Overriding "Edited" in window title for NSDocument - cocoa

How do I prevent a window title from displaying "Edited" for an NSDocument which is dirty?
I'm managing saving and autosaving myself, using a web service, and just don't want the distraction in the title bar.
I've tried overriding:
NSDocument's -isDocumentEdited and -hasUnautosavedChanges always to return NO.
-[NSWindowController setDocumentEdited] to do nothing, or always to use NO regardless of the parameter's actual value.
-[NSWindowController synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentName] to do nothing.
-[NSWindow setDocumentEdited] to do nothing, or always to use NO regardless of the parameter's actual value.
In all cases, the title bar still changes to Edited when I make changes to a saved document.
If I override -[NSDocument updateChangeCount:] and -[NSDocument updateChangeCountWithToken:forSaveOperation:] to do nothing, I can prevent this from happening, but it affects saving, autosaving, and other document behaviors, too.
I also tried this:
[[self.window standardWindowButton: NSWindowDocumentVersionsButton] setTitle:nil];
That displayed a blank string instead of Edited, but the dash still appeared – the one which normally separates the document name and Edited.
Any idea how to pry apart this part of the window from the document?

Several options:
To get a pointer to the "dash", look for a TextField in [window.contentView.superview.subviews] with a stringValue equals to "-". You can set its text to an empty string as well.
#implementation NSWindow (DashRetrivalMethod)
- (NSTextField*)versionsDashTextField
NSTextField* res = nil;
NSView* themeFrame = [self.contentView superview];
for (NSView* tmp in [themeFrame subviews])
if ([tmp isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
if ([[(NSTextField*)tmp stringValue] isEqualToString:#"—"])
res = (NSTextField*)tmp;
return res;
You can override NSWindow's -setRepresentedURL:. This would also affect the NSWindowDocumentIconButton and the popup menu, but you can manually create it if you want by: [NSWindow standardWindowButton: NSWindowDocumentIconButton].
Override one of these three NSDocument's undocumented methods:
// Always return here NO if you don't want the version button to appear.
// This seems to be the cleanest options, besides the fact that you are
/// overriding a private method.
- (BOOL)_shouldShowAutosaveButtonForWindow:(NSWindow*)window;
// Call super with NO
- (void)_setShowAutosaveButton:(BOOL)flag;
// Here the button and the dash are actually created
- (void)_endVersionsButtonUpdates;
// Here Cocoa hide or unhide the edited button
- (void)_updateDocumentEditedAndAnimate:(BOOL)flag

Have you tried overriding NSDocuments - (BOOL)hasUnautosavedChanges in addition to overriding - (BOOL) isDocumentEdited?

Although this is a late answer, you can easily determine what is going to be the title of your NSDocument window by overriding
- (NSString *)windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName:(NSString *)displayName
in your NSWindowController and return the appropriate title.
You can do that also by overriding the property of your NSDocument:
- (NSString *)displayName
but this is not recommended by Apple, because that is normally used by the OS error handlers.
I added this answer, because none of the other answers really set me on the right path.


Drag and drop files into NSOutlineView

I'm trying to implement simple drag and drop operation into NSOutlineView Based on Apple's example - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/SourceView/Introduction/Intro.html
All seems to be ok, but finally when I drop some files from Finder I get error:
[<ChildNode 0x60800005a280> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key description.') was raised during a dragging session
Here is my test project: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1mgcg2dysvs292u/SimpleDrag.zip?dl=0
What I exactly need in my app: allow user to drag and drop multiple files and folder into some tree list and then display them to user. Also save all this this into some file, so it can be loaded again with all user dragged files and folders.
A final result I want to have like this:
The description property of NSObject is read-only, and is generally set by providing a getter in the implementation file:
- (NSString *)description {
return [self urlString]; // Using urlString solely for demo purposes.
You can't set it, either via key-value coding or by direct assignment:
self.description = [self urlString]; // Xcode error: 'Assignment to readonly property'
[self setValue:[self urlString] forKey:#"description"];
In -[ChildNode copyWithZone:] an attempt is made to do the latter of the two, and that's what causes the warning to be logged to the console.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// copyWithZone:zone
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
id newNode = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] init];
// One of the keys in mutableKeys is 'description'...
// ...but it's readonly! (it's defined in the NSObject protocol)
for (NSString *key in [self mutableKeys])
[newNode setValue:[self valueForKey:key] forKey:key];
return newNode;
This begs the question why do you get the warning in your app, and not in the sample app? From what I can tell no ChildNode instance is ever sent a copyWithZone: message in the sample app, whereas this does happen in your app, immediately after the drop. Of course there's a second question here as well: why do Apple explicitly include the description key-path when it can't be set this way? - unfortunately I can't help you with that.
A really handy way of trying to trap errors that don't actually cause exceptions is to add an All Exceptions breakpoint. If you do this in your sample app you'll see that the app freezes at the line that's causing the problem, giving you a better chance of figuring out the issue.

Change NSTextField's behavior for multiple clicks in a row

I have a NSTextField which is nested by a custom view and I want to change the default behavior of multiple clicks in a row (double click, tripple click etc.), similarly to the behavior of text nodes MindNode (see the image below).
I want the first click to "activate" the text field and then go on from the beginning (like reseting the click count of the event).
I have following ideas, but I don't know how to implement them and if they actually make sense:
Somehow change the time using +[NSEvent doubleClickInterval] and slow down the second click.
Reduce the click count programmatically?
Make the NSTextField non-selectable using -hitTest:, forward the click to the superview, change some parameter of the text field and accept the next clicks. In this case, the click count of the second click is still 2.
Override -mouseDown: and not call super. This breaks the NSTextField's selection functionality.
I hope there is an easier way to achieve this, which I have overlooked.
Thanks for your answers!
Here is a graphical representation of the problem:
I would do this by embedding the text field and a custom view in an NSBox, which would be set to the custom type, initially with no background color or border (so it would be invisible). Initially, the custom view would be on top and it would have a mouseDown: method that would receive the first click. In that method you could rearrange the box's subviews so that the text field would then be on top and receive the next clicks. If you wanted, the box could be somewhat bigger than the text field so you could give it a background color or other drawing that would look like a custom activation ring around the text field. In the text field's controlTextDidEndEditing: method, you could reset the system back to the beginning state, so it would be ready for the next time you click on it.
After Edit: Here is the code I'm using in my overlay class:
#implementation Overlay
static NSComparisonResult rdComparator( NSView *view1, NSView *view2, void *context ) {
if ([view1 isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
return NSOrderedDescending;
else if ([view2 isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedSame;
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
self.box.fillColor = [NSColor redColor];
NSView *contentView = self.box.subviews.lastObject;
[contentView sortSubviewsUsingFunction:rdComparator context:nil];
I've solved it by subclassing NSTextField and decrementing click count of mouse down events programmatically. Using a boolean property of the subclass I am able to turn this special behavior on and off.
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if (self.specialBehavior) {
theEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:theEvent.type
clickCount:theEvent.clickCount - 1
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
To simplify this long method call, I wrote a category method for NSEvent which decrements the click count of an event.

When I paste text to a NSTextView, how to paste plain text only?

When I paste text to a NSTextView, I wish I can paste plain text only. All the rich text formats should be removed, include: font, color, link, and paragraph style. All the text pasted should be displayed with the default font and style of the text view. NSTextView accepts rich text by default, how to disable it?
Use isRichText = false to disable rich text.
Override this method in your NSTextView:
- (NSString *)preferredPasteboardTypeFromArray:(NSArray *)availableTypes restrictedToTypesFromArray:(NSArray *)allowedTypes {
if ([availableTypes containsObject:NSPasteboardTypeString]) {
return NSPasteboardTypeString;
return [super preferredPasteboardTypeFromArray:availableTypes restrictedToTypesFromArray:allowedTypes];
For me this worked both for pasting and drag-and-drop.
Define a custom NSTextView class with following method:
- (NSArray *)readablePasteboardTypes {
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSStringPboardType,
Note: As of Mac OS X the new typedef for the pasteboard type is given as NSPasteboardTypeString instead of NSStringPBoardType:
- (NSArray *)readablePasteboardTypes {
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSPasteboardTypeString,
The above solutions do resolve the questioner's issue of pasted-in text, but I think that the questioner probably wanted more than that. At least I did when I came here.
I simply want all the characters in my text field to always have the same font, regardless of whether they are inserted programatically, from the nib, pasted in, dragged in, typed in, or dropped in by Santa Claus. I searched Stack Overflow for this broader issue but did not find any questions (or answers).
Instead of the solutions given here, use this idea. In detail, give the text field a delegate which implements this…
- (void)textViewDidChangeSelection:(NSNotification *)note {
NSTextView* textView = [note object] ;
[textView setFont:[self fontIWant]] ;
Done. This works for all of the edge cases I could think of to test. It's a little weird, to observe a change in the selection for this. Seems like observing the string value of the view's text object, or registering for NSTextDidChangeNotification, would be more logical, but since I already had a delegate set up, and since the above was tested and given the thumbs-up by Nick Zitzmann, I went with it.

Show NSSegmentedControl menu when segment clicked, despite having set action

I have an NSSegmentedControl on my UI with 4 buttons. The control is connected to a method that will call different methods depending on which segment is clicked:
- (IBAction)performActionFromClick:(id)sender {
NSInteger selectedSegment = [sender selectedSegment];
NSInteger clickedSegmentTag = [[sender cell] tagForSegment:selectedSegment];
switch (clickedSegmentTag) {
case 0: [self showNewEventWindow:nil]; break;
case 1: [self showNewTaskWindow:nil]; break;
case 2: [self toggleTaskSplitView:nil]; break;
case 3: [self showGearMenu]; break;
Segment 4 has has a menu attached to it in the awakeFromNib method. I'd like this menu to drop down when the user clicks the segment. At this point, it only will drop if the user clicks & holds down on the menu. From my research online this is because of the connected action.
I'm presently working around it by using some code to get the origin point of the segment control and popping up the context menu using NSMenu's popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView but this is pretty hacktastic and looks bad compared to the standard behavior of having the menu drop down below the segmented control cell.
Is there a way I can have the menu drop down as it should after a single click rather than doing the hacky context menu thing?
Subclass NSSegmentedCell, override method below, and replace the cell class in IB. (Requires no private APIs).
- (SEL)action
//this allows connected menu to popup instantly (because no action is returned for menu button)
if ([self tagForSegment:[self selectedSegment]]==0) {
return nil;
} else {
return [super action];
I'm not sure of any built-in way to do this (though it really is a glaring hole in the NSSegmentedControl API).
My recommendation is to continue doing what you're doing popping up the context menu. However, instead of just using the segmented control's origin, you could position it directly under the segment (like you want) by doing the following:
NSPoint menuOrigin = [segmentedControl frame].origin;
menuOrigin.x = NSMaxX([segmentedControl frame]) - [segmentedControl widthForSegment:4];
// Use menuOrigin where you _were_ just using [segmentedControl frame].origin
It's not perfect or ideal, but it should get the job done and give the appearance/behavior your users expect.
(as an aside, NSSegmentedControl really needs a -rectForSegment: method)
This is the Swift version of the answer by J Hoover and the mod by Adam Treble. The override was not as intuitive as I thought it would be, so this will hopefully help someone else.
override var action : Selector {
get {
if self.menuForSegment(self.selectedSegment) != nil {
return nil
return super.action
set {
super.action = newValue
widthForSegment: returns zero if the segment auto-sizes. If you're not concerned about undocumented APIs, there is a rectForSegment:
But to answer the original question, an easier way to get the menu to pop up immediately is to subclass NSSegmentedCell and return 0 for (again, undocumented)

Distinguishing a single click from a double click in Cocoa on the Mac

I have a custom NSView (it's one of many and they all live inside an NSCollectionView — I don't think that's relevant, but who knows). When I click the view, I want it to change its selection state (and redraw itself accordingly); when I double-click the view, I want it to pop up a larger preview window for the object that was just double-clicked.
My first looked like this:
- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent {
if ([theEvent clickCount] == 1) [model setIsSelected: ![model isSelected]];
else if ([theEvent clickCount] == 2) if ([model hasBeenDownloaded]) [mainWindowController showPreviewWindowForPicture:model];
which mostly worked fine. Except, when I double-click the view, the selection state changes and the window pops up. This is not exactly what I want.
It seems like I have two options. I can either revert the selection state when responding to a double-click (undoing the errant single-click) or I can finagle some sort of NSTimer solution to build in a delay before responding to the single click. In other words, I can make sure that a second click is not forthcoming before changing the selection state.
This seemed more elegant, so it was the approach I took at first. The only real guidance I found from Google was on an unnamed site with a hyphen in its name. This approach mostly works with one big caveat.
The outstanding question is "How long should my NSTimer wait?". The unnamed site suggests using the Carbon function GetDblTime(). Aside from being unusable in 64-bit apps, the only documentation I can find for it says that it's returning clock-ticks. And I don't know how to convert those into seconds for NSTimer.
So what's the "correct" answer here? Fumble around with GetDblTime()? "Undo" the selection on a double-click? I can't figure out the Cocoa-idiomatic approach.
Delaying the changing of the selection state is (from what I've seen) the recommended way of doing this.
It's pretty simple to implement:
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if([theEvent clickCount] == 1) {
[model performSelector:#selector(toggleSelectedState) afterDelay:[NSEvent doubleClickInterval]];
else if([theEvent clickCount] == 2)
if([model hasBeenDownloaded])
[NSRunLoop cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: model];
[mainWindowController showPreviewWindowForPicture:model];
(Notice that in 10.6, the double click interval is accessible as a class method on NSEvent)
If your single-click and double-click operations are really separate and unrelated, you need to use a timer on the first click and wait to see if a double-click is going to happen. That is true on any platform.
But that introduces an awkward delay in your single-click operation that users typically don't like. So you don't see that approach used very often.
A better approach is to have your single-click and double-click operations be related and complementary. For example, if you single-click an icon in Finder it is selected (immediately), and if you double-click an icon it is selected and opened (immediately). That is the behavior you should aim for.
In other words, the consequences of a single-click should be related to your double-click command. That way, you can deal with the effects of the single-click in your double-click handler without having to resort to using a timer.
Personally, I think you need to ask yourself why you want this non-standard behaviour.
Can you point to any other application which treats the first click in a double-click as being different from a single-click? I can't think of any...
Add two properties to your custom view.
// CustomView.h
#interface CustomView : NSView {
id m_target;
SEL m_doubleAction;
#property (readwrite) id target;
#property (readwrite) SEL doubleAction;
Overwrite the mouseUp: method in your custom view.
// CustomView.m
#pragma mark - MouseEvents
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {
if (event.clickCount == 2) {
if (m_target && m_doubleAction && [m_target respondsToSelector:m_doubleAction]) {
[m_target performSelector:m_doubleAction];
Register your controller as the target with an doubleAction.
// CustomController.m
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Register self for double click events.
[(CustomView*)m_myView setTarget:self];
[(CustomView*)m_myView setDoubleAction:#selector(doubleClicked:)];
return self;
Implement what should be done when a double click happens.
// CustomController.m
- (void)doubleClicked:(id)sender {
#Dave DeLong's solution in Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10, macOS 10.13), amended for use with event.location(in: view)
var singleClickPoint: CGPoint?
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
singleClickPoint = event.location(in: self)
perform(#selector(GameScene.singleClickAction), with: nil, afterDelay: NSEvent.doubleClickInterval)
if event.clickCount == 2 {
RunLoop.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)
singleClickPoint = nil
//do whatever you want on double-click
#objc func singleClickAction(){
guard let singleClickPoint = singleClickPoint else {return}
//do whatever you want on single-click
The reason I'm not using singleClickAction(at point: CGPoint) and calling it with: event.location(in: self) is that any point I pass in - including CGPoint.zero - ends up arriving in the singleClick Action as (0.0, 9.223372036854776e+18). I will be filing a radar for that, but for now, bypassing perform is the way to go. (Other objects seem to work just fine, but CGPoints do not.)
