how to implement Spring Security SpEL isFullyAuthenticated() programmatically in a controller? - spring

I have a controller where I would like to check if a user in Fully Authenticated similar to what Spring Security isFullyAuthenticated() expression provides. How do I do that?
Solution I am using based on Tomasz Nurkiewicz answer below and just stealing the implementation from
public class SpringSecurityUtils {
private static final AuthenticationTrustResolver trustResolver = new AuthenticationTrustResolverImpl();
public static boolean isFullyAuthenticated()
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
return !trustResolver.isAnonymous(authentication) && !trustResolver.isRememberMe(authentication);

Looking at the source code of SecurityExpressionRoot and AuthenticationTrustResolverImpl looks like you can use the following condition:
public boolean isFullyAuthenticated(Authentication auth) {
return !(auth instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken ||
auth instanceof RememberMeAuthenticationToken);
Where you obtain authentication e.g. using:

You can call the isUserInRole() method of SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper or the HttpServletRequest using the string IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY:


Spring boot websocket: how to get the current principal programmatically?

By this thread I know that I can access to the principal by passing it as an argument to the method.
Nevetheless I need to access to this information in a transparent way, I tried with:
But it gives me null. So, isn't there another way?
It seems that, in order to obtain the full reference I have to define a custom channel interceptor:
private static class MyReceiver implements ChannelInterceptor{
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
SimpMessageType type = getType(message);
if(type == SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE) {
message.getHeaders().get("simpUser")); //it works here
return ChannelInterceptor.super.preSend(message, channel);
Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
if (principal instanceof UserDetails) {
String username = ((UserDetails)principal).getUsername();
} else {
String username = principal.toString();
This will give you the current logged-in Username in Spring Security
Note :
UserDetails object is the one that Spring Security uses to keep user-related information.
SecurityContext is used to store the details of the currently authenticated user and SecurityContextHolder is a helper class that provides access to the security context

Spring Boot Webflux Security - reading Principal in service class when writing tests

I am quite new to the Spring ecosystem in general and Webflux. There are 2 things that I am trying to figure out and cannot find any specifics about.
My Setup:
I am writing a Spring Boot 2 REST API using WebFlux (not using controllers but rather handler functions). The authentication server is a separate service which issues JWT tokens and those get attached to each request as Authentication headers. Here is a simple example of a request method:
public Mono<ServerResponse> all(ServerRequest serverRequest) {
return principal(serverRequest).flatMap(principal ->
Which i use to react to a GET request for a list of all "Projects" that a user has access to.
I afterwards have a service which retrieves the list of projects for this user and i render a json response.
The Problems:
Now in order to filter the projects based on the current user id i need to read it from the request principal. One issue here is that i have plenty service methods which need the current user information and passing it through to the service seems like an overkill. One solution is to read the principal inside the service from:
Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
Question 1:
Is this a good practice in general when writing functional code (If i do this instead of propagating the principal)? is this a good approach despite the complexity of reading and sending the principal from the request to the service in each method?
Question 2:
Should i instead use the SecurityContextHolder Thread Local to fetch the principal, and if i do that how do i write tests for my service?
If i use the Security Context how do i test my service implementations which are expecting a principal that is of type JWTAuthenticationToken
and i always get null when trying to do something like described here: Unit testing with Spring Security
In the service tests, In tests what i've managed to do so far is to propagate the principal to the service methods and use mockito to mock the principal. This is quite straightforward.
In the Endpoint Tests i am using #WithMockUser to populate the principal when doing requests and i mock out the service layer. This has the downside of the principal type being different.
Here is how my test class for the service layer looks:
class ProjectServiceImplTest extends BaseServiceTest {
ProjectServiceImpl projectService;
ProjectRepository projectRepository;
Principal principal;
Principal principal2;
void setUp() {
// Cleaned for brevity
public void all_returnsOnlyOwnedProjects() {
Flux<Project> saved = projectRepository.saveAll(
new Project(null, "First", "uuid"),
new Project(null, "Second", "uuid2"),
new Project(null, "Third", "uuid3")
Flux<Project> all = projectService.all(principal2);
Flux<Project> composite = saved.thenMany(all);
.consumeNextWith(project -> {
Based on the other answer, i managed to solve this problem in the following way.
I added the following methods to read the id from claims where it normally resides within the JWT token.
public static Mono<String> currentUserId() {
return jwt().map(jwt -> jwt.getClaimAsString(USER_ID_CLAIM_NAME));
public static Mono<Jwt> jwt() {
return ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()
.map(context -> context.getAuthentication().getPrincipal())
Then i use this within my services wherever needed, and i am not forwarding it through the handler to the service.
The tricky part was always testing. I am able to resolve this using the custom SecurityContextFactory. I created an annotation which i can attach the same way as #WithMockUser, but with some of the claim details i need instead.
#WithSecurityContext(factory = WithMockTokenSecurityContextFactory.class)
public #interface WithMockToken {
String sub() default "uuid";
String email() default "";
String name() default "Test User";
Then the Factory:
String token = "....ANY_JWT_TOKEN_GOES_HERE";
public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(WithMockToken tokenAnnotation) {
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
HashMap<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("kid", "SOME_ID");
headers.put("typ", "JWT");
headers.put("alg", "RS256");
HashMap<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
claims.put("sub", tokenAnnotation.sub());
claims.put("aud", new ArrayList<>() {{
claims.put("updated_at", "2019-06-24T12:16:17.384Z");
claims.put("exp", new Date());
claims.put("iat", new Date());
Jwt jwt = new Jwt(token,,, ChronoUnit.HOURS), headers,
JwtAuthenticationToken jwtAuthenticationToken = new JwtAuthenticationToken(jwt, AuthorityUtils.NO_AUTHORITIES); // Authorities are needed to pass authentication in the Integration tests
return context;
Then a simple test will look like this:
#WithMockToken(sub = "uuid2")
public void delete_whenNotOwner() {
Mono<Void> deleted = this.projectService.create(projectDTO)
.flatMap(saved -> this.projectService.delete(saved.getId()));
As you are using Webflux you should be using the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder to retrieve the principal like so : Object principal = ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
The use of the non-reactive one will return null as you are seeing.
There is more info related to the topic in this answer -

How to implement Session Tracking in spring MVC?

I am very new to spring mvc, I have to develop a web application based on session tracking and my application is annotation based. In my web app I have route each page based on the username and role existence in session. Initially I have been using HttpSession as parameter to controller method, but it is very difficult to check each and every request. I know there are many application level security ways in spring, but I really couldn't understand how to use them. Please suggest me some solutions, For all help thanks in advance.
After updating with interceptors:
Controller class
// Method to showLogin page to user
#RequestMapping(value = "user")
public ModelAndView showLoginToUser(#ModelAttribute("VMFE") VmFeUser VMFE,HttpSession session) {
System.out.println("#C====>showLoginToUser()===> ");
ModelAndView view = new ModelAndView();
//session.setAttribute("user_name", "no_user");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return view;
public class HelloWorldInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
public boolean preHandle (HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Object handler) throws Exception {
RequestMapping rm = ((HandlerMethod) handler).getMethodAnnotation(
boolean alreadyLoggedIn = request.getSession()
.getAttribute("user_name") != null;
boolean loginPageRequested = rm != null && rm.value().length > 0
&& "login".equals(rm.value()[0]);
if (alreadyLoggedIn && loginPageRequested) {
//response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/app/main-age");
return false;
} else if (!alreadyLoggedIn && !loginPageRequested) {
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/user");
return false;
return true;
Using spring security you can implement session tracking and apply filters to validate requests. Spring security is very easy to implement. Kindly follow spring security tutorial click here.
You can also check my git repo for implementation click here. It's a angular spring boot application and i have used spring security and JWT for authentication and authorization.
Hope it helps you thanks.

Authorization in jersey framework

I am using jersey (java) framework. I did authentication based on cookie using Container request filter. Now I have to do Authorization. So, how to I proceed? Quick guidance please.
Jersey has #RolesAllowed("role") annotation to facilitate auth check. Make use of:
HttpServletRequest httpRequest;`
and in the login method put identity into session like here:
HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(true);
session.setAttribute(key, val);
in filter
final String name = session.getAttribute(key);
SecurityContext securityContext = new SecurityContext() {
public boolean isUserInRole(String roleName) {
return roleName.equals("role");
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
return new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return name;
That's it in short. It is quite common approach. If you want I can share ref impl on GitHub.

How to access a custom parameter from the login page in spring security?

I have a custom field along with "j_username" and "j_password" on my login.jsp, that I need to authenticate the user. I am using a CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter to access the custom field as follows.
public class CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter {
public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
String myCustomField= request.getParameter("myCustomField");
request.getSession().setAttribute("CUSTOM_FIELD", myCustomField);
return super.attemptAuthentication(request, response);
I tried accessing the session in loadByUsername method of UserDetailsService class but I get an error. Here is the code for my custom UserDetailsService.
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String userName) throws UsernameNotFoundException, DataAccessException {
ServletRequestAttributes attr = (ServletRequestAttributes)RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
HttpSession session = attr.getRequest().getSession();
User userObject = dbObject.retrieveUser(userName,myCustomParameter)
// code here to retrieve my user from the DB using the userName and myCustomParameter that was retrieved from login.jsp and put in the session. Get the custom parameter from the session here.
if (userObject == null)
throw new UsernameNotFoundException("user not found");
return new AuthenticationUserDetails(userObject);
Is there any way where I can access this custom parameter for authentication? Sending it through the session doesn't seem to be working.
Wouldn't the session be created AFTER the authentication takes place. So a new authenticated session might be created after your call to attemptAuthentication
Here's the spring doc on the Abstract class you're implementing,%20javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse,
You might be losing the session attribute by the time loadByUsername is called.
I ran into the exact problem.
The problem appeared to be that the RequestAttributes was not bound to the current thread. To make it work, I had to explicitly bind it to the current thread.
In CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, after the statement
request.getSession().setAttribute("CUSTOM_FIELD", myCustomField);
RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(new ServletRequestAttributes(request));
This worked for for me.
