I am developing the Eclipse RCP application and have added
to the plugin_customization.ini file. This gives me nice style to the view and editor tabs.
However, there is a strange problem occurring only the first time users start the application. The text in the first view tab is underlined, as you can see in the picture:
Picture # ImageShack
As soon as I switch to different view the underline is not visible any more, not even with the focused tab. But I have also noticed that even when the underline is initially gone, clicking on the tab and holding the mouse button for several seconds will return the underline.
These three views are placed in the folder, with the simple
IFolderLayout.addView(String viewId)
and folder is created with
IPageLayout.createFolder(String folderId, int relationship, float ratio, String refId)
Any help on why the underline is there at the first place or how to remove it would be great. Thanks in advance.
To remove the underline in your view title you have to do the following:
Implement IWorkbenchPart#setFocus() in your view
Pass the focus to an element inside your view
In your view you have an org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer named viewer, so you can pass the focus like this:
public void setFocus() {
I use CkEditor BalloonEditor:
BalloonEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { ...options... });
By design the balloon toolbar of CkEditor 5 is only shown when I mark some text in the editor. That's totally okay for standard text operations as making a text bold, italic or changing its colors.
But if I want to insert something (image, table, media) I first must type something, mark it, so that the toolbar is shown before I can insert new content. That is not practical. So actually the balloon editor is great for changing existing content, not to insert new content.
My idea now is, that I want to open the toolbar by clicking with the right mouse button, showing the toolbar instead of the browser's context menu. Nice would be if the toolbar then only contains actions to insert new content (as inserting image, table, media) and the actions for formatting content (as bold, italic, font color) disappears or at least are disabled.
So basically I would implement something like:
<div id="editor" oncontextmenu="showContextMenu(event)">
function showContextMenu(event) {
// --> Open here the balloon toolbar at the current caret position. How?
I tried finding a solution with a hack:
When clicking with the right mouse button, I inserted a space character at the clicked position and marked/selected it automatically so that the CkEditor balloon editor opened the toolbar. That worked so far, but then I had this undesired space character in the document and I struggled to remove it gracefully afterwards. Furthermore the context menu also contained the text formatting actions (as bold, italic and so on, since there was text - the inserted space selected).
Another idea would be to develop an own toolbar completely detached from CkEditor and then using Commands to insert the appropriate commands as #denov has suggested in his solution. But I think this should actually be possible to achieve with the CkEditor API by using the class ContextualBalloon. But how?
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this or can guide me with some directions?
For images you can just drag the image into the editor.
Commands are the way to interact with the editor. The Images plugin uses the ImageInsertCommand
assuming you have the editor assigned to the global window object you could do
function showContextMenu(event) {
window.editor.execute('imageInsert', { source: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Frog_on_palm_frond.jpg'} )
Unfortunately, it's not possible to show the balloon toolbar if the selection is collapsed. This behaviour is defined here.
If I drag a Tab View Controller to the storyboard of an OS X application, the tab view buttons seem to misbehave. Can you help me understand what's going on?
Here's an minimal example of a fresh project, where I simply replaced the default empty View Controller with a new Tab View Controller:
The highlighted Tab View is shown as No Shadow Tab View by default, which means that the Tab View's style is Tabless in the Attributes Inspector.
There are also two Tab View Items below the Tab View in the Scene's list.
If I build & run, the result looks like this:
The tab controls are visible, but the tab view has no bezel. It seems like the tab buttons that are displayed are actually the two extra Tab View Items, not the native buttons of the Tab View itself.
If I change the Tab View's style to Top Tabs instead of the default Tabless, I get a bezel, but duplicate tab buttons:
And if I change it to Tabless With Bezel, the bezel is below the tab buttons, instead of properly sitting midway under the buttons:
I can't figure this out. Why are there two sets of tab buttons to start with (with the "real" one hidden by default)? The two extra Tab View Items seem to be completely redundant, but they can't be deleted.
Is there a way to have a tab bar with a proper bezel when using Interface Builder and a Tab View Controller?
You need to set the style of the tabViewController to "Unspecified" and setup the included tabView.
I have created a View Controller with some content defined in it. When I embed that content in a ScrollView (using the "Embed In" from the "Editor" menu) then the content disappears when I run the application. Curiously if I only embed just one label in a scrollview then that single label still appears.
What is going on here. Am I missing something obvious?
It turns out that when you first use the Embed In command it will correctly embed the objects into the form, but if there are no constraints then the objects are probably drawn offscreen. Setting constraints for the embedded objects caused them to be drawn correctly.
Simply select 'Reset to Suggest Contraints for all views in View Controller and it will start to work.
Hope this helps someone.
I'm using the Xcode 6 beta to build an iOS8 project using storyboard and swift. In the storyboard, I've created a Table View Controller as my primary view when the application loads and have added a label to the first cell and a label to the second cell.
The table looks fine in the storyboard, but when I run the application, the cells overlap. This is a brand new project with no other changes made or code added.
You can see both the storyboard and the running application in the photo below. Any ideas on what could be driving this?
Additionally, when I try to add a button to one of the cells, I get a grey box that covers 90% of the view.
I think I've had this issue. Try making some Auto Layout connections from the label to the Content View of the cell, and from the table view (and its cells) to the containing view, to force the views to be the proper size.
The following worked for me.
Control-click and drag from your label to left side of the cell it's in. When the modal comes up, check the box for 'Leading Space to Container'.
Repeat the same Control-click and drag process for each side of the cell, selecting the relevant Auto Layout option when it appears.
(Optional) Try to Control-click and drag from your table view to the each side of the containing view (if there is one), and repeat the steps from above.
Hopefully this works for you.
How do I place objects (i.e. labels or buttons) in a tab view in an Xcode mac app, so that when I click on a different tab the associated objects appear.
For example, I want to be able to put some labels in a tab called "Data" and some buttons in a tab called "Choice". When I press "Data" I want the labels to appear, but the buttons to not, and the other way around as well.
Is there an easy way to do this? Do I need to make a different class for each tab?
Each of the NSTabView's tab consists of as NSView. Here either you can draw all the buttons, labels or any other controls. Even you can add your new view from same xib or load it from other xib.
In the following image you can see, I have used a tabview with two tabs and in the object view you can see two views having two different static text.
And the tab change/click event is fired automatically you dont need to worry about it, the view will be loaded on tab click/change.
Use the built in cocoa view NSTabView which you can find in interface builder:
Each tab has its own view where you can place your objects.