Dynamic page URL - ruby

I have a page with URL that is dynamic. Let's call it view post page. URL for post 1 is site.com/post/1 and for post 2 is site.com/post/2.
This is what I do at the moment to check if I am at the right page.
The page:
class ViewPostPage
include PageObject
def self.url
Cucumber step:
on(ViewPostPage) do |page|
#browser.url.should == "#{page.class.url}#{#id}"
Is there a better way? Do you even bother checking the entire URL, or just the site.com/post/ part?
I am using the latest page-object gem (0.6.6).
Even bigger problem is going directly to the page that has dynamic URL.
The page:
class ViewPostPage
include PageObject
def self.url
page_url url
Cucumber step:
visit ViewPostPage
What I do now is to change the Cucumber step to:
#browser.goto "#{ViewPostPage.url}#{#id}"
It would be great if there was a way for the page to know it's ID, but I have not figured out yet how to do it.

You can get the url for the page using the method current_url. On your test above are you trying to determine if you are on the correct page? If that is the case I might suggest using one of the two "expected" methods - expected_title and expected_element.
The page_url method is more than likely not the choice for you if you need to navigate to a url dynamically. What you might try instead is add a method to your page that does something like this:
class ViewPostPage
include PageObject
URL = "site.com/post/"
expected_title "The expected title"
def navigate_to_post_with_id(id)
navigate_to "#{URL}/#{id}"
And in your test
on_page(ViewPostPage) do |page|
page.navigate_to_post_with_id #id
page.should have_expected_title
Let me know if this helps.

There is an option to check dynamic URL in the Page Object gem.
Use the below code:
class ViewPostPage
include PageObject
expected_url "The expected URL"
def initialize
It'll help you

As far as I know, #page_url is for opening corresponding page along with page object initialization. To verify you're on correct page, you can try to use #expected_title method.
Also, maybe it'll be useful for you. When symbol is passed to #page_url, it calls corresponding method, so'd better use it. I haven't tried it, but here are few links for you.
Original issue on GitHub
Documentation of #page_url


poltergeist doesn't seem to wait for phantomjs to load in capybara

I'm trying to get some rspec tests run using a mix of Capybara, Selenium, Capybara/webkit, and Poltergeist. I need it to run headless in certain cases and would rather not use xvfb to get webkit working. I am okay using selenium or poltergeist as the driver for phantomjs. The problem I am having is that my tests run fine with selenium and firefox or chrome but when I try phantomjs the elements always show as not found. After looking into it for a while and using page.save_screenshot in capybara I found out that the phantomjs browser wasn't loaded up when the driver told it to find elements so it wasn't returning anything. I was able to hack a fix to this in by editing the poltergeist source in <gem_path>/capybara/poltergeist/driver.rb as follows
def visit(url)
if #started
sleep_time = 0
sleep_time = 2
#started = true
sleep sleep_time
This is obviously not an ideal solution for the problem and it doesn't work with selenium as the driver for phantomjs. Is there anyway I can tell the driver to wait for phantom to be ready?
I was able to get it to run by changing where I included the Capybara::DSL. I added it to the RSpec.configure block as shown below.
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Capybara::DSL
I then passed the page object to all classes I created for interacting with the webpage ui.
An example class would now look like this
module LoginUI
require_relative 'webpage'
class LoginPage < WebPages::Pages
def initialize(page, values = {})
def visit
def login(username, password)
def set_username(username)
edit = browser.find_element(#selectors[:login_edit])
def set_password(password)
edit = browser.find_element(#selectors[:password_edit])
def sign_in_button
Webpage module looks like this
module WebPages
require_relative 'browser'
class Pages
def initialize(page)
#page = page
#browser = Browser::Browser.new
def browser
def sign_out
The Browser module looks like this
module Browser
class Browser
include Capybara::DSL
def refresh_page
def submit(locator)
def find_element(hash)
page.find(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first)
def find_elements(hash)
page.find(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first, match: :first)
page.all(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first)
def current_url
return page.current_url
While this works I don't want to have to include the Capybara::DSL inside RSpec or have to include the page object in the classes. These classes have had some things removed for the example but show the general structure. Ideally I would like to have the Browser module include the Capybara::DSL and be able to handle all of the interaction with Capybara.
Your update completely changes the question so I'm adding a second answer. There is no need to include the Capybara::DSL in your RSpec configure if you don't call any Capybara methods from outside your Browser class, just as there is no need to pass 'page' to all your Pages classes if you limit all Capybara interaction to your Browser class. One thing to note is that the page method provided by Capybara::DSL is just an alias for Capybara.current_session so technically you could just always call that.
You don't show in your code how you're handling any assertions/expectations on the page content - so depending on how you're doing that you may need to include Capybara::RSpecMatchers in your RSpec config and/or your WebPages::Pages class.
Your example code has a couple of issues that immediately pop out, firstly your Browser#find_elements (assuming I'm reading your intention for having find first correctly) should probably just be
def find_elements(hash)
page.all(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first, minimum: 1)
Secondly, your LoginPage#login method should have an assertion/expectation on a visual change that indicates login succeeded as its final line (verify some message is displayed/logged in menu exists/ etc), to ensure the browser has received the auth cookies, etc before the tests move on. What that line looks like depends on exactly how you're architecting your expectations.
If this doesn't answer your question, please provide a concrete example of what exactly isn't working for you since none of the code you're showing indicates any need for Capybara::DSL to be included in either of the places you say you don't want it.
Capybara doesn't depend on visit having completed, instead the finders and matchers will retry up to a specified period of time until they succeed. You can increase this amount of time by increasing the value of Capybara.default_max_wait_time. The only methods that don't wait by default are first and all, but can be made to wait/retry by specifying any of the count options
first('.some_class', minimum: 1) # will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time seconds for the element to exist on the page.
although you should always prefer find over first/all whenever possible
If increasing the maximum wait time doesn't solve your issue, add an example of a test that fails to your question.

How to find element in page-object gem with custom parameter?

I use page-object gem with RSpec and I want to create an element with a custom parameter like
link(:derect_link, text: "#{custom_text}"
Because I want to get the link to text and this text was changed every time when I starting the test.
How can I use it in spec scenario?
The accessor methods do not support custom parameters at run time. You will have to manually create the methods for the link. The equivalent of the methods created by the link accessor would be:
class MyPage
include PageObject
def derect_link_element(text)
link_element(text: text)
def derect_link(text)
def derect_link?(text)
This would be used like the standard methods, except that you would specify the text of the link:
# Click the link
# Check if the link exists
# Get the link element to perform other actions (eg inspect attribute values)
link = page.derect_link_element('custom_text')

Using SitePrism with Rspec and Capybara feature specs

I recently discovered SitePrism via the rubyweekly email.
It looks amazing. I can see its going to be the future.
The examples I have seen are mostly for cucumber steps.
I am trying to figure out how one would go about using SitePrism with rspec.
Assuming #home_page for the home page, and #login_page for the login_page
I can understand that
#home_page.load # => visit #home.expanded_url
however, the part I am not sure about, is if I think click on for example the "login" link, and the browser in Capybara goes to the login page - how I can then access an instance of the login page, without loading it.
#home_page = HomePage.new
# Here I know the login page should be loaded, so I can perhaps do
#login_page = LoginPage.new
#login_page.should be_displayed
That seems like it might work. So, when you know you are supposed to be on a specific page, you create an instance of that page, and somehow the capybara "page" context, as in page.find("a[href='/sessions/new']") is transferred to the last SitePrism object?
I just feel like I am missing something here.
I'll play around and see what I can figure out - just figured I might be missing something.
I am looking through the source, but if anyone has figured this out... feel free to share :)
What you've assumed turns out to be exactly how SitePrism works :) Though you may want to check the epilogue of the readme that explains how to save yourself from having to instantiate page objects all over your test code. Here's an example:
# our pages
class Home < SitePrism::Page
class SearchResults < SitePrism::Page
# here's the app class that represents our entire site:
class App
def home
def results_page
# and here's how to use it:
#first line of the test...
#app = App.new
#app.home.search_field.set "sausages"
#app.results_page.should be_displayed

How do i clear my capybara steps using Page Object Pattern?

I have the following step definitions with Page Object Pattern gem 'site_prism':
class Main < SitePrism::Page
element :login_link, "a.log-in-link"
element :login_field, "input[name='userLogin']"
element :pass_field, "input[name='userPassword']"
element :enter_button, ".button_pretty"
If /I'm log in as "([^"]*)" with password "([^"]*)"$/ do |login, pass|
#main = Main.new
#main.login_field.set login
#main.pass_field.set pass
It works fine but looks very heavy and unbeautiful. Is there any way to write it like capybara 'within' method? The following isn't work (Error: "can't convert Main into String (TypeError)")
within #main do
login_field.set login
pass_field.set pass
You can hack support for a with statement into Ruby:
(I've seen this in VBScript, not sure if any other languages support it out of the box).
No, you can't use capybara's within functionality with site_prism.

Page objects in watir splash -- how to ensure that the proper page object is instantiated

I am using the Watir Splash framework to test a web application, and I have setup two page classes. The first is the "Login" page which is detailed here:
module App
module Page
class Login < WatirSplash::Page::Base
url "http://[removed].com"
def login_btn
modify button(:id => 'btnLogin'), :click => lambda {redirect_to VehicleSelection}
The other page class is the "Vehicle Selection" page. I have used the modify method as shown in the documentation here to ensure that the vehicle selection page object is available for RSpec after a successful login.
But what happens if the login failed? I have some test cases that deliberately feed incorrect information into the login form to ensure that the authentication is working properly. RSpec would need the methods defined in the "Login" class to access the correct elements to complete the test case. In this case, the way that I have specified the method a "VehicleSeleciton" object will be returned regardless. (or so it appears)
Any help is appreciated. Also, I'm open to other suggestions for testing frameworks, especially if there is more example code for me to reference.
Below are a couple of approaches I have tried. I was not using the WatirSplash framework, but the same concepts applied (though the attempted WatirSplash example code might not be 100% accurate).
Solution 1: Do return page objects
My personal preference is to not have page objects returning page objects. Instead, I find it easier to read/work with explicit initializations of each page object within the test. Alister Scott discussed this in his blog.
Your tests would then look like:
#For login successful tests
page = App::Page::Login.new
page = App::Page::VehicleSelection.new #The VehicleSelection page is explicitly initialized
page.validate_page #or whatever you want to do with the page
#For login failed tests
page = App::Page::Login.new
page.validate_page #or whatever you want to do with the page
Solution 2: Create multiple methods for login
Another solution, would be to create two login methods - one for successful login and one for unsuccessful login.
The page object could be:
module App
module Page
class Login < WatirSplash::Page::Base
url "http://[removed].com"
def login(user, password)
#Do whatever code to input name and password and then click the button
#Then redirect to the VehicleSelection page since that is where you will want to go most often
redirect_to VehicleSelection
def login_failed(user, password)
login(user, password)
#Return the Login page (instead of the VehicleSelection page).
redirect_to Login
With the tests being:
#For login successful tests
login_page = App::Page::Login.new
vehicle_page = login_page.login(user, password)
vehicle_page.validate_page #or whatever you want to do with the Vehicle Selection page
#For login failed tests
login_page = App::Page::Login.new
login_page.login_failed(user, password)
login_page.validate_page #or whatever you want to do with the Login page
Solution 3: Make the button know where it is going
Another solution, would be to have the login button know which page to redirect to.
The page object could be:
module App
module Page
class Login < WatirSplash::Page::Base
url "http://[removed].com"
def login_btn(login_successful=true)
if login_successful
modify button(:id => 'btnLogin'), :click => lambda {redirect_to VehicleSelection}
modify button(:id => 'btnLogin'), :click => lambda {redirect_to Login}
With the tests being:
#For login successful tests
login_page= App::Page::Login.new
vehicle_page = login_page.login_btn.click
vehicle_page.validate_page #or whatever you want to do with the Vehicle Selection page
#For login failed tests
login_page= App::Page::Login.new
login_page.validate_page #or whatever you want to do with the Login page
Thanks for trying out my gem WatirSplash. I would have written something in the lines of solution #2 - e.g. create two separate methods for successful login and failed login. Using #modify is not needed in either method, like Justin did.
Also, i'd suggest you to use my other gem test-page instead, which is more or less the same, as Page Objects in WatirSplash, but it is extracted into separate gem - WatirSplash will be deprecated in the long term due to all of its parts being exctracted into separate gems giving better control of which functionality is needed in each project.
