How to recover accidentally deleted files under MAC terminal? [closed] - macos

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I did "rm -R *" under MAC Lion terminal, and apparent the deleted files didn't go to trash. Not sure whether there is an easy way to restore them or not.

Try to use testdisk/photorec to recover the files. It's free and open source, and works fairly well. If you have homebrew installed, it's as easy as
brew install testdisk
Edit: Just realized, this is offtopic.


Better to use a Mac or PC to develop for Typescript? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'v got access to both, but I would prefer to stay with the Mac, unless there are going to be major drawbacks from trying to develop with TS on the Mac?
No major drawbacks at all. I use TS on mac and it works just fine! If I were you, I would stick with mac. On Mac, everything is just so much easier to use (in my opinion)!

how to edit the .profile file to have shortcuts for commands? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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im really new to unix, i wanted to learn how to edit a .profile script on OSX lion to help me have shortcut for this directory:
i want to be able to run the program like this: -h
instead of :
/usr/local/cellar/node_modules/ -h
for some reason npm hasn't decided to set paths for me, even though i used -g, so going to do it manually.
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cellar/node_modules/

Fix $PATH on Mac OS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I was trying to add a dir to my path environment but somehow things went wrong and now the terminal wont even recongnize the 'ls' command.
How can I reset or fix this?
Do it from another account, if needed by booting in single user mode:
This presumes that you are familiar with the basics of Unix shells.

.bash_profile and scripts as symbolic links [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to know, if there is any problem when I set my .bash_profile or other configs such as .irssi or .slate as symbolic links. The thing is, I would like to git all my configs and scripts in /usr/local/bin(I'm on OS X), so that I have version control and a backup for them. This way, I can also use them on other machines.
I was just wondering whether anything could break, if I'm doing that.
Yes as long as the symlinks are valid and the user has proper permissions to read those locations, you should not have any problem.
Nothing breaks, that's exactly how people put their dotfiles under version control

Installing gnuplot with Lua-Tikz terminal on Mac Os X [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm on mac os X and I have gnuplot installed via MacPorts.
I want to be able to use the Lua-Tikz terminal (which is kind of present, I can find some gnuplot-tikz.lua files) but I can't. How do I enable gnuplot to use the lua tikz terminal?
I'm willing to uninstall and reinstall gnuplotif necessary.
answer was given here
