How to open a Aptana/SVN project in "Sublime 2 Text" - aptana3

i want to change my IDE from Aptana Studio 3 to Sublime 2 Text.
But i have the Problem that i dont know how to open my old SVN projects
with Sublime 2.
In Sublime 2 i installed this "" but
i cannot "Checkout" a Project.
thanks in advance.

Project => Add Folder To Project (find your folder) => save project as (save back to your folder)


Xcode Podfile.lock showing Visual Code Studio Logo?

Why in the world would my Podfile.lock file be showing a VS code Logo on it? see here
just change the default application for the .lock extension:
Right click on the .lock file -> Select 'Get Info' -> under 'Open With' select the app you want to open .lock files with.

Visual studio: How to open visual studio in current folder from cmd line

Does anyone know how to open Visual studio from the command line from the current
working directory. I know that when using VS code this is very simple. You just type code . and it works. Here, I'm searching for the Visual studio equivalent.
Anyone an idea?
Found it:
devenv ./mysolutionname.sln
To get this to work, you need to make sure that devenv is contained in your PATH variable.
Also you need to run this cmd as an administrator. You can open a window from your file explorer in your current folder as an administrator, by typing ALT-F and then use arrow button||letters to navigate. Press Enter on cmd|powershell as administrator.
Tip: If you start from an empty folder, you can use dotnet-cli to create a empty sln file
dotnet new sln mysolutionname
Also you can create a new project and add it to the solution using the dotnet-cli
dotnet new console -n myprojectname
dotnet sln add myprojectname
According to the documentation there's no such switch. There is no way to set the curent working directory. But you can open an existing solution.

Command Prompt in Visual Studio

I want to add a command prompt that opens in project folder when I right click my project to open a context menu -- see below:
I know how to create a command prompt link through Tools > External Tools but I don't know how to add that link to my context menu.
Could someone tell me how I can do this? Thanks.
P.S. I'm currently using the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 i.e. 15.4.5
You can use the Open Command Line extension to open a command prompt on the project's path.

How to configure the path of output directory in xcode 7.3.1 for command line template.

I usually use visual studio where I can easily configure output folder where the executable goes after building my code. However, I am trying to use xcode and started a project with the command line tool template.
After building my code, I could run it from xcode and could see the output in the xcode console. It looks like the binary file (the executable) in not in the project folder and xcode is running the executable from other path.
My question is, how can I configure xcode to put the binary file inside my project directory so that I can easily run it from console manually?
Is it possible to configure my project folder like we do in visual studio?
something line as follows:
Project folder
|- source
|- debug
|- release
Okay, somewhat got the solution.
Though it is not exactly same as visual studio, I could move my build folder to project folder.
Here is how I did it,
In xcode, Goto xcode->preferences
Then in the choose Locations tab.
Then in the Derived data section, click Advanced button.
Select "Custom"
Then from the drop down menu, select "Relative to workspace".

Phonegap Install for Visual Studio [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Not Able To Install Apache Cordova for Windows Phone7
Im trying to install Phonegap for visual studio 2010.
I downloaded the skd and installed it. from this link
Windows Phone SDK
I downloaded the phonegap zip here
the next step says to "•copy the file to the folder : \My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ProjectTemplates\"
The file i downloaded and extracted is
I could not find any other zip file in all the directorys in that folder.
What am i missing or doing wrong?
It says you should download Cordova too.
I read furhter on and saw that i needed to do this step to get that template installed.
2.1. Building the template :
( note, this step may not be required. If the lib\windows-phone directory already contains a file then you may skip this step ) - Open the file lib\windows-phone\templates\standalone\CordovaSolution.sln in Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone - From the file menu, select 'Export Template...' - Choose template type 'Project template' - Give the exported template a name, ex. CordovaStarter-2.1.0 will produce - Optionally, you may add a description, icon image, and Preview image. These are what is displayed in Visual Studio in the 'New Project' dialog.- - Note: If you select ( 'Automatically import the template ... ') then you will not need to copy the .zip file over as outlined in step 2. - Press 'Finish'
