Multiple transactions, concurrency and performance - performance

We are developing an IOS game and are using google-app-engine for backend. The users can cash in in-game money by tapping buildings. The users tap several buildings fairly fast and this causes several concurrent transactions on the same object (USER) and on different buildings.
Unfortunately this means that the 4-5th tap times-out since it looses retries. It also means that 2nd to 5th tap is very slow due to the lock.
My first thought was to make the transaction into a task, but then totalAmount will be wrong on the second call to the function, since the first call is not completed yet.
So any good ways to support multiple fast updates to the same entity?
int retries = 5;
while (retries > 0) {
// Wrap everything into a transaction from here
TransactionOptions options = TransactionOptions.Builder.withXG(true);
Transaction txn = datastore.beginTransaction(options);
// Ok we got the template - now check against the
// Update user... with money gained
// Update withdrawn
//Do the transaction
datastore.put(txn, user.getEntity());
datastore.put(txn, building.getEntity());
// do callback code...which returns TotalMoney
} catch (Exception e) {
if(retries > 0){
//fail code...
} finally {
if (txn.isActive()) {

For consistency you need transactions, for responsiveness you shoul use backends:
Use backend instance to keep data in memory for fast update.
Whenever data is updated in backend also start a task and transactionally update entity in Datastore.

One possibility is to NOT use XG transactions, or transactions at all. Instead, it will be far more beneficial to have a transaction log, where you log all actions. That way, you can have a task or backend apply the effets of the transaction log such that if things fail, they will eventually become consistent. This will greatly improve your front-end throughput, and it will make customer service much easier in the long term.
One thing to remember is the general rule of thumb about updates to an entity group: design your entity groups such that you update them at a rate of 1/s. The actual rate is much higher, but this is a good rule to prevent collisions and contention.


When to use transaction in laravel

I am currently making a turn based strategy game with laravel (mysql DB with InnoDB) engine and want to make sure that I don't have bugs due to race conditions, duplicate requests, bad actors etc...
Because these kind of bugs are hard to test, I wanted to get some clarification.
Many actions in the game can only occur once per turn, like buying a new unit. Here is a simplified bit of code for purchasing a unit.
$player = Player::find($player_id);
if($player->gold >= $unit_price && $player->has_purchased == false){
$player->has_purchased = true;
$player->gold -= $unit_price;
$unit = new Unit();
$unit->player_id = $player->id;
So my concern would be if two threads both made it pass the if statement and then executed the block of code at the same time.
Is this a valid concern?
And would the solution be to wrap everything in a database transaction like ?
This means that a good portion of my code will be wrapped around database transactions because I have a lot of instances that are variations of the above code for different actions.
Also there is a situation where multiple users will be able to update a value in the database so I want to avoid a situation where 2 users increment the value at the same time and it only gets incremented once.
Since you are using Laravel to presumably develop a web-based game, you can expect multiple concurrent connections to occur. A transaction is just one part of the equation. Transactions ensure operations are performed atomically, in your case it ensures that both the player and unit save are successful or both fail together, so you won't have the situation where the money is deducted but the unit is not granted.
However there is another facet to this, if there is a real possibility you have two separate requests for the same player coming in concurrently then you may also encounter a race condition. This is because a transaction is not a lock so two transactions can happen at the same time. The implication of this is (in your case) two checks happen on the same player instance to ensure enough gold is available, both succeed, and both deduct the same gold, however two distinct units are granted at the end (i.e. item duplication). To avoid this you'd use a lock to prevent other threads from obtaining the same player row/model, so your full code would be:
DB::transaction(function () use ($unit_price) {
$player = Player::where('id',$player_id)->lockForUpdate()->first();
if($player->gold >= $unit_price && $player->has_purchased == false){
$player->has_purchased = true;
$player->gold -= $unit_price;
$unit = new Unit();
$unit->player_id = $player->id;
This will ensure any other threads trying to retrieve the same player will need to wait until the lock is released (which will happen at the end of the first request).
There's more nuances to deal with here as well like a player sending a duplicate request from double-clicking for example, and that can get a bit more complex.
For you purchase system, it's advisable to implement DB:transaction since it protects you from false records. Checkout the laravel docs for more information on this As for reactive data you need to keep track of, simply bind a variable to that data in your frontEnd, then use the variable to update your DB records.
In the case you need to exit if any exception or error occurs. If an exception is thrown the data will not save and rollback all the transactions. I recommand to use transactions as possible as you can. The basic format is:
try {
// database actions like create, update etc.
DB::commit(); // finally commit to database
} catch (\Exception $e) {
DB::rollback(); // roll back if any error occurs
// something went wrong
See the laravel docs here

Are hot non completing database observables a Rx usecase? Side-effect writing issue

I have more of a opinions question, asi if this, what many people do, should be a Rx use case.
In apps there is usually sql database, which is queried by UI as a observable, which emits after the query is loaded + anytime data changes (Room / SqlDelight etc)
Reads sound okay, however, is it possible to have "pure" writes to the database?
Writing to the database might look like this
fun sync() = Completable.fromCallable {
// do something
SomeUi {
init {
.subscribe { show list }
Imagine you want to display progressbar while this Completable is in flight.
What is effectively happening here is sideffecting to the database. Which means the opened database observable will re-emit when the data is written, but still before the sync() returns (assuming single threaded for simplicity)
Now there is point in time where there is new data in the UI and the progressbar is shown. (and worse with multithreading timings) This is invalid state.
In imperative world, sync would provide a completion callback, in which one would reload the query manually + show/hide progressbar synchronously. (And somehow block the database change listener for duration of the sync writes?)
Is there a way around this at all?

Rate limiting algorithm for throttling request

I need to design a rate limiter service for throttling requests.
For every incoming request a method will check if the requests per second has exceeded its limit or not. If it has exceeded then it will return the amount of time it needs to wait for being handled.
Looking for a simple solution which just uses system tick count and rps(request per second). Should not use queue or complex rate limiting algorithms and data structures.
Edit: I will be implementing this in c++. Also, note I don't want to use any data structures to store the request currently getting executed.
API would be like:
if (!RateLimiter.Limit())
do work
reject request
The most common algorithm used for this is token bucket. There is no need to invent a new thing, just search for an implementation on your technology/language.
If your app is high avalaible / load balanced you might want to keep the bucket information on some sort of persistent storage. Redis is a good candidate for this.
I wrote Limitd is a different approach, is a daemon for limits. The application ask the daemon using a limitd client if the traffic is conformant. The limit is configured on the limitd server and the app is agnostic to the algorithm.
since you give no hint of language or platform I'll just give out some pseudo code..
things you are gonna need
a list of current executing requests
a wait to get notified where a requests is finished
and the code can be as simple as
var ListOfCurrentRequests; //A list of the start time of current requests
var MaxAmoutOfRequests;// just a limit
var AverageExecutionTime;//if the execution time is non deterministic the best we can do is have a average
//for each request ether execute or return the PROBABLE amount to wait
function OnNewRequest(Identifier)
if(count(ListOfCurrentRequests) < MaxAmoutOfRequests)//if we have room
Struct Tracker
Tracker.Request = Identifier;
Tracker.StartTime = Now; // save the start time
AddToList(Tracker) //add to list
return CalculateWaitTime()//return the PROBABLE time it will take for a 'slot' to be available
//when request as ended release a 'slot' and update the average execution time
function OnRequestEnd(Identifier)
Tracker = RemoveFromList(Identifier);
UpdateAverageExecutionTime(Now - Tracker.StartTime);
function CalculateWaitTime()
//the one that started first is PROBABLY the first to finish
Tracker = GetTheOneThatIsRunnigTheLongest(ListOfCurrentRequests);
//assume the it will finish in avg time
ProbableTimeToFinish = AverageExecutionTime - Tracker.StartTime;
return ProbableTimeToFinish
but keep in mind that there are several problems with this
assumes that by returning the wait time the client will issue a new request after the time as passed. since the time is a estimation, you can not use it to delay execution, or you can still overflow the system
since you are not keeping a queue and delaying the request, a client can be waiting for more time that what he needs.
and for last, since you do not what to keep a queue, to prioritize and delay the requests, this mean that you can have a live lock, where you tell a client to return later, but when he returns someone already took its spot, and he has to return again.
so the ideal solution should be a actual execution queue, but since you don't want one.. I guess this is the next best thing.
according to your comments you just what a simple (not very precise) requests per second flag. in that case the code can be something like this
var CurrentRequestCount;
var MaxAmoutOfRequests;
var CurrentTimestampWithPrecisionToSeconds
function CanRun()
if(Now.AsSeconds > CurrentTimestampWithPrecisionToSeconds)//second as passed reset counter
return false;
return true;
doesn't seem like a very reliable method to control whatever.. but.. I believe it's what you asked..

"Synchronized" transactions for bidding system

I tried to implement a bidding system with the following "naïve" implementation of a BidService, using Grails 2.1 (so Hibernate and Spring)
But it seems to fail to prevent raise conditions and this results in "duplicate" bids from differente concurrent users.
A couple of information:
- BidService is transactional by default,
- Item and Bid model use "version: false" (pessimistic locking)
class BidService{
BidResult processBid(BidRequest bidRequest, Item item) throws BidException {
// 1. Validation
validateBid(bidRequest, item) // -> throws BidException if bidRequest do not comply with bidding rules (price too low, invalid user, ...)
// 2. Proces Bid (we have some complex rules to process the bids too, but at the end we only place the bid
Bid bid = placeBid(bidRequest, item)
return bid
Bid placeBid(BidRequest bidRequest, Item item){
// 1. Place Bid
Bid bid = new Bid(bidRequest) // create a bid with the bidRequest values true, failOnError: true)
// 2. Update Item price
item.price = bid.value true, failOnError: true)
return bid
But as stated in 9.2 Scoped Services:
By default, access to service methods is not synchronised, so nothing prevents concurrent execution of those methods. In fact, because the service is a singleton and may be used concurrently, you should be very careful about storing state in a service. Or take the easy (and better) road and never store state in a service.
I thought of using "synchronized" on the whole processBid() method but that sounds rather rude and could raise liveness issues or deadlocks.
On the other hand, processing bids in async way, prevents to send direct user feedback about winning/loosing the auction.
Any advice or best practice to use in this case?
PS: I already asked on the grails ML but it's a rather wide Java concurrency question.
Your service is stateless, so there is no need to synchronize it, synchronization is needed when it comes to state.
Also you don't need to use any locking since again.. you don't change the existing state, you only add new rows. Moreover, I'm not a GORM expert, but version: false should switch off optimistic locking from what its name says, and this doesn't mean pessimistic locking is activated.
From your question I don't understand what is your problem, but unique constraints is what preventing duplication in database.

What approach should I take for creating a "lobby" in Node.js?

I have users connecting to a Node.js server, and when they join, I add them into a Lobby (essentially a queue). Any time there are 2 users in the lobby, I want them to pair off and be removed from the lobby. So essentially, it's just a simple queue.
I started off by trying to implement this with a method, which has an infinite loop (started within a process.nextTick call), and any time there are more than two entries in the queue, I remove them form the queue. However, I found that this was eating all my memory and that infinite loops like this are generally ill-advised.
I'm now assuming that emitting events via EventEmitter is the way to go. However, my concern is with synchronization. Let's assuming my Lobby is pretty simple:
Lobby = {
users: []
, join: function (user) {
emitter.emit('lobby.join', user);
, leave: function (user) {
var index = this.users.indexOf(user);
this.users.splice(index, 1);
emitter.emit('lobby.leave', user);
Now essentially I assume I want to watch for users joining the lobby and pair them up, maybe something like this:
Lobby = {
, run: function () {
emitter.on('lobby.join', function (user) {
// TODO: determine if this.users contains other users,
// pair them off, and remove them from the array
As I mentioned, this does not account for synchronization. Multiple users can join the lobby at the same time, and so the event listener might pair up a single user with multiple other users instead of just one.
Can someone with more Node.js experience tell me if I am right to be concerned with this event-based approach? Any insight for improvement on this approach would be much appreciated.
You are wrong to be concerned with this. This is because Node.JS is single-threaded, there is no concurrency at all! Whenever a block of code is fired no other code (including event handlers) can be fired until the block finishes what it does. In particular if you define this empty loop in your app:
while(true) { }
then your server is crashed, no other code will ever fire, no other request will be ever handled. So be careful with blocks of code, make sure that each block will eventually end.
Back to the question... So in your case it is impossible for multiple users to be paired with the same user. And let me say one more time: this is simply because there is no concurrency in Node.JS!
On the other hand this only applies to one instance of Node.JS. If you want to scale it to many machines, then obviously you will have to implement some locking mechanism (which ensures that no other process can work with the data at the same time).
