Displaying and Rotating 3-D mesh by mouse / touch? - rotation

Imagine a camera aimed at a sphere that is free to rotate around it's centre.
Imagine that the user can rotate this sphere by reaching out from the camera to touch the closest point on this sphere and flick it round.
This is what I'm trying to implement in iOS.
OpenGl ES on Iphone - Displaying and rotating 3D objects <-- in this linked question I'm trying to figure out a suitable framework.
I've since opted for http://nineveh.gl/ (it is still in beta, but works fine with a little nudging) and got its rotation demo working.
Everytime the user's finger moves on the touchscreen, the code catches that instantaneous vector, which will get thrown in to the overall velocity vector every update (# 60 Hz):
- (void) drawView
static CGPoint v = { 0.0, 0.0 };
v.x += _vel.x;
v.y += _vel.y;
// resetting to 0 makes sure each touch movement only gets fed in once
_vel.x = _vel.y = 0.0;
float decay = 0.93;
v.x *= decay;
v.y *= decay;
// this is wrong...
[_mesh rotateRelativeToX: v.y
toY: v.x
toZ: 0.0 ];
[_camera drawCamera];
this resultant force should then be applied to the mesh.
what I have above initially seems to work. if I swipe horizontally it works perfectly. similarly vertically. but it is only when I start to combine the rotations that it goes out of sync. say I rotate 10° horizontally and then 10° vertically. now it is not responding properly.
can anyone elucidate the problem?
from reading up, I suspect a solution will involve quaternions...
can anyone suggest how I can solve this? This is teh API reference I have to play with: http://nineveh.gl/docs/Classes/NGLObject3D.html
I notice that there is a rotationSpace property that may come in handy, and also a rotateRelativeWithQuaternion method.
I'm hoping that maybe someone out there who is familiar with this problem and can see how to wield this API to slay it.

_cube1.rotationSpace = NGLRotationSpaceWorld;
does the trick!


How to animate multiple sprites in one direction using one geometry in Three.js?

I'm trying to do something similar to this example, except instead of having the snow flakes flutter about in all directions I'm trying to animate these sprites in only one direction, like having the snow flakes fall to the ground.
The example above was able to load multiple sprites into one geometry since it can vary the rotations of the points object:
particles.rotation.x = Math.random() * 6;
particles.rotation.y = Math.random() * 6;
particles.rotation.z = Math.random() * 6;
However, this won't work if you're animating all the points in one direction. In this case, would I have to create a new geometry for each sprite, or is there a more efficient way to do this using just one geometry?
There are several options. Instead of rotating randomly, you could:
Decrease the y position on each frame with particles.position.y -= 0.01;. When it crosses a certain threshold (For example: y <= -100), move them back up to the origin (y = 100). You'll have to stagger a few Sprite objects so you don't notice the jump.
Rotate along the x-axis, so the spinning motion makes them go down when in front of the camera.
Since the snowflakes will spin up on the opposite side, you could use some fog to hide the far side, and give it a more wintry feel.
Animating via custom shaders, although this is much more complex if you don't know GLSL shader code.

How do I place an element in front of the camera, facing it regardless of where it is?

I have this simple scene with a "tooltip" entity composed of some data, I'd like to know how to position it in front of the camera. The tooltip will have to face certain points a few meters away so the user can see it. It must obey camera direction (it can be gathered by calculating it from previousPoint to nextPoint where the camera will move), but only y axis (can't be tilted or anything like that).I tried digging through math but couldn't understand good enough to employ a solution for this little project; I appreciate all the help!
var camera = document.getElementById("cameraS");
var tt = document.getElementById("ttS");
var cameraPos = camera.getAttribute('position');
var ttPos = tt.getAttribute('position');
tt.setAttribute('position', cameraPos);
tt.setAttribute('rotation', {'y': -90});
}, 5000);
I made an image showing what I'm after: http://imgur.com/a/eDhqE
I have point A and point B; the camera will play an animation moving from previous point to the next, and upon reaching there the tooltip will be displayed a few meters away from the point (box) so we can see it. It must take camera orientation into consideration but it must be perpendicular to the ground (can't be tilted).
There is a command THREE.Object.lookAt(THREE.Vector3); that will rotate an object (assuming (0.0,1.0,0.0) is up) to face a vector. You can use this to have it face your camera.
If you only want Y rotation, you can copy the current rotation, then do look at, then copy the rotation.x and rotation.z from the previous frame rotation copy - so that way it'll only correct the y with .lookAt because you reset x and z.

how to drop shadows under sprites in Top-down view with cocos2d

I just started learning OpenGL and cocos2d and I need an advice.
I'm writing a game in which player is allowed to touch and move rectangles on the screen in a top-down view. Every time a rectangle is touched, it moves up (towards the screen) in z direction and is scaled a bit to look like it's closer than the rest. It drops down to z = 0 after touch ends.
I'd like the risen rectangles to drop shadow under them, but can't get it to work. What approach would you recommend for the best result?
Here's what I have so far.
During setup I turn on the depth buffer and then:
1. all the textures are generated with CCRenderTexture
2. the generated textures are used as an atlas to create CCSpriteBatchNode
3. when a rectangle (tile) is touched:
static const float _raisedScale = 1.2;
static const float _raisedVertexZ = 30;
_state = TileStateRaised;
self.scale = _raisedScale;
self.scale = _raisedScale;
self.vertexZ = _raisedVertexZ;
_glowOverlay.vertexZ = _raisedVertexZ;
_glowOverlay.opacity = 255;
glow overlay is used to "light up" the rectangle.
After that I animate it using -(void)update:(ccTime)delta
Is there a way to make OpenGl cast the shadow for me using cocos? For example using shaders or OpenGL shadowing. Or do I have to use a texture overlay to simulate the shadow?
What do you recommend? How would you do it?
Sorry for a newbie question, but it's all really new to me and I really need your help
EDIT 6th of March
I managed to get sprites with shadow overlay show under the tiles and it looks ok until one tile has to drop shadow on another which has a non-zero vertexZ value. I tried to create additional shadow sprites which would be scaled and shown on top of the other tiles (usually rising or falling down), but I have problems with animation (tile up, tile down).
Why complicate the problem.
Simply create a projections of how the shadow would look like using your favourite graphics editing program and save it as a png. When the object is lifted, insert your shadowSprite behind your lifted object (you can shift it left/right depending on where you think your light source is).
When the user drops the object down, the show can remain under the object and move with it, making it self visible when the item is lifted again.

3D sprites, writing correct depth buffer information

I am writing a particle engine for iOS using Monotouch and openTK. My approach is to project the coordinate of each particle, and then write a correctly scaled textured rectangle at this screen location.
it works fine, but I have trouble calculating the correct depth value so that the sprite will correctly overdraw and be overdrawn by 3D objects in the scene.
This is the code I am using today:
//d=distance to projection plane
float d=(float)(1.0/(Math.Tan(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(fovy/2f))));
Vector3 screenPos=Vector3.Transform(ref objPos,ref viewMatrix, out screenPos);
float depth=1-d/-screenPos.Z;
Then I am drawing a trianglestrip at the screen coordinate where I put the depth value calculated above as the z coordinate.
The results are almost correct, but not quite. I guess I need to take the near and far clipping planes into account somehow (near is 1 and far is 10000 in my case), but I am not sure how. I tried various ways and algorithms without getting accurate results.
I'd appreciate some help on this one.
What you really want to do is take your source position and pass it through modelview and projection or whatever you've got set up instead if you're not using the fixed pipeline. Supposing you've used one of the standard calls to set up the stack, such as glFrustum, and otherwise left things at identity then you can get the relevant formula directly from the man page. So reading directly from that you'd transform as:
z_clip = -( (far + near) / (far - near) ) * z_eye - ( (2 * far * near) / (far - near) )
w_clip = -z
Then, finally:
z_device = z_clip / w_clip;
EDIT: as you're working in ES 2.0, you can actually avoid the issue entirely. Supply your geometry for rendering as GL_POINTS and perform a normal transform in your vertex shader but set gl_PointSize to be the size in pixels that you want that point to be.
In your fragment shader you can then read gl_PointCoord to get a texture coordinate for each fragment that's part of your point, allowing you to draw a point sprite if you don't want just a single colour.

Java3D: rotating object in world coordinates?

I've been searching all evening but can't find the information I'm looking for, or even if it's possible, which is quite distressing ;)
I'm using Java3D and can't figure out how to rotate the camera in world space.
My left/right, and up/down rotation both happen on local space.
Meaning that if I move left and right, everything looks fine.
However if I look 90 degrees down, then look 90 degrees right, everything appears to be on its side.
Currently, I'm doing the following. This will result in the above effects:
TransformGroup cam = universe.getViewingPlatform().getViewPlatformTransform();
Transform3D trfcam = new Transform3D();
trfcam.mul(Camera.GetT3D()); //Gets a Transform3D containing how far to rotate left/right and how far to move left/right/forward/back
trfcam.mul(Camera.GetRot()); //Gets a t3d containing how far to rotate up/down
Alternatively, one thing I tried was rotating the root, but that rotates around 0, so if I ever move the camera away from 0, it goes bad.
Is there something available on the web that would talk me through how to achieve this kind of thing?
I've tried a lot of different things but just can't seem to get my head around it at all.
I'm familiar with the concept, as I've achieved it in Ogre3D, just not familiar with the law of the land in J3D.
Thanks in advance for replies :)
Store the ammound you have rotated around each axis (x and y), and when you try to rotate around the x axis for example, reverse the the rotation around y, do the rotate around x, then redo the rotation around y.
I'm not sure I understand your second question correctly. Since viewer and model transformations are dual, you can simulate camera moves by transforming the world itself. If you dont want to translate the x and y axis you are rotating around, just add another TransformGroup to the main TransformGroup you are using, and do the transforms in the new one.
Edit: The first solution is quite slow, so you can make a Transform3D out of the 3 transform you have to do:
Say you have rotated around the x axis (Translate3D xrot), and now you need to rotate around y:
Translate3D yrot = new Translate3D();
Translate3D temp = xot;
xrot.mul(yrot); // Dont forget the reverse order. xrot is the previous translate
xrot.mul(yrot); // xrot = xrot * yrot * xrot^-1
temp.transpose(); // Get the reverse transform of the old transform
yrot = xrot; // Store it for future rotation around x axis
It works similar for many transformations you make: reverse the previous done, do the transform, redo the old one. I hope it helps.
