MS Visual Studio 2010 Error Message - visual-studio-2010

I have spent all day trying to get a program working. Now, MS Studio 10 stopped compiling, with an error message,
fatal error LNK1168: cannot open K:\Continuing Education\CCCCD\COSC1436\Prog10\Debug\Prog10.exe for writing
I'm guessing this means it ran out of memory somewhere. What do I need to do to get it working, again?

Possible reasons:
You have an instance of Prog10.exe running
K: drive is full
If K:is a network drive, it went offline.

Make sure you have write permission to the mentioned directory. Is that where your project is stored?
The error message is telling you that it couldn't write out the exe file, which usually means there's something wrong with write permissions for that directory.


Fixing the "Failed to save" error in Visual Studio Code?

I recently installed Visual Studio Code 1.72.2 on a Windows 10 OS.
Since I started using it, I had a hard time when saving source files in VS Code, with the error message very frequently appearing and saying "Failed to save '': Unable to write file '[file_path]' (Unknown (FileSystemError): Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, open '[file_path]')"
When I create a workspace and the first source file, it actually saves without a problem. Then, after about 5-10 minutes of editing and debugging, the aforementioned error message suddenly pops up and I can't save the file from there on.
After searching Google many times, I could only find one post written by someone who was probably in an identical situation as mine (identical problems like files becoming corrupted after experiencing this "Failed to save" error), but the post was closed without any useful information.
I could find some posts about having "Failed to save" type of errors like File Permission error, but since my error exclusively says "UNKNOWN" I can't even guess what went wrong.
I already have tried disabling the installed extensions, but still no luck. This error happens regardless of the language of the source files, hence it shouldn't be a problem with a particular extension.
One last note, the file system I am using for source files and workspaces is D:, which is a 256GB external USB Mass Storage Device.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

What is fatal error C1090: PDB API call failed, error code '3': vc142.pdb?

I set up a new project with Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.10. When I try to build I get the following error:
EasyTcpStubs.c : fatal error C1090: PDB API call failed, error code '3':
W:\Dropbox\Me (Mine)\TcpToNamedPipe\TcpToNamedPipe\Debug\vc142.pdb
I have searched the internet and this site for any explanation of this error. Maybe I missed it but I could not find anything.
The project is a Console project.
The error occurs without a line number so it does not seem to be the source. I tried another project and it compiles OK (but it is an old project whereas this error is occuring on a brand new project.
Does anyone know something about this?
For me, I stopped Dropbox and it works. It seems that something is using W:\Dropbox\Me (Mine)\TcpToNamedPipe\TcpToNamedPipe\Debug.
In my experience this error is likely due to some permission error. If your project is in Dropbox, OneDrive, etc, most likely you get this error because your Dropbox cannot sync and update files properly. Restart Dropbox and that should fix the issue.
In My case, I suspect it is some type of race condition/lock issue with the code that opens/closes the *.pdb file. In my case I am running /MP (Multiprocessor Compile) so up to 4 *.cpp modules being built at a time. It works fine on a stand alone build machine. But I'm a vendor and must use a VM environment to develop for my customer, and the disk requirements are so large I must place the builds on a network share.
The latency of file I/O access over a network share seems to be the issue.
Thats all I know about the issue at the moment.
As I learn/test discover more, I can improve this answer.
Synology Drive Client (v3.2.0) caused this error for me. Pausing the sync eliminated the error. Thanks to all for the clue of DropBox, OneDrive, etc. causing the issue.

Loading Visual Basic application

I recently moved one of the old Visual basic application from one computer to another computer (windows 10). When I tried to load the application on the new computer. I get the following errors:
ACTBar.ocx could not be loaded-- Continue loading projects.
I clicked Yes then I got another error saying:
Resize32.ocx could not be loaded-- Continue loading projects.
I said Yes again Then I got another error saying :
TDBG5.OCX and then Crystl32.OCX and then Comctl32.OCX could not be loaded
In order to start rsolving the first .OCX error, I copied this ACTBAR.OCX from my old computer and put it in windows/system32 manually. I tried to register the .OCX regsvr32 command, but got an error saying "The module "ACTBAR.OCX" failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems. I tried to unregister then and got the same error. How can I overcome these .ocx issues. This application was written by another developer.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I found the solution. In windows 10, I need to put these .ocx files in c:\windows\syswow64 directory and then register them and the error will go away.

ld.exe cannot open output file

i've used CodeBlocks for 8 months and now begins give me problems.
When I compile a file I happen to receive an error that is not given by the compilation itself, but from codeblock.
The error is:ld.exe cannot open output file Permission Denied.
Then I changed the folder thinking it was a problem with the fact that I do not have administrator access so I could not save in certain parts
Then I tried to rebuild and for a while it worked, and the error would not show up,
now she has returned as before because it keeps giving me the same error.Someone has already received this errorand he resolved?
Thanks :)
Your program is probably still running in background, or another process is using that file like anti-virus.
Check in task manager, if the program process is still running you get this message.

Unable to access Temp files while debugging winForms project in Visual Studios 2010

I have several programs that I have created in visual studios 2010. I have been working on these programs for months with no problems. Recently I started having an issue where I can no longer access my temp directory while debugging within VS. I can't use My.Settings anymore because these use those temp files. This is the error I get:
Failed to save settings: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PROGNAME\PROGNAME.exe_Url_gty0snnfox5ji5xgprklljwb0e0mthek\\nl3u0fw2.tmp'. (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PROGNAME\PROGNAME.exe_Url_gty0snnfox5ji5xgprklljwb0e0mthek\\user.config)*
This file is there though.
I also get an error when trying to use my web services. I get this error:
Access to the temp directory is denied. Identity 'DOMAIN\Username' under which XmlSerializer is running does not have sufficient permission to access the temp directory. CodeDom will use the user account the process is using to do the compilation, so if the user doesn�t have access to system temp directory, you will not be able to compile. Use Path.GetTempPath() API to find out the temp directory location.*
I used the Path.GetTempPath() as the error says and I am trying to access: >"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\"
I have tried going to these folders and making sure that I have the security set to allow everyone complete control. I believe it is a problem with VS not my program because I get the same problem on all of my programs, some of which I haven't opened in months. I did a repair on VS.
I can't think of what might have changed to cause this to stop working all of a sudden. I traveled to a customers facility where I had to change some network settings, but everything should be set back as it was now. My temporary security certificate expired, but I created a new one and now the certificate I am using to sign these applications is in my trusted root on certificate manager and looks to be valid. I should also mention that this is a clickonce deployment and the deployement works fine on my computer and others, it is only while debugging that I have these issues.
I have been running this down for weeks and spent countless hours looking for a solution and have come to a brick wall. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks ahead of time for your help and time! Please let me know if I can clarify anything.
It turns out that the problem was coming from the fact that somehow one of the folders in the filepath to my user.config file got changed. Somehow a .vshost got thrown in on one of the folder names. I still have no idea how this happened and what caused this to happen, and I am not 100% sure that I have gotten to the real root of the problem, but for now, I am able to debug again. I changed the file name back to what it was supposed to be and the errors have stopped. Now lets just hope the file name doesn't get changed back again.
