How do I get commands to execute at an interval? - bash

My PC is really messed up, and I need to run su -c "/etc/init.d/networking restart" about once every hour. How do I do so? I'm running Ubuntu Server Nov. 2011, and am comfortable with bash. I also have ~4 ttys that are unused, if the process is a while loop.
Thank You in Advance,

Use Cron. Thats a time based job scheduler.


How to start WSL cron jobs on boot?

I have some scripts that must be run under WSL, and must be run all the time. Currently, my Windows 11 randomly decides when it thinks it's convenient to reboot and install some updates. Is there a way to start WSL cron jobs automatically with Windows?
If this sounds like an XY Problem, I'd be more than happy to elaborate further.
I set up the cron job via crontab -e (and also sudo). I was expecting it to behave as it would on a regular Linux distro, but it doesn't do anything until I "sudo service cron start" and have at least one of the WSL windows open.

How can i run two commands exactly at same time on two different unix servers?

My requirement is that i have to reboot two servers at same time (exactly same timestamp) . So my plan is to create two shell script that will ssh to the server and trigger the reboot. My doubt is
How can i run same shell script on two server at same time. (same timestamp)
Even if i run Script1 &; Script2. This will not ensure that reboot will be issued at same time, minor time difference will be there.
If you are doing it remotely, you could use a terminal emulator with broadcast input, so that what you type is sent to all sessions of the open terminal. On Linux tmux is one such emulator.
The other easiest way is write a shell script which waits for the same timestamp on both machines and then both reboot.
First, make sure both machine's time are aligned (use the best implementation of and your system's related utilities).
If you need this just one time: on each servers do a
echo /path/to/your/script | at ....
(.... being when you want it. See man at).
If you need to do it several times: use crontab instead of at
(see man cron and man crontab)

glassfish dies and does not start again

One of our application servers (Glassfish v3.0.1) keeps crushing down with no reason. Sometimes, I am away from Internet so I cannot run it back again. Therefore, I wrote a simple bash script to wait for 10 minutes and then run asadmin. It is like:
while true;
do sleep 600;
sudo /home/ismetb/glassfishv3.0.1/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain;
This seems to work fine however I have a couple of problems:
If I terminate the bash script (by pressing ctrl+z buttons), the Java process (Glassfish) dies and start-domain and stop-domain commands do not work at all. That means, I can neither stop Glassfish nor can I access it. I do not know if anybody else experienced this problem before or not. If the process dies, only thing I can do is to look for the ID of Java process and kill it from terminal. This not desirable at all. Any ideas why Java process dies when I quit script?
What I want to add to my script is something like to check the port Glassfish is using. If port is occupied maybe I can assume that Glassfish is not down! (However, the port (8080 default) might still be used by Glassfish although Glassfish is dead, I am not sure of it). If not, then with the help of a simple code, I can get the id of the Java process and kill them all. Then start-domain command will successfully work. Any ideas or any directions on how I can do this?
You can use a cron job instead. To install a cron job for root, enter
sudo crontab -e
and add this line
*/10 * * * * /home/ismetb/glassfishv3.0.1/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
This will run asadmin every ten minutes.
If you're not comfortable with the command line, you might also try gnome-schedule, but I have no experience with that.
For your second problem, you can use curl or wget to access glassfish. You can try to get some URL, or even access the administration interface, and if you don't get a response, assume glassfish is down.

restart all god tasks

Here's the description for god's restart command: restart <task or group name>. The builtin init script does a kill, followed by a start. Is there really no built-in way to send a restart command to all watches whether they are grouped or not?
There is a way to restart all watches (it is a hack), but the below should produce the behavior. It terminates god and all tasks, then restarts god.
$ sudo god terminate && sudo /etc/init.d/god start
For people reaching there looking for a current solution, please note this feature is now provided in 0.13.3 : if no parameter is given to start / stop / restart, it will be triggered on all watches.
Nope, there isn't. You have to restart either each group or each individual process.

Creating more permanent crontab files

I just recently asked this question:
The solution of using crontab -e to create a job worked very well and my script worked fine.
However, I found that once I exited the terminal, that job was deleted. How can I create a job mediated by cron that will work every day at the same regardless of if I exit the terminal or even turn off my computer (assuming my computer is turned back when the cron job is scheduled to execute)
cron is permanent. So the accepted answer given in the linked question would run the script at 7 AM everyday. It has nothing to do with if you are logged in or not.
