How do I remove a package installed via Chocolatey? - git-tfs

I installed gittfs using
cinst gittfs
How do I now remove the gittfs package?

cuninst packagename
See Uninstall Command for details.

UPDATE: as per #ferventcoder's comment, Chocolately has added support for uninstalling packages since this question was first asked and answered.
The syntax is chocolatey uninstall packageName or just cuninst packageName.
You can optionally uninstall a specific version:
cuninst packageName -version 1.0.1234
See Rob's link for the latest, including known limitations:


How to keep Chocolatey install params when doing an upgrade

As a reluctant windows admin I like Chocolatey a lot. I have installed some of our software with special parameters, e.g. choco install webex --params "/ALLUSERS". Infortunately, when I run choco upgrade all those params seem to get lost, when the package actually received an upgrade. Consequently, in this case other users can no longer use webex.
Is there a way to keep those params when doing an choco upgrade all?
So far, I have to take care about this case when upgrading, and then do an excplicit uninstall and then re-install as shown above with the desired params. Suboptimal.
Ensure you have the Chocolatey feature useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades enabled. You can do this by running choco feature enable -n='useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades'
See the docs for more information.

How to install specific version of windows sdk using chocolatey?

I have C++ project with its target platform version type as 10.0.15063.0 and target platform as Windows 10.
I tried to create a azure pipeline that builds and publishes the artifacts, but I am facing issue to install windows sdk of specific version using choco(i.e 10.0.15063.x).
command tried :
choco install windows-sdk-10.0 --version=10.0.15063
I am getting error saying the package not found in the sources listed. Is there any way to fix the issue.
The version 10.0.15063.0 is not in the choco package list. As an alternative, you can download the installation from link, and install it via command.
Download bash command:
curl -LO ""
chmod 777 winsdksetup.exe # add permission for execution
Install in powershell silently:
Start-Process winsdksetup.exe -ArgumentList "/q" -Wait
Verify the version on my local machine:
However, the version number is strange, it shows 10.1.15063 actually in control panel.
So I can install it with choco command instead:
choco install windows-sdk-10.1 --version=10.1.15063.468 -y
Please check the version in regedit and control panel.
Doesn't look like that version is available. You can confirm this by searching for the package and listing all versions using choco list or choco search (search and list are synonyms for choco.exe):
choco list -a windows-sdk-10.0
Today, only one version is available: 10.0.26624. You can try to get the attention of the package maintainer on the package listing via the comments or Contact Maintainers link in the sidebar to update it or you can build your own and host on an internal feed for your use case.

Anaconda conda.compat module warning comes up whenever I install new packages/modules

When I was trying to install packages like html5lib, BeautifulSoup4, sqlalchemy etc. I got the following message prompted in my command line window.
Warning: the conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
What does it exactly mean? And what should I do about it?
This is a known bug in conda 4.6.11 github link which is corrected in latest version of conda 4.6.12.
for more details refer superuser thread .
update conda to latest version and it will start working.
conda update conda

zipline installation from Quantopian modifies Anaconda

I am working with Anaconda with python 2.7. In order to do algorithmic trading I wanted to install 'zipline' package using conda giving command as
conda install -c Quantopian Zipline
from Anaconda prompt. After 'Solving environment' message, I got 'Package Plan' which contains packages which will be installed, removed, updated and downgraded. I was astonished to see that it will remove 'anaconda: 5.2.0-py27_3' and downgrade
networkx: 2.1-py27_0 to 1.11-py27_1;
numpy: 1.14.3-py27h911edcf_1 to 1.11.3-py27hc42714f_10;
numpy-base: 1.14.3-py27h917549b_1 to 1.11.3-py27h2753ae9_10;
pandas: 0.23.0-py27h39f3610_0 to 0.22.0-py27hc56fc5f_0.
I canceled the installation.
I have a couple of question here.
Why at all it is necessary for any package installation to remove package 'Anaconda' and downgrade packages like 'numpy', 'pandas' etc.?
Will this action not jeopardize my other python activities?
Shall I go ahead or restrain from installing the packages like this?
Zipline doesn't currently support the latest versions of packages like panda, numpy etc. which causes the messages above.
Well, yes it could make trouble, especially if your other python activities need the latest version of those packages.
Please don't go ahead with the installation like this. I'll explain the best available solution below.
Create an environment for Zipline. Let's say (for convenience only) Zipline supports Python 3.5 but you have only installed Python 2.7 on your machine.
So you can create a sandbox-like conda-environment for Python 3.5. It's very straight forward, just use the following commands:
$ conda create -n env_zipline python=3.5
After your isolated environment called env_zipline was created, you have to activated it by using the following command:
$ activate env_zipline
You can install Zipline now by running
(env_zipline)$ conda install -c Quantopian zipline
When you finished your work with zipline you can deactivate the environment for zipline by using the following command:
(env_zipline)$ deactivate
Hope it helps. If your need further information you can check the more detailed documentation of zipline (the steps above are included):

apt-get not working in Cygwin

I'm something of a Cygwin newbie, so that might be the problem, but I'm trying to install a package using apt-get and it's telling me there's no such command. I installed it on Windows 7.
The best I got from searching other questions here and across the net was that you need to install something specific (or run the setup file to update) when initially installing, but it's not clear to me what I need to install or run or whatever.
How do I install or update my cygwin to be able to use apt-get or, alternatively, how would I install packages with the basic, default installation of Cygwin that I already have?
Thank you.
You can use this : apt-cyg
It works just like apt-get in terms of command line arguments, but you will be using apt-cyg instead.
Refer It did helped me.
To install apt-cyg package.
Cygwin's official installer is setup.exe. This is the "proper" way to install Cygwin packages. There's a project called cyg-apt but it's not officially part of Cygwin.
