Image upload in a textarea - image

I need a rich textarea in which we have the option to insert images from the local file-system and upload it to the server (also S3 - but it can done with a background task).
I am currently using tinymce but it does not have the feature to insert image from the local filesystem.
What can I use to get such a functionality?
NB - I am using PHP as the backend.

CKeditor seems quite good. I used it some time ago and it developed since... You would have to buy CKFinder probably (for $59 per Website...)
... and then there are the TinyMCE Plugins for this that cost almost the same:
If you are looking for a free plugin to TinyMCE or CKEditor with local file browsing google for TinyMCE and iBrowser, TinyFCK, Kae’s File Manager, Ajax File Manager, TinyBrowser. (I got the list from I would go with the Tiny Browser or the Ke's Filemanager and keep TinyMCE because its already there (But Do have a look at CKEditor - its quite good and those two filemanagers can plug into it too)

You are not the first to stumble over this problem. Have a look here for a brief overview over solutions.


2sxc Gallery - The requested content can not be loaded. Please try again later

DNN 09.09.01 / 2sxc 11. 22.1 / Image Gallery v5
App installation without problem, but when you click on image to show in Fancy box - you got message; The requested content can not be loaded. Please try again later.
I tested this with 2sic DNN Instant Bootstrap 4 theme and it is working just fine.
However, on this site I am using other DNN Theme ("Professional" Theme from DNNVista, Bootstrap 3, link; and this error occurred every time I click on a single photo.
I am aware that this Theme is full of bugs and I probably wasted 99$ for it, but would like to find out what is wrong and try to fix it in this particular Theme.
But - I don't know where to start, because there is no errors in Admin Log.
Any similar situations or ideas, please?
(sorry if I did not express my self clearly - English is not my Mother Tongue. Please ask if you need clarification)
I found that, from some reason, hyperlinks for pictures are parsed without question mark after filename, but can't find a reason for such behaviour because everything is correct in app template.
Just a guess - probably you have some JS replacing other JS - like Fancybox being loaded 2x in different versions. Best check the Chrome-Network to verify.

Lazy load CKEditor 4

Currently finding issue lazy loading CKEditor 4, appreciate any advice. What I tried:
Including ckeditor_basic.js but this already needs a CKEDITOR
Loading ckeditor.js on click but this complains
'Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because
of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.' as well as
some others errors, fails badly.
Any advice appreciated!
If you would like to insert CKEditor script dynamically you can use technique from this code pen - It is important to wait for ckeditor.js to load before creating editor instance thus using setInterval to check if CKEDITOR object is available seems like a good idea.
In your comments you have written, you don't want editor to load every time you load the page. One of the reasons for that might be the size of ckeditor.js file.
If you think editor.js is too big it is important to answer yourself how much plugins you really need and then create editor accordingly to your needs using the online builder. Please have a look at below samples using dev-tools and notice the difference in ckeditor.js size: Full package has 600KB while Basic Package has only 400KB. If you just need the basic formatting then your ckeditor.js could get even smaller and should not be a problem when loading the page.
If you have created some custom plugins then recommended practice is to get CKEditor source code from Githhub, fork it, make changes/add custom plugins, build your editor. That way you will get minified and obfuscated editor instance which includes your custom plugins and again should not be a problem when loading the page.

Images embedded in Articles not being displayed in migrated Joomla website

Images embedded in Articles not being displayed in migrated Joomla website
I have migrated a Joomla 3.7.2 website from an old server to a new server using a particularly messy technique. Basically, I exported the database and then copied the important folders and it all worked remarkably well barring one very specific feature. Articles with images in them no longer display the images in the new site.
I have System - SEF enabled in both sites (and switching it off makes no difference)
I use JCE and in code view the typical line displaying the image looks like this:
<p><img src="images/players/shirt.jpg" alt="" /></p>
In both sites.
JCE is configured to use Relative URLs in both sites. If I turn that OFF then I get the image displayed in the new site. Of course that's just a hack around the problem not a solution to it.
Path to Files Folder, and Path to Images Folder is set to images in both sites.
HTML inspector on the old site shows the
<img src="/images/players/shirt.jpg" alt="Shirt">
And on the new site
<img src="images/players/shirt.jpg" alt="Shirt">
And if you hover over the url it says "could not load the image". The missing first '/' is clearly the problem but what is it that puts it there after the article is saved by the editor and before the html is displayed in the browser?
Slightly embarrassed to pretend this is an answer but today I got the prompt to update Joomla to 3.7.3 and of course immediately afterwards the problem has gone away.

Moodle 2.2.3 TinyMCE loads slowly

In Moodle 2.2.3, after 10-12 seconds TinyMCE (TinyMCE HTML editor; editor_tinymce; Standard; 2012030300) buttons will show up (loads very slowly). Where problem lies? Can't figure out how to speed up TinyMCE HTML editor loading time.
I have Moodle 2.2.3+ (Build: 20120519).
I found a solution. The cause, why it was slow, was because it was in estonian. I had to change whole user language into english and it fixed it.
I met the same problem: on my project tinymce loaded about 10 seconds. Solution to speed it up was to disable plugins, which I don't need.
For example:
at default config plugins option was:
plugins: "visualblocks,visualchars,pagebreak,layer,table,save,jbimages,link,emoticons,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,template",
After remove unused plugins it was:
plugins: "jbimages,link",
and editor loading became 2 seconds.
P.S. jbimages is a plugin to upload images.
Look at your caching. The tinyMCE JS files ought to be kept by the browser and recycled, but sometimes this doesn't happen. Use Firebug or Chrome developer tools to see if they are being loaded from cache or from the server. If from the server, you may need to tweak your web server settings so that JS files have an expires header.

Multiple swf files not loading in DNN 5.X

We have run numerous tests now and it has now come down to either a DNN-SWFObject loading multiple swf files on a page or Firefox bug.
Here's the outcome we need:
Two swf files on one page:
Header.swf: which holds the nav and some bling animation.
Map.swf: which has different provinces of the country highlighted on rollover. The active province is highlighted by reading the URL via Javascript and then loaded into the Map.swf via FlashVars.
In all of our other tests in other browsers, the scenario works very well but in Firefox 3.5.3 The swf files refuse to show.
We have stripped this test down to the bare minimum, one html page scenario and embedding it the same way using SWFObject 2.2 and this works in Firefox. When it is uploaded in DNN, the swf files refuse to show.
Is there anything anyone can think of?
Many thanks,
My first thought would be the way dnn renames element ids - and are you using client ids
If you could post some code it might help to look at it or a url to look at
