Multiple Windows OpenGL/Glut - windows

I would like to know how to open multiple OpenGL/Glut windows.
And I mean multiple windows at the same time
not subwindows and
not update the same window

While I believe the above answer is accurate, it is a little more complex then needed and it might be difficult when later having to deal with moving between the windows (say, for example, when drawing into them). This is what we've just done in class:
GLint WindowID1, WindowID2; // window ID numbers
glutInitWindowSize(250.0, 250.0); // set a window size
glutInitWindowPosition(50,50); // set a window position
WindowID1 = glutCreateWindow("Window One"); // Create window 1
glutInitWindowSize(500.0, 250.0); // set a window size
glutInitWindowPosition(500,50); // set a window position
WindowID2 = glutCreateWindow("Window Two"); // Create window 2
You will notice I'm using the same create window function but loading it into a GLint. That is because when we create a window this way, the function actually returns a unique GLint used by glut to identify windows.
We have to get and set windows to move between them and perform appropriate drawing functions. You can find the calls here.

The same way as you would create one window, except you should do it multiple times :
#include <cstdlib>
#include <GL/glut.h>
// Display callback ------------------------------------------------------------
float clr = 0.2;
void display()
// clear the draw buffer .
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Erase everything
// set the color to use in draw
clr += 0.1;
if ( clr>1.0)
// create a polygon ( define the vertexs)
glBegin(GL_POLYGON); {
glColor3f(clr, clr, clr);
glVertex2f(-0.5, -0.5);
glVertex2f(-0.5, 0.5);
glVertex2f( 0.5, 0.5);
glVertex2f( 0.5, -0.5);
} glEnd();
// Main execution function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
glutInit(&argc, argv); // Initialize GLUT
glutCreateWindow("win1"); // Create a window 1
glutDisplayFunc(display); // Register display callback
glutCreateWindow("win2"); // Create a window 2
glutDisplayFunc(display); // Register display callback
glutMainLoop(); // Enter main event loop
This example shows how to set the same callback to render in both windows. But you can use different functions for windows.


XReparentWindow works sporadically

I'm experimenting with XReparentWindow with the end goal to aggregate windows of multiple processes into one "cockpit" simulating process. Experiments with XReparentWindow works sporadically; sometimes the window is reparented successfully, sometimes not. When unsuccessfully reparented the (not) grabbed window flickers for a second and then proceedes as usual, and the grabber show undefined window content. It is successfull every other time (tempted to brute-force the problem away by always trying two times).
Edit 1: Checking output of XQueryTree right after XReparentWindow shows the grabbed window is properly reparented, but would appear to keep its frame origin where grabbed from on display rather than being moved to the grabber window.
The grabbed window is from a real-time OpenGL rendering application, compiled from source. The application does not anticipate the grabbing in any way (maybe it should?). I have also tried grabbing glxgears and a GNOME Terminal, same result.
The experimental code, taking window to grab as program argument (e.g. using xwininfo | grep "Window id"):
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h> // usleep
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Window window, extwin;
sscanf(argv[1], "%p", &extwin);
Display* display = XOpenDisplay(0);
window = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, 0), 0, 0, 500, 500, 0, DefaultDepth(display, 0), InputOutput, DefaultVisual(display, 0), 0, 0);
XMapWindow(display, window);
XReparentWindow(display, extwin, window, 0, 0);
while(1) {
return 0;
(Code is manually exported from a restricted environment. Sorry for any typos made during export.)
Looking forward for suggestions of what to try out next.
Edit 2: Having captured the event stream of the grabbed window using xev I notice something odd; after being reparented to the grabber window, it reparents itself back to root window after less than a second (restricted environment, typing what's seen on other window with anticipated significance):
UnmapNotify event ...
ReparentNotify event ... parent 0x4000001 (grabber window)
MapNotify event ...
ConfigureNotify event ... synthetic YES (what is this?)
UnmapNotify event ...
ReparentNotify event ... parent 0xed (reparenting back to parent window, but why?)
MapNotify event ...
VisibilityNotify event ...
Expose event ...
PropertyNotify event ... _NET_WM_DESKTOP state PropertyDelete
PropertyNotify event ... _NET_WM_STATE state PropertyDelete
PropertyNotify event ... WM_STATE state PropertyNewValue
I quit the program and try again a second time, at which the output that continues is:
UnmapNotify event ...
ReparentNotify event ... parent 0x4000001 (grabber window)
MapNotify event ...
VisibilityNotify event ...
Expose event ...
What is going on?
I am a newbie in the GUI world and I don't know X11 internals. But I've just read a very interesting documentation (
Most of the functions in Xlib just add requests to an output buffer. These requests later execute asynchronously on the X server. Functions that return values of information stored in the server do not return (that is, they block) until an explicit reply is received or an error occurs. You can provide an error handler, which will be called when the error is reported.
If a client does not want a request to execute asynchronously, it can follow the request with a call to XSync, which blocks until all previously buffered asynchronous events have been sent and acted on. As an important side effect, the output buffer in Xlib is always flushed by a call to any function that returns a value from the server or waits for input.
So I guess what you have is a race condition between reparenting and something.
This works for me:
// gcc -lX11 -lXcomposite a.c && ./a.out 0x1a00001
// IDs can be gotten from
// `wmctrl -l` (shows only the parent windows) or `xwininfo`.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h> // -lX11
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h> // optional, -lXcomposite
void reparent (Display *d, Window child, Window new_parent)
XUnmapWindow(d, child);
XMapWindow(d, new_parent);
XSync(d, False);
XReparentWindow(d, child, new_parent, 0, 0);
XMapWindow(d, child);
// 1 ms seems to be enough even during `nice -n -19 stress -c $cpuThreadsCount` (pacman -S stress) on linux-tkg-pds.
// Probably can be decreased even further.
XSync(d, False);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
Display *d = XOpenDisplay(XDisplayName(NULL));
int s = DefaultScreen(d);
Window root = RootWindow(d, s);
if (argc != 2)
printf("Wrong number of arguments, exiting.");
Window child = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
Window new_parent = XCreateSimpleWindow(
d, root, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0, 0, 0
// (Optional)
// Allow grabbing by `ffmpeg -f x11grab -window_id`
// while being on the same virtual screen
// AND (focused or unfocused)
// AND (seen or unseen)
// AND no other window is both fullscreen and focused.
XCompositeRedirectWindow(d, child, CompositeRedirectAutomatic);
// After `new_parent` is destroyed (when the program exists),
// don't make `child` unmapped/invisible.
XAddToSaveSet(d, child);
reparent(d, child, new_parent);
XEvent e;
while (1)
XNextEvent(d, &e);
return 0;
Also it's possible to use xdotool:
xdotool windowunmap $CHID
xdotool windowreparent $CHID $NEWPID
xdotool windowmap --sync $CHID
Brute force solution, grabbing the window repeatedly:
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h> // usleep
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Window window, extwin;
sscanf(argv[1], "%p", &extwin);
Display* display = XOpenDisplay(0);
window = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, 0), 0, 0, 500, 500, 0, DefaultDepth(display, 0), InputOutput, DefaultVisual(display, 0), 0, 0);
XMapWindow(display, window);
while(1) {
Window root, parent, *ch;
unsigned int nch;
XQueryTree(display, extwin, &root, &parent, &ch, &nch);
if(parent!=window) {
XReparentWindow(display, extwin, window, 0, 0);
if(nch>0) { XFree(ch); }
return 0;
Assuming this only happens once the clause can be disabled after two calls to reparent. Works on my machine. Would appreciate full explaination of what is really going on.
I have never tried with an OpenGL application and do not have the environment here.
Maybe try first with a simple X app (like xclock) and observe if you get the same behaviour.
If yes, that's your code, if no, probably OpenGL interaction.
From your snippset, two comments though:
In the while loop, you should consume the X events
XEvent e;
while(1) {
XNextEvent(d, &e);
Then the XAddToSaveSet function does not work properly.
You will need to use the XFixes in order to properly restore that window in case of a crash.
#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
// The Xorg API is buggy in certain areas.
// Need to use the XFixes extensions to address them
// Initializes these extensions
int event_base_return = 0;
int error_base_return = 0;
Bool result = XFixesQueryExtension(display, &event_base_return);
printf("XFixesQueryExtension result: %d. eventbase: %d - errorbase: %d\n", result, event_base_return, error_base_return);
// We actually only need version 1.0. But if 4.0 is not there then something is really wrong
int major = 4;
int minor = 0;
result = XFixesQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor);
printf("XFixesQueryVersion result: %d - version: %d.%d\n", result, major, minor);
XReparentWindow(display, childWindowId, parentWindowId, 0, 0);
XFixesChangeSaveSet(display, childWindowId, SetModeInsert, SaveSetRoot, SaveSetUnmap);

glMapBufferRange crashing on Android GLES app

I am trying to morph some vertices on a GLES application on android and glMapBufferRange keeps crashing with the following error:
SIGSEGV (signal SIGSEGV: address access protected (fault address: 0xef13d664))
I more or less followed the example of this web-site:
but not sure if I am missing something.
I created my VBOs at initialization time and I can draw the object with no issues. The code of creation goes:
void SubObject3D::CreateVBO(VBOInfo &vboInfoIn) {
// m_vboIds[0] - used to store vertex attribute data
// m_vboIds[l] - used to store element indices
glGenBuffers(2, vboInfoIn.vboIds);
// Let the buffer all dynamic for morphing
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboInfoIn.vboIds[0]);
(GLsizeiptr) (vboInfoIn.vertexStride * vboInfoIn.verticesCount),
vboInfoIn.pVertices, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboInfoIn.vboIds[1]);
(GLsizeiptr) (sizeof(GLushort) * vboInfoIn.indicesCount),
vboInfoIn.pIndices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
struct VBOInfo {
VBOInfo() {
memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(VBOInfo));
vboIds[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
vboIds[1] = 0xdeadbeef;
// VertexBufferObject Ids
GLuint vboIds[2];
// Points to the source data
GLfloat *pVertices; // Pointer of original data
GLuint verticesCount;
GLushort *pIndices; // Pointer of original data
GLuint indicesCount;
GLint vertexStride;
then later in the Rendering loop I tried to get the hold of my vertex pointer as such:
// I stored the information at creation time here:
VBOInfo mVBOGeometryInfo;
//later I call here to get the pointer
GLfloat *SubObject3D::MapVBO() {
GLfloat *pVertices = nullptr;
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mVBOGeometryInfo.vboIds[0]);
GLsizeiptr length = (GLsizeiptr) (mVBOGeometryInfo.vertexStride *
pVertices = (GLfloat *) glMapBufferRange(
if (pVertices == nullptr) {
LOGE ("Could not map VBO");
return pVertices;
but it crashed right at glMapBufferRange.
This is an android application that uses NDK. The hardware is a Samsung S6 phone.
This was quite painful to resolve this issue, but there is no problem with the code above per se. It was basically the include. My code was based off the google sample "more teapots" located here:
I had to follow their pattern and change my include to GLES from:
#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
to use their stubs:
#include "gl3stub.h"
why? I don't know, but likely causing the linker to link incorrect code.

GLEW crashing in XCode

I'm trying to run a simple OpenGL program using GLFW (version 3.0.2) and GLEW (version 1.10.0) in XCode (version 4.6.3) on OS X 10.8.4. The entire code is shown below.
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void RenderScene()
void InitGL()
glClearColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
void ErrorFunc(int code, const char *msg)
cerr << "Error " << code << ": " << msg << endl;
int main(void)
GLFWwindow* window;
/* Report errors */
/* Initialize the library */
if (!glfwInit())
return -1;
/* Window hints */
/* Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context */
window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", NULL, NULL);
if (!window)
return -1;
/* Make the window's context current */
/* Initialize OpenGL */
/* Loop until the user closes the window */
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window))
/* Render here */
/* Swap front and back buffers */
/* Poll for and process events */
return 0;
Most of this came straight from GLFW's documentation; only the rendering function and GLEW initialization are mine. I have added frameworks for OpenGL, Cocoa and IOKit and linked against libGLEW.a and libglfw3.a. The program compiles successfully but appears to crash when attempting to execute functions GLEW was supposed to take care of. Here, the program crashes on glClearBufferfv. If I comment that out, I get a window with a black background. My guess is GLEW is secretly not working, since it reports no errors but doesn't seem to be doing its job at all.
The exact error message XCode throws at me is error: address doesn't contain a section that points to a section in a object file with an error code of EXC_BAD_ACCESS. If I replace glClearBufferfv with glClearColor the program doesn't crash, but still has a black background when it should actually be red. When queried, OpenGL returns the version string 2.1 NVIDIA-8.12.47 310.40.00.05f01, which explains why calls to newer functions aren't working, but shouldn't GLEW have set up the correct OpenGL context? Moreover, GLFW's documentation says that they've been creating OpenGL 3+ contexts since GLFW 2.7.2. I really don't know what to do.
glClearBuffer (...) is an OpenGL 3.0 function, it is not implemented in all versions of OS X (some only implement OpenGL 2.1). Because OS X does not use runtime extensions, GLEW is not going to fix this problem for you.
You will have to resort to the traditional method for clearing buffers in older versions of OS X (10.6 or older). This means setting the "clear color" and then clearing the color buffer as a two-step process. Instead of a single function call that can clear a specific buffer to a specific value, use this:
#define USE_GL3 // This code requires OpenGL 3.0, comment out if unavailable
void RenderScene()
GLfloat color[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
#ifdef USE_GL3 // Any system that implements OpenGL 3.0+
glClearBufferfv (GL_COLOR, 0, color);
#else // Any other system
glClearColor (color [0], color [1], color [2]);
This is not ideal, however. There is no point in setting the clear color multiple times. You should set the clear color one time when you initialize the application and replace the ! USE_GL3 branch of the code with glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
Now, because you mentioned you are using Mac OS X 10.8, you can ignore a lot of what I wrote above. OS X 10.8 actually implements OpenGL 3.2 if you do things correctly.
You need two things for glClearBuffer (...) to work on OS X:
Mac OS X 10.7+ (which you have)
Tell glfw to create an OpenGL 3.2 core context
Before you create your window in glfw, add the following code:
Once you have an OpenGL 3.2 core context, you can also eliminate the whole ! USE_GL3 pre-processor branch from your code. This was a provision to allow your code to work on OS X implementations that do not support OpenGL 3.2.
GLEW doesn't really work on mac unless you enable the experimental option. Enable it after setting all your stuff in GLFW.
glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
And you also set to use OpenGL Core with
glfwOpenWindowHint( GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MAJOR, 3 );
glfwOpenWindowHint( GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR, 2 );
Slightly different from yours.

Using FreeGLUT, how can I create an OpenGL window, specifying both title and screen location?

The FreeGLUT API has several functions for window management:
int glutCreateWindow(const char * title );
int glutCreateSubWindow(int window, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void glutDestroyWindow(int window);
void glutSetWindow(int window);
int glutGetWindow(void);
void glutSetWindowTitle(const char* title);
void glutSetIconTitle(const char* title);
void glutReshapeWindow(int width, int height);
void glutPositionWindow(int x, int y);
I'm completely new to this. How would I go about creating four windows, with unique titles and positions? It seems that once a second window has been created with glutCreateWindow(), there is no way to access the first one again.
So far, I can create a single window with glutCreateWindow("window 1");, then reshape and reposition it with glutReshapeWindow(width, height) and glutPositionWindow(x, y), but I'm at a loss as to how to manage several windows simultaneously.
I'm running MinGW/MSYS on Windows XP, if that helps.
Each time you create a window with glutCreateWindow it returns the window ID of the new window. You can store this in a variable and use this to access the window later via glutSetWindow.
Also note that you would normally set the display function for a window just after creating it.

Resizing a cell's height and Witdth and loading an image in QTableWidget

I want to make a 8*8 table with square cells ( a chess board ). Now I have the code to make the table but don't know how to resize the cells to be square shaped.
I also want to put pictures of pieces into the cells. How should I do these?
here is the code i have:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QTableWidget>
class Table : public QWidget
Table(QWidget *parent = 0);
Table::Table(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(this);
QTableWidget *table = new QTableWidget(8 , 8 , this);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Table t;;
return a.exec();
If anyone can help me with loading an image as the background of cell too, it would be very appreciated!
I use this code and compiler does not generate an error but program fails to run. I think the problem is with the table->item(0,0). Should I initialize it first?
QString fileName = "1.bmp";
QPixmap pic (fileName);
QIcon icon (pic);
To make the cells square shaped do something like this:
// set the default size, here i've set it to 20px by 20x
// set the resize mode to fixed, so the user cannot change the height/width
Edit: To set the images, set the icon attribute on your QTableWidgetItems
after searching and searching and searching.... I finally got the answer. I should first make a QBrush object and set it as a background of a QtableWidgetItem and then use table->setItem !!!
QString fileName = "/1.bmp";
QPixmap pic (fileName);
QBrush brush(pic);
QTableWidgetItem* item = new QTableWidgetItem();
