Tool to trace data transferred over https - https

I wrote a tool which transfer data over https channel to server. Now it need to be verified what data I transferred is exactly right or not by testing team.
Is there any tool which will capture the data transferred by program over https. I am transferring data in xml format which in not encrypted.
I tried this with Fiddler but its unable to trace the data.
Any tool which you know?

If you have the server's private key and are not using Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman cipher suites (those with EDH or DHE in their names depending on the configuration used), you should be able to look inside the SSL/TLS traffic using Wireshark and its SSL mode.
If you don't have the server's private key, you can try using a MITM proxy (in which case you will need to make your client trust its certificates), possibly one of these:


Fully recording HTTPS traffic on osx.

I'm trying to use wireshark to decode, view, and ultimately log my own https traffic--response bodies included. According to the wireshark docs, I need provide the file location of the private RSA key used to decode messages. My question is this:
Where on osx is the private rsa key used in https interactions, is this a single key? Many?
Wireshark docs seem to be telling me to make an RSA key. Given that I'm not experienced enough with this topic, messing with system keys because I read a thing on the internet seems like a pit of despair. What should I do?
What I'm really trying to do is log unencrypted https requests/responses with bodies, while listening to web traffic. If there's a better way I'm all ears.
What I'm really trying to do is log unencrypted https requests/responses with bodies, while listening to web traffic. If there's a better way I'm all ears.
Don't mess around with Wireshark for this. The documentation you're reading is outdated; modern TLS cipher suites do not use pure RSA for key exchange. This configuration was only supported by SSL 2.0, which was superseded by SSL 3.0 in 1996, and is no longer supported by any moern browser. Long story short -- it doesn't actually work in practice.
Instead, use a HTTPS proxy server. Several common tools for this purpose are:
Charles Proxy (commercial)
Many of these tools will also allow you to alter the contents of an HTTPS session, which is certainly not something that Wireshark will do.

Why can I see information travelling through HTTPS with Fiddler?

I was trying to make a website that require the user to log in to do something, but I want to know the advantage and disadvantage from HTTP and HTTPS first.
I was using a program called Fiddler that allowed you to logs all HTTP(s) traffic between your computer and the Internet
if I try to log in with the program on, I could see the username and the password that I used to log in to the website, even if it's HTTP or HTTPS using fiddler
so what's the use of HTTPS compared with HTTP?
This is what I am thinking.
The browser is supposed to enscrypt the password using the server's public key right? Then the server will descript it with the private key.
But fiddler doesn't know the server's private key. So how can it sees the plain password?
Am I wrong?
In HTTPS communication is sent over an encrypted channel, while HTTP is sent in plain-text. Most importantly his means that a 3rd party can't read information sent between the server and the browser just by sniffing network traffic, but it has other uses as well, such as ensuring that the server is who it says it is and you are who you say you are with certificates.
Fiddler2 is only able to decipher the traffic with the user's cooperation: the certificates Fiddler presents to the client are only trusted by the browser if you configure your Operating System to trust Fiddler's root certificate.

How do I write a simple HTTPS proxy server in Ruby?

I've seen several examples of writing an HTTP proxy in Ruby, e.g. this gist by Torsten Becker, but how would I extend it to handle HTTPS, aka for a "man in the middle" SSL proxy?
I'm looking for a simple source code framework which I can extend for my own logging and testing needs.
I already use Charles, a nifty HTTPS proxy app similar to Fiddler and it is essentially what I want except that it's packaged up in an app. I want to write my own because I have specific needs for filtering and presentation.
update II
Having poked around, I understand the terminology a little better. I'm NOT after a full "Man in the Middle" SSL proxy. Instead, it will run locally on my machine and so I can honor whatever SSL cert it offers. However, I need to see the decrypted contents of packets of my requests and the decrypted contents of the responses.
Just for background information, a normal HTTP proxy handles HTTPS requests via the CONNECT method: it reads the host name and port, establishes a TCP connection to this target server on this port, returns 200 OK and then merely tunnels that TCP connection to the initial client (the fact that SSL/TLS is exchanged on top of that TCP connection is barely relevant).
This is what the do_CONNECT method if WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.
If you want a MITM proxy, i.e. if you want to be able to look inside the SSL/TLS traffic, you can certainly use WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer, but you'll need to change do_CONNECT completely:
Firstly, your proxy server will need to embed a mini CA, capable of generating certificates on the fly (failing that, you might be able to use self-signed certificates, if you're willing to bypass warning messages in the browser). You would then import that CA certificate into the browser.
When you get the CONNECT request, you'll need to generate a certificate valid for that host name (preferable with a Suject Alt. Name for that host name, or in the Subject DN's Common Name), and upgrade the socket into an SSL/TLS server socket (using that certificate). If the browser accepts to trust that certificate, what you get from thereon on this SSL/TLS socket is the plain text traffic.
You would then have to handle the requests (get the request line, headers and entity) and take it to use it via a normal HTTPS client library. You might be able to send that traffic to a second instance of WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer, but it would have to be tweaked to make outgoing HTTPS requests instead of plain HTTP requests.
Webrick can proxy ssl:
require 'webrick'
require 'webrick/httpproxy' => 8080).start
from my experience HTTPS is nowhere near "simple". Do you need a proxy that would catch traffic from your own machine? There are several applications, like Fiddler. Or google for alternatives. Comes with everything you need to debug the web traffic.
That blog is no way to write a proxy. It's very easy: you just accept a connection, read one line which tells you what to connect to, attempt the upstream connection, if it fails send the appropriate response and close the socket, otherwise just start copying bytes in both directions, simultaneously, until EOS has occurred in both directions. The only difference HTTPS makes is that you have to speak SSL instead of plaintext.

HTTPS Events from datastream

How do I get the HTTPS event from raw data?
If you are asking how to decrypt captured HTTPS network packets after the fact, that is not normally possible. You need at least the HTTPS session keys, which can only be retrieved by modifying the browser - but if you have that kind of access to the browser, you can intercept the unencrypted data anyway.
Things are easier if you have the private key of the HTTPS server, although there are encryption algorithms that use Diffie-Hellman key exchange to offer perfect forward secrecy, thus making the decryption of captured data impossible.
See also this Wikipedia article, if you would like more information on the TLS/SSL protocol that is used in HTTPS.
If you are only interested in monitoring your own browser, e.g. for debugging, you might be able to use a plugin, such as LiveHTTP Headers for Firefox, that will tap into the browser internals to show you what is being transmitted and received via an encrypted connection.

How much data is leaked from SSL connection?

Say I was trying to access, what's actually sent in plain text before the SSL session is established?
Does the browser intervene, see that I want https, initiate a SSL session with (i.e. without passing the path in plain text) and only after the SSL session is set up pass the path?
Just curious.
HTTP Secure
The level of protection depends on the correctness of the implementation of the web browser and the server software and the actual cryptographic algorithms supported.
Also, HTTPS is vulnerable when applied to publicly-available static content. The entire site can be indexed using a web crawler, and the URI of the encrypted resource can be inferred by knowing only the intercepted request/response size. This allows an attacker to have access to the plaintext (the publicly-available static content), and the encrypted text (the encrypted version of the static content), permitting a cryptographic attack.
Because SSL operates below HTTP and has no knowledge of higher-level protocols, SSL servers can only strictly present one certificate for a particular IP/port combination. This means that, in most cases, it is not feasible to use name-based virtual hosting with HTTPS. A solution called Server Name Indication (SNI) exists which sends the hostname to the server before encrypting the connection, although many older browsers don't support this extension. Support for SNI is available since Firefox 2, Opera 8, and Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista.
In general, the name of the server you are talking to is leaked (""). This was probably leaked via DNS before SSL/TLS could begin connecting, though.
The server's certificate is leaked. Any client certificate you sent (not a common configuration) may or may not have been sent in-the-clear. An active attacker (man-in-the-middle) could probably just ask your browser for it and receive it anyway.
The path portion of the URL ("/questions/2146863/how-much-data-is-leaked-from-ssl-connection") should NOT be leaked. It is passed encrypted and secure (assuming the client and server are set up correctly and you didn't click-through any certificate errors).
The other poster is correct, that there are possible traffic analysis attacks which may be able to deduce some things about static content. If the site is very large and dynamic (say I suspect that it could be quite difficult to get much useful info out of it. However, if there are only a few files with distinctive sizes, which downloads could be obvious.
Form POST data should NOT be leaked. Although usual caveats apply if you are transmitting objects of known sizes.
Timing attacks may reveal some information. For example, an attacker ccould put stress on various parts of the application (e.g., a certain database table) or pre-load some static files from the disk and watch how your connection slows down or speeds up in response.
This is an information "leak" but probably not a big deal for most sites.
The request is made by your browser to https://url:443, and that's in the clear. Then the server and client will negotiate a ciphersuite to protect the data. Normally, this will include a symmetric encryption algorithm (eg; 3DES or RC4 or AES) and a message authentication code (such as HMAC-SHA1) to detect tampering. Note that technically, both of these are optional, it IS possible to have SSL with no encryption but unlikely today.
Once the client (your browser) and the web server have agreed on a ciphersuite and keys are determined, the rest of the conversation is protected.
To be honest, I would hook up a protocol analyzer and watch it all unfold before your eyes!!
Remember, that SSL is at the Transport layer of the TCP/IP stack, it's below the browser data, so it's all protected.
Hope that helps.
