TransactionTemplate vs #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) - spring

could someone please explain why the first unit test class works whereas the second test class fails with a lock wait timeout error?
First test class:
public class Test1 extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests {
public void setUp() {
// do stuff through hibernate to populate database with test data
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NEVER)
public void testDeleteObject() {
TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager);
transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
try {
// execute sql that deletes data populated in setUp() [i.e. this will require locks on the objects].
Second Test class [Get a lock wait timeout error]:
public class Test2 extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests {
public void setUp() {
// do stuff through hibernate to populate database with test data
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void testObject() {
// execute sql that deletes data populated in setUp() [i.e. this will require locks on the objects].
I understand that the second test class fails because the two transaction are fighting for the same locks but neither can give up the locks due to its in_progress transaction state. What I'm confused about is why the first test class succeeds in executing the sql. I'm probably understanding this wrong, but doesn't a new transaction also gets created when the transactionTemplate executes the transaction callback? In that case, shouldn't the same thing happen (lock wait timeout)?

TransactionTemplate does not create a new transaction by default. The default propagation behaviour is PROPAGATION_REQUIRED. In your first case there are no locking issues, because setup and deletion are done in the same transaction.
You can see when new transactions are created or existing transactions reused by setting log level to DEBUG for class org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager (or even for the whole org.springframework package).
Javadoc for propagation behaviour

A deadlock occurs only if there are two or more connections accessing the same data. In case of test case annotated with propagation NEVER you've got only one transaction, one created by TransactionTemplate.
The second case is a bit fuzzy to me. An exception means there are two concurrent connections/transactions - one for setUp and one for testObject. Propagation REQUIRES_NEW indeed enforces another connection even if there is one detected but I would expect setUp to be launched within this transaction as well. You may try to get rid of #Transactional on testObject. AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests is annotated with #Transactional itself with default propagation which is REQUIRED I believe.


Without JPA #Transaction and save() when is the commit done?

When a method has a #Transaction annatotion, I know the commit is done at the end of the method. But when I don't use #Transaction, it's not clear to me when the commit is done. In my example I don't use #Transaction, do the real change in another service and don't use someRepository .save(), but it still works:
public class ServiceA {
private final SomeRepository someRepository;
private final ServiceB serviceB;
public ServiceA(SomeRepository someRepository, ) {
this.someRepository = someRepository;
this.serviceB = serviceB;
// Called from controller
public void doStuff() {
var someEntity = someRepository.findById(1);
public class ServiceB {
public ServiceB() {}
public void makeChange(SomeEntity someEntity) {
someEntity.setName("Test"); // this is working and committed to the database
So actually I have 2 questions:
When I don't add a #Transaction annatotion to a method when is the commit done?
I don't even have to call I thought that worked only when using the #Transaction annotation?
Spring Boot 2.2.6
"spring-boot-starter-data-jpa" as dependency
first one clarification: the #Transactional annotation does not mean there is a commit at end of the method. It means the method joins the transaction (or start a new one - this depends on the propagation attributes to be precise), so the commit (or rollback) will be performed at the end of the transaction, which can (and often does) involve multiple methods with various DB access.
Normally Spring (or another transaction manager) takes care of this (ie disabling auto-commit).
#Transactional missing
There is no transactional context so the commit is performed immediately as the database in modified. There is no rollback option and, if there is an error, the data integrity might be violated,
#Transactional defined
During the transactions the JPA entities are in managed-state, at the end of the transaction the state is automatically flushed to the DB (no need to call

Why does OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter change #Transactional propagation REQUIRES_NEW behavior?

Using Spring 4.3.12, Spring Data JPA 1.11.8 and Hibernate 5.2.12.
We use the OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter to ensure our entity relationships do not throw LazyInitializationException after an entity has been loaded. Often in our controllers we use a #ModelAttribute annotated method to load an entity by id and make that loaded entity available to a controller's request mapping handler method.
In some cases like auditing we have entity modifications that we want to commit even when some other transaction may error and rollback. Therefore we annotate our audit work with #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) to ensure this transaction will commit successfully regardless of any other (if any) transactions which may or may not complete successfully.
What I've seen in practice using the OpenEntityManagerInviewFilter, is that when Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW transactions attempt to commit changes which occurred outside the scope of the new transaction causing work which should always result in successful commits to the database to instead rollback.
Given this Spring Data JPA powered repository (the EmployeeRepository is similarly defined):
public interface MethodAuditRepository extends JpaRepository<MethodAudit,Long> {
This service:
public class MethodAuditorImpl implements MethodAuditor {
private final MethodAuditRepository methodAuditRepository;
public MethodAuditorImpl(MethodAuditRepository methodAuditRepository) {
this.methodAuditRepository = methodAuditRepository;
#Override #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void auditMethod(String methodName) {
MethodAudit audit = new MethodAudit();
And this controller:
public class StackOverflowQuestionController {
private final EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;
private final MethodAuditor methodAuditor;
public StackOverflowQuestionController(EmployeeRepository employeeRepository, MethodAuditor methodAuditor) {
this.employeeRepository = employeeRepository;
this.methodAuditor = methodAuditor;
public Employee loadEmployee(#RequestParam Long id) {
return employeeRepository.findOne(id);
// #Transactional // <-- When uncommented, transactions work as expected (using OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter or not)
public String updateEmployee(#ModelAttribute Employee employee, RedirectAttributes ra) {
// method auditor performs work in new transaction
methodAuditor.auditMethod("updateEmployee"); // <-- at close of this method, employee update occurrs trigging rollback
// No code after this point executes
return "redirect:/";
When the updateEmployee method is exercised with an invalid pin number updateEmployee?id=1&pin=12345 (pin number is limited in the database to 4 characters), then no audit is inserted into the database.
Why is this? Shouldn't the current transaction be suspended when the MethodAuditor is invoked? Why is the modified employee flushing when this Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW transaction commits?
If I wrap the updateEmployee method in a transaction by annotating it as #Transactional, however, audits will persist as desired. And this will work as expected whether or not the OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter is used.
While your application (server) tries to make two separate transactions you are still using a single EntityManager and single Datasource so at any given time JPA and the database see just one transaction. So if you want those things to be separated you need to setup two Datasources and two EntityManagers

JPA: Nested transactional method is not rolled back

UPD 1: Upon further research I think the following information may be useful:
I obtain datasource through JNDI lookup on WildFly 9.0.2, then 'wrap' it into in instance of HikariDataSource (e. g. return new HikariDataSource(jndiDSLookup(dsName))).
the transaction manager that ends up being used is JTATransactionManager.
I do not configure the transaction manager in any way.
I am experiencing an issue with JPA/Hibernate and (maybe) Spring-Boot where DB changes introduced in a transactional method of one class called from a transactional method of another class are committed even though the changes in the caller method are rolled back (as they should be).
Here are my transactional services
#Transactional(rollbackFor = IOException.class)
public class StuffService {
#Inject private BarService barService;
#Inject private StuffRepository stuffRepository;
public Stuff updateStuff(Stuff stuff) {
try {
if (null != barService.doBar(stuff)) {
} catch (FirstCustomException e) {
logger.error("Blah", e);
throw new SecondCustomException(e.getMessage());
throw new SecondCustomException("Blah 2");
// other methods
and BarService:
public class BarService {
#Inject private EntityARepository entityARepository;
#Inject private EntityBRepository entityBRepository;
* updates existing entity A and persists new entity B.
public EntityA doBar(Stuff stuff) throws FirstCustomException {
EntityA a = entityARepository.findOne(/* some criteria */);
EntityB b = new EntityB();
// other methods
EntityARepository and EntityBRepository are very similar Spring-Boot repositories defined like this:
public interface EntityARepository extends JpaRepository<EntityA, Long>{
EntityA findOne(/* some criteria */);
FirstCustomException extends Throwable
SecondCustomException extends RuntimeException
Stuff entity is versioned, and every once in a while it is concurrently updated by StuffService.updateStuff(). In that case changes to one of the stuff instances are rolled back, as expected, but everything that happens in the barService.doBar() ends up being committed.
This puzzles me quite a lot since transaction propagation on both methods should be REQUIRED (the default one) and both methods belong to different classes, hence #Transactional should apply for both.
I did see Transaction is not completely rolled back after server throws OptimisticLockException1
But it did not really answer my question.
Can anyone please give me an idea of what's going on?
Thank you.
This isn't a 'nested' transaction - these services are operating in completely independent transactions. If you want the rollback of one to affect the other, you need to have them take part in the same transaction rather than start its own.
Or if your issue is that there is a problem with the version of 'stuff' passed into the doBar method and you want it verified, you will need to do something with the stuff instance that would cause an optimistic lock check, and so result in an exception if it is stale. see EntityManager.lock

Testing #TransactionalEvents and #Rollback

I've been trying to test out #TransactionalEvents (a feature of Spring 4.2 with our existing Spring JUnit Tests (run via either #TransactionalTestExecutionListener or subclassing AbstractTransactionalUnit4SpringContextTests but, it seems like there's a forced choice -- either run the test without a #Rollback annotation, or the events don't fire. Has anyone come across a good way to test #TransactionalEvents while being able to #Rollback tests?
Stéphane Nicoll is correct: if the TransactionPhase for your #TransactionalEventListener is set to AFTER_COMMIT, then having a transactional test with automatic rollback semantics doesn't make any sense because the event will never get fired.
In other words, there is no way to have an event fired after a transaction is committed if that transaction is never committed.
So if you really want the event to be fired, you have to let the transaction be committed (e.g., by annotating your test method with #Commit). To clean up after the commit, you should be able to use #Sql in isolated mode to execute cleanup scripts after the transaction has committed. For example, something like the following (untested code) might work for you:
#Sql(scripts = "/cleanup.sql", executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD,
config = #SqlConfig(transactionMode = TransactionMode.ISOLATED))
public void test() { /* ... */ }
Sam (author of the Spring TestContext Framework)
Marco's solution works but adding REQUIRES_NEW propagation into business code is not always acceptable. This modifies business process behavior.
So we should assume that we can change only test part.
Solutin 1
#TestComponent // can be used with spring boot
public class TestApplicationService {
public MyApplicationService service;
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void doSomething() {
This wraps the real service into test component that can be decorated with REQUIRES_NEW propagation. This solution doesn't modify other logic than testing.
Solution 2
#Sql(scripts = "/cleanup.sql", executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD,
config = #SqlConfig(transactionMode = TransactionMode.ISOLATED))
public void test() {
MyApplicationService target = // ...
TestTransaction.flagForCommit(); //Spring-test since 4.1 - thx for Sam Brannen
// the event is now received by MyListener
// assertions on the side effects of MyListener
// ...
This is simplest solution. We can end test transaction and mark it for commit. This forces transactional events to be handled. If test changes data, cleanup sql script must be specified, otherwise we introduce side effects with committed modified data.
Sam Brannen's solution almost works with regard to adam's comment.
Actually the methods annotated with #TransactionalEventListener are called after the test method transaction is committed. This is so because the calling method, which raises the event, is executing within a logical transaction, not a physical one.
Instead, when the calling method is executed within a new physical transaction, then the methods annotated with #TransactionalEventListener are invoked at the right time, i.e., before the test method transaction is committed.
Also, we don't need #Commit on the test methods, since we actually don't care about these transactions. However, we do need the #Sql(...) statement as explained by Sam Brannen to undo the committed changes of the calling method.
See the small example below.
First the listener that is called when the transaction is committed (default behavior of #TransactionalEventListener):
public class MyListener {
public void when(MyEvent event) {
Then the application service that publishes the event listened to by the above class. Notice that the transactions are configured to be new physical ones each time a method is invoked (see the Spring Framework doc for more details):
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public class MyApplicationService {
public void doSomething() {
// ...
// publishes an instance of MyEvent
// ...
Finally the test method as proposed by Sam Brannen but without the #Commitannotation which is not needed at this point:
#Sql(scripts = "/cleanup.sql", executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD,
config = #SqlConfig(transactionMode = TransactionMode.ISOLATED))
public void test() {
MyApplicationService target = // ...
// the event is now received by MyListener
// assertions on the side effects of MyListener
// ...
This way it works like a charm :-)

How to prevent test from cleaning up db before each test in TestNG?

I have a test like this:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "file:war/WEB-INF/application-context.xml" })
public class ServiceImplTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests
private Service service;
public void testCreate()
//save an entity to table_A;
It seems that the table_A will be cleaned up before each test running(not roolback after test ran),because after each test,all old data entries in the table are cleaned up,only new inserted entry by test is left.How to prevent this "cleaning" action?
The default behavior is to rollback the transactions in testing context. You can override this behavior using the #Rollback(false) annotation on a test method to not rollback the changes made to the DB during that particular test.
That said, it is recommended that each test case is independent and should have its own scenario setup, scenario execution and scenario tear down. Otherwise, the test failure behavior would be difficult to analyze if there are inter-dependencies among tests.
