How to make Flash On Screen Keyboard work with windows? - windows

I know flash I am making a (SWF)Flash Virtual On Screen Keyboard, I want to use it the same way windows on-screen keyboard is used. But I dont know how to go out of the scope of the flash environment and interact with system elements like windows screen keyboard (osk.exe) does. If anyone knows how i can make that possible do help out.

I am pretty sure there is a file extension that allows you to override system EXE's, I think it may be called mod, so save your file as OSK.exe and rename it to OSK.mod and copy it to the same folder as the system version and it should override it, this may be wrong because I have not done windows programming for quite a while.
You could always modify the registry like:


Application Keyboard Shortcuts

For a fun winterbreak project, I'm trying to write a tool for mac that, depending on whichever application is currently in focus, will show all the appropriate Keyboard shortcuts. I'm still thinking about how it might work, as well as still looking around for info. But, I'm of course wondering whether or not there is even a streamlined format for defining keyboard shortcuts on mac. Does anyone have any light to shed here? I'm looking for plist's on my computer, but nothing is coming up, so I'm not sure that that is the proper solution.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance, even for downvotes(:

Low level keyboard hook

I just bought a new keyboard, and I'm interested in tracking exactly how many keypresses/strokes I make during the entire life of the keyboard. (I would want to just record keyUp, as I don't care about repeats)
I've been googling around for the best way to do this, but I don't even know what approach to take, so I'm having trouble searching intelligently.
Also, the only language I've really worked with is C#. Haven't done anything with C/C++ or WinAPI
Is it difficult to modify the Win 7 drivers directly?
I do want to be able to record keystrokes from the moment the computer boots, but this may not be easily done.
I would prefer to use an existing driver or hook, as I really don't care to get into learning device drivers right now.
I've looked briefly at Ctrl2Cap, but I don't know how to modify something like that to suit my case.
Other questions I looked at,
Writing a keyboard device driver
Low level keyboard Hook not at UI thread
This one indicates writing a USB Filter driver may work, but I have no clue where to start on that.
Disabling the keyboard in windows c++?
It is not necessary to go the driver route, which is not for the faint of heart. You can use use a low level keyboard hook which will work fine from .NET.
I did a quick bing and found the following on codeplex
It should get you going
If you want to do that you need to use Kernel Level Keylogger. It's grabs the keystrokes before the operating system takes effects and this one 99% invisible for detection techniques. Then you can grab the Windows Log On screen typed things like password/username etc.
#ChrisTaylor's key logger not work for WinLog-on Screen I reckon. If you can install the keyboard driver filter before the system keyboard device driver take a action you can handle windows user login screen also. But In order to install this driver level key hook you need to have administrator privileges.
I found Unix and Windows Keyloggers from Github. Free to play with this and have fun!
That, what you want is dangerous!
With the same code everyone can create keylogger*
But if you not a virus creator then I recommend you to search "hotkeying in C/C++" or something like that and hook keyboard with hotkeys!
I have written HotKey Maker in VB6 which can make hotkey from every button of keyboard.
But I really not interested in viruses :)
Good Luck !
*Virus which hooks your keyboard and send all what you wrote in keyboard to Virus owner

How to edit Windows 7 logon screen and general UI

Is there a way to create a custom Windows 7 logon screen and UI? I don't mean just customizing the picture, I mean something in the sense of a flash splash screen on a website. And then having the whole UI customized in the sense that, instead of a start button, I have can have like... a plus sign that opens up a customized start menu.
Is there anything in the Windows GUI library that will enable this? I know quite a few languages except for assembly, not sure if it would require that anyway.
In other words, if you go to you see how it loads up? Is that possible in a Windows environment? If not, where or how could I do it in another environment? Thanks!

How to change the text in standard dialog button in Windows 7?

How can I change the "OK" text into "Great!" on all buttons in Windows 7's dialog windows?
The MessageBox function is documented as being in User32.dll. Modify that and you should be set.
A couple of caveats:
This is an important system DLL and Microsoft will have gone to some lengths to keep it from being modified. Not only will you have trouble modifying it, but if you succeed Windows might restore it from a backup as soon as it can.
If you screw up you might make your system unbootable.
If I ever find you doing this to any PC of mine, prepare to hide and hide well, because I will be looking for you.

How does edit.exe work?

There is an exe in system32 called . It is an old text editor. I'm wondering how they made a console app have a gui, and work with the mouse? Thanks
There are no shortcuts.The mouse had to be interfaced with through assembly code.You would call interrupt 33 to have access to several functions like reading the mouse motion counters and button states. Then you'd read the CPU registers to get those numbers. From there on you could do everything else in C, including the GUI-like interface. There's no shortcut to that either - it must be manually done, each individual square has to be painted the correct color. is REALLY old. It was written before the Windows GUI was really popular. They probably use special DOS functions to create the graphics and recognize the mouse.
Well prior to Windows 3.1 there used to be an operating system call DOS and I believe the mouse thing came with DOS 5.0 or DOS 4.0.
Your best bet for adding mouse and color support to a console is to use some kind of TextArea control and make your own console instead of using the DOS console. You could also look into ncurses for Windows but I don't recommend it. If you just want color you could also look at this tutorial.
