Image upload security. GD enough? when do I use it? - image

According to Secure User Image Upload Capabilities in PHP, the recommended way is to manage images uploading's security is to copy the incoming image with GD/ImageMagick/... (and set it with a random name).
Ok. I have the following questions.
In our page we have the possibility of cropping the image. So:
First we download the image uploaded by the user, saving it in temp with a random name.
Then we load it in our view so user can crop it.
The image cropped is created with GD.
Is it risky to load the image without having processed with GD first?
Is process the image with GD enough? I've seen this answer: Block upload of executable images (PHP)
which says is not (in opposite to the first link and other answers I've seen on topic).
PS: Programming with Codeigniter.

That should be good enough. Make sure that the images are only temporarily accessible and are deleted right after everything is done (I would probably also set up a cron job to clean the temporary image directory every so often, but that depends where you store it). As said in the answer you posted, remember to sanitize name and also make sure you have correctly set permissions. Also beware of null byte injection and directory traversal (again just repeating the answer you mentioned).
I would then check whether the image is valid by using getimagesize to ensure it's an actual image and that's about it.
There are also client side html5 solutions, where you evade this problem completely, but of course it means that it won't work with older browsers.
And of course don't trust what the content type it says it is.
Yes I would have thought, first try getimagesize, if you get valid then process with GD. Optionally you can also whitelist extensions, if that's something you are not doing.


Is there a way to link yet to be created images into an indesign layout?

I'm creating a multipage publication with many ads that haven't been built yet. I know their size, and filename, but the image/pdf doesn't exist yet.
Is there an existing script or a possible way to link an image that doesn't exist? Another way to look at this would be kind of the reverse of how the missing links (relink) button works. Where I know what the file path will be, but the file is missing.
Publishing industry standard practice:
Rather than a script, just create a blank image at the exact size. Make it florescent magenta with the letters "FPO" huge and dead-centre so no one can mistake it for the real thing.
Importantly: give this FPO image the exact file name of the file which will eventually be used/placed.
When your production image is finalized and approved, cut-and-paste the exact FPO file name into the new file. Drop the production file into your working directory overwriting the FPO file, and refresh it in InDesign. Bob's your uncle.
If this is being done to hundreds of images, you can develop your own batch process to handle this with some time-saving automation. However, this is a good example of an issue that can be solved at the production-management level, rather than at the coding level.
Hoping this helps!

What exactly is going on with this image URL

I was copying image links from google and I'm seeing more and more urls like this. What exactly is going on here and why are developers doing this? Heres a example.
That is the image, stored as a base64 encoded string.
So they're not giving you a link to the image, and are instead giving you the image data directly.
Copy and paste everything after the first comma into e.g. and you'll see the picture.
This article gives a very detailed breakdown on why someone might choose to do so. One of the main reasons is to cut down the number of requests to your webserver. (clicking that link did not make a request to google, as you had already downloaded the data)
this image is just encoded using base64.
why people do this ? depend on the project. This way your page will be a bit heavier, but your image will be inside the page. If you use an URL, to load your image the browser will need to make a call.
Maybe the best call to do that, is this way you don't depend on another website to save and keep your image

Very large images in web browser

We would like to display very large (50mb plus) images in Internet Explorer. We would like to avoid compression as compression algorithms are not what CSI would have us believe that they are and the resulting files are too lossy.
As a result, we have come up with two options: Silverlight Deep Zoom or a Flash based solution (such as Zoomify). The issue is that both of these require conversion to a tiled output and/or conversion to a specific file type (Zoomify supports a single proprietary file type, PFF).
What we are wondering is if a solution exists which will allow us to view the image without a conversion before hand.
PS: I know that you can write an application to tile the images (as needed or after the load process) and output them; however, we would like to do this without chopping up the file.
The tiled approach really is the right way to do it.
Your users don't want to download a 50mb file before they can start viewing the image. You don't want to spend the bandwidth to serve 50 megs to every user who might only view a fraction of your image.
If you serve the whole file, users will eventually be able to load and view it, but it won't run smoothly for most of them.
There is no simple non-tiled way to serve just a portion of an image unless you want to use a server-side library like imagemagik or PIL to extract a specific subset of the image for each user. You probably don't want to do that because it will place a significant load on your server.
Alternatively, you might use something like google's map tool to provide zooming and scaling. Some comments on doing that are available here:
Take a look at OpenSeadragon. To make a image can work with OpenSeadragon, you should generate a zoomable image format which mentioned here. Then follow starting guide here
The browser isn't going to smoothly load a 50 meg file; if you don't chop it up, there's no reasonable way to make it not lag.
If you dont want to tile, you could have the server open the file and render a screen sized view of the image for display in the browser at the particular zoom resolution requested. This way you arent sending 50 meg files across the line when someone only wants to get an overview of the image. That is, the browser requests a set of coordinates and an output size in pixels, the server opens the larger image and creates a smaller image that fits the desired view, and sends that back to the web browser.
As far as compression, you say its too lossy, but if thats what you are seeing you are probably using the wrong compression algorithm or setting for the type of image you have. The jpg format has quality settings to control lossiness, and PNG compression is lossless (the pixels you get after decompressing are the exact values you had prior to compression). So consider changing what you are using as compression, and dont just rely on the default settings in an image editor.

What ways do you use to protect copy righted images?

What ways do you use to protect copy righted images in your website?
Really the only way to protect images is to put huge watermarks on them, or only show them smaller than their original size. This is assuming you're displaying art or something else of that nature. All the tricks of disabling right click or using a css background or making a script output the image data only slow people down. If you can see something, you can save it. All it takes is a screenshot.
Not sure you can whilst people have the ability to hit "alt-print screen". You can prevent right clicking so they can't directly download the image and you can protect your folders so that you can't directly navigate to the image but that's about it really.
alt-print screen is your biggest permanent problem.
Put them behind a protected area and only give access to people you trust. If it's of the public portion on the site, you can't protect them. You can just inform people that the images are copyrighted, but the users can grab them at will.
i don't know any method that you works 100% however,
don't upload high quality images,it means that people can get but hesitate to use your images by trying these circumvented methods:
no right-click script
Shrink wrapping letting the thief download something other than original one.
Using Flash makes harder to get it

How can I extract images from a site that I'm linking to?

If you're familiar with Reddit, you'll know how all of their posts containing pictures get a small thumbnail preview beside the title of the submission. How does Reddit go about doing that? Does it just check to see if the link ends with .jpg, .png, .bmp, etc?
reddit will try to pull a thumbnail from any source--not just an image URL. This is done firstly by having set rules for specific sites, and secondly by having one generic process for retrieving thumbnails for unknown URLs--and is an automated periodic task.
One of the (many) benefits of reddit is that the source code is open, and if you understand Python, you should check out /r2/lib/ for a more detailed view at how this process works.
Also, while StackOverflow is a great place to have programming-related questions answered, you might also want to check out reddit's own /r/redditdev for information on reddit development.
Indeed, if the URL contains .jpg, .png,
etc., use that.
If the site is a
popular domain (,,, etc.), have
a set of predefined rules to extract
something you know will be relevant
(may it be the featured image, YouTube
thumbnail, Amazon product image,
Otherwise, if all you have to
work with is some HTML, you'll have to dig it out yourself. You could choose the
first one on the page, the biggest by size,
or even the one you've algorithmically
determined to be the most relevent (e.g. relatively big, inside what you think is the main body content.)
If you have to resort to the last option, one technique I'd recommend is to extract multiple images, and A/B test them to find the one which has the best click-through rate. That way you can nearly always get the best one.
You can check for the content of the <img> tag.
