wp-load.php not found - 404 - Buddypress & Ajax - ajax

I'm having an issue with Buddypress ajax calls. The calls themselves are being made, however it's on the callback i'm having problems. I'm using a custom theme, with some custom pages for buddy press. All the same javascript files are loaded and the ajaxurl is defined as normal.
When i interact with anything in Buddpress (favourite, post message, comment etc) I get a 404 on wp-load.php in console. The content is there. The ajax function works itself as if you refresh the page the content is updated.
Tried a few things to fix up but getting nowhere.

After agonising on this for a while, there was a simple fix which i placed in the Ajax.php file.
status_header( 200 );


Is Durandal getting in the way of my POST to a 3rd party asp.net handler? 405 Method not allowed error

I've added Roxy Fileman to my project and tied it in to CKEditor. It's a standard Durandal project with an MVC controller for routing and a web api controller for ajax/json data calls.
A typical working URL for a web api call in my app is http://localhost:63093/api/DurandalApi/getAssessmentQuestionnairePushMenu?id=1
When I try and upload a file from within CKEditor, I get:
Request URL:http://localhost:63093/fileman/index.html?type=image&CKEditor=ckeditor&CKEditorFuncNum=1&langCode=en
Request Method:POST
Status Code:405 Method Not Allowed
Remote Address:[::1]:63093
If, however, I directly go to http://localhost:63093/fileman/index.html?type=image&CKEditor=ckeditor&CKEditorFuncNum=1&langCode=en in my browser, the file upload works perfectly and I can then browse to the image from FileMan inside CKEditor.
The network tab in chrome dev tools indicates that the successful upload is done using this URL: http://localhost:63093/fileman/asp_net/main.ashx?a=UPLOAD which is significantly different to the one that CKEditor attampts to use, but that may be because in the second example, index.html is already loaded?
I'm not completely up to speed with what's going on, but the fact that the same URL works perfectly outside of Durandal if I go directly to the URL seems to indicate the FileMan plugin is working just fine and all permissions are set accordingly. Furthermore the CKEditor config is also fine as it can see the images I upload in the directory, but for some reason it's unable to "post" from within CKEditor (which is embedded in a standard Durandal view).
I'm trying to read up on routing to see if I need to do some kind of exception mapping in Durandal to tell it to let the 3rd party .ashx handler deal with the POST request and I'm not even sure if this problem is indicative of Durandal getting in the way or something else. Any suggestions gratefully received!
Ah. All has become clear. This is a half and half answer really as it doesn't really solve the problem, but equally the problem doesn't really exist!
The issue is that Roxy Fileman does NOT use the CK Editor inbuilt "upload" tab that is in the popup. It expects the user to "browse server" only and use the "add file" link in Roxy instead.
I was confused by the instructions, but now I understand!

Recieving an AJAX CALL ERROR upon page load

Bear with me as this is my first question here. I will try to format it as best I can.
I have installed a contact form plugin to my wordpress site and after setting everything up, I am now getting an error when I load the page that states this:
Error: 0 error
Verify the attribute action of the form. It seems there is an error
I spoke with the developer and he is able to load it on his demo site, I ran the site in debug mode, and looked at the .htaccess information. He is telling me that there must be something wrong with the server configuration since it only shows on the front end. I don't see anything in the htaccess file which would cause this. I am not very familiar with Ajax or htaccess(a little but not much) so That is why I'm asking this here. Does anyone have a suggestion, because I'm at a loss right now. Thanks
Open up Chrome, go to "Tools" then "Developer Tools", then click on the "Network" tab, try to load the page and monitor the AJAX calls the form is making. You can click on them and look at the request and response headers and the content returned by all the AJAX calls. Find the one that is broken. Start your debugging there.
If the server is returning some sort of error, like a 500 error, then look at the contents of the page being returned, there may be a better error message there. If it's a 404 error, then you're form is trying to make an AJAX call to something the server can't find.

Wordpress Ajax deeplink gives 404

Hi Folks,
my first post here, thanks for any help i got already throught reading before.
I am working on a wordpress projekt. And it seems i am missing the overview on my problem.
I use ajax to recieve additional product data. http:url/product/additional_ajax_data...
This works fine, except direct call of the ajax urls. Direct call of a ajax url gives
a 404 not found.
Please dont give instructions like: add 200 ok to header... Cause the project will
consist of some thousand pages and work arounds like this are a no go...
Aditional infos: the urls have no ajax hash tag... And the content will dynamicly loaded depending on last url fragment
I found the solution:
To prevent Wordpress of 404 when calling a ajax url directly, add rewrite endpoints to the system.
You can follow the post from Jon Cave on Wordpress:
Works also on custom post_types and custom taxonomys, keep an eye on the type for wich you want to register a custom endpoint rewrite (that may depends on your options from your post type, page type etc...).
If you are sure that url is correct and file is there, check if permissions on file are not too strict. Also check .htaccess to make sure it doesn't black certain file extensions to be loaded directly

Using AJAX to send an email

I am attempting to make an AJAX contact form with Webscript (http://webscript.io), but I am running into a problem. Without AJAX, the form worked well and the email was delivered. After trying to add AJAX functionality, I stopped receiving emails through the form, yet the AJAX appears to run successfully. Here is a JS Bin with my example code: http://jsbin.com/aqahok/1/edit. I have a feeling the problem doesn't lie in the Webscript (which I believe you cannot view) but in the JS since the form worked without AJAX.
Thank you for taking a look at my problem and feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
Your JavaScript is looking for input[name="message"], but it should be looking for textarea[name="message"]. I changed that and tried to send an email. It appears to have worked (no error), so hopefully that's it.
The JS Bin you created makes webscript.io return 500 Internal Server Error (you can see it in Firebug or Chrome Dev Tools). AJAX part just does not check response and show the "Contact Form Submitted!". So problem is on their side.

AJAX GET-request appears in URL bar after refreshing the page in Tomcat that gets restarted

My web app runs under Tomcat, it uses AJAX requests very intensively, and during the development process I have to redeploy the web app intensively too. After the redeployment I usually simply refresh the page knowing that the user session is dropped, but I always get to the scenario described below:
Go to some page, a really big page with many JS-scripts included, that actually makes those intensive AJAX requests.
Stop Tomcat or redeploy the web app.
Refresh the page.
Enter the credentials in the sign-in form to authenticate.
Suddenly get the last AJAX request response in the browser window and the AJAX request URL in the URL bar.
Wow... It looks strange for me that AJAX request URLs appear in the URL bar along with their response in the web page display area. This actually happens to Firefox and Chrome (haven't tested it in other browsers). Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the same behavior in a simple page written from scratch. Frankly speaking, I don't really understand what happens to such requests and why do browsers "think" if AJAX requests/responses are entered in URL bar by user...
Your possible explanations or hints for such a strange behavior are very and very appreciated. Thanks!
(Perhaps it can help: All AJAX requests are performed with jQuery 1.4.2)
I'm very sorry, as I understood later, the question is not complete, because there was another pitfall I didn't mention, so no one couldn't answer the question in principle. The reason of the bug was hiding in the... <body onunload="..."> tag definition. That was quite unexpected, but that code contained some AJAX request that must be invoked when a user leaves the page. I only realized that the authenicating module (FORM, j_security_check) returned a response (HTTP 302) containing the Location header - so that was the reason why browsers did redirects.
The exact scenario was like that:
Open the page containing <body onunload="some_ajax_here">.
Log out the app using another tab so you could stay at the same page.
Refresh the page so some ajax could be invoked - this AJAX request is not now allowed because it's a secured part of the application (you get the forwarded content of the login page).
Enter the credentials and now oops you get to the result of some ajax directly in the browser window.
As the quick fix, and I hope the final one, I added another request following that AJAX request:
async: true,
method: "GET",
url: document.location.pathname + document.location.search
So the HTML page script simply makes self-page request the last one - j_security_check returns the Location referring the last used HTML page, and the redirect works fine. Perhaps my explanation is not clear and may be not complete or even full of mistakes, but it looks like that in general. I'm very sorry once again, and thank you #ChristopherSchultz!
