App's one of two Documents Folder not Saving on Windows - windows

I have a application in which there are two folders in app's document directory.
a. Thumbnail.
b. Recordings.
Contents of Recordings Directory: Recordings in .caf format, and naming of those records are like "Recording#[number]"+[datetime].
Few examples of names of the recorded file:
2012-04-26 06/11/50 +0000.caf
2012-04-26 06/11/37 +0000.caf
So the problem is, when i Sync my iPad on MAC using itunes, i can save both the folders, which are Thumbnails and Recordings. But when i Sync on Windows, Recordings folder doesn't save. Thumbnail folder is saved with no problem, but when i save Recordings folder, it doesn't appear, means it is not saving at all.
I tried one remedy, which is, change the names of the recorded files like: Recording1.caf
If i save my recorded files with such naming convention, Then the Recordings Folder is saving on Windows with no problem.
One more thing i like to mention here, when using recording names with datetime appended, sync on MAC, send it to windows, files play with quicktime with no problem. (It was very obvious, but didnt want to miss anything.)
What i wanted to ask here, why is it not saving on windows when names are with datetime. Is thats the problem, cant it be solved without changing the name. Because the previous users of this app have their recordings saved with datetime, i'll have to change all those names first when the user updates to the new build.


Where are video project files hidden in Windows Photo video editor?

I discovered that Windows Photo has a pretty good basic video editor hidden in it.
My wife used it to edit a family video. Then she wanted to save the project (clips and project file, not just the final product) to USB drive.
Photo only gives you one option: Save to OneDrive. The claim is that other OneDrive devices running Photo will then be able to see the Project.
However, careful inspection of OneDrive yields no file with the title of the project and nothing that obviously looks like a video editing project file.
Does anybody know how they pulled this off and where they have hidden the project information? It can't be buried in the Registry, because that wouldn't transfer through OneDrive.
Every video clip used to create a new video, no matter what the source, is first copied to my C: SSD drive into my 'Pictures' folder.
I found the program created a new folder called 'Video Projects' in my Pictures folder.
The program does not delete these videos copied to my C: SSD drive when the program is through with them.
I must go in and manually delete the working copies of videos the program makes.
C:\Users\Your_User_Name\Pictures\Video Projects
There were two reasons I was looking into this.
1) For a video project, set the duration for all the photos in a storyboard to something other than the default. (Why isn't this built in?) and;
2) On another project, reset the duration that I'd set on a bunch of photos so it could auto sync with music.
So, I looked into this a bit, and for reference the data is stored in an Sqlite database called MediaDb.v1.sqlite located by default here (replace YOURUSERNAME) C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState
You can load the database using an Sqlite reader like DB Browser however you can't update it because it contains an unrecognised database collation (column character set) called NoCaseUnicode which you can about more here
There are others who are reporting similar problems trying to access this file.
I just finished a short project. I noticed an option to make a backup (click the three dots in the top right corner). That created a .vdp file. The file is 35 MB. The total size of the pictures and audio track is 30.1 MB, so it looks like it puts everything into this one .vdp file. The idea, as I understand it, is that you can take this .vdp file with you and import it into the video editor on a different computer (or same computer with new hard drive) and resume working on your video from there.
Of course relying on a proprietary file, in my opinion, is not great. You're trusting that Microsoft will continue to support the file format in the future. And as we've seen, over time, Microsoft has a habit of dropping support for popular applications that they bundle with Windows. Make sure you hang on to those original photos/videos!
My saved videos were located in c/Pictures/wallpapers/Video Projects

Can an app-scoped security scoped bookmark be copied from one Mac to another?

I have a sandboxed application that uses a document format which can contain embedded filenames. E.g. some of these referenced files are for image files which the user selects in order to associate the image file with data stored in the document. Whilst such images will sometimes be located in the users pictures folder, sometimes they are elsewhere. The document format itself cannot be changed for portability reasons (it is shared with an existing Windows version of the app).
In order for the app to be able to access the files whose names are embedded within the document, when the user selects a filename (using nsopenpanel) to be stored in the document like this, the app also creates an app-scoped security scoped bookmark for each such stored filename. It then stores these bookmarks by serialising them to another file. When the app runs again it loads its previously serialised bookmarks and uses them when accessing the 'embedded' filename and that works fine.
But when I copy such a document (and its associated serialised bookmarks file) from one Mac to another, it doesnt work, even though all the files the bookmarks refer to are known to exist on both Macs. What happens is that whilst the app opens the document file ok (after the user selected it with an nsopenpanel), and successfully reads in the serialised bookmarks from its associated serialised bookmarks file (which again the user has selected using nsopenpanel), and even though the exact same filenames that the bookmarks refer to are known to exist on the other Mac (and can be accessed by the user through finder etc), the sandboxed app still cannot access them. Resolving the bookmarks seems to fail.
The question is: are app-scoped bookmarks restricted to only working on the Mac on which they were created? If I cannot move an app-scoped bookmark from one system to another, how else can I achieve the effect I want without forcing the user to have to manually re-select every such 'embedded' filename with an nsopenpanel?
Tried to find the answer to this question in the Apple docs without success.
I take it it goes without saying that security-scoped bookmarks can only be used by the app that creates them.
No, because if this were possible, developers could save security-scoped bookmarks to sensitive files/directories on their own computers and then deploy their apps and have access to those same sensitive files/directories on other peoples' computers.

Changing default program for a file type (workaround)

I would like to specify that images of a certain type (for example, .png) open by default in a program I've written when the file is contained in a certain directory. I've seen by searching (Change Default Program for a specific folder) that this is not possible on Windows 7 or 8.
I am saving these images in this directory myself, so I have some leeway with how I name the files. For example, I could change the filename a bit... perhaps to be example.myprog.png or something similar. Is there a way to set it up so files that match this filename pattern get opened, while other .pngs (in other directories) still open in the default viewer?
I don't really want to name these PNG images example.myprog (i.e., fully change the extension), because when the user is browsing the directory in Windows Explorer, I would like the thumbnail images to still show up. Also, users will be eventually transferring these images to their own machines, where they'll want to use standard image viewers to look at them.
If this is not possible, does anyone have another suggestion for how to tackle this problem?
As you are mentioning that files should be opened in a program that you have written, try to change the code of your program to read files from the specific folder. So, by opening your program from anywhere in your pc, you should be able to open files from specified folder.

I need info on using NSUserDefaults in Xcode

I came across this information in the posting of a question I found on here:
"Apple has added an extra rule for apps being submitted to the app store.
We can no longer store arbitrary data files in the Documents folder. Only content generated by the user like a text file they manually typed and saved or a photo they took with the camera can be saved in the Documents folder.
We are now expected to store our app generated files in the Library/Cache folder instead of the Documents folder. In addition, we should mark the files we don't want to be sync to iCloud with the skip backup attribute.
Failure to comply with this will result in an app being rejected by Apple.
Reason: The Documents folder is now used for syncing to iCloud. iCloud does a sync every few minutes and if we were to have megabytes of our app generated files stored in the Documents folder, it would get mixed up with the user's own iCloud synced files."
This makes me wonder if the way I have used NSUserDefaults in my app is "legal" in the eyes of apple.
I'm making a simple app that takes user input in about five different places. I'm saving these simple strings in NSUserDefault variables.
My question to anyone that fully understands the statements made within the quotes above is:
Am I saving data in a way that is no longer allowed by apple?
I'm new to the development game, and the information within quotes doesn't make it clear to me (in the context of my app's situation) whether I'm in the wrong or not.
Thanks for the help!
NSUserDefault is the official, supported way of storing user preferences. If that's what you're storing, then it's the correct way to do it.

Changing the default behavior of where files are saved in windows

Kind of a Admin question - I know.
Here's the thing.
The OS has this deep, strange assumsion that a user wants all there pictures in one folder, all there doc files in another folder - etc. Saveing files based on file type - not the folder in which it was opened.
I, like many business/dev users have my drive devided into folders based on 'projects'.
All 'SmithProject' images goes in SmithProject, All JonesProject Images goes in JoneProject.
Why do I spend so much time fighting the OS when it wants to save all files into a folder based on file type? (No - windows - I don't want it in the pictures folder)
Is there not some simple way / setting to define how this works?
I figure, I loose 1-2 hours a week - just because i have to nav back to the same folder, again & again & again.
Any Pluggin?
Without changing special folders locations (My Documents, etc) it could be hard to achieve. Normally in app, when You call OpenFileDialog You can specify where to start (f.ex: always c:\, last opened folder, special folder) and there is no power in the universe to change this.
