Auto-install packages from inside makefile - makefile

Goal: when the user types 'make packages', automatically search for the package libx11-dev (required for my program to compile) and, if not found, install it. Here's a stripped-down version of my makefile:
PACKAGES = $(shell if [ -z $(dpkg -l | grep libx11-dev) ]; then sudo apt-get install libx11-dev; fi)
[other definitions and targets]
packages: $(PACKAGES)
When I type 'make packages', I'm prompted for the super-user password. If entered correctly, it then hangs indefinitely.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible from within the makefile? If so, how?
Thanks so much.

The problem is that the shell function acts like backticks in the shell: it takes the output to stdout and returns it as the value of the function. So, apt-get is not hanging, it's waiting for you to enter a response to some question. But you cannot see the question because make has taken the output.
The way you're doing this is not going to work. Why are you using shell instead of just writing it as a rule?
[ -z `dpkg -l | grep libx11-dev` ] && sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
.PHONY: packages

I figured out a better way, which avoids the problem of having unexpected arguments to the if statement:
if ! dpkg -l | grep libx11-dev -c >>/dev/null; then sudo apt-get install libx11-dev; fi
The -c flag on grep makes it return the number of lines in dpkg -l which contain the string libx11-dev, which will either be 0 (if uninstalled) or 1 (if installed), allowing
dpkg -l | grep libx11-dev -c
to be treated like an ordinary boolean variable.


How to sudo yum install a list of packages only if they are not installed?

I am trying to improve a build script (bash or Makefile) to install some prerequisites if necessary.
I do have a long list of packages (10-15) and I do want to install them only if they are not installed.
As the build script may be run by non root I do want to run sudo yum install only once and only if needed (at least one package is not installed).
My current implementation is clearly not optimal:
for PACKAGE in a b c ... ; do
yum list installed $PACKAGE >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo yum install -q -y $PACKAGE ;
How can I do this?
You could, of course, just put the list of installed packages into a file and run grep against that in a loop, but should you wish to avoid creating any files, running rpm should work:
for p in a b c ... ; do
rpm -q > /dev/null 2>&1 $PACKAGE || sudo yum install -q -y $p
When querying package information, rpm returns zero when the package is found and non-zero otherwise.

Will this bash loop apt-get install all my anaconda packages?

I don't want to just try it and mess something up.
$ dlpackages=$(ls -l anaconda3/bin | awk '{print $9}')
$ for package in $dlpackages; do sudo apt-get install $package; done
or as root: $ for package in $dlpackages; do apt-get install $package; done
Add a safety check for each package, to see if it can be located.
dlpackages=$(ls -l anaconda3/bin | awk '{print $9}')
for package in $dlpackages; do
[[ $(apt-cache search $package) ]] && sudo apt-get install $package
Now for every string, the install will only be executed if the package can be found.
Alternatively use the -s option of install as Eric Renouf suggested.
In general things in bin aren't the same as package names. conda list may be closer, but you'll ultimately probably have to figure out the translation of package names manually.

How can I make dpkg automatically choose my own virtual package over an already installed one?

I have several packages that provide the same functionality - and in the device
'there can be only one' at the same time.
I have read about the 'Provides, Conflicts, Replaces' in the debian policy, but I have not found a way (using dpkg with commands/switches) to automatically replace an already installed virtual package without removing it manually first.
My package's control file specifies the following for all the packages in question:
Provides: myown-virtual-package
Conflicts: myown-virtual-package
Replaces: myown-virtual-package
Here is what I do, It seems to work, but I was wondering if there is a standard way using only dpkg
# remove any conflicting virtual packages
for i in /tmp/upgrade_software/*.deb
# find out what package name and what it provides
provides_line=$(dpkg --info $i | grep "^ Provides: ")
package_line=$(dpkg --info $i | grep "^ Package: ")
virt_package=${provides_line##*: }
this_package=${package_line##*: }
# skip if it is not a virtual package
[ -z "${virt_package}" ] && continue
# remove any package that provides the same
otherpackage_line=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Provides}: ${Package}\n' \
| grep "${virt_package}:" | grep -v ${this_package})
if [ -n "${otherpackage_line}" ] ; then
otherpackage=${otherpackage_line##*: }
echo " ------ removing ${otherpackage} because of conflict -------"
dpkg --purge ${otherpackage}
echo " -------------"
echo \'$virt_package\' checked for conflicts
Thanks in advance, jj
dpkg will not take this kind of automatic conflict resolution measures. For these tasks, there is apt-get and aptitude. It may just work with
dpkg -i package.deb ; apt-get -f install
The latter command is supposed to resolve the conflicts. If it opts to remove your own package for resolution, you may even want to try
dpkg -i package.deb ; apt-get -f install <package>
I.e., tell apt to install your package (without a .deb extension) as it should now be visible to apt.
This can be done with dpkg alone, by giving it enough information so that it can perform the operation. The way to prepare dpkg for this is via selections.
In this case you'd tell that removing the old provider is ok, and then when you install the new one dpkg will be able to remove the other package during the upgrade.
Try something like:
echo old-provider deinstall | dpkg --set-selections
dpkg -iB new-provider.deb
That should in principle do it, and no need for apt-get fixing it up (-f), or for pre purges (possibly with --force options if there are packages depending on the virtuals).

What's wrong with my bash array?

Can anyone tell me why this bash script works if I cut and paste it to the terminal but throws " 7: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" when launched using $ sudo sh ?
apt-get -y install ssh libsqlite3-dev ruby-full mercurial
required_gems = ( rake rails sqlite3-ruby )
#Set up directories
[ ! -d /var/www ] && mkdir /var/www
[ ! -d /var/www/apps ] && mkdir /var/www/apps
#install gems manually
if ! which gem >/dev/null; then
tar xvfz rubygems-1.3.5.tgz
ruby rubygems-1.3.5/setup.rb
ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
gem update --system
#Tidy Up
rm -rf rubygems-1.3.5.tgz rubygems-1.3.5
#Install required gems
for required_gem in "${required_gems[#]}"
if ! gem list | grep $required_gem >/dev/null; then
gem install $required_gems
Thanks in advance!
Are you on ubuntu?
Then you should change the #!-line at the top to read #!/bin/bash because /bin/sh is a very limited shell.
This would explain why works in the terminal (where the shell is bash) but not as a shell script (which is run by /bin/sh).
They changed this a couple of releases ago for performance reasons - most people don't need full bash functionality for shell script, and this limited shell is much faster at startup.
Edit: I just noticed that you don't even have to use an array since you convert it to a space separated string in the for loop anyway. Just remove the parenthesis in the assignment and put quotes around it instead (and also remove the spaces around the equal sign, as hacker suggested)
required_gems=( rake rails sqlite3-ruby )
instead (note the lack of spaces around '=').

How can I check if a package is installed and install it if not?

I'm working on a Ubuntu system and currently this is what I'm doing:
if ! which command > /dev/null; then
echo -e "Command not found! Install? (y/n) \c"
if "$REPLY" = "y"; then
sudo apt-get install command
Is this what most people would do? Or is there a more elegant solution?
To check if packagename was installed, type:
dpkg -s <packagename>
You can also use dpkg-query that has a neater output for your purpose, and accepts wild cards, too.
dpkg-query -l <packagename>
To find what package owns the command, try:
dpkg -S `which <command>`
For further details, see article Find out if package is installed in Linux and dpkg cheat sheet.
To be a little more explicit, here's a bit of Bash script that checks for a package and installs it if required. Of course, you can do other things upon finding that the package is missing, such as simply exiting with an error code.
PKG_OK=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG|grep "install ok installed")
echo Checking for $REQUIRED_PKG: $PKG_OK
if [ "" = "$PKG_OK" ]; then
echo "No $REQUIRED_PKG. Setting up $REQUIRED_PKG."
sudo apt-get --yes install $REQUIRED_PKG
If the script runs within a GUI (e.g., it is a Nautilus script), you'll probably want to replace the 'sudo' invocation with a 'gksudo' one.
This one-liner returns 1 (installed) or 0 (not installed) for the 'nano' package...
$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nano 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")
even if the package does not exist or is not available.
The example below installs the 'nano' package if it is not installed...
if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nano 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ];
apt-get install nano;
dpkg-query --showformat='${db:Status-Status}'
This produces a small output string which is unlikely to change and is easy to compare deterministically without grep:
status="$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${db:Status-Status}' "$pkg" 2>&1)"
if [ ! $? = 0 ] || [ ! "$status" = installed ]; then
sudo apt install $pkg
The $? = 0 check is needed because if you've never installed a package before, and after you remove certain packages such as hello, dpkg-query exits with status 1 and outputs to stderr:
dpkg-query: no packages found matching hello
instead of outputting not-installed. The 2>&1 captures that error message too when it comes preventing it from going to the terminal.
For multiple packages:
pkgs='hello certbot'
for pkg in $pkgs; do
status="$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${db:Status-Status}' "$pkg" 2>&1)"
if [ ! $? = 0 ] || [ ! "$status" = installed ]; then
if "$install"; then
sudo apt install $pkgs
The possible statuses are documented in man dpkg-query as:
n = Not-installed
c = Config-files
H = Half-installed
U = Unpacked
F = Half-configured
W = Triggers-awaiting
t = Triggers-pending
i = Installed
The single letter versions are obtainable with db:Status-Abbrev, but they come together with the action and error status, so you get 3 characters and would need to cut it.
So I think it is reliable enough to rely on the uncapitalized statuses (Config-files vs config-files) not changing instead.
dpkg -s exit status
This unfortunately doesn't do what most users want:
pkgs='qemu-user pandoc'
if ! dpkg -s $pkgs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
sudo apt-get install $pkgs
because for some packages, e.g. certbot, doing:
sudo apt install certbot
sudo apt remove certbot
leaves certbot in state config-files, which means that config files were left in the machine. And in that state, dpkg -s still returns 0, because the package metadata is still kept around so that those config files can be handled more nicely.
To actually make dpkg -s return 1 as desired, --purge would be needed:
sudo apt remove --purge certbot
which actually moves it into not-installed/dpkg-query: no packages found matching.
Note that only certain packages leave config files behind. A simpler package like hello goes directly from installed to not-installed without --purge.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.10.
Python apt package
There is a pre-installed Python 3 package called apt in Ubuntu 18.04 which exposes an Python apt interface!
A script that checks if a package is installed and installs it if not can be seen at: How to install a package using the python-apt API
Here is a copy for reference:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import apt
import sys
pkg_name = "libjs-yui-doc"
cache = apt.cache.Cache()
pkg = cache[pkg_name]
if pkg.is_installed:
print "{pkg_name} already installed".format(pkg_name=pkg_name)
except Exception, arg:
print >> sys.stderr, "Sorry, package installation failed [{err}]".format(err=str(arg))
Check if an executable is in PATH instead
See: How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script?
See also
Ubuntu added its "Personal Package Archive" (PPA), and PPA packages have a different result.
A native Debian repository package is not installed:
~$ dpkg-query -l apache-perl
~$ echo $?
A PPA package registered on the host and installed:
~$ dpkg-query -l libreoffice
~$ echo $?
A PPA package registered on the host, but not installed:
~$ dpkg-query -l domy-ce
~$ echo $?
~$ sudo apt-get remove domy-ce
[sudo] password for user:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package domy-ce is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Also posted on: Test if a package is installed in APT
UpAndAdam wrote:
However you can't simply rely on return codes here for scripting
In my experience you can rely on dkpg's exit codes.
The return code of dpkg -s is 0 if the package is installed and 1 if it's not, so the simplest solution I found was:
dpkg -s <pkg-name> 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || sudo apt-get -y install <pkg-name>
It works fine for me...
I've settled on one based on Nultyi's answer:
MISSING=$(dpkg --get-selections $PACKAGES 2>&1 | grep -v 'install$' | awk '{ print $6 }')
# Optional check here to skip bothering with apt-get if $MISSING is empty
sudo apt-get install $MISSING
Basically, the error message from dpkg --get-selections is far easier to parse than most of the others, because it doesn't include statuses like "deinstall". It also can check multiple packages simultaneously, something you can't do with just error codes.
$ dpkg --get-selections python3-venv python3-dev screen build-essential jq
dpkg: no packages found matching python3-venv
dpkg: no packages found matching python3-dev
screen install
build-essential install
dpkg: no packages found matching jq
So grep removes installed packages from the list, and awk pulls the package names out from the error message, resulting in MISSING='python3-venv python3-dev jq', which can be trivially inserted into an install command.
I'm not blindly issuing an apt-get install $PACKAGES, because as mentioned in the comments, this can unexpectedly upgrade packages you weren't planning on; not really a good idea for automated processes that are expected to be stable.
This seems to work pretty well.
$ sudo dpkg-query -l | grep <some_package_name> | wc -l
It either returns 0 if not installed or some number > 0 if installed.
It seems that nowadays apt-get has an option --no-upgrade that just does what the OP wants:
--no-upgrade Do not upgrade packages. When used in conjunction with install, no-upgrade will prevent packages listed from being upgraded if they are already installed.
Manpage from
Therefore you can use
apt-get install --no-upgrade package
and package will be installed only if it's not.
Inspired by Chris' answer:
#! /bin/bash
installed() {
return $(dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' "${1}" 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 0;exit}{print 1}')
pkgs=(libgl1-mesa-dev xorg-dev vulkan-tools libvulkan-dev vulkan-validationlayers-dev spirv-tools)
for pkg in ${pkgs[#]}; do
if ! $(installed $pkg) ; then
missing_pkgs+=" $pkg"
if [ ! -z "$missing_pkgs" ]; then
cmd="sudo apt install -y $missing_pkgs"
echo $cmd
This will do it. apt-get install is idempotent.
sudo apt-get install --no-upgrade command
I've found all solutions in previous answers can produce a false positive if a package is installed and then removed, yet the installation package remains on the system.
To replicate:
Install package apt-get install curl
Remove package apt-get remove curl
Now test the previous answers.
The following command seems to solve this condition:
dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' curl | head -n1 | awk '{print $3;}' | grep -q '^installed$'
This will result in a definitive installed or not-installed.
[ `which $name` ] $$ echo "$name : installed" || sudo apt-get install -y $name
apt-cache policy <package_name>
If it is not installed, it will show:
Installed: none
Otherwise it will show:
Installed: version
This feature already exists in Ubuntu and Debian, in the command-not-found package.
This explicitly prints 0 if installed else 1 using only awk:
dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' 'PKG' 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 0;exit}{print 1}'
or if you prefer the other way around where 1 means installed and 0 otherwise:
dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' 'PKG' 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 1;exit}{print 0}'
** replace PKG with your package name
Convenience function:
installed() {
return $(dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' "${1}" 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 0;exit}{print 1}')
# usage:
installed gcc && echo Yes || echo No
if installed gcc; then
echo yes
echo no
For Ubuntu, apt provides a fairly decent way to do this. Below is an example for Google Chrome:
apt -qq list google-chrome-stable 2>/dev/null | grep -qE "(installed|upgradeable)" || apt-get install google-chrome-stable
I'm redirecting error output to null, because apt warns against using its "unstable cli". I suspect list package is stable, so I think it's ok to throw this warning away. The -qq makes apt super quiet.
which <command>
if [ $? == 1 ]; then
<pkg-manager> -y install <command>
This command is the most memorable:
dpkg --get-selections <package-name>
If it's installed it prints:
<package-name> install
Otherwise it prints
No packages found matching <package-name>.
This was tested on Ubuntu 12.04.1 (Precise Pangolin).
apt list [packagename]
seems to be the simplest way to do it outside of dpkg and older apt-* tools.
I had a similar requirement when running test locally instead of in Docker. Basically I only wanted to install any .deb files found if they weren't already installed.
# If there are .deb files in the folder, then install them
if [ `ls -1 *.deb 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then
for file in *.deb; do
# Only install if not already installed (non-zero exit code)
dpkg -I ${file} | grep Package: | sed -r 's/ Package:\s+(.*)/\1/g' | xargs dpkg -s
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
dpkg -i ${file}
err "No .deb files found in '$PWD'"
I guess the only problem I can see is that it doesn't check the version number of the package so if .deb file is a newer version. Then this wouldn't overwrite the currently installed package.
Kinda based off yours just a little more 'elegant'. Just because I'm bored.
command ${PKG} &>/dev/null
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${NOTFOUND}[!] ${PKG} not found [!]"
echo -e "${NOTFOUND}[!] Would you like to install ${PKG} now ? [!]"
read -p "[Y/N] >$ " ANSWER
if [[ ${ANSWER} == [yY] || ${ANSWER} == [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
if grep -q "bian" /etc/os-release; then
sudo apt-get install ${PKG}
elif grep -q "arch" /etc/os-release; then
if [[ -f /bin/yay ]] || [[ -f /bin/yaourt ]]; then
yaourt -S ${PKG} 2>./err || yay -S ${PKG} 2>./err
sudo pacman -S ${PKG}
elif grep -q "fedora" /etc/os-release; then
sudo dnf install ${PKG}
echo -e "${NOTFOUND}[!] This script couldn't detect your package manager [!]"
echo -e "${NOTFOUND}[!] Manually install it [!]"
elif [[ ${ANSWER} == [nN] || ${ANSWER} == [nN][oO] ]]; then
echo -e "${NOTFOUND}[!] Exiting [!]"
echo -e "${FOUND}[+] ${PKG} found [+]"
The answers that suggest to use something along the lines of:
dpkg-query --showformat '${db:Status-Status}\n' --show $package | grep -q '^installed$'
dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\n' --show $package | grep -q '^install ok installed$'
are correct.
But if you have the package dpkg-dev installed and you do not just want to check whether a package is installed but you also:
want to know whether a package is installed in a certain version
want to have a package in a certain architecture
want to see if a virtual package is provided
then you can abuse the dpkg-checkbuilddeps tool for this job:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps -d apt /dev/null
This will check whether apt is installed.
The following will check whether apt is installed in at least version 2.3.15 and grep is installed as amd64 and the virtual package x-window-manager is provided by some of the installed packages:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps -d 'apt (>= 2.3.15), grep:amd64, x-window-manager' /dev/null
The exit status of dpkg-checkbuilddeps will tell the script whether the dependencies are satisfied or not. Since this method supports passing multiple packages, you only have to run dpkg-checkbuilddeps once even if you want to check whether more than one package is installed.
Since you mentioned Ubuntu, and you want to do this programmatically(although dpkg variations can also be used but would be more complex to implement), this(which) will definitely work:
which $pkgname > /dev/null;isPackage=$?
if [ $isPackage != 0 ];then
echo "$pkgname not installed"
sleep 1
read -r -p "${1:-$pkgname will be installed. Are you sure? [y/N]} " response
case "$response" in
sudo apt-get install $pkgname
echo "$pkgname is installed"
sleep 1
Although for POSIX compatibility, you would want to use command -v instead as mentioned in another similar question.
In that case,
which $pkgname > /dev/null should be replaced by command -v $pkgname in the above code sample.
If your package has a command line interface you can check if the package exists before installing it by evaluating the output from calling it's command line tool.
Here's an example with a package called helm.
# Call the command for the package silently
helm > /dev/null
# Get the exit code of the last command
command_exit_code="$(echo $?)"
# Run installation if exit code is not equal to 0
if [ "$command_exit_code" -ne "0" ]; then
# Package does not exist: Do the package installation
echo "Skipping 'helm' installation: Package already exists"
I use the following way:
which mySQL 2>&1|tee 1> /dev/null
if [[ "$?" == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\e[42m MySQL already installed. Moving on...\e[0m"
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server
if [[ "$?" == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\e[42mMy SQL installed\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[42Installation failed\e[0m"
I use this solution as I find it most straightforward.
function must_install(){
return "$(apt -qq list $var --installed 2> /dev/null |wc -l)"
function install_if() {
unset install
for var in "$#"
if $(must_install $var)
install+="${var} "
if [ -n "$install" ];
sudo apt-get install -qy $install
The neat thing is, must_install returns 1 or 0 which is then interpreted as true or false from the calling if, so we don't need any test using [].
install_if takes any number of packages separated by space.
The problem is apt is not meant to be used in scripts, so this might stop working at any time. 8)
All the answers are good but seem to be complex for beginners like myself to understand. so here is the solution that worked for me. My Linux environment is centOS but can't confirm it works for all distributions
if ! command -v $PACKAGE_NAME > /dev/null; then
echo "Installing $PACKAGE_NAME ..."
echo "$PACKAGE_NAME already installed"
