Ankhsvn integration with Visual Studio 2010 - Adding Solution - Working Folders Issue - visual-studio-2010

Newb to Ankhsvn and Ubersvn integration.
I have existing web projects built in Visual Studio 2010 and am attempting to add them into a newly created repositories. The issue I'm having is trying to configure the working local directory. I've got my projects contained in various folders on my machine but it seems Ankhsvn will not let you change the "Local Folder" (which I'm assuming is the working folder) on your machine, it only gives selected options in a dropdown. I know Visual Studio generates it's own solution file in the standard directories (my docs../vis stud../projects/...) but that is not my working directory which it seems Ankhsvn is fixed in.
I don't want to have to move my projects around (and probably don't have enough space on my c: drive anyway). Does someone have any insight on how I can configure the local folders ankhsvn and Ubersvn can work out of?
Using Windows 7 64bit if that has any bearing as well. Our svn repository is hosted externally.
Well I haven't heard any feedback yet on this so I basically went ahead and used the following methodology to get my files into the repository:
1) Used TortoiseSVN to add the files to the svn repository (with TortoiseSVN installed, right click on the folder you want to add, TortoiseSVN -> Import and basically add in the repository URL ad go about adding in folders and files as desired.
2) next step was to then open Visual Studio 2010 and open the given web project folder and then go File -> Subversion -> Open project from subversion. NOTE: make sure when you open that you select the correct folder to import to. It should be one level above the given folder you selected.
3) after the import, all my files appeared as in conflict. I basically just commited the files and the issue went away.
So I now have my project hooked into svn and working through Ankhsvn but has to use TortoiseSVN to get it done...hmmm

To administer the repository in uberSVN you need to make it aware of the repository. The easiest way to do this is to create the repository within the uberSVN admin page, but you've already done that bit, so we need to make uberSVN aware of it.
To do this:
Create a Dump file based on your manually created repository
Login to uberSVN as an System Admin or Repository Admin
Click on Repositories
Click on Add
Enter a Repository Name (which will enter a Location automatically)
Click Next
Click Import From Uploaded Dump File or Import From Dump File Located On The Server
Select the Dump file in question
Click Done
Your repo will now be brought underneath uberSVN, loaded into a newly created Repo sat in the /uberSVN/repositories storage location.
From there you just continue as normal with your preferred subversion client.

Know this QA is old but thought worth updating.
Got a solid, reproducable method for adding projects into remote UberSVN repository from Visual Studio 2010...trial and repeat seems to work consistantly on my side. Here goes
Go to remote UberSVN server, Login
Create Repository
"Your Repository Name"
Added users to repository
Created Visual Studio project (File -> New Project) in similar ubersvn structure…in this case
In windows explorer, created folders D:\\\trunk\
In Visual Studio, create new project, uncheck “Create directory for solution” and I set the “Name” to
"Your Project Name"
In the first solution and subversion create phase, I checked off “Add to Subversion”
Created project and the subversion repository selection popup came up.
typed in the new repository url
http://"your UberSVN Repository URL"/"Your Repository Name"/
Below the Repository URL, I selected the repository “Database” image and then I clicked “Create Folder”
NOTE: When I did again, it seemed that there was already a “trunk”, ”branches” and “tags” folders generated under the repository database -> I clicked on the trunk folder).
If the folders from above notes do not exist, I typed in “trunk” as new folder and then the proper Project url appeared in the “Project will be created in:” section at the bottom of the popup (
http://"your UberSVN Repository URL"/"Your Repository
Name"/trunk/"Your Project Name"/
Clicked OK
Started copying files from existing website/project to new project
Once all files are in and no more errors exist, start to do initial commits
Visual Studio 2010 NOTES:
May have to regenerate designer files from older visual studio 2008 projects. Right click on the web form page you want to convert to “Web Application” and it will autogenerate the designer file for the given webform (web page)
Will have to add in references from the bin folder for any dlls needed in project
If bringing over classes from another project (i.e. in App_Code folder), need to right click on each (or select multiple) and go to properties -> Build Action and change from “Content” to “Compile”


TFS Project Deleted, how to upload code to new project

Somehow on my team's TFS server, one of our projects got deleted. The code is on my local machine though so I'm trying to get it reuploaded, but I'm running into issues getting it back on the server. I've recreated the project and given it the same name and Visual Studio seems to recognize that the new project I've created is connected to the Project I'm trying to upload as a result. The problem is that when I try to check in the version I have to the new project it throws a pile of errors because the files "does not exist at the specified version or you do not have permission to access it". Is there some way to force the upload so that the files are all on the server again?
First remove .* folder from your current working project.
Then go to Visual Studio
Open Team Explorer
Click On Manage Connection
Add your account If not added
Enter your tfs url
Select your TFS folder where you want to checked in your code.
Try to checked in your code.
Even though you have deleted the project on server side, all changes in TFS are non-destructive.
You could check this, just navigate to the Source Control –> Visual Studio Team Foundation Server section.
In that section is a check box that says "Show deleted items in the Source Control Explorer"
If you have recreated the project and given it the same name and want check in local code to TFS. This may cause some trouble.
Suggest you to permanently destroy the project in TFS using Destroy Command (Team Foundation Version Control)
tf destroy [/keephistory] <itemspec1>[;<versionspec>][<itemspec2>...<itemspecN>]
[/stopat:<versionspec>] [/preview] [/startcleanup] [/noprompt] [/silent] [/login:username,[password]] [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]]
After destroy the old project, then create a new project with the same name, add your local code to this project, finally check in pending changes.

How do I put an existing Visual Studio solution under source control using VisualSVN Server?

I have an existing Visual Studio 2013 solution, and I want to put it under source control using VisualSVN Server. I installed VisualSVN Server and created a new blank repository. Their Getting Started page doesn't explain how to add a folder structure and files to the repository. I am expecting an import or add files option when right clicking on the repository node in the UI.
How do I add an exiting root folder and all its files and folders of a Visual Studio solution to a repository and make it ready so any SVN client can check out files from it? I am planning to use TortoiseSVN as the client.
You need to install TortoiseSVN and check out a working copy of the repository. Copy from solution into the working copy, select all files, and make a rightclick and select TortoiseSVN -> Add.
Commit the changes and now you have the data added to the repository.

Visual Studio Source Control Explorer access denied

Recently I have been working on a project and have been waiting to publish it to Azure. Before I was able to do this my local user account on my machine was changed. Now when I try to add the project solution to the solution control explorer I get "access to path [old username]/my documents/projects is denied." I have the project copied from the old user account onto the new one I am using. I opened from this location, but it still seems to reference the old path. How do I change this and/or what settings do I need to change?
I have uploaded the project into the source control explorer for the project, and the rest of the team can view it. It is possible to re-load the project from here and create a new work space mapping on the new local account? If so how can I do this?
I managed to get it moved by doing the following, thanks jessehouwing for the push in the right direction.
Closed Visual Studio
Went to old account, copied project directly to the C drive
Went to the new account, opened the project from there
Deleted mapping referenced in the picture in jessehouwing's answer
Created new mapping under a different name, because even though the old one was removed, there was still a naming conflict (I have no clue)
Mapped the source control and local folder from scratch
You will have to change your workspace mapping. If the Source Control Explorer allows you, you can open the Workspace dropdown (in the toolbar) and edit the current mapping.
If the Source Control Explorer doesn't allow you due to Access Denied errors, you can also use the commandline utility tf.exe to remove them.
tf workspaces /remove
And then create a new one through the UI or also from the commandline using
tf workspace /new
tf workfold /map
I'm re-using an old picture here, step 4 should be to fix the paths in the Workspace folders list on the bottom of the dialog :).
This is still happening in 2022 and below are steps we have resolved this "Access Denied" in visual studio (2019 in our case) for Azure DevOps Server.
Open visual studio command line and run the command;
tf workspace /delete “WORKSPACE_NAME;OWNER”
Open folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Team Foundation Local Workspaces and delete anything folder inside
Verify C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Team Foundation Local Workspaces
folder has the user you are logged into the machine as full access
Go back into Visual Studio and reestablish your workspaces and
perform a get latest

Visual Studio: How to create project from existing GitHub repository?

I came from Eclipse background and I am apparently missing something.
There is an existing GitHub project with JS code in it and I would like to start adding TypeScript nature to it, one type at a time.
I have followed this tutorial to clone project from GitHub to my "local git repository". Now the Team Explorer window displays it as local repository and I can commit changes etc but it's not a project and I don't know how to open it as a project (I want to open it as TypeScript project).
The workflow I was used to from Eclipse would simply be New -> Other -> SVN -> Checkout Projects from SVN that is automatically followed by New Project Wizard.
How do I clone existing JS project from GitHub and make it a TypeScrip project while keeping the existing folder structure?
EDIT: I am using Visual Studio Express and I am limited to the native Git extension.
What I typically do in this situation;
Clone repository using Git in Visual Studio; or use GitHub for Windows and Clone in Desktop from the Git project's web page. This will create a directory (repository) with the project files where you specify.
In visual studio, File->New->create a new project from existing code. From the wizard, select C# or C++ (whatever your choice it does not really matter)
The wizard requires a project file location: give the location of the Git folder that contains the project files (where you cloned the project's repository).
The Wizard requires a unique project name, for example you can use the name of the Git project with VisualStudio (or VS) appended to the end.
Git will now be in sync and you will be able to see all the git files. Making changes will check them out and allow you to push them to the project etc...
***** By default Git will want to check in the newly created .csproj file that Visual Studio creates to allow you to open the project in Visual Studio. You will just want to drag this into the excluded changes section because most likely the project in question will not be using Visual Studio.**
I solved this by opening the site as a website. File->Open->Website.
No Project Files/Solution files required. It just opens up the folder in the solution explorer.
To make it a typescript project, just add a tsconfig.json file to the directory.
Do you have any code in that repository yet that you want to open? I'm guessing not in which case you need to create a new VS project (just like you'd create a new Eclipse project and have it in your workspace)
Go to File, New..., Project... and pick the project type that you want. Give the project a name and set the location to be a folder INSIDE the folder that you cloned your Git repo to earlier (i.e. c:\mycode\mygitproject). Also give your solution a name. A "Solution" in Visual Studio is a wrapper for the projects inside it, kinda like the closest thing to a workspace or a working set in Eclipse but not quite the same thing.
Then Visual Studio should then be smart enough to pick up that this is in Git repo and allow you to commit locally as well as push/pull to GitHub etc.
Finally, while I work with the team that created the Visual Studio Tools for Git, I'd still highly recommend that you get hold of a command line should you want to do some more powerful stuff with Git other than simply committing code, push/pulling changes and branching or merging branches. If you are working against GitHub then you might also want to install GitHub for Windows which will bring some Git tools with it or you can install Git for Windows and also install Posh-Git separately. All of these things work together and give you the maximum power of Git but you can pick and choose the tool that works best for you. You'll probably find a workflow of Clone using GitHub for Windows, commit/push/pull/branch/merge in VS and then Posh-Git if you do more advanced stuff or want to hand-tweak settings.

How can I change the SVN URL in Visual Studio

In my office, I have a working repository, where I am able to work on my laptop to modify files and commit them to that repository. I am using a local URL for this, which points directly to the PC containing the repository. Additionally, we published this repository for external users as well, so they are able to make changes to the repository without being on our local network. All is working fine there. However, my laptop which normally using the local connection, now needs to be moved to one of those external locations. I would like to be able to change the URL in my solution in Visual Studio, without having to 'create project from SVN'
Navigate to View -> Pending Changes.
You can see the Pending Changes prompt at the bottom.Then Select the drop down on the top right and select other option. Provide the new URL and click on OK button.
Whay you need is relocate (NOT switch) to tell your working copy that the URL of the repository changed (from your local URL to the external URL).
In the thread Collin linked to is most likely the correct answer:
How to switch subversion repository in Visual Studio using AnkhSVN?
How to switch subversion repository in Visual Studio using AnkhSVN?
