Getting links to a category in Joomla - joomla

Even just 30 minutes google the forums and found nothing ... I am interested in - actually I see a new link to a category created not by me, while also having access to the database (to see it directly) being available to only access the admin panel. Help me please.

If you want to create a link to determined category, you have to understand that there is a component responsible of show the content, if you see this Link, you can pass parameters in the url, therefore a link to category will be something like this:
where category it's the type of view. You can put category or section
Put blog in the layout parameter if you want to show the articles as blog form, this parameter its optional
id its the number of the category id
and finally itemid its the id of the menu from was clicked


Extension that display articles/module based on visitors category choice

Does anyone knows an extensions that will display Joomla! articles, like a category blog layout, based on first interaction visitors choice?
I don't want to stress the visitors and to make them create a user and then select the category of interest unless it's a must do.
I want to make them choose some category of interests (News, Fashion, etc.), set a cookie with those values in their browser and then display the latest articles from those categories and remember for, let's say 30 days, the choice for further visits.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know of any extension to do this, but you could do it yourself easily enough. You could have a page to first check the cookie. If set, then you redirect to the category blog. If not, then this page has a form which collects the info and sets the cookie, and then redirects to the category blog. You could use Breezingforms for this, as it allows you to add post forms actions, so you can set your cookie.
Your category blog would have to be a custom component (I don't think you would get away with a template override of com_content here). You could copy com_content to create a new extension and then you would only need to read the cookie and adjust the categories displayed (instead of the component getting this info from the database). Everything else would be the same (if you have existing template overrides for com_content remember to copy them over).

Joomla category list issue

This is difficult to explain but I'll do my best.
I have a site with a number of articles grouped into different menus, which allows me to present relevant content to the visitor depending on what they are interested in. Each article may be in a number of menus.
I have also categorised each article based on the menu that it is most relevant to. I have done this in order to create a landing page using the category list component.
The issue I have is that the urls in the category list output do not relate to the active menu, when the article is in a number of menus. When you click on the article it takes you to the different menu. This issue is fixed if I unpublish the article from all other menus. I understand this is because Single article menu id takes precedence over category menu id's.
I need a fix that selects the active menu id rather than the default.
Any help appreciated.
Joomla cannot do what you want to do by default. In short, you have multiple URLs for each article and you want Joomla to automatically know which context that article is displayed in in order to display the right URL. Joomla can't do this.
What you need to do is that you want to override the layout module for that category and create a code that will get the right URL based on the context you are in. Not a very easy thing to do but this is how it should be done.
Note that there are some extensions, such as flexicontent, that allow articles to be listed in multiple categories, and that will handle such URLs correctly depending on the context.

wishlist integration in joomla

I am somewhat of newbeeeee to the whole Joomla/Virtuemart world. I am trying to implement "my wishlist" module in my joomla 1.5.26 . I have searched in google also but its not free.
My logic is like:
I have a list of products, along with button "add to wish list". If a registered user click on that button then that product id and category id have been saved in jos_user table, where I have added one new field called "wishlist".
Now up to this is okay. Now problem is to fetch those product in one page(lets say page name is my wish list), which are only in that list. Is there any file where I can change the query for that particular page(my wish list). If so please help me. Its urgent.
Thanks in advance.
If your wish list is a module rather than a component, then finding the required file to change the code shouldn't be too hard. I'm not quite sure on the file structure, but it will most likely be in something like helper.php

Magento. Redirect to specific store view

We have multi-website(5) multi-store-view(13) shop.
What we need is that only 3 store view from 1 shop are allowed to checkout. Therefore the problem is how to redirect users from other shops to the same products on specified store view.
For example user watches product on mk_nn_eng and click #Button#, after that he is redirected to mu_aa_ENG AND sees the same product, he was observing but on specified store view.
How to perform such redirect?
If it's the same item, it will have the same id. And you can link to an item by it's id using the format (assuming you have different domains set up for each view):{{}}
Where you would get the id with something like $product->getId(); depending on the product object in the file you're looking at.
So the button you mentioned would just be the above link.
Is this what you had in mind?
If it's the same domain for each view, you could add the storecode to the end: ?___store=storecode

Setting ItemID of a page based on categoryID of articles

Here is the situation
I am adding some articles within a category that are not linked by a menu item ... when I use JCE to link to these articles from another article, the menu ID of the page displayed is set to the one I am linking from ... This is perfect, the breadcrumbs are working as expected and everything is fine ...
The problem is when I perform a search... when the results return, those linked articles which has no menu item comes back with no itemID
I was wondering if there's a way to modify Joomla Router to set an ItemID for the pages which has no ItemID if they match certain catID ...
I know I will be modifying the core files ... I cannot create hidden menu items because this will disturb the breadcrumbs navigation... The site has huge number of categories so creating menu item for each will be painful!
Thanks a lot for your help.
You could certainly modify the router to look up the catID for a particular article, but it would not accomplish anything unless that category has a corresponding menu item. itemID specifically comes from the itemID so there must be a menu item related to it in order for it to be a valid itemID.
You could modify your search form to pass along the current itemID, but if your search shows up on every page, it would vary depending on where the search was initiated.
If all of your content items can use the same itemID, you might want to simply use an override for your search results and add that particular itemID to all your search results.
I am afraid that there is no simple answer if you do not want to create menu items.
