How Meteor works, Client vs Server? - client-server

I am really confused at to how Meteor works.
I know there's a server side where you just install it using the terminal.
But what about the client?
Does the client need to install anything?
For example, clients need to install Adobe Flash to run Flash. Are we talking about the same thing here? Or can the client just access it through a regular page without installing anything.
Thanks for the clarification.
<3 StackOverflow

Meteor is a pure javascript web-application framework.
All you need to run meteor is a JavaScript environment.
Server-side, NodeJS is the gold standard javascript environment.
Client-side, all you need is a browser that supports javascript.
There are no plugins required or other magic at work. It's just javascript.

I am assuming you mean the Meteor Http Server? In this case, you can think of it as being very similar to SignalR or node.js. Basically javascript on the client handles receiving events that come back from the server, so you will generally need to include a script on the client side.
You may want to read the following links for more information.

I think the question refers to, and if that is the case the client does not need to install anything.
Meteor is a framework for writing Javascript applications, and as such all modern browsers support it "out of the box". The initial request for a web site will download the HTML, CSS and Javascript and it will run just as any other web application like GMail, etc.
You can check out a series of example applications at and you should be able to run them without adding any plugins, etc.


PHP real time application

I have to create a little AJAX chat in my web application and I'm dealing with problem of real-time communication between JavaScript client and PHP server.
I want my js client to be able to catch new messages from the server as quick as possible. My first idea was to create AJAX request for example each 5 sec. to see whether there are new messages.
However, I'm not sure what happens if my application use for example 1000 people, it must be huge load to Apache httpd.
I also know about technique called 'long-polling' request, but when I tried that locally on my server, I've completely shooted down my Apache (I've read sth about problems with apache and long-polling). The next way I know about is WebSocket.
However, is it true that I have to be able to open port on webserver to use it? Because on regular web hosting, I thing it's not possible and I cant change any Apache/PHP settings on my hosting.
Do you have any suggestions how to solve it?
If you want to use websockets, you better have full control over your server as you may be facing the need to start and stop the websocket daemon whenever it's needed.
I wouldn't recommend using "regular web hosting" because of its restrictions.
I think that you are looking for "virtual server providers", that provides you full control over the server you manage. You should look at Amazon Web Services. There are many others that you may find.

Interact with local methods from a Chrome Extension

I'm not sure which technology I should be using, or even what exactly I'm trying to do is called, so I was hoping to just get some guidance on the issue.
We have a client/server architecture, and from the client side you should be able to send a command to the server side either by going from Browser -> Client -> Server, or just directly from Browser -> Server
My question is, what should I be looking in to to help me accomplish this task? I believe if I were to use a Chrome Extension, it would have to use NPAPI to interact locally with my PC, which is less than recommended ;)
The solution only needs to work on Windows, and will not be accessing any of the local users files.
Thanks for your help!
Within Chrome Extensions, you are allowed to access external resources if and only if you explicitly define the permissions (url pattern) in the manifest file.
Depending on the need of your application, you could use RESTful server approach or WebSockets server approach. Once you finish developing your server, your extension can communicate through it using existing web technologies (XmlHTTPRequest, WebSocket).
Assuming your going to use RESTful, what I would do is create a JavaScript service class/library that communicates to your backend (Server) using XHR, and include that in your background page within the extension. Then you can use Extension Message Passing to communicate to your service class.
Think of it as this, the scripts defined in the background context within your extension lives in between your extension and your server, acting like a facade. Search on GitHub/StackOverflow if you need questions regarding how, there are many useful posts/projects.

Can I use meteor for this?

I'm looking for a way to create an app which has a realtime web interface as well as an API which can be called by a node.js client while sharing most of its code.
I'd like to be able to manage data, monitor and execute tasks inside of my app via browser, but also have an automation/scheduling program which connects to my web app and tells it to run various tasks and get results of each task.
Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can connect to Meteor from the server, so I'm wondering if there's another approach? Is what I described even possible using Meteor?
I have done some testing using and I think I may be able to do it this way, but Meteor seems like it'd be really great for the realtime user interface.
Yes, you can use npm packages to do what you want. Just like standard Node.js programming.
There might be one error you run into when calling Meteor between external code, but it is easy to solve.
I guess in your case you could set up a TCP server that way and make it update a collection, then you could get the clients to update through the reactive collection publishing mechanism.

windows django server

I have inherited a Windows Server and I have to deploy a django app on it.
Have anyone tried to benchmark http servers with django support on this platform?
Which one is fastest?
Use-case of my application would be:
not so much writes to db
heavy usage of admin panel
display tons of results
Have you looked at either wamp or xampp? They both deliver Apache/MySQL/PHP-and-Perl on a Windows platform. But you need more because neither includes Python. See this SO thread for how to proceed from there. Note, you may encounter problems. See this SO thread for an example.
Ps. Personally, I would just get a an account that supports Django (e.g. and not screw around with this.
I run a Django site on Windows using Apache. I've posted a write up about some of the hurdles that you're going to face.

Firefox plugin - sockets

I've always wanted a way to make a socket connection to a server and allow the server to manipulate the page DOM. For example, this could be used in a stock quotes page, so the server can push new quotes as they become available.
I know this is a classic limitation (feature?) of HTTP's request/response protocol, but I think this could be implemented as a Firefox plugin (cross-browser compatibility is not important for my application). Java/Flash solutions are not acceptable, because (as far as i know) they live in a box and can't interact with the DOM.
Can anyone confirm whether this is within the ability of a Firefox plugin? Has someone already created this or something similar?
You may want to look at Comet which is a fancy name for a long running HTTP connection where the server can push updates to the page.
It should be possible. I have developed a xulrunner application that connects to a TCP server using sockets. Extension development would likely have the same capabilities. I used a library from mozdev - JSLib. Specifically check out the networking code. The fact that there is a Firefox add-on for JSlib add-on for Firefox makes more more confident.
Essentially, as I understand it, sockets are not part of JavaScript, but through XPCOM, you can get raw socket access like you would in any c/c++ application.
Warning: JSLib doesn't seem to receive a lot of attention and the mailing list is pretty sparse.
Java/Flash solutions are not acceptable, because (as far as i know)
they live in a box and can't interact with the DOM.
That's not actually true of Java. You can interact with Java via JavaScript and make DOM changes.
In this example there are two JavaScript methods for interaction
socket_send("This was sent via the socket\n\n");
on_socket_get(message){ more_code(message); }
You may want to look at Comet
a.k.a. server push. This does not let the server "update" the client page directly, but all the new data is sent to the page through a single connection.
Of course, a Firefox extension (as well as plugins, which are binary libraries that can do whatever any other application can do) can work with sockets too. See 1, 2.
