Azure ACS token renewal on Windows Phone - windows-phone-7

I am using Windows Azure toolkit for Windows Phone to authorize user with the help of Access Control Service. What is the supposed way to renew the session token in your app? Seems that all samples over the web ask user to sign in every 10 minutes (it's the default token expiration time. Increasing it to maximum allowed 24 hours doesn't really solve the problem - I want to sign in only once).
Is it possible to retrieve the token that remains valid until user explicitly revokes access for my app? Then I can store this token on the phone and use it to authorize service calls on user's behalf.

Currently ACS doesn’t provide a mechanism to renew tokens. The work around is to make the token live longer (increase token lifetime on the portal). But if you’re using an identity provider like Live ID, the user can choose to remember password. Then he doesn’t have to manually type password every time he tries to sign in. Your program can make this process more transparent. For example, try to connect to your service. If the service detects the token has expired, your Windows Phone application automatically opens the browser and ask the user to sign in again and get a new token. If the user chose to remember password, he will see the browser windows briefly show up, and then disappears without any action.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.


How to create endless session for mobile app

Current situation
We have a very common system architecture with Spring Boot back-end and Angular front-end. For the mobile app we use Ionic, which basically uses same codebase as the front-end but adds additional features like biometrics etc.
User login is based on OAuth and access and refresh tokens are created once the user initiates the session. The access token has a short life span, where the refresh token is valid for a couple of days. As I said - very common auth flow.
What we want to achieve
Mobile app users should be able to login only once and then use the
app without the need to re-login every time the refresh token
For the "normal" front-end app refresh token expiration
policy should stay unchanged, meaning the user is forced to log in
again once the refresh token expires.
Possible solutions (from my perspective)
we pass an additional param to the login request specifying the client: web | mobile. If client is mobile refresh token validity is extended to expire in 1-2 years. Downside: this will break the whole idea of having tokens, that expire. I personally see this as a security issue.
we store credentials on mobile app local storage. Once we have session expiration, the app uses the credentials to re-authenticate. Downside: again I don't think this is a good idea having credentials stored on any device makes the flow vulnerable.
What I am looking for is kind of a best practice to solve this.
You are right, It's a security risk to have tokens that never expire or expire in a few years but they are used. Anyway, one thing you could do is to add a field in the refresh token endpoint that when you set it to true (defaults to false) it would also extend the lifespan of the refresh token. And you could periodically call that endpoint from your app. It should work even when It's in the background.
If you wanna store the credentials in the local storage at least store them encrypted. You might need to create an endpoint that encrypts them because you should not have the private key in the mobile app. Then you'll probably need to create a custom authentication method that takes the encrypted credentials and compares them with the ones in the database.

How to sign out when using gapi.auth2.authorize

I am using gapi.auth2.authorize to authorize people in my Google Photos API app but I cannont find a why to unauthorize or disconnect them from the app. What I have noticed though is that there is no way of using an old access token so that the user doesn't need to authorize.
How can I make the access token invalid?
Is it correct that every time the API is used the user has to authorize?
How can I make the access token invalid?
Not possible to invalidate an access token, it will expire after 1h
You can check documenttation here
Is it correct that every time the API is used the user has to authorize?
Nope, you should ask users to authorize only once, using a refresh token that you can keep in your back-end, thus allowing your app to content on on users behalf all the time, until they revoke permissions

Google Apps Marketplace SSO requirement

I am considering developing an application for the Apps for Business Marketplace. I see that new rules takes affect on November 19th. Referring to the new documentation ( I do not see that any SSO requirement exists. There is allot of talk about migrating to new sign on methods, but I see no mention of sign on requirements.
What are the sign on requirements as of November 19th?
If SSO continues to be required or if I publish before Nov. 19th, my application requires security token from my API, in order to carry out API exchanges. To get this token a user/pass exchange is required one time. They would never need to enter a user/pass for my app after that. Will a one time exchange for the security token be denied under a SSO requirement?
For example the statement regarding SSO that an app cannot do is:
The end user should not be required to enter a username and password when invoking an application from within Google Apps. (
In my case it would not be required for the user to enter every time, just on the initial creation of the account. After that I would retain the token from my site, encrypted with the Installed App.
Would my app be denied for requiring this one time exchange under the SSO policy?
You will have to use SSO (or should if at all possible) -- see this part of the documentation: Besides, that is a better practice and should make your users feel more trust for your application.
From what I gather (note that I'm building my first marketplace app) you should not prompt users to enter username/password on your site. I am creating user record & storing token behind the scenes. So the user sees Google authorization screen, agrees to let my app use some data, accepts and sign-in right away without any prompt to create an account. After this, user will not be prompted in the future because I have their google id linked to a user record.
From their site -
As long as you don't have any intermediate screen, your app should be approved.

windows azure ACS confirmation for user credentials

I have an application on windows azure where users are authenticating by using ACS ( with ADFS 2.0).
There is a requirement that before certain actions, the user must confirm his identity by retyping his password.
Is there some way to ask ACS to check for credentials when a user is already signed in?
For a moment I thought about checking against the cookies created for the authentication, but I am not really sure that is possible. Besides, this feels just wrong.
Any ideas? I have been trying to search for REST apis of azure's ACS but it seems there are only management api calls for ACS.
There's no way to do this other than signing the user out and making them sign back in again. Even that, though, won't guarantee a password entry in all cases. If ADFS is configured for integrated auth (Kerberos), and the user is on a domain joined machine, they may never have entered their credentials and there's nothing you can do to force them to.

Single Sign On on Multiple Apps Windows Phone

We are developing multiple apps for our client which all can be used using same credentials(credentials of there company portal).
So we want to implement something like single sign on, such that user need not to login each app.
I have already gone through these links
Here is what i need exactly:
step 1.) When user login to one app(say App1), the portal will return a token, ineed to store this token somewhere, such that only authorized apps can access this.
Step 2.) when any other app(of same group) launches it will check on the location for the token and if token exists, it will not demand for credentials.
Step.3) When user logs out from any app, it will remove the token from shared location.
We have already implemented this in IOS using keychain(possibly wrong term as i am not ios developer).This keychain provides a common space for the apps signed with same certificate.
As per my knowledge uptill windows phone 7.5 there is no possibility. Does windows Phone 8 has something for this.
If not i am open to any kind of suggestions to serve the purpose.
P.S. : Security is our major concern, So when you suggest please let us know you think there could be any security concers though hack or phone loss.
Thanks a lot..
I hope to be corrected but this won't work. Apps are isolated and can't share things like data packets and such.
i am not a windows app guy.
but a trick can work.
following can raise security concerns if API token expiration time limit is not properly considered.
use firesharp / any XMPP service (suitable for windows client) to send api tokens to other devices like notification message.
handle the notification in such a way that token is not displayed.
and also remember, there is no such think as log out in API authorization.
you will have to restrict access with token expiration time limit.
