Netty's suitability as a game server - performance

I'm developing a multiplayer 2D-game where players and other objects move on the screen in a simple coordinate system. So player's client sends its movements to the server, and according those movements, server's game room thread periodically (maybe 50-100ms) calculates new speed, coordinates and angle for every object. Then it sends data to every player about those changes.
For example, we have ten players which can send their movements three times in a second, server has to send those movements forward to everyone. Considering other player actions than just movement, there could occur tens of little messages in a second, and that's just in one room.
So here's a bunch of questions:
1) Is Netty the framework I'm looking for? It's a real-time game, so every millisecond counts. Low latency is the most important requirement. If player's ping goes over 30, the playing is pretty poor and laggy.
2) If so, I would also like to hear your every advice for optimization and settings for this kind of server, which sends small packets, but there's a lot of them. I'm estimating that the peak of concurrent players will be about 2000-3000 users playing in 100-200 rooms, so I would be really happy if the server can handle that amount of players playing the game without lag.
3) Every game room has some kind of own thread which loops and runs the game. Is there a proper way to do this kind of threads, so it doesn't effect much to the server's normal functionality?
Thanks for your answers!

Take a look at this netty game server from github. You can get some good pointers and patterns here. Maybe you can use it directly also for your purposes

Netty can do the job. Its very well suited for high-troughput and low latency. So I you should give it a try. I think it should "just work" out of the box for you ;)
Netty comes with a NIO (non-blocking) and OIO (blocking) implementations. If you are going with NIO (which I recommend) then I will recommend to try to design your api to be event based and use as less threads as possible. Otherwise it may be hard to scale if you have thousands for "game rooms".


Is BizTalk Delay Shape holding any resources or bad for performance?

I have an integration where I am iterating through multiple batches and sending them to a WCF service. The developer of the WCF service has contacted me and said that they are having troubles processing the batches in the pace that we are sending them to them. They are wondering whether it is possible for us to wait 10 minutes between each batch.
With that said, I am wondering if the BizTalk Delay shape could be right for this? I am guessing that the delay shape puts the orchestration in dehydration so that it doesn't hold any resources from other processes. Is this correct? And is there any reason that I should not consider using the delay shape? Maybe performance issues or something like that? I know that the delay shape is created for this kind of scenarios, but I only find examples with 1-2 minutes. Is 10 minutes OK? Is there any limit for what is OK before it has a negative effect?
A lot of question but I am hoping that they make sense.
Yes, BizTalk is very good at processing lots of messages fast, and you do tend to run into scenarios where you have to throttle BizTalk.
I believe the delay shape creates a timer that then resumes the Orchestration after the time has elapsed.
The Delay shape itself will not cause any negative effects. I've seen Orchestrations that delayed for more than that without problems. The only side effect is if you cause there to be a lot of dehydrated instances, but I'm talking over 10K of dehydrated Orchestrations. It sounds like you have some sort of singleton pattern going, so that will probably not be a problem.

Multiplayer game server: How much is too much communication from the client to the server

I am making a multiplayer game (server/client) with unity and a Colyseus backend. Currently the backend sends 20 updates per second to each client. I want each client to also send approximately 20 messages to the server each second. Is this too much communication? (the messages are very small, a JSON object with 5 string fields).
I don't want to build the game and find out it is not scalable :(. So Thesis: is Each client sending a small message to the server 20 times a second too much?
As mentioned by Slugart, it is best to benchmark and go from there.
That being said, there are a few things you can do if you find the performance to be a bottleneck:
Lower the number of messages - generally, 20 messages per second per client might be a bit too much - games usually go with less than half of that (6-12 msg/s).
Use binary format instead of json - if the server needs to act as a relay, you could encode your messages using binary protocol. Look into protobuf or messagepack.
There are some other options available, but they are not available for javascript (as far as I know).
In case you are expecting a large number of players, and every want to optimize as much as possible, I would suggest switching to a backend that supports multithreading, object pooling (to reduce Garbage Collection time), etc, to gain the most performance.
Disclaimer: I am a co-founder of ServerBytes - we help you make games faster.
You can also try ServerBytes for free - a platform which supports high concurrency, high throughput, custom c# backend code and more.
This depends on many things that you haven't specified, first among those is how many simultaneous and how many server isntances players you expect to have.
I would recommend you quickly benchmark how long the (de)serialisation of your message takes and then multiply it by the actual message volume you expect to see.
You could also create a proof of concept that does nothing except send messages at different messages rates to see yourself how it would scale.

Data communication in a scalable microservice architecture

We are working on a project to gain some knowledge about microservices and automatically scalable architectures. In this project we are building a small game where a user can fly a plane and shoot down other players online, hosted on the Amazon Web Services. The duration of a game should be about 10 minutes, a million games should (theoretically) be able to be played at the same time and about a thousand players should be able to play in a single game. So the application must really be scalable.
We are now hitting a hard part in the architecture. We want the server to calculate the positions of the players. Meaning that server gets key input requests with which it recalculates positions. Problem is that, because the application is scalable and there isn't just one server doing all the calculations and holding all the data, the input events will probably end up in different locations. We expect that constantly writing all positions to a database and reading it back to the client is too slow nor scalable enough. Also we don't want dedicated servers for single games as that could just waist the computation power (and money)
We have searches for different implementations by other game architectures, like messaging, but to no avail, we could not find any method that seamed fitting. We would like to know if there is any kind of pattern that could make this kind of implementation work? All we really need is a sense of direction for some possible patterns.
Try ElasticCache
This makes it easy to share positions between nodes
They discuss using it for a score table but it might be possible to use it for positional data
Combine ElasticCache with autoscaling and you should be able to expand the environment with demand
Your example sounds like a prime use case for a streaming platform such as Apache Kafka. It is a scalable cluster itself and acts as a large queue of events (your game inputs) that are stored and made available to stream consumers (all your game servers). This has a very high performance and should be able to handle millions of inputs per second with a low latency.
You should also make sure to split up your game world into broader "zones" as to make sure that not every server requires the data from all others always. I'm sure that no player has all other players on his screen at any point in time.
Look into the Kafka examples
And the performance measurements with comparison to traditional DBs.

Data stream, which way to go?

I am about to start a HTML5 game, with heavy logic in java script, I want to keep some logic at the server side, so that I guarantee that my game will play only at my server.
I decided to chose node.js, as its very fast, I thought about two ways:
To use AJAX, client side will call a server side method which will return calculated numbers to refresh the game scene, this call will be called every 2 second.
To open a socket using node.js, so that client don't have to call the server each time, instead, it keep listening to data streamed from the opened socket, which will refresh data every x seconds.
The calculated data is not big, its about 0.5 kb per one second, client also needs to tell server what's the status, so data sent from client is about 0.1 kb / x second, depends on game play.
It seems that the second approach is better, but, I will need hundred of ports to handle concurrent players ..
So, in term of performance & minimizing used bandwidth, which way to chose? or, is there even a better way? any one can help?
As you mentioned you are creating a web-based JavaScript application that regularly sends information to, or retrieves updates from, a server then in my opinion you should use WebSocket(especially you are developing in HTML5), which reduce the amount of bandwidth your application uses.
In term of performance, I would chose WebSocket aswell, by doing some measurement experiments e.g averaging a round trip time for 100 requests at a time, WebSocket has a lower round trip time. Here is a link of a performance test might tell the result:

How can i run my GPS application in background?

I want to send my current location to php web service after every 5 min even if my application is runing in background. I try to make this thing but its working good when my application in running state but when i put this application in background it stop sending data so please any buddy tell how can i run my application in background.
By "running in background", do you mean running when under the lock screen? If this is the case, then you need to set PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled;
The post Running a Windows Phone Application under the lock screen by Jaime Rodriguez covers the subject well.
However, if you're talking about running an application that continues to run while the user uses other applications on the device, then this is not possible. In the Mango build of the operating system you can create background agents, but these only run every 30 minutes and only for 15 seconds as described on MSDN.
There is a request on the official UserVoice forum for Windows Phone development to Provide an agent to track routes, but even if adopted, this would not be available for quite some time.
Tracking applications are the bulk of what I do for a living, and the prospect of using WP7 like this is the primary reason I acquired one.
From a power consumption perspective, transmitting data is the single most expensive thing you can do, followed closely by sampling the GPS and accelerometers.
To produce a trace that closely conforms to roads, you need a higher sampling rate. WP7 won't let you sample more than once per second. This is (just barely) fast enough to track a motor vehicle, and at this level of power consumption the battery will last for about an hour assuming you log the data on the phone and don't attempt to transmit it.
You will also find that if you transmit for every sample, your sampling interval will be at least 15 seconds. Running the web call on another thread won't help because it will take more than one second to complete and you will run out of sockets in less than a minute with a one second sample interval.
There are solutions to all of these problems. For example, in a motor vehicle you can connect to vehicle power and run hot. You can batch and burst your data on a background thread.
These, however, are only the basic problems faced by every tracker designer. More interesting are the questions of proximity in space and time, measurement of deviation from a route, how to specify routes and geofences in a time dependent manner, how to associate them into named sets for rule evaluation purposes and how to associate rules with named sets of routes and geofences.
And then there is periodic clustering, which introduces all the calendrical nightmares that are too much for your average developer of desktop software. To apply the speed limit for a school zone you need to know the time zone, daylight savings, two start and two stop times and the start and end dates for school holidays in that region.
If you are just doing this for fun or as some kind of hiking trace then a five minute interval will impose much milder power demands than one second sampling, but I still suggest batch and burst because it means you can track locations that don't have comms.
