Algorithms for placing images on a screen "nicely" - image

Note: This is not for a webpage, it is a simple program that holds a set of images and will randomly pick a number of images and display them on the screen. Imagine working with an image editor and manually positioning imported images on the canvas.
I am having difficulty coming up with a way to position a set of arbitrary images on a screen of fixed dimension (it's just a window)
So for example, if I have one image, I would probably just position it in the center of the screen.
If I have two images, I would try to place them in the center of the screen, but then spread them apart horizontally so that they look centered relative to each other and also the screen.
| |
But what if one image is larger than the other two? I might have something like
| |
Similarly, maybe I have two larger ones and two smaller ones
|-----| |-----|
| |
So that the large one appears "in the back" while the small ones are up front.
It is inevitable that some images will end up covering up parts of other images but the best I can do is try to make it as orderly as possible.
I can quickly grab the dimensions of each image object that is to be drawn, and there is a limit on how many images will be drawn (from 1 to 8 inclusive).
Images can be drawn anywhere on the screen, and if any part of the image is outside of the screen those parts will just be cut off. All images have dimensions smaller than the dimensions of the screen, and are typically no bigger than 1/4 of the entire screen.
What is a good way to approach this problem? Even handling the base cases like having two images (of possibly different sizes) is already pretty confusing.

You could treat this as the 2D bin packing problem, which will optimise for non-overlapping rectangles in a "compact" way, though aesthetics won't be a consideration.
If you want to roll your own, you could try placing all images on the canvas on a grid, with the centre-to-centre spacing being large enough that no images overlap. Then "squash" the images closer together, left to right and top to bottom, to reduce the amount of whitespace.

html tables of 100% width and height (with disabled overflows) are a good starting point IMO - in the first iteration just order the pictures by size and make 8 templates like:
2 rows, first with colspan=2
then find some ugly cases and make special rules for them (like for 3 vertical images make 1 row, ...)


anyway to remove algorithmically discolorations from aerial imagery

I don't know much about image processing so please bear with me if this is not possible to implement.
I have several sets of aerial images of the same area originating from different sources. The pictures have been taken during different seasons, under different lighting conditions etc. Unfortunately some images look patchy and suffer from discolorations or are partially obstructed by clouds or pix-elated, as par example picture1 and picture2
I would like to take as an input several images of the same area and (by some kind of averaging them) produce 1 picture of improved quality. I know some C/C++ so I could use some image processing library.
Can anybody propose any image processing algorithm to achieve it or knows any research done in this field?
I would try with a "color twist" transform, i.e. a 3x3 matrix applied to the RGB components. To implement it, you need to pick color samples in areas that are split by a border, on both sides. You should fing three significantly different reference colors (hence six samples). This will allow you to write the nine linear equations to determine the matrix coefficients.
Then you will correct the altered areas by means of this color twist. As the geometry of these areas is intertwined with the field patches, I don't see a better way than contouring the regions by hand.
In the case of the second picture, the limits of the regions are blurred so that you will need to blur the region mask as well and perform blending.
In any case, don't expect a perfect repair of those problems as the transform might be nonlinear, and completely erasing the edges will be difficult. I also think that colors are so washed out at places that restoring them might create ugly artifacts.
For the sake of illustration, a quick attempt with PhotoShop using manual HLS adjustment (less powerful than color twist).
The first thing I thought of was a kernel matrix of sorts.
Do a first pass of the photo and use an edge detection algorithm to determine the borders between the photos - this should be fairly trivial, however you will need to eliminate any overlap/fading (looks like there's a bit in picture 2), you'll see why in a minute.
Do a second pass right along each border you've detected, and assume that the pixel on either side of the border should be the same color. Determine the difference between the red, green and blue values and average them along the entire length of the line, then divide it by two. The image with the lower red, green or blue value gets this new value added. The one with the higher red, green or blue value gets this value subtracted.
On either side of this line, every pixel should now be the exact same. You can remove one of these rows if you'd like, but if the lines don't run the length of the image this could cause size issues, and the line will likely not be very noticeable.
This could be made far more complicated by generating a filter by passing along this line - I'll leave that to you.
The issue with this could be where there was development/ fall colors etc, this might mess with your algorithm, but there's only one way to find out!

Autocad - How to match two files to the same scale

I am attempting to bring two images together in Autocad. In a nutshell, I am attempting to see how many of the smaller object I can fit into the larger one. When I copy the smaller pieces drawing, into the larger one, the smaller object appears way bigger in the viewport.
I need to know how to match the settings so that the when the images come on the same page, they are in correct proportion to one another.
This is typically done by comparing each drawing file to find out what units each is in. Then by using the xref command to import on drawing on top of the other at origin specified or 0,0,0 on can scale the xref to match the units of one drawing or easier still just make sure the units in both drawings are the same such as Imperial default units to feet or inches.

Invoice / OCR: Detect two important points in invoice image

I am currently working on OCR software and my idea is to use templates to try to recognize data inside invoices.
However scanned invoices can have several 'flaws' with them:
Not all invoices, based on a single template, are correctly aligned under the scanner.
People can write on invoices
Example of invoice: (Have to google it, sadly cannot add a more concrete version as client data is confidential obviously)
I find my data in the invoices based on the x-values of the text.
However I need to know the scale of the invoice and the offset from left/right, before I can do any real calculations with all data that I have retrieved.
What have I tried so far?
1) Making the image monochrome and use the left and right bounds of the first appearance of a black pixel. This fails due to the fact that people can write on invoices.
2) Divide the invoice up in vertical sections, use the sections that have the highest amount of black pixels. Fails due to the fact that the distribution is not always uniform amongst similar templates.
I could really use your help on (1) how to identify important points in invoices and (2) on what I should focus as the important points.
I hope the question is clear enough as it is quite hard to explain.
Detecting rotation
I would suggest you start by detecting straight lines.
Look (perhaps randomly) for small areas with high contrast, i.e. mostly white but a fair amount of very black pixels as well. Then try to fit a line to these black pixels, e.g. using least squares method. Drop the outliers, and fit another line to the remaining points. Iterate this as required. Evaluate how good that fit is, i.e. how many of the pixels in the observed area are really close to the line, and how far that line extends beyond the observed area. Do this process for a number of regions, and you should get a weighted list of lines.
For each line, you can compute the direction of the line itself and the direction orthogonal to that. One of these numbers can be chosen from an interval [0°, 90°), the other will be 90° plus that value, so storing one is enough. Take all these directions, and find one angle which best matches all of them. You can do that using a sliding window of e.g. 5°: slide accross that (cyclic) region and find a value where the maximal number of lines are within the window, then compute the average or median of the angles within that window. All of this computation can be done taking the weights of the lines into account.
Once you have found the direction of lines, you can rotate your image so that the lines are perfectly aligned to the coordinate axes.
Detecting translation
Assuming the image wasn't scaled at any point, you can then try to use a FFT-based correlation of the image to match it to the template. Convert both images to gray, pad them with zeros till the originals take up at most 1/2 the edge length of the padded image, which preferrably should be a power of two. FFT both images in both directions, multiply them element-wise and iFFT back. The resulting image will encode how much the two images would agree for a given shift relative to one another. Simply find the maximum, and you know how to make them match.
Added text will cause no problems at all. This method will work best for large areas, like the company logo and gray background boxes. Thin lines will provide a poorer match, so in those cases you might have to blur the picture before doing the correlation, to broaden the features. You don't have to use the blurred image for further processing; once you know the offset you can return to the rotated but unblurred version.
Now you know both rotation and translation, and assumed no scaling or shearing, so you know exactly which portion of the template corresponds to which portion of the scan. Proceed.
If rotation is solved already, I'd just sum up all pixel color values horizontally and vertically to a single horizontal / vertical "line". This should provide clear spikes where you have horizontal and vertical lines in the form.
p.s. Generated a corresponding horizontal image with Gimp's scaling capabilities, attached below (it's a bit hard to see because it's only one pixel high and may get scaled down because it's > 700 px wide; the url is ).

Averaging images sequentially

I realize there might be a better place to ask this, but I think you all will have some valuable feedback.
People are asked to draw a shape in black on a white cavas. Then their drawing is added to the running average. I'd like to have the parts that the images mostly have in common be shown, and the parts of the drawing that are unlike most of the other drawings disappear.
My two problems are that I'm using ImageMagick to process the images, which means that I can only create a composite of two images at once. So I have the running total image, and the newest one to add. I cannot get a real average this way.
Secondly, I do not fully understand blending modes particularly when different opacities are involved. I'm not sure which is the best to use.
When you add the first two images you blend them equally. But then when you add the 3rd image to the mix you have to change the weight of each image. The two image composite should be blended at 66.6% while the new image should contribute just 33.3%. For the 4th image you will blend at 75% and 25% respectively. In general, if you have n images in the composite, then the new image should contribute 100/(n+1) percent when added.
As you see, the more images you have the less an individual image affects the composite result.

Creating a photo album; Need an algorithm for dynamically placing varied-size images

OK, so in my little album app (in Flash/AS3, but language doesn't matter), each page has a 5x4 grid of photos. However, some photos I want to elevate in prominence, so instead of occupying a 1x1 space, some of them would occupy a 2x2 space.
So, if I have an array of image objects that I'm iterating, in order, to fill pages sequentially...what's the best way to keep track of a) when a page is filled and b) if a 2x2 photo will fit on given point on the grid?
For example, in this case, the first four photos (marked by x's) have been placed. The fifth photo is a obviously can't fit in the 1st row, 5 col. position...what's a good algorithm for deciding that it needs to be placed in the next row, and that the 1x5th position is open for the next 1x1 photo?
It would probably be easier, if possible, to place the large images first, because then you can fill all remaining space with little ones.
So if you are pulling these pictures from a list, jump ahead in it until you find a large one (or two or three, however many you want), and place those. Then, jump back to where you started and fill with the unused images (skipping the large ones, obviously). To keep track if it is all filled, you can keep a counter that counts 1 for small images and 4 for the larger ones until it hits 20.
