Spring 3.5 Security - spring

Form based Authentication for Spring based Application
I need to design Login page such way that Authentication upon login user and subsequent web request will validate if user is logged or not and redirect to the login page if not logged in . This is classical web application login flow. The authentication needs to be done via custom logic (application specific).
Can you provide sample Spring configuration 3.5 or working example application does this ? One approach is do login check via Web Filter and have login controller. Is there a better way doing via Spring Security model ? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The default way would be to use the spring securtiy filter chain.
Spring Security has already everything to do form based authentication, the only thing you need to do is
configure it
write an jsp page (with the two input fields for user name and password)
See this create article: http://www.mularien.com/blog/2008/07/07/5-minute-guide-to-spring-security/ it explain the first steps.
And have a look at this article too: http://www.mkyong.com/spring-security/spring-security-form-login-example/ - It set some default values (urls) this make it more clear how the filters works.


Authenticate user within Spring Boot + Vaadin application

I am building a Spring Boot application with Vaadin as front end. The application uses a third party library to authenticate the user with his identity card via SAML.
After this authentication the user is redirected back to my service and I can fetch the authentication result and optional attributes.
My question is, how can I implement the protection of specific Vaadin views within my application based on the authentication via the user's ID card and how do I set the user as authenticated appropriately?
I am new to Spring Security and the majority of its examples shows authentication via a login form with username and password which does not fit in this case.
You can find two approaches to secure your Spring Vaadin Application with either filter based (so only Spring Security) security, or a hybrid approach in this Github repository: https://github.com/peholmst/SpringSecurityDemo
You can also find blogposts about both approaches here:
Filter Based Security
Hybrid Approach
For you especially the Filter based approach could be interesting. You could implement a Filter checking the token (or whatever) you get from your login server and then allow/deny certain pages on your server for certain roles.

Spring security, LDAP and SSO

I am trying to build an application where login is done by siteminder SSO. Once login is done I need to get the user info(like roles,permissions) for logged in user from LDAP and put in session.
Aslo I am using spring MVC to expose REST services. I want my rest services to be accessible only for certain roles(Like Manager/Admin etc). Also UI will display/hide pages based roles.
I want to know what is the best approach to achieve the above.
Please note I am using spring MVC on WAS7.

How to integrate Spring roles in gwt application

I'm working on GWT application and I have followed this tutorial (http://www.mkyong.com/spring-security/spring-security-form-login-using-database/) to do authentication.
Now I need to handle roles, for example ROLE_USER can to see some GWT widget or he can execute some method. I saw that in spring-security.xml it is possible to handle roles basing them on url pattern but it isn't my case.
Can somebody help me with example code? Thanks.
You won't be ablet o use the Spring Roles directly in your GWT application.
You probabably have to role your own security mechanisms on the GWT side, which includes following steps:
Transmit the Spring roles for the corresponding user from your Spring backend to your GWT frontend (using RequestFactory, RequestBuilder, RPC or dynamic host page)
If you use an MVP framework (i.e. GWTP) it might support authorization out of the box (for example GWTP has Gatekeepers that provides authorization support for Presenters) or you will have to role your own authorization framework. AFAIK there is UiBinderAutho which supports authorization of a widget level).
One import thing: NEVER TRUST THE CLIENT
That means you should always do authorization also on the backend side (Spring).

User Authentication with spring 3.0

I tried searching in Google, but I could not find any good examples where a username and password are checked with a database for authentication purposes.
In further simple words, how can I create a simple login form using Spring and Hibernate and NOT SPRING SECURITY where the credentials are checked with the database.
Please help me creating a simple login form with just Spring 3.0 and no Spring Security 3.0. Thanks.
Simplest way to do a login form post to a Spring Controller which take username and password as parameter.
In the controller you do what ever you want to authenticate the username and password. Best is to delegate to some service layer which takes care of it.
If successfully authenticated then what you want to do? May be redirect to say home page.
Now the home page rendering should know that the user is already authenticated. This is where spring security helps.
But you can also achieve by writing a Servlet Filter where you check if user is already authenticated by checking the http session. Of course after successful login you need to store that in the session then only it will be available to the filter.
There are many other ways to achieve the same which depends upon your requirement as in what kind of security control is required.
Your solution has two parts, one of which involves Spring and another that is your code:
// DAO returns null if no such username appears in the table.
String password = userDao.findPassword(username);
boolean isValidUser = (!password.equals(null));
// Write the code to implement behavior for valid and invalid users.
If you can do a database SELECT for a password, you can do Spring authentication without Spring Security.
You may need to put that logic in an aspect that's woven in before method calls.
You may want to cache that result in session and invalidate it if a timeout is exceeded.

Spring Security - Preventing Users access to a page if an id is invalid

I am new to Spring Security and am mulling over the idea of using it or not in my application.
The requirement is as follows :
In my web application i store a session information inside the database,a key for this is stored in a cookie
2.Now whenever someone tries to access a url which is not according to the flow i want to deny access.
3.Can i use Spring Security for this.
I am using Spring MVC,Mongo DB and MySQL as the develeoment environment.
If you're trying to simply control the flow of an application, I'd suggest using Spring Webflow. This allows you to define set flows in a multi-page application.
Spring Security can be used to control flows, but only for access control. It integrates well with Webflow (and with Spring MVC) to ensure you can secure some or all of your flows.
