URL Rewrite for Internal (SEO) that Eliminates Original Link - mod-rewrite

My site is built in php and I have URL rewrites to make the .php links more SEO friendly:
RewriteRule ^page-one$ /pageone.php [L]
The problem with this is that someone, including Google bots, can still see pageone.php from when it was previously indexed. So I end up with two links for each page. That's bad.
How can I set this up so that I get the benefit of rewriting to page-one, while somehow making sure an external request to pageone.php is redirected to page-one?

How about redirecting page-one.php to pageone?
RewriteRule ^page-one.php$ /pageone [R=301,NC,L]


How to do 301 redirect in herokuapp free hosting?

I am trying to do 301 redirect in my herokuapp. How can I do it. I have used <link rel="canonical" href="http://mysite.herokuapp.com">. And I have also used this tag for every page with the url of the page. Still I failed to fix 301 redirections problem in my heroku website.
With url http://mysite.herokuapp.com website is working but with url
www.http://mysite.herokuapp.com it shows
This site can’t be reached
Yoast seo shows this message
"Warning, no 301 redirects are in place to redirect traffic to your
preferred domain. Pages that load successfully both with and without
www. are treated as duplicate content! "
For this problem my website is not indexing in google, I think. How can i show my website in google search.
Note: I have submitted my website to google search console and verified it.
Please help me to solve this problem.
You will want to use something called htaccess
There should be a file in the root of your web directory called ".htaccess" If not create one.
You want a rule something like this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mysite.herokuapp.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://mysite.herokuapp.com/$1 [L,R=301]
This should redirect www traffic to a none www prefix

.htacces redirect for AJAX search engine indexing

Ok, so I made a pure html/javascript AJAX website, but I want my pages indexable by Google.
I have my content files with meta information in plain html, but without menubar etc. and I have my index.htm with all the menubars, javascript AJAX stuff, etc.
To make AJAX indexable for google, my URL's should look like "<something>#!<somthingelse>", which Google indexbot will change to "<something>?_escaped_fragment_=<somethingelse>", such that my server knows it should return the content directly, instead of the page that loads it via AJAX.
However, since my server is stupid, as it doesn't use server side processing, I need to perform a trick via htaccess (which is where I fail :( )
The idea is as following:
I have my fancy URL's http://mysite.com/page1#!1, http://mysite.com/page2#!1, etc.
Normally, htaccess should rewrite that to /index.htm?page=page1 such that my AJAX reads the URL param and automagically loads page1.htm content file.
For Google indexer, it should ignore this rewrite for any url containing "?_escaped_fragment_=1" such that the url points to the content page directly
This way I have to make a small compromise by putting #!1 in every fancy URL, but as far as I can think of, it is the only way to do this without server side processing (except for htaccess of course)
I just cant seem to get the rewrite rules to do this.
Here's what ive come up with so far:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|.*&)_escaped_fragment_=1(&.*|$)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %1 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.htm?page=%1 [L,R=301]

How to redirect url to another

I have setup things so that when the following page is requested (browser users and servers)
the website returns the following the content of this (HTML snapshot)
Where 'corona' always change, it varies depending on the page the users or servers are requesting. It could also be
redirecting to
UPDATE: OK let me be more clear. I use AJAX to load my Wordpress post and they appear like this http://www.visualise.ca/#!/corona when loaded. But it's not crawlable by Google that request to serv them as http://www.visualise.ca/?_escaped_fragment_=corona so I modified Wordpress to do so. Now Google can crawl my page and index its content and accessing the HTML snapshot available at http://www.visualise.ca/corona.
The problem is that when I paste the http://www.visualise.ca/#!/corona link to facebook it seems to read the http://www.visualise.ca/?_escaped_fragment_=corona and is unable to read the content. But when I paste directly the http://www.visualise.ca/?_escaped_fragment_=corona link it works, it reads http://www.visualise.ca/corona (The HTML).
So I thought maybe if I could redirect http://www.visualise.ca/?_escaped_fragment_=corona to http://www.visualise.ca/corona it would solve my problem.
Here is the existing .htaccess file
#--- DH-PHP handlers ---
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcg fcgi fpl
AddHandler php-fastcgi .php
Action php-fastcgi /cgi-bin/dispatch.fcgi
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
The common mistake that a lot of people do is trying to match whole URL including query string. The reality is: when matching URL, the pattern get applied to path part of it and query string has to be matched separately.
Use this rule: it will issue 301 Permanent Redirect from this kind of URL /?_escaped_fragment_=corona to /corona (where corona can be anything).
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^_escaped_fragment_=([^&]*)
RewriteRule .* http://%{HTTP_HOST}/%1? [R=301,L]
I guess your question is really "how do I do this kind of redirection?". So the answer is here:
There are three ways that I could think of, each with slight differences.
Doing the redirection server side
This basically means you set redirect headers in your response. In php, you could do this using the header function. It can also do a delayed redirect, in which case you need to worry about the contents of the page.
Doing it using client side using html's "http-equiv" meta tags. This way the page always gets loaded. Example here.
doing it via javascript. Thats you basic document.location.href thing. You need to figure out a way to pass the argument to javascript, or have your JS read it from the address url itself.
Since I've shown you 3 ways of doing this, I really hope that's what you're looking for :P
Update after seeing the comments:
The above methods will cause the URL to change. If you don't want the URL to change, but show the contents of that other page on your original page, you caould either do that using iframes (baaaad), or do the decent thing and set up URL rewriting.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule \?_escaped_fragment_=(.*?) /$1 [L,R=301]
is it what are you looking for?

For SEO URLs via .htaccess do extensions need to be 301'd as well?

After researching, I have come to some conclusions for utilizing SEO URLs. For semi-static .php based sites that have file names such as index.php, about.php, contact.php etc I am using htaccess mod_rewrite rules so that for example 'www.mysite.com/about' can be used in place of 'www.mysite.com/about.php'. In such cases, all of my menus and links are then pointing at the SEO URL.
What I have found out though, is that even though nothing in my site references the .php extensions, if I enter them directly, they stick. So, I can get to the about page using /about or /about.php, and each will show as entered. It seems reading through posts here that this is a common issue.
My question is, does this matter? If nothing in my site references the .php extensions in a link or menu, do i need to be worried about duplicate content??
I was told I need to add something in htaccess like:
redirect 301 /about.php http://www.mysite.com/about
for each page to eliminate the possibility but I don't understand if this is really an issue in this case?
Two Questions:
Q1. "Does this matter"?
Answer: Not if you've never exposed the .php URLs before. If you have, then the answer changes to "yes".
Q2. What .htaccess?
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [R=301,L]
Your URLs are SEO friendly if there are some keywords in it that relate to the content and if they are not overly dynamic in a sense that Google Bot can interpret them (take a look at the Google Webmastertools and read this).
So I would not worry about "mysite.com/about" versus "mysite.com/about.php". I would rather watch out to avoid duplicate content if you want to change the URLs.
Here are some more links for further reference:
Making Website URLs SEO Friendly and Pretty
Some articles and advice on Duplicate Content

Redirecting all dynamic URLs from an old site to a single static url

We had an old coldfusion website a couple of years ago and I recently realized there are some old links still floating around causing 404 errors. I don't know what was on any of the pages and I just want to redirect them to a new static page. Our new site is a Joomla 1.5 site with SEF URLs turned on.
An old URL would look like this: http://www.example.com/content.cfm?id=2010 where the only difference between the URLs would be the number after id=.
I want to redirect any URL that begins with content.cfm to a the static page http://www.example.com/oops-thats-an-old-page which lists some helpful links to find what they are looking for.
I am successfully accomplishing this with the following code in the .htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.example.com/$1? [R=301]
RewriteRule ^content\.cfm$ /oops-thats-an-old-page [R=301,L]
I'm new to rewriting URLs and I'm not sure this is the best way to do it. I am also concerned that it may brake non-sef joomla URLs that I am not aware of because they also have the id= in them.
Can I make the rewrite conditional on whether or not it begins with content.cfm?
The first rule will already be applied when the query contains id=. If you don’t want that but rather redirect only if /content.cfm with query containing id= was requested, try this rule:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=
RewriteRule ^content\.cfm$ /oops-thats-an-old-page? [R=301,L]
