What is the most robust, universal ActiveRecord implementation for JavaScript/SSJS? - activerecord

Although I'm not very familiar with its usage yet, I'm intrigued by what I've seen of the power of convention-over-configuration employed in the ActiveRecord pattern, popularized by Ruby-on-Rails. I've seen a few JavaScript implementations out there, but was looking for advice on which was:
The most universal JavaScript implementation in terms of both adapter support (ranging from in-memory JSON stores to specific databases) and CommonJS-friendliness (if relevant yet)
The most robust in terms of elegantly leveraging conventions for reducing redundancy and allowing for rapid application development.
Combining the strengths of JavaScript such as its possibilities for code reuse on the client and server-side, with what appears from my limited perspective to be the primary draw of RoR, seems a slam dunk.
Also any tips on getting started or good tutorials, would be most welcome.

I guess it is too late for this answer but you want to have a look at Ember and Ember-Data. Ember does exactly what you want. http://emberjs.com/


How do I go about creating my own API/Framework/Libraries

Some libraries are very obvious to me. I mean I can create the math, string etc libraries on my own. I don't understand how people create API's like OpenGL, OpenCV, DirectX, and MFC. I don't understand how to write them on my own like I write libraries to compute math and string functions. Are there any resources on the net that would teach me how I can go about doing this.
Those kind of libraries are driven by two things.
1) is the domain that they're working in (notably GPU architecture, and their capabilities and limitations), and
2) the model of those capabilities as view by the API designer.
Simply, someone with some (ideally) reasonable understanding of the problem domain said "I think if you want to work with a GPU, I'd like the GPU to look like this", and came up with a model to present to the API consumer. Then the framework was written to convert that model view that the API designer contrived with the actual workings of the underlying mechanism (in this case a GPU).
Consider something like an Object Relational Mapper tool. Here, they're trying present an OO view mated to an underlying Relational representation.
The designers likely took some idea of what they wanted, tried them out to see how realistic it was do, and then started filling in the gaps and polishing the edges.
The way for you to start is to simply pick a domain which you have knowledge, but don't like how it works, and think "gosh, it would be better like this" and then start solving THAT problem. If things go well, you'll have some momentum and the process will likely get a bit more organic from there. But, ideally not too organic.
The hard part is putting your new API to work and USING it as someone who doesn't know the API, or necessarily the domain, would use it. Using it also gives you the opportunity to encounter the "gosh, it would be better like this" phase again.
Rinse and repeat until you're happy with the outcome.
Few paper designs survive contact with the actual development of the system. Some do better than others, but it's hard to know how an API is going to feel as a developer until you start using it.
So try a few apis on your own, study those you like, study those you hate and think how to make them better, and work on some proof of concept implementations to see how it goes.

Is there any scripting language that's fast, easy to embed, and well-suited for high-level game-programming?

First off, I'm aware that there are many questions related to this, but none of them seemed to help my specific situation. In particular, lua and python don't fit my needs as well as I could hope. It may be that no language with my requirements exists, but before coming to that conclusion it'd be nice to hear a few more opinions. :)
As you may have guessed, I need such a language for a game engine I'm trying to create. The purpose of this game engine is to provide a user with the basic tools for building a game, while still giving her the freedom of creating many different types of games.
For this reason, the scripting language should be able to handle game concepts intuitively. Among other things, it should be easy to define a variety of types, sub-type them with slightly different properties, query and modify objects dynamically, and so on.
Furthermore, it should be possible for the game developer to handle every situation they come across in the scripting language. While basic components like the renderer and networking would be implemented in C++, game-specific mechanisms such as rotating a few hundred objects around a planet will be handled in the scripting language. This means that the scripting language has to be insanely fast, 1/10 C speed is probably the minimum.
Then there's the problem of debugging. Information about the function, stack trace and variable states that the error occurred in should be accessible.
Last but not least, this is a project done by a single person. Even if I wanted to, I simply don't have the resources to spend weeks on just the glue code. Integrating the language with my project shouldn't be much harder than integrating lua.
Examining the two suggested languages, lua and python, lua is fast(luajit) and easy to integrate, but its standard debugging facilities seem to be lacking. What's even worse, lua by default has no type-system at all. Of course you can implement that on your own, but the syntax will always be weird and unintuitive.
Python, on the other hand, is very comfortable to use and has a basic class system. However, it's not that easy to integrate, it's paradigm doesn't really involve type-checking and it's definitely not fast enough for more complex games. I'd again like to point out that everything would be done in python. I'm well aware that python would likely be fast enough for 90% of the code.
There's also Scala, which I haven't seen suggested so far. Scala seems to actually fulfill most of the requirements, but embedding the Java VM with C doesn't seem very easy, and it generally seems like java expects you to build your application around java rather than the other way around. I'm also not sure if Scala's functional paradigm would be good for intuitive game-development.
EDIT: Please note that this question isn't about finding a solution at any cost. If there isn't any language better than lua, I will simply compromise and use that(I actually already have the thing linked into my program). I just want to make sure I'm not missing something that'd be more suitable before doing so, seeing as lua is far from the perfect solution for me.
You might consider mono. I only know of one success story for this approach, but it is a big one: C++ engine with mono scripting is the approach taken in Unity.
Try the Ring programming language
It's general-purpose multi-paradigm scripting language that can be embedded in C/C++ projects, extended using C/C++ code and/or used as standalone language. The supported programming paradigms are Imperative, Procedural, Object-Oriented, Functional, Meta programming, Declarative programming using nested structures, and Natural programming.
The language is simple, trying to be natural, encourage organization and comes with transparent implementation. It comes with compact syntax and a group of features that enable the programmer to create natural interfaces and declarative domain-specific languages in a fraction of time. It is very small, fast and comes with smart garbage collector that puts the memory under the programmer control. It supports many programming paradigms, comes with useful and practical libraries. The language is designed for productivity and developing high quality solutions that can scale.
The compiler + The Virtual Machine are 15,000 lines of C code
Embedding Ring Interpreter in C/C++ Programs
For embeddability, you might look into Tcl, or if you're into Scheme, check out SIOD or Guile. I would suggest Lua or Python in general, of course, but your question precludes them.
Since noone seems to know a combination better than lua/luajit, I think I will leave it at that. Thanks for everyone's input on this. I personally find lua to be very lacking as a high-level language for game-programming, but it's probably the best choice out there. So to whomever finds this question and has the same requirements(fast, easy to use, easy to embed), you'll either have to use lua/luajit or make your own. :)

Knowledge of windows internals?

I wondered if any of you have knowledge of the internal workings of windows (kernel, interrupts, etc) and if you've found that you've become a better developer as a result?
Do you find that the more knowledge the better is a good motto to have as a developer?
I find myself studying a lot of things, thinking with more understanding, I'll be a better developer. Of course practice and experience also comes into play.
This is a no brainier - absolutely (assuming you're a developer primarily on the Windows platform, of course). A working knowledge of how the car engine works will make a lot of common programming tasks (debugging, performance work, etc) a lot easier.
Windows Internals is the standard reference.
I believe it is valuable to understand how things work underneath. CLR/.NET to C++, native to ASM, ASM to CPU architecture, building registers and ops from logical gates, logical gates from MOSFETs, transistors from quantum physics and the latter from respective mathematical apparatus (group theory, etc).
Understanding low level makes you not only think different but also feel different - like you are in control of things, standing on the shoulders of giants.
More knowledge is always better, and having knowledge at many levels is a lot more valuable than just knowing whatever layer of abstraction you are working at.
A good rule of thumb is that you should have a good knowledge of the layer below the layer where you are working. So, for example, if you write a lot of .NET code, you should know how the CLR works. If you write a lot of web apps, you should understand HTTP. If you writing code that uses HTTP directly, then you should understand TCP/IP. If you are implementing a TCP/IP stack, then you need to understand how Ethernet works.
Knowledge of Windows internals is really helpful if you are writing native Win32 code, or if OS performance issues are critical to what you are doing. At higher levels of abstraction, it may be less helpful, but it never hurts.
I dont think that one requires special or secret knowledge of internals such as those that may be extended to members of the windows team or those with source access but I absolutely contend that understanding internals helps you become a better developer.
Take threading for instance, if you are going to build an application that uses threading in even a moderate way - understanding how windows works, how the threading works, how memory processes work are all keys to being able to do a good job with that code.
I agree to a point with your edict but I would not agree that experience/practice/knowledge are mutually exclusive. That net-net of experience is that you have knowledge gained from that experience. There is also a wisdom component to experience and practice but those are usually intangible situational elements that you apply in the future to avoid mistakes. Bottom line knowledge is a precipitate of experience.
Think of it this way, how many people do you know with 30+ years of experience in IT, think of them and take the top two. Now go into that memory bank and think of the people you know in the industry who are super smart, who know so much about so many things and pick the top two of those. You now have your final 4 - if you had to pick one to start a project with who would it be? Invariably we pick the super smart guy.
Yes, understanding Windows internals helped me to become a better programmer. It also taught be a lot of bad practices, bad ideas, and poor design concepts.
I highly suggest studying OS X or Linux internals as an alternative. It'll take less time, make more sense, and be much more productive.
Read code. Read lots of code. Read lots of good code. jQuery, Django, AIR framework source, Linux kernel, compilers.
Try to learn programming languages that introduce you to new approaches, like Lisp, Ruby, Python, or Javascript. OOP is good, but .net and Java seem to take the brainwash approach on it, and elevate it to some kind of religious level, instead of it just being a good tool in your toolbox.
If you don't understand the code you are reading, it likely means you are on the right track, and learning new techniques.
I'd suggest getting a mac simply because you'll find yourself wanting to make your UIs simpler and easier. It's really important to have a good environment if you want to become a great programmer. Surround yourself with engineers better than yourself (if you can), work with frameworks and languages that take the 'engineer' approach vs. the 'experimenter' approach, and... use a operating system that contains code better than yours.
I'd also reccomend the book "Coders at Work".
It depends. Many programmers who understand the internals of a system begin writing optimised code to exploit that knowledge. This has three very serious side-effects:
1.) It's harder for others without that knowledge to extend or support the code.
2.) System internals may change without notice, whereas interfaces are usually versioned and changes discussed publicly.
3.) Interfaces are generally consistent across platform revisions and hardware, internals do not have this consistency.
In short, There's a lot of broken, unsupportable code out there that's borked because it relies on an internal process that the vendor changed without notice.
Father of language C said that "you don't need to learn all features of language to write great codes. Better you understand the problem, better you write the code." Having knowledge is always better.

What's the current state of ORMs?

Historically I've been completely against using ORMS for all but the most basics applications.
My reasoning has and always has been that it's a very leaky abstraction ... mostly because SQL provides a very powerful way to retreive data from a relational source which usually gets messed up by the ORM so that you lost a lot of performance to gain an appearance of not having a relational backend.
I've always thought the DATA should always be kept in the Data Base, not eat up application memory which won't scale anyway. In addition the performance hit of being to generic is harmful. For example, if I need the name and address of all the clients of my database SQL provides me with an easy way to get it, in one query. With an ORM I need to get all the clients and then each name and address, even if it's lazy loaded it's gonna take a LOT longer.
That's what I think but has any of the above changed? I'm seeing a lot of ORMS like the Entity Framework, NHibernate, etc. And they seem to have a lot of popularity lately... Are they worth it? Do they solve the problems I describe above??
Please read: All Abstractions Are Failed Abstractions It should put a lot of your questions in perspective.
Performance is usually not an issue with ORM - and if you really find yourself in a situation where it is, then there usually is always the option to handcraft the SQL statements the ORM uses.
IMHO ORM give you an instant and huge development speed increase. That's why they are so popular. And using them right does not make you paint yourself in a corner. There is always the option of hand tuning the performance.
Even though Jeff focuses on Linq to SQL all he says about abstractions and performance are equally true for NHibernate (which I know from years of real world app development). IMHO one should use by default an ORM since they are more than fast enough for the notorious 90% of situations. Reading code written for an ORM usually is more maintainable and readable especially when your code is picked up by the next developer that inherits your code. Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. Never forget about that guy!
In addition they give out of the box caching, lazy loading, unit of work, ... you name it. And I found that when I was not happy about the performance of the ORM it was MY fault. ORM do force you to adhere to good OO design practices and help you shape your Domain Model.
On the Ruby on Rails side, ActiveRecord -- essentially an ORM -- is the basis of 95% of Rails applications (made-up statistic, but it's around there). Actually, to get to that 95% we would probably need to include other ORMs for Rails, like DataMapper.
The abstraction is leaky, and a developer can always dip down to SQL as necessary. Even when you're not using SQL directly, you have to think about number of database hits, etc. For instance, in ActiveRecord, "eager loading" is used to avoid multiple database hits, so you see stuff like this (includes the related "author" field of each Post in the initial query... it does a join under the hood, I think)
for post in Post.find(:all, :include => :author)
The point is that the abstraction leaks as do all abstractions, but that's not really the point. To decide whether to use the abstraction or not, you have to consider whether it will add to or reduce your general workload. In other words, will you spend more time retrofitting your concepts to make the abstraction work, or is it ready to do what you need without much hacking (saving you time)?
I think that the abstractions that work are those that are mature: ActiveRecord has been around the block a ton (as has Hibernate), so it provides an abstract way to patch most of the leaks you would normally be worried about, without explicitly rolling your own lower-level solution (i.e., without writing SQL).
Beyond the learning curve, I think that ORMs are an amazing time-saver for most of your database access, and that most apps actually do make quite "normal" use of the DB. While it may not be your case whatsoever, eschewing an ORM for direct DB access is often a case of early, and unnecessary, optimization.
Edit: I hadn't seen this, but the Jeff quote is
Does this abstraction make our code at
least a little easier to write? To
understand? To troubleshoot? Are we
better off with this abstraction than
we were without it?
saying essentially the same thing.
Some of the more modern ORM's are really powerful tools that solve a lot of real world problems. The good ORM's don't try to hide the relational model from you, but actually leverage it to make OO programming more powerful. They really aren't abstractions in the sense that they let you ignore the "lowlevel" details of relational algebra, instead they are toolkits that let you build abstractions on the relational model and make it easier to bring in data into the imperative model, track the changes and push them back to the database. The SQL language really doesn't provide any good way to factor out common predicates into composable, reusable components to achieve businesstule level abstractions.
Sure there is a performance hit, but it's mostly a constant factor thing as you can make the ORM issue what ever SQL you would issue yourself. Like for your name and address example, in SQLAlchemy you'd just do
for name, address in session.query(Client.name, Client.address):
# process data
and you're done. But where the ORM helps you is when you have reusable relations and predicates. For instance, say you have defined a way to join to a client's favorited items, and a predicate to see if it is on sale. Then you can get the list of clients that have some of their favorite items on sale while also fetching the assigned salesperson with the following query:
potential_sales = (session.query(Client).join(Client.favorite_items)
Atleast for me, the intent of the query is a lot faster to write, clearer and easier to understand when written like this, instead of a dozen lines of SQL.
As to any abstraction, you'll have to pay either in form of performance, or leaking. I agree with you in being against ORM's, since SQL is a clean and elegant language. I've sort of written my own little frameworks which do this things for me, but hey, then I sat there with my own ORM (but with a little more control over it than for example Hibernate). The people behind Hibernate states that it is fast. It should be able to do about 95% of the boring work against your database (simple queries, updates etc..) but gives you freedom to do the last 5% yourself if you want (you could always write your own mappings in special cases).
I think most of the popularity stems from that many programmers are lazy and want established frameworks to do the dirty boring persistence job for them (I can understand that), but the price of an abstraction will always be there. I would consider my options thoroughly before choosing to use an ORM in a serious project.

Dynamic languages - which one should I choose?

Dynamic languages are on the rise and there are plenty of them: e.g. Ruby, Groovy, Jython, Scala (static, but has the look and feel of a dynamic language) etc etc.
My background is in Java SE and EE programming and I want to extend my knowledge into one of these dynamic languages to be better prepared for the future.
But which dynamic language should I focus on learning and why? Which of these will be the preferred language in the near future?
Learning Ruby or Python (and Scala to a lesser extent) means you'll have very transferrable skills - you could use the Java version, the native version or the .NET version (IronRuby/IronPython). Groovy is nice but JVM-specific.
Being "better prepared for the future" is tricky unless you envisage specific scenarios. What kind of thing do you want to work on? Do you have a project which you could usefully implement in a dynamic language? Is it small enough to try on a couple of them, to get a feeling of how they differ?
Scala is not a dynamic language at all. Type inference doesn't mean that its untyped. However, Its a very nice language that has nice mixture of OOPs and functional programming. The only problem is some gotchas that you encounter along the way.
Since you are already an experienced Java programmer, it will fit nicely into your skillset. Now, if you want to go all the way dynamic both Ruby or Python are awesome languages. There is demand for both the languages.
I would personally recommend Clojure. Clojure is an awesome new language that is going in popularity faster than anything I've ever seen. Clojure is a powerful, simple, and fast Lisp implemented on the JVM. It has access to all Java libraries of course, just like Scala. It has a book written about it already, it's matured to version 1.0, and it has three IDE plugins in development, with all three very usable.
I would take a look at Scala. Why ?
it's a JVM language, so you can leverage off your current Java skills
it now has a lot of tooling/IDE support (e.g. Intellij will handle Scala projects)
it has a functional aspect to it. Functional languages seem to be getting a lot of traction at the moment, and I think it's a paradigm worth learning for the future
My (entirely subjective) view is that Scala seems to be getting a lot of the attention that Groovy got a year or two ago. I'm not trying to be contentious here, or suggest that makes it a better language, but it seems to be the new JVM language de jour.
As an aside, a language that has some dynamic attributes is Microsoft's F#. I'm currently looking at this (and ignoring my own advice re. points 1 and 2 above!). It's a functional language with objects, built on .Net, and is picking up a lot of attention at the moment.
In the game industry Lua, if you're an Adobe based designer Lua is also good, if you're an embedded programmer Lua is practically the only light-weight solution, but if you are looking into Web development and General tool scripting Python would be more practical
I found Groovy to be a relatively easy jump from an extensive Java background -- it's sort of a more convenient version of Java. It integrates really nicely with existing Java code as well, if you need to do that sort of thing.
I'd recommend Python. It has a huge community and has a mature implementation (along with several promising not-so-mature-just-yet ones). Perl is as far as I've seen loosing a lot of traction compared to the newer languages, presumably due to its "non-intuitiveness" (no, don't get me started on that).
When you've done a project or two in Python, go on to something else to get some broader perspective. If you've done a few non-trivial things in two different dynamic languages, you won't have any problems assimilating any other language.
JScript is quite usefull, and its certainly a dynamic language...
If you want a language with a good number of modules (for almost anything!), go for Perl. With its CPAN, you will always find what you want without reinventing the wheel.
Well keeping in mind your background, i would recommend a language where the semantics are similar to what you are aware of. Hence a language like Scala, Fan, Groovy would be a good starting point.Once you get a hang of the basic semantics of using a functional language(as well as start loving it), you can move onto a language like Ruby. The turn around time for you in this way gets reduced as well as the fact that you can move towards being a polyglot programmer.
i would vote +1 for Groovy (and Grails). You can type with Java style or Groovy still (you can also mix both and have no worry about that). Also you can use Java libs.
As a general rule, avoid dynamically typed languages. The loss of compile time checking and the self-documenting nature of strong, static typing is well worth the necessity of putting type information into your source code. If the extra typing you need to do when writing your code is too great an effort, then a language with type inference (Scala, Haskell) might be of interest.
Having type information makes code much more readable, and readability should be your #1 criteria in coding. It is expensive for a person to read code, anything that inhibits clear, accurate understanding by the reader is a bad thing. In OO languages it is even worse, because you are always making new types. A reader just getting familiar will flounder because they do not know the types that are being passed around and modified. In Groovy, for example, the following is legal def accountHistoryReport(in, out) Reading that, I have no idea what in and out are. When you are looking at 20 different report methods that look just like that, you can quickly go completely homicidal.
If you really think you have to have non-static typing, then a language like Clojure is a good compromise. Lisp-like languages are built on a small set of key abstractions and massive amount of capability on each of the abstractions. So in Clojure, I will create a map (hash) that has the attributes of my object. It is a bit reductionalist, but I will not have to look through the whole code base for the implementation of some un-named class.
My rule of thumb is that I write scripts in dynamic languages, and systems in compiled, statically typed languages.
