Facebook like button issue image, title, description - image

I have created a Facebook like button on my website 6 months ago it was working fine and showing image, title and description while posting the comment. But now from 2 days it's not showing any information showing shared URL instead of the image, title and description while posting comment.
Here is my website link.
Please see at the footer for share icon.

Have you checked your page in the Facebook Debuger (AKA linter)?
It says:
Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Base Domain Not Allowed: Object at URL
'https://us.whatyourneighbourpaid.com/' of type 'website' is invalid
because the domain 'us.whatyourneighbourpaid.com' is not allowed for
the specified application id '391421600878949'. You can verify your
configured 'App Domain' at
My guess is that in the app settings the url you used is not us.whatyourneighbourpaid.com, maybe www.whatyourneighbourpaid.com or just plain whatyourneighbourpaid.com?
If that's the case then just add this to the App Domains in the app settings and things should work fine.


Lektor server doubles subfolder in url without obvious reason

I am trying to export an existing php-based dynamic webpage into a lektor project which up to now really worked well.
Unfortunately one problem is giving me a headache:
While my navigation works perfectly with every page and subpage, links to subpages in the content section don't.
E.g. if I set a relative path like
[My Link to Subpage](/peter/personalinfo)
it is correctly shown in the browser view. If I hover the mouse over the link the browser shows the correct url
But if I click it I get
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
and the url in the address field shows
So I click the correct url but the browser calls the wrong url and of course can't find anything there.
I don't understand how this doubling can happen. I naively would expect that if I clicked a link the browser would exactly look at that address. But it seems like the server is redirecting to the malformed url. And yes, it does so with any link to a subpage.
the navigation looks like this:
-- Personalinfo
-- Contact
-- Portfolio
-- Personalinfo
-- Contact
-- Portfolio
Any idea why this happens and how to change it?
Update: The problem doesn't appear with the built static page on a webserver.
there is an open issue (#997) that is already fixed and will be released soon. But you can fix this yourself, just append a slash at the end of your link [My Link to Subpage](/peter/personalinfo/)

Laravel app name is not showing as wanted

I have a website and it's domain name is
I developed this site using laravel framework.When i send a link "doiniqbazar.com" to my friends in facebook messenger it show the applicaation name "Laravel".
I changed both .env file and config/app.php file but still not
Is there any procedure to change laravel app name??
This display has nothing necessarily to do with your app name.
It'll grab this from the <title> or og:title meta tags in your HTML. (You may be outputting the APP_NAME value here.)
Facebook has a handy tool for debugging this sort of sharing metadata issue.
Note: It may also be cached. Facebook's debugger reported the same Laravel title in your title tag; when I did a re-scrape it picked up your new title. Apple will likely do the same after a while; I'm not aware of a re-scrape API on their end.
See also: Best Practices for Link Previews in Messages

Why i am unable to click the notification,message,profile section

I am currently doing laravel project and I have downloaded the Ace admin template. I have mentioned my problem details in the image. User manager, notification, messages and profile section are not clickable. What might be the problem?
The thing is I want to log out the admin section from the dashboard. I have successfully done the login section.
enter image description here
I think you forget to give url to the usermanager and notification profile
In your image I see like this, your url should be look something like this newportal.test/admin/dashboard/usermanager. Instead of newportal.test/admin/dashboard/# because you are appending # in your url, So click function wont work in your case.
Give a anchor tag to your notification and usermanager
<a href="newportal.test/admin/dashboard/usermanager" >User manger</a>

how can i get my login page in area?

I have 2 areas in my project: Admins , Members
and I have Login.csthml in view folder.
Therefor,its Address is:
I want to create the text link "login" at home page of my site ,
when i click on it, it should go to login page that i said above.
i use this code:
#Html.Action("Login", "Members")
but , it doesnt know it should go to Members Area, and it throws an error:
{"The view 'Login' or its master was not found or no view engine
supports the searched locations. The following locations were
what should i do?
Do you have the area registeration on the Global.asax? When adding an area by right-clicking on the project and using the wizard all the coding for that is done automatically.
Also the address you posted is not correct... it should be something like http: localhost:[port]/[AreaName]/Members/Login
try using this url form to see if the routing is working or not

Can't get comments to display correctly and comments not showing in moderation tool

I'm setting up Facebook comments on a WordPress blog. I have specific requirements so I can't use the Wordpres plugins for this.
Problem now is I can't get the FB comments to show comment count or to show the comments in the FB moderation dashboard.
Attached is how the comment box is coming out
I used this Facebook page for instructions setting the FB comments: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/
Created new app and have App ID. Have the 2 FB meta tags for App ID and Admin in the header. used the settings in the picture below. The first just under the and the other in the comments.php file.
Where am I going wrong?
I was able to resolve the first of my issues. To make the comment count (the noe that has a drop down option to sort comments) show, reduced the number of default number of posts (data-num-posts="2" from the 15 I had put to the default 2.
Still don't have anything in my moderation panel though
