What folder for temporary exe? - windows

I have created a small exe and associated ini file that we use for diagnostics on customers sites. Customers can go to our website, run a configuration program which downloads the diagnostic exe and ini and sets the exe running.
We do not want to go through a full Windows installation for this as this is overkill for the customers who just want something that will load and start running in 10-15 seconds.
Where should we download this exe to and run according to Windows philosophy and where it is guaranteed to work? The following conditions are essential:
A customer doing this may be an administrator on the machine but may also be a basic user.
UAC may be switched on.
Also during the course of the procedure the user might change.
The exe also needs to be able to write to its ini when it first starts.
The OS could be XP, Vista, Win7 32-bit, Win7 64-bit
If there is one folder that covers all of the above then fantastic but I'd also be happy to use an appropriate different folder for each of the OS's named.

In the folder pointed by %APPDATA% environment variable which is inside the user profile directory (%USERPROFILE%), if it is supposed to be used by any user then %ALLUSERSAPPDATA% which is inside %ALLUSERSPROFILE%
Take a look at Recognized Environment Variables


How to get a Standard EXE and WinService EXE to communicate with each other?

We have an application that is part standard EXE and part WinService EXE. The standard EXE is spawned by the Run section of the registry and comes to life at login under the credentials of the user who just logged in. The WinService EXE is set to Auto Run and therefore is always running and is running as LocalSystem (essentially administrator).
We need these two programs to share data by writing information to XML files.
The app works fine when the logged in user has access to the installed folder (C:\Program Files\ourApp). The Standard EXE writes the data and the WinService EXE reads it without issue, all is well.
However, when the logged in user does not have access to write to the installed folder, the data gets caught up in UAC Virtualization and Data Redirection and ends up somewhere else and the WinService does not find nor cannot read it from the installed folder.
To circumvent this, we tried having both the standard EXE and the WinService EXE write to and read from %ProgramData%. This would work fine except that standard users do not have permissions to write to %ProgramData%.
We cannot use %LocalAppData% because for the logged in user that would be C:\Users\LoggedInUser\AppData\Local and for the winservice it would be C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local.
Is there any place left in Vista and Win7 with UAC Virtualization enabled that will allow both a Standard EXE running with only user priveleges and a WinService running as LocalSystem to talk to each other. We tried the registry but the problems are even worse. Also last but not least. We need this to work with XP without any differences in code. Meaning XP also has environment variables for %ProgramData%, %LocalAppData% etc, can it work in both.
Two ideas:
Have each app expose a WCF endpoint using the named pipe
transport, and have them talk to each other over a simple interface
of your choosing.
Use Memory Mapped Files to communicate like
you were with disk files.

How do I make my program work in Windows Vista and Windows 7?

I have an application written in Delphi 2006 that was working fine in Windows XP. I packed the application using Inno Setup, using Program Files as the default folder. A few users migrated to Windows Vista and Windows 7. The issue here is that the application creates some files inside its installation folder by its own. This was working in XP but in Windows Vista the users were having problems with the created files (they don't appear and so on). After investigating the users' reports I discovered KB 927387: "Common file and registry virtualization issues in Windows Vista or in Windows 7."
Running the application with administrator rights just solves the problem, but that is (I think) an awful workaround. I would like to know if there are any directives or tips for making the application compatible with Vista and 7, because more users will migrate to these OS soon.
You need to re-write your application to store its files in the proper locations, even in XP, but especially in Vista onwards, particularly if UAC is enabled. This is becoming more and more important to get right as Microsoft keeps locking down and enforcing its security models with each new OS version. The rules for how to properly manage application- and user-related files is documented on MSDN, for example: "Application Specification for Microsoft Windows 2000 for Desktop Applications, Chapter 4: Data and Settings Management" and "Application Specification for Microsoft Windows 2000 for Desktop Applications Appendix A: Best Practices" (yes, they are old, but are still quite relevant). Look at SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(), SHGetFolderPath(), SHGetKnownFolderPath() and other related functions to help you.
For Vista/Win7, your app can't put the files in a subfolder of Program Files / Programs unless UAC is turned off or the app is running as elevated. Note that "elevated" does not necessarily mean "logged in as Administrator." Non-administrator users can elevate, and Administrator isn't necessarily elevated.
If the app does attempt to write to Program Files but is not elevated, the OS will either block the app or "virtualize" the write (put the files somewhere else), depending upon how UAC is configured. Neither one helps the app succeed at what it was trying to od.
So it needs to put them somewhere else. Where depends on why the files are being created, and you haven't told us that. You can read this article to learn about the options. Note that in addition to the user's AppData and Roaming folders, there is also an "All Users" (shared) profile.
You should probably look at this article and screencast, which discusses UAC in depth from a Delphi point of view.
Files you create for use by your application other than at installation time should go into the ProgramData directory if its global to the workstation, or into the users ApplicationData directory if its specific to the user.
For cases where you absolutely must place a file in the program files directory, you can use com to request elevation. This is discussed in great detail, and delphi specific bits are also available. One example that I have used this is in patching my users installation base. They are warned by UAC that the system needs to make changes, so if your doing this as an automated task, you might need to rethink the logic to be more user driven.
Here is another article, by Zarko Gajic, which shows how to get different system directories. Also have a look at this related question.
I had a similar enquiry here (Stack Overflow).
In the end I realised that I needed to put my application into Program Files at install time (requiring UAC/elevation) and then store my app's data in the user's App Data folder. I had to change the way my program generated 'default' configuration settings and also where I was saving this stuff, but it was worth the effort in the end - we ended up with something that installs and runs fine on XP, Vista and Windows 7.
The only UAC hit we get is at installation time, which makes sense to me (and you get a similar hit at install-time on the Mac too). We didn't have any data that would be common to all users in this particular case but I would have looked at the Program Data special folder if that had been the case.
The installer software we use (Setup Factory) made this fairly straightforward (we just wrote a small bit of code to detect XP versus Vista/Win7 and choose the right special folder accordingly). It would be easy to do this in Inno Setup too, from what limited experience I have of it.

Is AppData now the 'correct' place to install user-specific apps (which modify their own data)?

I'm probably just being very thick here, but it's not clear to me where I'm supposed to install 'new' user-specific programs on Windows 7 (and presumably Vista too, though I've not specifically looked at that scenario yet).
Under Windows XP (rightly or wrongly) we always installed our programs into folders under 'Program Files' and accepted that they'd be kind-of available to everyone. From what I can gather under Windows 7 I'm supposed to install my software under the user's AppData folder (possibly AppData\Local\MyApp). That makes a degree of sense, but the fact that this folder is 'hidden' by default means that we're going to have 'fun' talking our users through support stuff.
I want to install our software so that it's user specific (the Users bit in Windows 7 makes perfect sense) but I do want the user to be able to access it if required. Our program also includes a 'data' subdirectory which it needs to write into while it's running (embedded database), but as the program is intended to be single-user/standalone, the data folder being inside a user-specific folder isn't going to be a problem.
My problem is just that whole 'hidden folder' aspect of AppData. As much as I've trawled the MSDN, I can't work out where else I'm supposed to install user-specific programs. Taken one way it would seem to be something like AppData\Local\MyApp, and another way it would seem to be just as valid under the user's My Documents\MyApp equivalent.
Has anyone got a clear guide for where all this stuff goes? I found the MSDN docs confusing. :-)
Not really.
The directory that serves as a common
repository for application-specific
data for the current roaming user.
AppData is, surprisingly, for application data, not for installation (Click Once/Silverlight applications aside). You can, and should still install into Program Files, just don't expect to write into that folder.
You can install software into AppData if you want it to follow a user about in an Active Directory environment, which happens if you put it in AppData\Roaming (the SpecialFolder.ApplicationData location).
You can also install into AppData if you want the software to be available to just the user that installs it. This can be useful if, for example, you have multiple users on the same machine, who all want to run different versions of the software in complete isolation.
If you want settings to only apply on the local machine then you use AppData\Local, which is SpecialFolders.LocalApplicationData - this will make AD administrators very happy as the roaming profile size won't suddenly jump up 50Mb or whatever the size of your software is.
If you wanted to create settings which apply to all users then you're looking at SpecialFolders.CommonApplicationData
You should remember never to rely on the actual name of the directory - localisation issues mean this can change and the location does change with OS versions two. You should be using the special folder enumeration in your software, or the equivalent in your installer.
Could you not install into Program Files, but use AppData as it's supposed to be used, and store your database in there?
Windows 7 added the FOLDERID_UserProgramFiles known folder and by default this maps to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs. This is used by MSI when ALLUSERS=2 & MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1.
On Vista and earlier there is no canonical per-user application folder but just using %LOCALAPPDATA% is pretty common. Sadly MSI will just use %ProgramFiles% on these systems.
It's 2019, and I just installed Visual Studio Code (a Microsoft product) in the default folder of
%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
This is probably for getting around the requirement to have an administrator or UAC prompt authorise the installation
Windows 7 folder structure is deeply inspired on Unix structure:
/usr/ -> C:\Program Files\ -> binaries: executables and dynamically linked
/etc/ -> C:\ProgramData\ -> global settings
/home/ -> C:\Users\ -> a folder for each user
~/.* -> C:\Users\Hikari\AppData\Roaming\ -> settings for each user
Windows has more folder, like My Documents for files with content produced by user, AppData Local and Roaming (which Unix usually handles with NFS).
It's about time for us developers to start using these structures. We must separate at least binary files that don't need to be replicated, global and user settings.
When a setup is installing an app, this setup should expect to have permission to write on Program Files. Once the setup is finished, Program Files should be writable only for other setups aiming to update binaries to other versions.
Please install executable files to the %programfiles% folder in Windows - a simple MSI based install package can perform an active setup for any new user who logs onto the machine to create the user specific files and folders in their profiles %appdata% folder. You see this behaviour for Internet Explorer, Adobe reader, etc. - It's the little MSI installer window that pops up the first time you log onto a machine which has those applications installed. - Thanks - a system admin :)
My opinion, for what it's worth, is that user-specific program files is just asking for trouble and is a damn stupid thing to do.
A much more sensible approach is to install different versions of your program to:
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.1\Program.exe
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.2\Program.exe
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.3\Program.exe
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.4\Program.exe
I would then place a bootstrapping launcher at:
\Program Files\Your Program\ProgramLauncher.exe
Then, the user application data folder will only contain data, including an INI/XML/Settings file that indicates the version of the program that this user is working with.
Such an approach satisfies the core tenant of keeping data and executing code separate, allows every user to run a specific version of the code, and offers a small amount of de-duplication by ensuring the same executable code is not copied multiple times across user folders.
Otherwise, go right ahead with installing programs to AppData and undoing the years it has taken us to achieve clean separation of code and data. I found this thread because I noticed that Chromium and DropBox are installing code to AppData. I'm going to uninstall those program, and change the permissions on my AppData folder to exclude execution to ensure I can easily spot other programs attempting the same BS.

How to pass security issues in Vista?

I have a vb6 application. I am unable to carry out the following on a Windows Vista machine:
Register a .DLL from the Users directory
Start another .EXE
Write to a file in the Users directory.
How can I overcome these issues?
This is by design. Software is supposed to require admin rights for installation (including update/upgrades). You got away with it in XP because so many people ran as administrator. If you're registering a dll after installation, you're doing something wrong.
You should be able to do this without issue, but only with the same rights as the user that the current app is running under. What is this exe trying to do, and would a standard user normally have those permissions?
What specific folder in the user's directory? Again: a user should have write access to most of the their own profile, but not necessarily as much outside of that as you think.
You have access to write to the c:\users\ directory. Going to another users directory is a bit of a security problem that you're not going to work around.
As far as registering an assembly from a users directory... There is a directory under c:\users\\AppData\Local\assembly which you should have access to for temporary assemblies
Starting another exe is trivial... As long as it's installed in the normal \program files.. path.
It really sounds like maybe you need to reevaluate how your application works.
Some suggestions:
Move to Reg-Free COM where it can handle things (i.e. not for ActiveX EXEs, DCOM).
We'd need more information. This should be no problem unless there are permissions issues.
Users are not supposed to be creating files outside of their own profiles, CommonAppData, and application-defined locations (often on non-system drives). More information is required to give any really useful answer.

Installation file names in Windows Vista

I read in this article:
That Windows detects Installers through file names, following this tip, Is it better to include setup in the file name for the installer
I mean ProductSetup.msi is better than Product.msi???
It's hard to think that Windows does this kind of detection :-)
This only applies to EXE files. If you've got an MSI file, it's up to the MSI file to specify which parts of the MSI require elevation or not.
That's news to me, but it does seem like Windows Vista treats files differently when they have "setup" in their name. It will probably just prompt you for administrative rights up front if it detects that it's an installer, which is what you'd want.
Also worth reading is How User Account Control Affects Your Application, to ensure that your setup runs as administrator embed the correct manifest into the setup EXE. This way it doesn't matter (to Vista) what your installation is called.
That said however, if you expect the application to be installed on a terminal server then if your installer is called something like SETUP.EXE or INSTALL.EXE Terminal Server will automatically kick into "install mode". Should save you some headaches from those customers who don't know they should be in install mode first, or choose not to install via Add/Remove Programs (which also kicks install mode in automatically)
