the values in each row at index 2 - in your case, the prices. Incidentally, you don't need to convert these values to floats - strings will sort the same way. Using to_f stops working if you have leading non-digit characters (eg, $), so you might find it better just keep the values as strings during your sort.
Then you can grab the most and least expensive, or the 5 most expensive, or whatever, at your leisure.
Here is my code snippet:
something_1.each do |i|
something_2.each do |j|
Data.each do |data|
date = data.attribute('TIME_PERIOD').text
value = data.attribute('OBS_VALUE').text
date_value_hash[date] = value
I want to capture all the values in a single date. date is the key of my hash and it may have multiple values for a single date. How can I accomplish that here? When I am using this line:
date_value_hash[date] = value
values are getting replaced each time the loop iterates. But, I want to accumulate all the values in my date_value_hash for each dates i.e. I want to build the values dynamically.
Currently I am getting this:
{"1990"=>"1", "1994"=>"2", "1998"=>"0"}
But, I want something like this:
{"1990"=>"1,2,3,4,5,6", "1994"=>"1,2,3,4,5,6", "1998"=>"1,2,3,4,5,6"}
Anyone have any idea how can I accomplish that?
Like this
magic = Hash.new{|h,k|h[k]=[]}
magic["1990"] << "A"
magic["1990"] << "B"
magic["1994"] << "C"
magic["1998"] << "D"
magic["1994"] << "F"
after which magic is
{"1998"=>["D"], "1994"=>["C", "F"], "1990"=>["A", "B"]}
and if you need the values as comma separated string (as indicated by your sample data), you'll just access them as
which yields
if later you want to pass magic around and preventing it from automagically creating keys, just wrap it as follows
hash = Hash.new.update(magic)
Hope that helps!
Another approach of building multi-valued hash in Ruby:
h = {}
(h[:key] ||= []) << "value 1"
(h[:key] ||= []) << "value 2"
puts h
I am processing documents in ruby.
I have a document I am extracting specific strings from using regexp and then adding them to another file. When added to the destination file they must be made unique so if that string already exists in the destination file I'am adding a simple suffix e.g. <word>_1. Eventually I want to be referencing the strings by name so random number generation or string from the date is no good.
At present I am storing each word added in an array and then everytime I add a word I check the string doesn't exist in an array which is fine if there is only 1 duplicate however there might be 2 or more so I need to check for the initial string then loop incrementing the suffix until it doesn't exist, (I have simplified my code so there may be bugs)
def add_word(word)
if #added_words include? word
suffix = 1
suffixed_word = word
while added_words include? suffixed_word
suffixed_word = word + "_" + suffix.to_s
suffix += 1
word = suffixed_word
#added_words << word
It looks messy, is there a better algorithm or ruby way of doing this?
Make #added_words a Set (don't forget to require 'set'). This makes for faster lookup as sets are implemented with hashes, while still using include? to check for set membership. It's also easy to extract the highest used suffix:
>> s << 'foo'
#=> #<Set: {"foo"}>
>> s << 'foo_1'
#=> #<Set: {"foo", "foo_1"}>
>> word = 'foo'
#=> "foo"
>> s.max_by { |w| w =~ /#{word}_?(\d+)?/ ; $1 || '' }
#=> "foo_1"
>> s << 'foo_12' #=>
#<Set: {"foo", "foo_1", "foo_12"}>
>> s.max_by { |w| w =~ /#{word}_?(\d+)?/ ; $1 || '' }
#=> "foo_12"
Now to get the next value you can insert, you could just do the following (imagine you already had 12 foos, so the next should be a foo_13):
>> s << s.max_by { |w| w =~ /#{word}_?(\d+)?/ ; $1 || '' }.next
#=> #<Set: {"foo", "foo_1", "foo_12", "foo_13"}
Sorry if the examples are a bit confused, I had anesthesia earlier today. It should be enough to give you an idea of how sets could potentially help you though (most of it would work with array too, but sets have faster lookup).
Change #added_words to a Hash with a default of zero. Then you can do:
#added_words = Hash.new(0)
def add_word( word)
#added_words[word] += 1
# put it to work:
list = %w(test foo bar test bar bar)
names = list.map do |w|
p #added_words
#=> {"test"=>2, "foo"=>1, "bar"=>3}
p names
#=>["test_1", "foo_1", "bar_1", "test_2", "bar_2", "bar_3"]
In that case, I'd probably use a set or hash:
#in your class:
require 'set'
require 'forwardable'
extend Forwardable #I'm just including this to keep your previous api
#elsewhere you're setting up your instance_var, it's probably [] at the moment
def initialize
#added_words = Set.new
#then instead of `def add_word(word); #added_words.add(word); end`:
def_delegator :added_words, :add_word, :add
#or just change whatever loop to use ##added_words.add('word') rather than self#add_word('word')
##added_words.add('word') does nothing if 'word' already exists in the set.
If you've got some attributes that you're grouping via these sections, then a hash might be better:
#elsewhere you're setting up your instance_var, it's probably [] at the moment
def initialize
#added_words = {}
def add_word(word, attrs={})
#added_words[word] ||= []
Doing it the "wrong way", but in slightly nicer code:
def add_word(word)
if #added_words.include? word
suffixed_word = 1.upto(1.0/0.0) do |suffix|
candidate = [word, suffix].join("_")
break candidate unless #added_words.include?(candidate)
word = suffixed_word
#added_words << word