Ajax with Codeigniter not working - ajax

I want to make an ajax request and it wont work. This is my code:
function loadSingleProductPaso1(div_loading,div_id,index, json,ajaxurl){
type: "POST",
url: ajaxurl, //the url is http://www.mysite.com/controller/function
data: "ajax=true&precio="+JSON.parse(json[index]).miprecio,
success: function(msg){
The thing is, when I add a '?' to the data element (data: "?ajax=true&..."), it works, but sends a $_POST['?ajax'] variable.
I really don't understand what am I doing wrong.

you can use post function,
like this,
$.post(ajaxurl, {
name : "Test",
city : "Istanbul"
}, function(data){
if(data == 1){
function ajax(){
if($this->input->post('name') == "Test"){
echo 1;


MVC Ajax Post error

I am getting error while I post Ajax request to controller method. In controller method I need to pass Model class object.
But it gives me 500 Internal server error.
Can anybody help me to make it correct?
Mu code is as per below:
var request = $("#frmHost").serialize();
url: "/Host/HostItemDetails/" ,
type: "POST",
datatype: 'json',
contentType : "application/json",
data: request,
success: function (data) {
if (data == '1111') {
///Success code here
else if (data != '') {
Controller Method :
public JsonResult HostItemDetails(ClsHost objHost)
//Code here
return Json("1111");
Nirav Try this,
Parse the serialized data as a JSON object and later stringify that while posting using JSON.stringify().
$("#Button").click(function () {
var data = $("#frmHost").serialize().split("&");
var request = {};
for (var key in data) {
request[data[key].split("=")[0]] = data[key].split("=")[1];
url: "/Home/HostItemDetails/",
type: "POST",
datatype: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify(request),
success: function (data) {
if (data == '1111') {
///Success code here
else if (data != '') {
I ran the same code that you are running.
To test the code I did the following changes. I took a button, and on click event I am sending the post back to the controller.
the '[HttpPost]' attribute is fine too.
Can you make one thing sure, that the frmHost data matches to the class ClsHost,but still that shouldn't cause the server error, the error will be different.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#clickMe").click(function () {
var request = '{"Users":[{"Name":"user999","Value":"test"},{"Name":"test2","Value":"test"}]}';
url: "/Home/HostItemDetails/",
type: "POST",
datatype: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
data: request,
success: function (data) {
if (data == '1111') {
///Success code here
else if (data != '') {
public JsonResult HostItemDetails(ClsHost objHost)
//Code here
return Json("111", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
It is solved by removing same property name in Model class. It is mistakenly added by me twice.

Render partial view with AJAX-call to MVC-action

I have this AJAX in my code:
$(".dogname").click(function () {
var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
url: '/Home/GetSingleDog',
dataType: 'html',
data: {
dogid: id,
success: function (data) {
The alert gets triggered with the correct value but the AJAX-call does not start(the method does not get called).
Here is the method that im trying to hit:
public ActionResult GetSingleDog(int dogid)
var model = _ef.SingleDog(dogid);
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("_dogpartial", model);
return null;
Can someone see what i am missing? Thanks!
do you know what error does this ajax call throws?
Use fiddler or some other tool to verify response from the server.
try modifying your ajax call as following
url: '/Home/GetSingleDog',
dataType: 'string',
data: {
dogid: id,
success: function (data) {
error: function(x,h,r)
//Verify error
Also try
$.get("Home/GetSingleDog",{dogid : id},function(data){
Make sure, URL is correct and parameter dogid(case sensitive) is same as in controller's action method

Redirecting after Ajax post

I want the success on ajax post to go to the home page. For some reason I keep doing it wrong. Any idea what I should do to fix this?
window.APP_ROOT_URL = "<%= root_url %>";
$.ajax({ url: '#{addbank_bankaccts_path}',
type: 'POST',
beforeSend: function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', '#{form_authenticity_token}')},
dataType: "json",
data: 'some_uri=' + response.data.uri ,
success: function(APP_ROOT_URL) {
success: function(response){
window.location.href = response.redirect;
Hope the above will help because I had the same problem
You can return the JSON from server with redirect status and redirect URL.
And in your jQuery ajax handler
success: function (res) {
// check redirect
if (res.redirect) {
window.location.href = res.redirect_url;
Note you must set dataType: 'json' in ajax config. Hope this is helpful.
Not sure why, but window.location.href did not work for me. I ended up using window.location.replace instead, which actually worked.
$('#checkout').click(function (e) {
$.ajax('/post/url', {
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json'
.done(function (data) {
if (data.cartCount === 0) {
alert('There are no to checkout');
else {

synchronize two ajax jquery function

I have two function of jQuery. Both the functions are calling jQuery ajax.
both have property async: false.
In both the function I am redirecting on basis of some ajax response condition.
In the success of first function I am calling the another function and then redirecting to another page. But my first function is not redirecting because my second function is not waiting of the response of the first function.
Hope problem is clear from my question.
my first function is as below
function fnGetCustomer() {
function a(a) {
//on some condition
//other wise no redirection
self.location = a;
var b = $("input#ucLeftPanel_txtMobile").val();
"" != b && ($("#loading").show(), $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "Services/GetCustomer.ashx",
data: { "CustMobile": b },
success: a,
async: false,
error: function () {
and my second function I am calling the first function
function fnSecond() {
type: "POST",
url: "some url",
async: false,
data: { "CustMobile": b },
success: function(){
//if it has all ready redirected then do not redirect
// or redirect to some other place
error: function () {
I am using my first function all ready. So I don't want to change my first function.
A set up like this should work;
data: foo,
url: bar
}).done(function(response) {
if (response == "redirect") {
// redirect to some page
} else {
data: foo,
url: bar
}).done(function(response2) {
if (response2 == "redirect") {
// redirect to some other page
} else {
// do something else
I've not tested doing something like this, but that's roughly how I'd start off
If you don't need the result of the first AJAX call to be able to send the second you could add a counter to keep track of the calls. Since you can send both calls at the same time it'll be a lot more responsive.
var requestsLeft = 2;
url: "Firsturl.ashx",
success: successFunction
url: "Secondurl.ashx",
success: successFunction
function successFunction()
if (requestsLeft == 0)
If you absolutely need to do them in order you could do something like this. My example expects a json response but that's no requirement for this approach to work.
var ajaxurls = ["Firsturl.ashx", "Secondurl.ashx"]
function doAjax()
url: ajaxurls.shift(), // Get next url
dataType: 'json',
success: function(result)
if (result.redirectUrl) // or whatever requirement you set
/* redirect code goes here */
else if (ajaxurls.length>0) // If there are urls left, run next request

Ajax Call not working - is the call right

I am trying to send an ajax call with json array
the call function is
if(objHasValue) {
alert("before ajax call");
type: 'POST',
url: 'http://www.web2222.net/Test/test.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: { json: JSON.stringify(objArray) },
success: function(data) {
alert('did it-'+data);
return false;
error: function(data){
return false;
somehow it doesn't work
Do I have any mistake there?
i am not sure if this is the problem but try something like :
data: { "json": JSON.stringify(objArray) }
