Why there is no SIGSEGV signal on copy on write? - memory-management

The copy-on-write article on wikipedia says that copy-on-write is usually implemented by giving read only access to the pages, so that when one is written, the page fault trap handler can map a unique physical memory page for it. So my question is why a user-level application doesn't receive a SIGSEGV signal when such page fault happens? Afterall, the wikipedia article on SIGSEGV says that SIGSEGV is the signal sent to a process when it makes an invalid memory reference, or segmentation fault. So in this case, that is on copy-on-write case, why no SIGSEGV is sent to the process.

I know it's been a while since this was asked, but I wanted to expand on Alexey's answer a bit.
Copy-on-write (I assume you're talking about virtual memory and not filesystems) usually works like so:
The OS knows which pages need to be copied on write. (They are the pages which are private to a process.) These pages are marked in hardware as read-only. However, the virtual memory map of the process has the pages marked as readable and writable. This means that the user process believes it has full access to the pages in question.
When a user process attempts to write to one of these pages, a page fault is generated because the processor recognizes that the page is read-only (based on the hardware marks before). Page faults are sort of like segfaults, but for the kernel instead of for user processes.
This triggers the page fault handler to run within the kernel, which looks at the page in question and sees that it's a private page which has not yet been copied. The handler will create a copy of the page and mark the copy as writable.
Then the handler will replace the old page's address with the new one in the virtual-to-physical translation table and exit.
The last instruction will be retried by the user process at this point, and this time the write will succeed because the new page is writeable at both the virtual memory map (the user process' view of memory permissions) and hardware (the kernel's view of memory permissions) levels.
A page fault is generated every time a segmentation fault occurs, but most page faults are handled by the kernel and are never passed to the process that caused them as segfaults. There are many reasons why a page fault might be handled at a lower level, including:
The page which was accessed was paged out to disk because it hadn't been used in a long time. The OS must bring it back into memory so the process can use it again.
The process is accessing a newly-allocated page for the first time, and the actual physical page hasn't been allocated yet. The OS must allocate a page and then insert it into the virtual-to-physical translation table before the memory can actually be used.
The OS is playing a hardware page access permissions trick to allow it to watch for accesses to a particular page. This is what happens in copy-on-write, but it can have other uses as well. Consider an OS-level virtualization technology like kvm, where writing to a memory-mapped device's location in memory in the guest OS should actually write to a file or the display in the host OS.

The main idea of COW is that COW is completely transparent to the user process as if it fully owned the memory without any sharing.


A Process accessing memory outside of allocated region

Assume a process is allocated a certain region of virtual memory.
How will the processor react if the process happens to access a memory region outside this allocation region?
Does the processor kill the process? Or does it raise a Fault?
Thank you in advance.
Processes are not really allocated a certain region of virtual memory. They are allocated physical frames that they can access using virtual memory. Processes have virtual access to all virtual memory available.
When a high level language is compiled, it is placed in an executable. This executable is a file format which specifies several things among which is the virtual memory in use by the program. When the OS launches that executable, it will allocate certain physical pages to the newly created process. These pages contain the actual code. The OS needs to set up the page tables so that the virtual addresses that the process uses are translated to the right position in memory (the right physical addresses).
When a process attempts to jump nowhere at a virtual address it shouldn't jump to, several things can happen. It is undefined behavior.
As stated on osdev.org (https://wiki.osdev.org/Paging):
A page fault exception is caused when a process is seeking to access an area of virtual memory that is not mapped to any physical memory, when a write is attempted on a read-only page, when accessing a PTE or PDE with the reserved bit or when permissions are inadequate.
The CPU pushes an error code on the stack before firing a page fault exception. The error code must be analyzed by the exception handler to determine how to handle the exception. The bottom 3 bits of the exception code are the only ones used, bits 3-31 are reserved.
It really depends on the language you used and several factors come into play. For example, in assembly, if you try to jump in RAM to a random virtual address. Several things can happen.
If you jump into an allocated page, then the page could contain anything. It could as well contain zeroes. If it contain zeroes, then the process will keep executing the instructions until it reaches a page which isn't present in RAM and trigger a page fault. Or it could as well just end up executing a jmp to somewhere else in RAM and in the end trigger page fault.
If you jump into a page which has the present bit not set (unallocated page), then the CPU will trigger a page fault immediately. Since the page is not allocated, it will not magically become allocated. The OS needs to take action. If the page was supposed to be accessed by the process then maybe it was swapped to the hard disk and the OS needs to swap it back in RAM. If it wasn't supposed to be accessed (like in this case), the OS needs to kill the process (and it does). The OS knows the process should not access a page by looking at its memory map for that process. It should not just blindly allocate a page to a process which jumps nowhere. If the process needs more memory during execution it can ask the OS properly using system calls.
If you jump to a virtual address which, once translated by the MMU using the page tables, lands in RAM in kernel mode code (supervisor code), the CPU will trigger a page fault with supervisor and present error codes (1 0 1).
The OS uses 2 levels of permission (0 and 3). Thus all user mode processes run with permission 3. Nothing prevents one user process from accessing the memory and the code of another process except the way the page tables are set up. The page tables are often not filled up completely. If you jump to a random virtual address, anything can happen. The virtual address can be translated to anything.

Page Fault in Linux Kernel

I have few questions after reading Mel Gorman's book Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager. Section 4.3 Process Address Space Descriptor says kernel threads never page fault or access the user space portion. The only exception is page faulting within the vmalloc space . Following are my questions.
kenrel threads never page fault: Does this mean only user space code triggers page fault? If a kmalloc() or vmalloc() is called, will it not page fault? I believe the kernel has to map these to the anon pages. When a write to this pages is performed, a page fault occurs. Is my understanding correct?
Why can't kernel threads access user space? Aren't copy_to_user() or copy_from_user() do that?
Exception is page faulting within vmalloc space: Does that mean vmalloc() triggers a page fault and kmalloc() doesn't ? Why kmalloc() does not page fault? The physical frames to kernel's virtual address need not to be kept as a page table entry?
kernel threads never page fault: The page fault talked about is when making a virtual page resident, or bringing it back from swap. Kernel pages not only get paged in on kmalloc(), but also remain resident for their lifetime. The same does not hold for user space pages, which A) may be lazy allocated (i.e. just reserved as page table entries on malloc(), but not actually faulted in until a memset() or other dereference) and B) may be swapped out on low memory conditions.
Why can't kernel threads access user space? Aren't copy_to_user() or copy_from_user() do that?
That's a great question, with a hardware-specific reply. It used to be the case that kernel threads were discouraged from accessing user space, exactly because of the possible page fault hit that might occur, if accessing unpaged/paged out memory in user space (recall, that wouldn't happen in kernel space, as above ensures). So copy_to/from would be normal memcpy, but wrapped in a page fault handler. This way, any potential page fault would be handled transparently (i.e. the memory would be paged in) and all would be well. But there were certainly cases where the bad approach of memcpy to/from user memory would just work - worse, it would work more often than not, as page faults very with RAM residency and availability - and thus unhandled faults would cause random panics. Hence the decree of always using the copy_from/to_user.
Recently, however, kernel/user memory isolation became important from a security standpoint. This is due to many exploitation techniques (NULL pointer dereferencing being a very common and powerful one), where fake kernel objects (or code) could be constructed in user space (and thus, easily controlled) memory, and could lead to code execution in kernel.
Most architectures thus have a page table bit which physically prevents a page belonging to user mode from being accessed by kernel. Taking ARM64 as an example, this feature is called PAN/PXN (Privileged Access/Execute Never).
Thus, copy_from/to now not only handles page faults, but also disables PAN/PXN before the operation, and restores it after.
Exception is page faulting within vmalloc space: vmalloc() allocates memory which is swappable, whereas kmalloc does not. The difference is in the implementation (kmalloc uses GFP_KERNEL). This also means that kmalloc is more likely to fail (if there is no RAM available for this), but will not page fault (it would return NULL, which itself would be a problem..)
I think you get counfused because you haven't understand clearly about the start of kernel, process, and virtual memeory.
kenrel threads never page fault: This is because the pages of kernel space and user space use different allocation methods. For the kernel space, we allocate pages when initialization, but for user space, we allocate them when running process and calling funcitons like malloc(), and after mapping, when truly using that virtual memory, we trigger page fault.
Why can't kernel threads access user space? When kenrel start, the process 0 will create process 1 and process 2. The process 1 is used to form the user space process tree, while the process 2 is used to manage the kernel threads. And the functions you mensioned are always used by those user threads to transmit data into/out of kernel to realise some function like open file or socket and so on.
Exception is page faulting within vmalloc space: The vmalloc space is not function vmalloc(), it is an area in kernel memory space for some dynamic memory allocation used as an exception.

How OS catches illegal memory references at paging scheme?

I am trying to understand how the OS catches all illegal memory access in a system which uses Paging. (32 bits, x86, Paging enabled).
To be more specific, let's suppose I have a tiny App which is just 1 Page in size. Considering that a MS OS take the upper half of the 'virtual memory address space' and that my tiny EXE occupies just 4k of lower half of VMAS, then:
1) How OS realizes that there is an 'illegal memory reference/access' going on when my code tries to write to a memory location outside from my own Exe's 4k? (Obviously, that pointer wasn't obtained from a 'malloc' or similar call).
2) How are Page Tables managed for that tiny Exe? Does OS have to define all 1 M Page Entries (-1 Page Entry) with a 'Non-Present' attribute set and 'System' owned? (When that 'process' is created).
Any advice or comment is wellcome.
Just to make things clear, the answer (compiled form all generous contributions) is:
In order to catch an illegal reference for unallocated memory, the VMAS for the App should be marked as User & Non-Present and the rest of the VMAS should be marked as Kernel & Non-Present.
(Of course, allocated memory is with User attribute. Take note that User & Non-Present is at 'process creation' before its first run!. After that it changes to User & Present).
That way the hardware monitor will catch any access outside of the App boundary!!!
And the Page Fault handler will assume an illegal access because no User code is allowed to access (read/write) a Kernel page.
[VMAS= Virtual Memory Address Space]
1) How OS realizes that there is an 'illegal memory reference/access' going on when my code tries to write to a memory location outside from my own Exe's 4k? (Obviously, that pointer wasn't obtained from a 'malloc' or similar call).
A sequence of events has to take place. The processor takes as inputs (a) the logical page being accessed; (b) the type of access; and (c) the processor mode to determine whether an access is valid.
Is there a page table entry for the page? If not => access violation
Is the page table entry marked valid?
The processing here is system specific, depending upon whether the page tables can distinguish between an invalid page table entry and an valid entry that is not mapped to a page frame. In the former case => access violation. In the latter case, it triggers a page fault and the OS has to determine whether to trigger an access violation or load the page.
Does the page table permit the type of access for the current processor mode? If not => access violation.
If the hardware triggers an access violation exception, it switches to kernel mode and invokes the OS's access violation handler.
2) How are Page Tables managed for that tiny Exe? Does OS have to define all 1 M Page Entries (-1 Page Entry) with a 'Non-Present' attribute set and 'System' owned? (When that 'process' is created).
Operating systems provide system services for mapping memory into the process address space. Generally, the program loader reads the instructions in the EXE file and calls page mapping system services to set up the initial state of the application.
When this occurs depends upon the operating system. In eunuchs-land, a process is a clone of its parent. The running of a program takes place in an exec___ system call. Some operating system have a background command processor that allows multiple applications to be run sequentially within a single process.
From there, it is up to the application to manage the pages mapped to its address space. That is done by calling system services. For example "malloc" calls will cause the application to use system services to map pages.
The initial state of the application is likely to have holes of invalid user addresses. In fact, the range of valid addresses is not likely to be contiguous within the logical address space.
Each page has, among others, the following attributes: Present and Read/Write.
Accessing a page that is not present, or writing a read-only page, generates a privileged event called a page fault. This event takes the form of the CPU executing a specific routine that the OS set up.
Hence the OS is informed of the event and the attempt that was made.
The structures used to implement paging are hierarchical: pages are grouped into directories, and directory into higher directories. There are usually four levels.
Like in a file system, only the directories needed to reach the specific page need to be created.
A definitive source of information is the Intel manuals, specifically the third volume.
This answer intentionally uses simplified words.
How OS realizes that there is an 'illegal memory reference/access' going on when my code tries to write to a memory location outside from my own Exe's 4k? (Obviously, that pointer wasn't obtained from a 'malloc' or similar call).
A page fault is raised and the page fault handler gets executed. In the case of an invalid memory access it terminates the program. In the case of an access of swapped memory, it restores the memory contents from the disk into the main memory again and lets the program continue.
How are Page Tables managed for that tiny Exe? Does OS have to define all 1 M Page Entries (-1 Page Entry) with a 'Non-Present' attribute set and 'System' owned? (When that 'process' is created).
On x86, there are two-level page structures: page directories and page tables. Assuming your program fits in a single page, the OS will initialise a page directory that contains only one valid entry pointing to a page table, and only one valid entry pointing to the page containing the needed memory.

What happens in the kernel when the process accesses an address just allocated with brk/sbrk?

This is actually a theoretical question about memory management. Since different operating systems implement things differently, I'll have to relieve my thirst for knowledge asking how things work in only one of them :( Preferably the open source and widely used one: Linux.
Here is the list of things I know in the whole puzzle:
malloc() is user space. libc is responsible for the syscall job (calling brk/sbrk/mmap...). It manages to get big chunks of memory, described by ranges of virtual addresses. The library slices these chunks and manages to respond the user application requests.
I know what brk/sbrk syscalls do. I know what 'program break' means. These calls basically push the program break offset. And this is how libc gets its virtual memory chunks.
Now that user application has a new virtual address to manipulate, it simply writes some value to it. Like: *allocated_integer = 5;. Ok. Now, what? If brk/sbrk only updates offsets in the process' entry in the process table, or whatever, how the physical memory is actually allocated?
I know about virtual memory, page tables, page faults, etc. But I wanna know exactly how these things are related to this situation that I depicted. For example: is the process' page table modified? How? When? A page fault occurs? When? Why? With what purpose? When is this 'buddy algorithm' called, and this free_area data structure accessed? (http://www.tldp.org/LDP/tlk/mm/memory.html, section 3.4.1 Page Allocation)
Well, after finally finding an excellent guide (http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/post/how-the-kernel-manages-your-memory/) and some hours digging the Linux kernel, I found the answers...
Indeed, brk only pushes the virtual memory area.
When the user application hits *allocated_integer = 5;, a page fault occurs.
The page fault routine will search for the virtual memory area responsible for the address and then call the page table handler.
The page table handler goes through each level (2 levels in x86 and 4 levels in x86_64), allocating entries if they're not present (2nd, 3rd and 4th), and then finally calls the real handler.
The real handler actually calls the function responsible for allocating page frames.

Mapping of Page allocated to user process in Kernel virtual address space

When a page is created for a process (which will be mapped into process address space), will that page be mapped into kernel address space ?
If not, then it won't have kernel virtual address. Then how the swapper will find the page and swap that out, if a need arises ?
If we're talking about the x86 or similar (in terms of page translation) architectures, at any given time there's one virtual address space and normally one part of it is reserved for the kernel and the other for user-mode processes.
On a context switch between two processes only the user-mode part of the virtual address space changes.
With such an organization, the kernel always has full access to the current user-mode process, because, again, there's only one current virtual address space at any moment for both the kernel and a user-mode process, it's not two, it's one. So, the kernel doesn't really have to have another, extra mapping for user-mode pages. But that's not the main point.
The main point is that the kernel keeps some sort of statistics for every page that if needed can be saved to the disk and reused elsewhere. The CPU marks each page's page table entry (PTE) as accessed when the page is first read from or written to and as dirty when it's first written to.
The kernel scans the PTEs periodically, reads the accessed and dirty markers to update said statistics and clears accessed and dirty so it can detect a change in them later (of course, if any). Based on this statistics it determines which pages are rarely used or long unused and can be repurposed.
If the "swapper" runs in the context of the current process and if it runs in the kernel, then in theory it has enough information from the kernel (the list of rarely used or long unused pages to save and unmap if dirty or just unmap if not dirty) and sufficient access to the pages of interest.
If the "swapper" itself runs as a user-mode process, things become more complicated because it doesn't have access to another process' pages by default and has to either create a mapping or ask the kernel do some extra work for it in the context of the process of interest.
So, finding rarely used and long unused pages and their addresses occurs in the kernel. The CPU helps by automatically marking PTEs as accessed and dirty. There may need to be an extra mapping to dirty pages if they get saved to the disk not in the context of the process that owns them.
