Monte Carlo Simulation in Ruby - ruby

Hey I have a problem with my simulation.
I am a Ruby-Starter and don't know what's wrong in my code. That is only the part with the simulation:
def mean
mean = self.reduce(:+)/self.length.to_f
return mean
def randn
rg1 = (rand*2)-1
rg2 = (rand*2)-1
q = rg1**2 + rg2**2
end while (q == 0 || q > 1)
p = Math.sqrt((-2*Math.log(q))/q)
rn1 = rg1 * p
rn2 = rg2 * p
return rn1, rn2
monte_carlo = 10
ren1_sim =
ren2_sim =
monte_carlo.times {
(1..20).each{ |i|
(1..250).each { |j|
r = randn()
ren1= * Math.exp(mu_ren1 + sigma_ren1 * r[0])
# ren1 is an array with prices, mu_ren1 and sigma_ren1 are individual values
ren2= * Math.exp(mu_ren2 + chol_21 * r[0] + chol_22 * r[1])
# chol_21 and chol_22 are also individual values
puts ren1_sim.mean
puts ren2_sim.mean
I don't get an error without the last two puts, but when I want to calculate the average of the arrays ren1_sim and rent_sim I get the error:
undefined method 'mean' for #<Array:0x2acf318> (NoMethodError)
Do you know how to fix that?

You're trying to invoke mean on an Array, which is not a method of Array. Perhaps you meant to use Statsample::Vector, which is Statsample's extension of Array, and does have mean?
ren1_sim =
ren2_sim =
You can also call to_vector on an Array instance to get a Statsample::Vector.

You've defined a mean method at the top of your file, but that just creates a method on the top level object, and you're trying to call it on an individual array. You could either change that code to
def mean(array)
and then change your usage of it later on to mean(ren1_sim)
or change your code so that you are adding the method to array, i.e.
class Array
def mean

have a look at this post to calculate the average of a array
How do I create an average from a Ruby array?


How to solve fibonacci in ruby (HackerRank)

I am trying to solve a Fibonacci solution in HackerRanck.
I am mostly using the inject method.
I first declared an empty array.
I then define a method that takes in a parameter and turns it into a list that stores two initial values, 0 and 1.
The method then takes the last two values and sum them up together and returns the newly-formed list. (I hope I got this logic right)
I was then aiming at calling the method and loop through it this time around summing all the even values in it and returning the final result.
t = gets.strip.to_i
for a0 in (0..t-1)
n = gets.strip.to_i
result = 0
def fibbonacci num
(1..num).inject([0, 1]) { |fib| << fib.last(2).inject(:+)}
my_fib_num = fibbonacci n
for i in my_fib_num
if i % 2 == 0
result.inject(0){|sum,x| sum + x }
Anything I could be getting wrong here?
I see you are doing unnecessary things over here and you are using inject in completely wrong way. The inject should always be called on an array or a range object. On every loop the result of the loop will be assigned to first parameter (i.e result in the example below) of the block and it will be passed back again to next loop. Finally returns the value in result.
The updated code:
t = gets.strip.to_i
def fibbonacci(num)
(1..num).inject([0, 1]) { |result| result << result.last(2).inject(:+)}
my_fib_num = fibbonacci(t)
result = my_fib_num.inject(:+)
Note: The solution is to solve by using inject.
May be you can use select and inject together to some the even
t = gets.strip.to_i
def fibbonacci(num)
(1..num).inject([0, 1]) { |fib| fib << fib.last(2).inject(:+)}
my_fib_num = fibbonacci(t)
my_fib_num.keep_if{|d| d.even?}.inject(:+)

Taking data from a loop and putting it into an array

I am trying to make a small program that find the multiples of a number.
def process
i = 1
while i < 1000
#value1 * i
i + 1
What I need to do is take EACH the result from the multiplication and put that into an array called #multiple1
Please help as this is (kind of) the first ruby program that I have written on my own.
The simple way to do this is the following:
def process
i = 1
#multiple1 = []
while i < 1000
#multiple1 << #value1 * i
i += 1
The equivalent, but more Ruby-like way looks like this:
#multiple1 = (1..999).map { |i| #value1 * i }

Ruby - Create a hash, where Keys are newly initialized Array objects

Please bear with me...I need basic concepts...I am not aware of advanced prog concepts yet.
I have a class called Circle which initializes and calculates area
class Circle
def initialize (radius)
#radius = radius
def area
I want to take user input and create however many instances of Circle objects and its sides.
p "How many Circles"
i = gets.to_i
j = 1
while j != i+1
p "Enter radius of Circle #{j}"
$s <<
j = j +1
The $s[] now holds array of objects I created.
Now, I want to do something like,
area_array[] = 0
area_array[Circle1] = Circle1.area
area_array[Circle1] = Circle2.area
and so on...where Circle1 and Circle2 are the objects I created earlier in my while loop....
Can someone tell me how can I put each of the created object in another array and assign an area value to it?
Do you need another array because you will modify or destroy the properties of the Circles in the first array? If so, and you can rely on the Cirlces' order in the array remaining the same, then just use the index value to correlate the values:
circle_area_hash = $s.reduce{|a, c| a[c.object_id] = c.area }
Also, consider that for your analyses, you may care more about the values, than the objects, per se. So then you could create
circle_area_hash = $s.reduce do |a, c|
a[c.area] = (a[c.area].nil?) ? [c] : a[c.area] << c
This make the hash-keys bey the area value as, and the hash-values are each an array of the objects that have that area.
Then to get the key (largest area) you can:
circle_area_hash.max_by{|k,v| v.count}
Also, as a thought:
puts "How many Circles"
$s = (1...gets.to_i).each |j|
puts "Enter radius of Circle #{j}"
$s <<
To create a new array of areas:
area_array = ${ |circle| circle.area }
area_array = $ &:area ) # Same thing, but shorter
To create one big hash:
areas = Hash[ ${ |circle| [ circle, circle.area ] } ]
This creates an array of arrays like:
[ <Circle #radius=3>, 28.27 ],
[ <Circle #radius=4>, 50.27 ],
…and then uses the Hash.[] method to convert that into a Hash.
Another technique is:
areas = $s.inject({}){ |hash,circle| hash.merge(circle=>circle.area) }
For more details, read up on Array#map and Enumerable#inject.
However, why would you want to create this hash? It seems like you're perhaps wanting to only calculate the area once each. Although it's not needed for this simple calculation, you can memoize a method's return value with a pattern like this:
class Circle
def initialize(radius)
#radius = radius
def area
#area ||= Math::PI*#radius*#radius
This will calculate the area the first time it's needed, and store it in an instance variable; thereafter it will just use the value of that variable as the return value of the method, without needing to recalculate it.
This is very straightforward. You should just iterate over $s, using each element as a hash key and the result of its area as the corresponding value.
Another few points that should be useful to you:
You can use Math::PI instead of 3.14
You should only use p for debugging. It prints the result of the inspect method of its parameter, which is rarely what you want for tidy output. Use print if you want to make your newlines explicit in the string, or puts to append a newline if there isn't one already
It is rarely appropriate to use while in Ruby. In this instance you just want i.times do { ... }
class Circle
def initialize (radius)
#radius = radius
def area
Math::PI * #radius * #radius
print 'How many Circles: '
i = gets.to_i
shapes = []
i.times do |n|
print "Enter radius of Circle #{n+1}? "
shapes <<
area_hash = {}
shapes.each do |shape|
area_hash[shape] = shape.area
However it seems more appropriate to memoize the area method here, writing it as
def area
#area = Math::PI * #radius * #radius unless #area
Then you can use the method repeatedly and the calculation will be done only once.
After reading your comment on NewAlexandria's answer, perhaps something like this would work for you:
p "How many Circles"
(1..gets.to_i) do |j|
c =
p "Enter radius of Circle #{j}"
s[c] = c.area(gets.to_i)}
where s is a pre-defined hash that may contain keys for instances of other circles, rectangles, etc.
This only makes sense, however, if you plan to add additional constants or methods to your shape classes that you will want to reference with the keys of s.
You should edit your question to incorporate your comment above.

undefined method ... for class (NoMethodError)

I'm just startin to learn ruby and I'm writing a simple program, but I've got an error undefined method 'send_for_beer' for Person:Class (NoMethodError)
Here is a code:
class Person
#iq = 0
#speed = 0
#power = 0
#beauty = 0
def initialize (iq, speed, power, beauty)
#iq = iq
#speed = speed
#power = power
def send_for_beer
result #iq * 2 + #speed * 10 + #power * 5 + #beauty
return result
number_of_people = 3
person_array =, Person)
n = 0
beer_person = 0
beer_cof = 0
number_of_people.times do
person_array.push(, speed, power, beauty))
if person_array[n].send_for_beer > beer_cof <-----here is an error
beer_cof = person_array[n].send_for_beer
beer_person = n
n = n+1
Here's your problem:
person_array =, Person)
In short, don't make array like this. Use the [] literal syntax. What this returns is:
[Person, Person, Person]
That is 3 references to the Person class, not instances. Then later you do:
person_array.push(, speed, power, beauty))
And you end up with:
[Person, Person, Person, person_instance]
So when you iterate through and call send_for_beer on that first item, it does have that method because send_for_beer is an instance method that you are calling erroneously on a class object.
The fix here is to simply assign person_array to an empty array literal, and then push things to it.
person_array = []
And a minor style note: << is usually preferred to Array#push, making the filling of the array look more like this.
person_array <<, speed, power, beauty)
Ruby also support implicit return of the last expression in a method. So you do not need to return result. Instead, simply calulate the return value as the only line in the method.
def send_for_beer
#iq * 2 + #speed * 10 + #power * 5 + #beauty
Instance variables don't quite work like that either. When you have #name in the class body directly, you are not initializing instance variables for each instance. You are actually setting instance variable on the class object (which is weird, I know). What you actually need to do is set them from any instance method, typically initialize, which you are doing here. So you can totally remove the instance variable setting at the class level here.
I think you've a syntax error in the method send_for_beer , the = sign is missing in the affectation of the variable result.
By the way, the method can be written
def send_for_beer
#iq * 2 + #speed * 10 + #power * 5 + #beauty
If you have an array of fixed length, you can supply a block to create a new Person object for each element. You could rewrite your person_array line as follows:
person_array = {, 0, 0, 0) }
Add the following line to the top of your class.
attr_writer(:iq, :speed, :power, :beauty)
This snipped of code could then modify the objects in your array.
person_array.each do |p|, p.speed, p.power, = rand(20) + 1, rand(5) + 1, 1 = 10 if (rand(2) == 0)

Passing a method as a parameter in Ruby

I am trying to mess around a little bit with Ruby. Therefor I try to implement the algorithms (given in Python) from the book "Programming Collective Intelligence" Ruby.
In chapter 8 the author passes a method a as parameter. This seems to work in Python but not in Ruby.
I have here the method
def gaussian(dist, sigma=10.0)
and want to call this with another method
def weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5, weightf = gaussian)
weight = weightf(dist)
All I got is an error
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
The comments referring to blocks and Procs are correct in that they are more usual in Ruby. But you can pass a method if you want. You call method to get the method and .call to call it:
def weightedknn( data, vec1, k = 5, weightf = method(:gaussian) )
weight = dist )
You want a proc object:
gaussian = do |dist, *args|
sigma = args.first || 10.0
def weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5, weightf = gaussian)
weight =
Just note that you can't set a default argument in a block declaration like that. So you need to use a splat and setup the default in the proc code itself.
Or, depending on your scope of all this, it may be easier to pass in a method name instead.
def weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5, weightf = :gaussian)
weight = self.send(weightf)
In this case you are just calling a method that is defined on an object rather than passing in a complete chunk of code. Depending on how you structure this you may need replace self.send with object_that_has_the_these_math_methods.send
Last but not least, you can hang a block off the method.
def weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5)
weight =
if block_given?
weightedknn(foo, bar) do |dist|
# square the dist
dist * dist
But it sounds like you would like more reusable chunks of code here.
You can pass a method as parameter with method(:function) way. Below is a very simple example:
def double(a)
return a * 2
=> nil
def method_with_function_as_param( callback, number)
=> nil
method_with_function_as_param( method(:double) , 10 )
=> 20
The normal Ruby way to do this is to use a block.
So it would be something like:
def weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5)
weight = yield(dist)
And used like:
weightedknn(data, vec1) { |dist| gaussian( dist ) }
This pattern is used extensively in Ruby.
You can use the & operator on the Method instance of your method to convert the method to a block.
def foo(arg)
p arg
def bar(&block)
p 'bar''foo')
More details at
You have to call the method "call" of the function object:
weight = dist )
EDIT: as explained in the comments, this approach is wrong. It would work if you're using Procs instead of normal functions.
I would recommend to use ampersand to have an access to named blocks within a function. Following the recommendations given in this article you can write something like this (this is a real scrap from my working program):
# Returns a valid hash for html form select element, combined of all entities
# for the given +model+, where only id and name attributes are taken as
# values and keys correspondingly. Provide block returning boolean if you
# need to select only specific entities.
# * *Args* :
# - +model+ -> ORM interface for specific entities'
# - +&cond+ -> block {|x| boolean}, filtering entities upon iterations
# * *Returns* :
# - hash of { =>}
def make_select_list( model, &cond )
cond ||= proc { true } # cond defaults to proc { true }
# Entities filtered by cond, followed by filtration by (id, name) do |x|
cond.( x ) ? { => } : {}
end.reduce do |memo, e| memo.merge( e ) end
Afterwerds, you can call this function like this:
#contests = make_select_list Contest do |contest|
logged_admin? or contest.organizer == #current_user
If you don't need to filter your selection, you simply omit the block:
#categories = make_select_list( Category ) # selects all categories
So much for the power of Ruby blocks.
Similarly to a Proc or a method call, you can also pass a lambda as weightf parameter :
def main
gaussian = -> (params) {
weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5, gaussian, params)
# Use symbol :gaussian if method exists instead
def weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5, weightf, params)
weight =
you also can use "eval", and pass the method as a string argument, and then simply eval it in the other method.
