How do I stop VS2010 / ReSharper reformatting HTML on paste? - visual-studio-2010

I'm running ReSharper 6.1 in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 8. When I paste HTML into an HTML page it is auto-formatted. I'd rather it wasn't. There's a neat solution proposed by Samuel Meacham of using ctrl + z after the paste which undoes the formatting. But how do I turn it off entirely? I have Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> Miscellaneous -> 'Format HTML on paste' unchecked and the ReSharper options do not mention pasting (at least as far as I can find) and just talk of reformat on enter or on closing tag. Is there a way to turn the ReSharper auto-formatting off for just pasting?
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Note that if I uncheck the ReSharper option 'Auto-format on enter' the auto-formatting on paste stops. Perhaps ReSharper does not let me differentiate 'paste' from 'enter'?


Visual Studio 2015: Disable Control+Click Navigation

After upgrading to Visual Studio 2015, holding control while clicking on a symbol navigates to that symbol definition. In prior versions, this would instead select the entire word.
How can I disable the navigation event when CTRL + Click(ing) a symbol, so that it highlights the word?
I do have Resharper (Ultimate 9.2) installed. The configuration option under Environment -> Search & Navigation -> Go to Declaration on Control + Click in the editor is not checked.
All the search engine results make mention of this being a feature of the Productivity Power Tools extensions in previous versions of Visual Studio. I do not have that extension installed.
I found my solution in the "Options - Text Editor - General" settings. This was on VS 2017 thou.
To disable navigation to symbol definitions in VS2015,
this one worked for me.
With Resharper Ultimate 2016.3.1, I could fix the issue by disabling "Rich mouse navigation in the editor". It can be found in Resharper Options window, under Environment > Search & Navigation.
Maybe updating Resharper could solve the issue.
Also, Productivity Power Tools is not installed on my machine.
In vs 2017 this setting is available in Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General -> Enable mouse click to perform Go to Definition.
You can uncheck it!
Go to ReSharper Options > Environment > Search & Navigation, then uncheck the following options:
Rich mouse navigation in the editor
Enable 'Smart go to declaration'
I finally solved it following the info I found on this page..
Ensure you are using Visual Studio as your resharper keyboard scheme.
Environment -> Keyboard & Menus
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
To stop the go to declaration, select it and input a new key short cut for it. In this image I have demonstrated that I changed this short cut to ctr num 1 and could not change it to ctr num 3. On testing crt click does not no take me to the declaration.
Find the shortcut you want to remove, in this case Edit.NavigateTo and remove.
An update for Productivity Power Tools + VS2017. Instead of having settings for this feature, a separate plugin gets installed. So after installing PPTs, you'll have a new extension called Ctrl+Click Go To Definition. Not sure why we need that tool considering it's baked into VS, but...
Anyway, Disabling that extension (plus the other things mentioned in other comments for VS and Resharper) fixed my ctrl+click woes.
To switch to the Visual C# keyboard mapping scheme
On the Tools menu, click Options.
Expand Environment, and then click Keyboard.
Select Visual C# 2005 from the Apply the following application
keyboard mapping scheme drop-down list.
or you can do
Keyboard: CTRL + W
also plugin can be used
Keyboard Shortcut Exporter
you can import/export keymapping file

VS2013 IntelliSense overlapping ReSharper's one

After installing ReSharper I've noticed a problem with the IntelliSense;
In the image it is clearly visible that the IntelliSense of Visual Studio is displayed over the one of ReSharper (which by the way has the focus, so using the arrow keys will move the highlight section of the completion list below).
I've tried to do several things without any result (always with VS restart):
Switch from ReSharper IntelliSense to VS (back and forth)
Limit ReSharper IntelliSense to some selected languages (i.e. C#)
Completely disable VS IntelliSense ('Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages' and 'Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense')
Resize ReSharper's completion list
Re-applying the keyboard shortcuts (Visual Studio)
Reset VS and repairing the ReSharper installation
Re-install ReSharper
Clear all temp folders
None of them helped me fix this issue which results in a particular annoying problem while trying to write anything.
JetBrains ReSharper 8.2 C# Edition
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 Version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1
This is a conflict with the "plain text completion" feature of the Viasfora extension. It's been fixed in source by detecting when ReSharper is installed: Should be fixed in a new release soon, I guess.
If you have this problem without the Viasfora extension:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> XML -> General
And Disable "Auto list members" and "Parameter information".
seems that resharper disables this features in xaml, but not in xml.
Worked for me with vs2015. Hope this helps.

edit autocomplete settings in visual studio 2010

Where can i change the settings of autocomplete / intelliSense in visual studio 2010?
- Suggestions list shows for every character typed, somewhat annoying.
- Spacebar(and a lot of other characters) is commiting suggestions.
to edit the auto-complete / intellisense settings in visual studio 2010.
go to Tools -> Options... -> TextEditor -> C# -> IntelliSense
Default settings will always show a suggestion list for every character you type, and pressing spacebar (as well as a lot of other stupid characters) will always "commit" the current selected suggestion. Turn that dumb stuff off. Ofcourse you want the Enter key as the "commit" action, to do that just remove all characters and uncheck "Commited by pressing the spacebar".
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense

How can we disable VS 2010 Intellisense

My Visual Studio 2010 is too slow most of the time. So I decided to disable the vs2010 Intellisense. Can any one help me?
For C/C++: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable IntelliSense.
Update: This also works with VS2012.
Microsoft doesn’t provide any way to disable Intellisense. This wouldn’t be a problem, except Intellisense can and does crash.
To disable Intellisense, close Visual Studio and navigate to your vcpackages folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcpackages
Rename the file feacp.dll to something like foulup.dll. Now Visual Studio won’t be able to load Intellisense, but rather than crash it will just quietly drop its features.
Also have look to this solutions : how to disable intellisense...
Ctrl + J.
In case you are using ReSharper the way to disable IntelliSense is as following: ReSharper > Options... > Environment > IntelliSense > Autopopup > Enable Automatic IntelliSense Popup > Uncheck > Save > Profit.
This also works in Visual Studio 2012 for C#.
Simplest way I can think of: change the file extension association so that *.cs files open in a plaintext document window, not the C# editor. Repeat for other extensions as desired.
It's actually easy for most languages:
Select Tools/Options on the menu. On the Options dialog box, select Text Editor, then select the language you use, then select "General". Uncheck "Auto list members" and "Parameter completion".
Works on VS 2012, 2010, and others, and seems to be available for most languages including C#, Basic, and C/C++.
Change the file extension to ".txt "
Edit without intellisense.
Change file extension back to what it was.

How to indent F# code in Visual Studio 2008 in #light mode

Is pressing spacebar only way to indent for F# in #light mode?
This seems like a serious hindrance while using #light mode.
Is there a better way than keep on pressing space bar in VS 2008?
[Answer] by Brian (answer)
1. Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> F# -> Tabs
2. Select Insert Spaces
See here
