MvvmCross - Sharing viewmodels for multiple views - windows-phone-7

I have been using MvvmCross on a cross platform mobile project and have 2 different views in a MonoTouch project that are using the same shared viewmodel and not sure how to go about structuring my code to navigate to different views using the same viewmodel in MvvmCross.

The default convention used by the MvvmCross platform is to automatically register all views using reflection.
This is done in the base Setup class - in
protected virtual void InitializeViews()
var container = this.GetService<IMvxViewsContainer>();
foreach (var pair in GetViewModelViewLookup())
Add(container, pair.Key, pair.Value);
where GetViewModelViewLookup returns a dictionary of ViewModel type to View type:
protected virtual IDictionary<Type, Type> GetViewModelViewLookup(Assembly assembly, Type expectedInterfaceType)
var views = from type in assembly.GetTypes()
let viewModelType = GetViewModelTypeMappingIfPresent(type, expectedInterfaceType)
where viewModelType != null
select new { type, viewModelType };
return views.ToDictionary(x => x.viewModelType, x => x.type);
In universal iPad/iPhone apps you do occasionally want to include multiple views for each viewmodel - using one view in the iPad and one view in the iPhone.
To do this, there are now (literally just now!) some attributes available to mark your views as being "unconventional" - these are:
use this to mark that your view should never be included by convention
an abstract attribute - override this to provide your own custom logic for inclusion/exclusion
iOS/Touch only
an attribute that will include the view if and only if the detected iPhone form factor matches the current device
The last of these is probably what you want in this case - you could implement simple iPhone/iPad switching for a MainViewModel using two views declared like:
public class MyIPhoneView : BaseView<MainViewModel>
// iphone specific view ...
public class MyIPadView : BaseView<MainViewModel>
// ipad specific view ...
Alternatively if you want a very custom configuration, you can override all 'convention-based' behaviour - you can implement your own override of GetViewModelViewLookup - e.g.:
protected override IDictionary<Type, Type> GetViewModelViewLookup(Assembly assembly, Type expectedInterfaceType)
if (IsIPad)
return new Dictionary<Type, Type>()
{ typeof(HomeViewModel), typeof(IPadHomeView) },
{ typeof(DetailViewModel), typeof(IPadDetailView) },
{ typeof(AboutViewModel), typeof(SharedAboutView) },
return new Dictionary<Type, Type>()
{ typeof(HomeViewModel), typeof(IPhoneHomeView) },
{ typeof(DetailViewModel), typeof(IPhoneDetailView) },
{ typeof(AboutViewModel), typeof(SharedAboutView) },
Note that eventually you may decide that you need additional ViewModels as well as Views for the iPad app - the iPad has, after all, a much bigger screen - in this case you can add them manually. Ultimately, when your app hits a few million users, you may even decide to completely branch the tablet code away from the phone code - but that can generally wait until you hit that few million mark...

Another way to do it is to go ahead and create 2 ViewModels, but have them both subclass an abstract ViewModel, as follows:
FirstViewViewModel : BaseViewModel
SecondViewViewModel : BaseViewModel
With the corresponding views named:
This way, you are able to place some shared behavior in BaseViewModel, while the 2 subclasses are really just there to satisfy MvvmCross' view fetching conventions.

I recently started with MvvmCross and I am using v4.2.1. It seems that some names have changed. I am using one ViewModel with seperate iPhone and iPad views with the following:
public class MyIPhoneView : BaseView<MainViewModel>
// iphone specific view ...
public class MyTallIPhoneView : BaseView<MainViewModel>
// tall iphone specific view ...
public class MyIPadView : BaseView<MainViewModel>
// ipad specific view ...


Bind Two Different Views for same ViewModel

This looks like similar to MVVMCross - Bind the same ViewModel to 2 different Views
But after there I don't get an answer how can I select one View for ViewModel and in another time the second View for the same ViewModel.
As an example, I wanna have one ViewModel - LoginViewModel and two Views: PhoneLoginPage & TabletLoginPage.
According to information from Xamarin.Forms.Device.Idiom when it's a Phone I want to show PhoneLoginPage but when it's a Tablet - TabletLoginPage but have the same LoginViewModel binded to them.
How can I achieve it correctly? Mean, without any dirty tricks...
NOTE: I'm also on the side of having only one page.
But here's how I'd go about having two pages:
In case you're using some kind of a navigation service:
Just register different pages on app startup based on the device's idiom.
Along the lines of:
if(Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet)
SomeNavigationService.Register<LoginViewModel, TabletLoginPage>();
SomeNavigationService.Register<LoginViewModel, PhoneLoginPage>();
In case you're doing the navigation in the page code-behind
Choose the page based on the device's idiom there...
if(Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet)
await Navigation.PushAsync(new TabletLoginPage(viewModel));
await Navigation.PushAsync(new PhoneLoginPage(viewModel));
With MvvmCross this is not possible, in runtime, we will get an Exception if we create two Views for the same ViewModel.
My solution was next:
=> Pages
=> Mobile
=> Tablets
=> PageModels
=> Mobile
=> Tablets
class XMobilePage: MvxContentPage<XMobilePageModel> {...}
class XTabletPage: MvxContentPage<XTabletPageModel> {...}
abstract SharedXPageModel
//All Shared Commands and Comand Logic and other shared initialization
abstract Task NavigateToYPageModel();
class XMobilePageModel : SharedXPageModel
Task NavigateToYPageModel() => _mvxNavigationService.Navigate<YMobilePageModel>();
class XTabletPageModel : SharedXPageModel
Task NavigateToYPageModel() => _mvxNavigationService.Navigate<YTabletPageModel>();

Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile

I am writing a small sample app with Xamarin and MvvmCross 6.4.2. I completed the Xamarin.Android version and am now starting the Xamarin.iOS version. I created a view controller for the first screen:
public class SignInViewController : MvxViewController<SignInViewModel>
public SignInViewController() : base(nameof(SignInViewController), null)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
// never gets called...
When I run the app, I just get a blank screen and ViewDidLoad never gets called. In the application output it says:
Failed to instantiate the default view controller for
UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - perhaps the designated entry point is
not set?
My Main.storyboard is blank and I tried to modify it in Xcode Interface Builder to set my SignInViewController as the entry point, but I couldn't figure out how.
Failed to instantiate the default view controller for
UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - perhaps the designated entry point is
not set?
This error happens due to a simple mistake in your storyboard. When your app starts, iOS needs to know precisely which view controller needs to be shown first – known as your default view controller.
To fix it, add a ViewController to your Main.Storyboard and set it as Inital View Controller.
Refer: how-to-fix-the-error-failed-to-instantiate-the-default-view-controller-for-uimainstoryboardfile
And there are two SignInViewController in your project.
Use this one:
public partial class SignInViewController : UIViewController
public SignInViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
// never gets called...
View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;

How to log in to Facebook in Xamarin.Forms

I want to make a Xamarin.Forms project, targeting iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
My app needs to authenticate users using Facebook.
Should I implement login for each platform independently, or use a manual flow?
I prefer to have a single implementation of the login flow, and use it on all platforms.
How can I get a single implementaion of the Facebook login flow?
UPDATE (10/24/17): While this way of doing things was okay a few years ago, I now strongly advocate for using native UI for doing authentication, as opposed to the webview method shown here. Auth0 is a great way to accomplish native UI login for your apps, using a wide variety of identity providers:
EDIT: I finally put a sample for this on Gihub
I posted an answer on the Xamarin Forums. I'll repeat it here.
Let's start with the core of the app, the Xamarin.Forms PCL project. Your App class will look something like this:
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms
public class App
static NavigationPage _NavPage;
public static Page GetMainPage ()
var profilePage = new ProfilePage();
_NavPage = new NavigationPage(profilePage);
return _NavPage;
public static bool IsLoggedIn {
get { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_Token); }
static string _Token;
public static string Token {
get { return _Token; }
public static void SaveToken(string token)
_Token = token;
public static Action SuccessfulLoginAction
get {
return new Action (() => {
The first thing to notice is the GetMainPage() method. This tells the app which screen it should load first upon launching.
We also have a simple property and method for storing the Token that is returned from the auth service, as well as a simple IsLoggedIn property.
There's an Action property as well; something I stuck in here in order to have a way for the platform implementations to perform a Xamarin.Forms navigation action. More on this later.
You'll also notice some red in your IDE because we haven't created the ProfilePage class yet. So, let's do that.
Create a very simple ProfilePage class in the Xamarin.Forms PCL project. We're not even going to do anything fancy with it because that will depend on your particular need. For the sake of simplicity in this sample, it will contain a single label:
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms
public class ProfilePage : BaseContentPage
public ProfilePage ()
Content = new Label () {
Text = "Profile Page",
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
Again, you'll probably have some red in your IDE because we seem to be missing the BaseContentPage class. The sole purpose of the BaseContentPage class is to ensure that none of the app's screens can be displayed until the user has logged in. (In this simplified demo, we're just persisting the user info to memory, so you'll need to re-login every time the app is run. In a real-world app, you'd be storing the authenticated user info to the device's keychain, which would eliminate the need to login at each app start.)
Create a BaseContentPage class in the Xamarin.Forms PCL project:
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms
public class BaseContentPage : ContentPage
protected override void OnAppearing ()
base.OnAppearing ();
if (!App.IsLoggedIn) {
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new LoginPage());
There's a few interesting things going on here:
We're overriding the OnAppearing() method, which is similar to the ViewWillAppear method in an iOS UIViewController. You can execute any code here that you'd like to have run immediately before the screen appears.
The only thing we're doing in this method is checking to see if the user is logged in. If they're not, then we perform a modal push to a class called LoginPage. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of a modal, it's simply a view that takes the user out of the normal application flow in order to perform some special task; in our case, to perform a login.
So, let's create the LoginPage class in the Xamarin.Forms PCL project:
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms
public class LoginPage : ContentPage
Wait...why doesn't this class have a body???
Since we're using the Xamatin.Auth component (which does the job of building and presenting a web view that works with the provided OAuth2 info), we actually don't want any kind of implementation in our LoginPage class. I know that seems weird, but bear with me.
The LoginPageRenderer for iOS
Up until this point, we've been working solely in the Xamarin.Forms PCL project. But now we need to provide the platform-specific implementation of our LoginPage in the iOS project. This is where the concept of a Renderer comes in.
In Xamarin.Forms, when you want to provide platform-specific screens and controls (i.e. screens that do not derive their content from the abstract pages in the Xamarin.Forms PCL project), you do so with Renderers.
Create a LoginPageRenderer class in your iOS platform project:
[assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (LoginPage), typeof (LoginPageRenderer))]
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms.iOS
public class LoginPageRenderer : PageRenderer
public override void ViewDidAppear (bool animated)
base.ViewDidAppear (animated);
var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator (
clientId: "", // your OAuth2 client id
scope: "", // the scopes for the particular API you're accessing, delimited by "+" symbols
authorizeUrl: new Uri (""), // the auth URL for the service
redirectUrl: new Uri ("")); // the redirect URL for the service
auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => {
// We presented the UI, so it's up to us to dimiss it on iOS.
if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) {
// Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
} else {
// The user cancelled
PresentViewController (auth.GetUI (), true, null);
There are important things to note:
The [assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (LoginPage), typeof (LoginPageRenderer))] line at the top (and importantly before the namespace declaration) is using the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService. It's not the most beautiful thing in the world because it's not IoC/DI, but works. This is the mechanism that "maps" our LoginPageRenderer to the LoginPage.
This is the class in which we're actually using the Xamarin.Auth component. That's where the OAuth2Authenticator reference comes from.
Once the login is successful, we fire off a Xamarin.Forms navigation via App.SuccessfulLoginAction.Invoke();. This gets us back to the ProfilePage.
Since we're on iOS, we're doing all of our logic sinde of the ViewDidAppear() method.
The LoginPageRenderer for Android
Create a LoginPageRenderer class in your Android platform project. (Note that class name you're creating is identical to the one in the iOS project, but here in the Android project the PageRenderer inherits from Android classes instead of iOS classes.)
[assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (LoginPage), typeof (LoginPageRenderer))]
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms.Android
public class LoginPageRenderer : PageRenderer
protected override void OnModelChanged (VisualElement oldModel, VisualElement newModel)
base.OnModelChanged (oldModel, newModel);
// this is a ViewGroup - so should be able to load an AXML file and FindView<>
var activity = this.Context as Activity;
var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator (
clientId: "", // your OAuth2 client id
scope: "", // the scopes for the particular API you're accessing, delimited by "+" symbols
authorizeUrl: new Uri (""), // the auth URL for the service
redirectUrl: new Uri ("")); // the redirect URL for the service
auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => {
if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) {
// Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
} else {
// The user cancelled
activity.StartActivity (auth.GetUI(activity));
Again, let's take a look at some interesting things:
The [assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (LoginPage), typeof (LoginPageRenderer))] line at the top (and importantly before the namespace declaration) is using the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService. No difference here from the iOS version of LoginPageRenderer.
Again, this is where we're actually using the Xamarin.Auth component. That's where the OAuth2Authenticator reference comes from.
Just as with the iOS version, once the login is successful, we fire off a Xamarin.Forms navigation via App.SuccessfulLoginAction.Invoke();. This gets us back to the ProfilePage.
Unlike the iOS version, we're doing all of the logic inside of the OnModelChanged() method instead of the ViewDidAppear().
Here it is on iOS:
...and Android:
I've also provided a detailed sample at my blog:
You could consume either Xamarin.Social or Xamarin.Auth for that. It allows using the same api whatever the platform is.
As of now, those libs aren't PCL yet, but you still can consume them from a Shared Assets Project, or abstract the API you need in an interface and inject in with DependencyService or any other DI container.
I've created a sample project to show how to create a Facebook login using native Facebook component, not through a webview like the solutions suggested here.
You can check it out in this address:
IOS 8: For those who are using #NovaJoe code and are stuck on view, add the code bellow to workaround:
bool hasShown;
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
if (!hasShown)
hasShown = true;
// the rest of #novaJoe code
Here's a good Xamarin.Forms authentication sample. The documentation in the code is nice. It uses a webview to render the login screen, but you can select what login type you want. It also saves a users token so he doesn't have to keep re-logging in.
Another addition to #NovaJoe's code, on iOS8 with Facebook, you'd need to modify the Renderer class as below to close the View after successful authentication.
auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => {
// We presented the UI, so it's up to us to dimiss it on iOS.
/*Importand to add this line */
DismissViewController (true, null);
/* */
if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) {
App.Instance.SuccessfulLoginAction.Invoke ();
// Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
App.Instance.SaveToken (eventArgs.Account.Properties ["access_token"]);
} else {
// The user cancelled
The correct implementation for the Androids PageRenderer is:
using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using OAuth2Demo.XForms.Android;
using Xamarin.Auth;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
using XamarinAuth;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(LoginPage), typeof(LoginPageRenderer))]
namespace OAuth2Demo.XForms.Android
public class LoginPageRenderer : PageRenderer
public LoginPageRenderer(Context context) : base(context) { }
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Page> e)
// this is a ViewGroup - so should be able to load an AXML file and FindView<>
var activity = this.Context as Activity;
var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(
clientId: "<Constants.clientId>", // your OAuth2 client id
scope: "<Constants.scope>", // the scopes for the particular API you're accessing, delimited by "+" symbols
authorizeUrl: new Uri("<Constants.authorizeUrl>"), // the auth URL for the service
redirectUrl: new Uri("<Constants.redirectUrl>")); // the redirect URL for the service
auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) =>
if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated)
// Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
// The user cancelled

Localization and binding don't work together

I'm developing my first app and I'm trying to make it multilanguage.
Using AppHub example and some other link I created my resource files, fixed binding strings on my components and set a settings page.
First problem I had was that menu items and appbar buttons couldn't use localization strings (project complained when launched) so I have:
TextBlocks and other components binded with localized strings
Appbar buttons and items localized manually with a procedure loading localized strings
Now that I have my settings page, one item user can change is language.
Well, correct CultureInfo is selected according to user selection and then I use
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Settings.Language;
When I press back button and return to main page, appbar items are localized correctly, while everything else is not.
The only workaround (that I really don't like, it's just to understand) is this:
public MainPage()
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Settings.Language;
// Everything else I need here
so I have to set language before components are created to make it work.
What's wrong? Which is the correct way to make a page refresh after changing language using binded strings?
I did not put a lot of code because I used basically the one provided in the link, but if you need more info I will edit my question.
I finally found a solution to automatically update my application components reacting to language change.
A good tutorial can be found here; briefly you must find a way to notify your app that localized resource is changed.
public class LocalizedStrings : ViewModelBase
private static AppResources localizedresources = new AppResources();
public AppResources LocalizedResources
get { return localizedresources; }
public void UpdateLanguage()
localizedresources = new AppResources();
RaisePropertyChanged(() => LocalizedResources);
public static LocalizedStrings LocalizedStringsResource
return Application.Current.Resources["LocalizedStrings"]
as LocalizedStrings;
With this when user change language, you should simply run
and the job is done.

GUI Pattern Question: PropertyChangeListener vs. Specialized View Interface

I'd like to pair a Model with it's View through an interface. I want to control when and how often the view is updated. So something like PropertyChangeListener wouldn't work well (where an event is fired after each property is set).
I'm not developing for a specific GUI framework. The goal here is the ability to swap out different GUI front ends (right now for testing, but might be useful later for different versions of the app). These might be Swing, or it might be a web browser (via GWT, for example).
Below is my approach. The view implements an interface to provide a method to update. This is triggered by the controller when it determines it's done updating the model. This still feels ok to me, since the Controller is only interacting with the view through the model, the controller is not dependent on a particular implementation of the View.
So, I guess my question(s) are
does this work well?
Is this standard practice?
Does this pattern have a name?
Rough code sample (Java):
// Controller, manages Items (the model)
class ItemList {
void addItem(Item item) {
void doStuffWithItems() {
// perform some set of operations, such as sorting or layout
for (Item item : items) {
// ....
// now with everything in it's final position:
for (Item item : items) {
// Model
class Item {
private int top;
private int left;
private int width;
private int height;
// Can remember it's previous position/size:
public void savePostion() {
// And recall it for the Controller to use:
public public Position getSavedPosition() {
// Plus some other useful functions:
public boolean intersectsWith(Item other) {
public void updateView() {
void setView(ItemView view) {
this.view = view;
// Interface used by View implementations
public interface ItemView {
// Trigger the view to reflect the current state of the model
void update();
// Example, as a Swing component
class ItemComponent extends JComponent implements ItemView {
private Item item;
public ItemComponent(Item item) {
this.item = item;
// ItemView#update
public void update() {
// update the component's size/position
setBounds(new Rectangle(item.getLeft(), item.getTop(), item.getWidth(), item.getHeight()));
public void paint(Graphics g) {
// ...
I would avoid forcing the View to implement an interface only for change notification. Create a separate "update now" event on the model instead.
The model should not be controlling or know about the view directly. The view should register a callback with the controller so the controller can tell the view when to update, that's why its the controller. You could have the model allow external listeners for a modelChangedEvent. Then the view could register with the model in that respect without the model knowing there was a view. See the J2EE blueprint for MVC and how there is an indirect event notification of state change in the model.
For traditional applications that run on the desktop of a computer I recommend variants of the Passive View. The class responsible for creating and managing the form is a thin shell that passes events to the UI Object. The UI_Object interact with the form via a interface. In term the UI Object implements a UI_View Interface and registers itself with a View Controller that is situated lower in the object hierarchy.
The UI_Object then execute object implementing the Command Pattern which modifies the model. The command object can interacts with the various views via the interfaces exposed by the View Control.
What this does is allow you to rip off the form classes and replace them with stub classes that implement the form interfaces. The stub classes are used for automated testing especially for integration tests.
The interfaces precisely define the interaction between the Form, the UI_Object, Commands and the views. They can be designed to be relatively language agnostic so they can make porting between platform easier.
What you are missing in your example are command objects. You need this structure
Incorporate ItemList in the ItemViewImplementation
ItemComponent would register with the ItemViewImplementation using the ItemViewInterface.
The sequence of events would look something like this
User wants to update the Item
Clicks on the UI (assuming that UI
involves clicking with a mouse)
The Form tells the
ItemViewImplementation through the
ItemViewInterface that X has been
done with Y parameters.
The ItemViewImplementation then
creates a command object with the
parameters it needs from Y.
The Command Object take the Y
Parameters modifies the model and
then tells the
ItemViewImplementation through the
ItemViewInterface to update the UI.
The ItemViewImplementation tells the
ItemViewForms to update the UI
through the ItemViewFormInterface.
The ItemViewForms updates.
The advantage of this approach is that the interaction of each layer is precisely defined through interfaces. The Software ACTIONS are localized into the command objects. The Form layers is focused on display the result. The View layer is responsible for routing actions and response between the Commands and Forms. The Commands are the only things modifying the model. Also you have the advantage of ripping off the Forms Implementation to substitute any UI you want including mock object for unit testing.
