Basic recommendation engine algorithm - algorithm

I'm looking to write a basic recommender system in Objective-C and I'm looking for a basic algorithm for the job. Unfortunately off-the-shelf systems are off the table since none seem to be for Objective-C.
I'm going to have a database of items, each with tags (think movies with tags like "horror", "action", etc). Each item would have ~5 or so of these tags. When a user first uses the app their profile will be primed based on their input to a series of questions, associating some tags with their profile.
As the user continues to use the system and rate various items (on a hate/like/love basis) I'd like to adjust the weighting of the recommended tags based on that feedback. I'd also like to take in a few other properties of their ratings as their profile grows, like for example "the 80s" if this dealt with movies. Or maybe director, sticking with the movie theme.
I'm opting to avoid the normal (or at least popular) recommender systems where it looks for similar users to generate recommendations. This is going to have a large item database and minimal users to start.
Can anyone recommend a good starting point for an algorithm like this, I'd hate to reinvent the wheel, and there's a lot out there?

could you please refer the python-recsys:, this software use SVD algorithm, I think it is a base algorithm but effective enough. The required library is numpy and scipy, which are written in C, and wrapped by Python. I think it is easy to compile and port to objective-c

You can use item based recommendation which sounds perfect for your needs. You can later start to incorporate tags into the weighting but for now I'd suggest considering only the items.
You can learn a little more at There are a good few implementations of it on the net.
What you mentioned in your post would be called user based collaborative filtering.


How to implement personalized feed ranking?

I have an app that aggregates various sports content (news articles, videos, discussions from users, tweets) and I'm currently working on having it so that it'll display relevant content to the users. Each post has a like button so I'm using that to determine what's popular. I'm using the reddit algorithm to have it sorted on popularity but also factor in time. However, my problem is that I want to make it more personalized for each user. Each user should see more content based on what they like. I have several factors I'm measuring:
- How many of each content they watch/click on? Ex: 60% videos and 40% articles
- What teams/players they like? If a news is about a team they like, it should be weighed more heavily
- What sport they like more? Users can follow several sports
What I'm currently doing:
For each of the factors listed above, I'll increase the popularity score by X of an article. Ex: user likes videos 70% than other content. I'll increase the score of videos by 70%.
I'm looking to see if there's better ways to do this? I've been told machine learning would be a good way but I wanted to see if there are any alternatives out there.
It sounds like what your doing is a great place to start with personalizing your users feeds.
Ranking based on popularity metrics (likes, comments, etc), recency, and in you case content type is the basis of the EdgeRank algorithm that Facebook used to use.
There are a lot of metrics that you can apply to try and boost engagement. Something
user liked post from team x, y times, so boost activity in feed by log(x) if post if is from y, boost activity if it’s newer, boost activity if it’s popular, etc… You can start to see that these EdgeRank algorithms can get a bit unwieldy rather quickly the more metrics you track. Also all the hyper-parameters that you set tend to be fixed for each user, which won’t end up with the ideal ranking algorithm for every user. Which is where machine learning techniques can come into play.
The main class of algorithms that deal with this sort of thing are often called Learning to Rank, and can be on a high level generalized into 3 categories. Collaborative filtering techniques, content based techniques, and hybrid techniques (blend of the first two)
In you case with a feed that most likely gets updated fairly frequently with new items, I would take a look at content based methods. Typically these algorithms are optimized around engagement metrics such as likelihood that the user is going to click, view, comment, or like an activity within their feed.
A little bit of self-promotion: I wrote a couple blog posts that cover some of this that you may find interesting.
This can be a lot a lot to take on, so you could also take a look at using a 3rd party service like Stream (disclaimer, I do work there) who helps developers build scalable, personalized feeds.

Which open-source recommendation system should I choose to deal with big dataset

I want to build a recommendation system, and the target is to deal with really big data set, like 1 TB data.
And each user has really huge amount of items, however the number of user is small, like thousands or 10 thousands.
I have search from google, I found there is some open-source recommendation engine based on hadoop like Mahout, I guess it may have ability to deal with such big data, however I'm not sure.
I also find some engine write in C++ python, even php, I don't think script languages can deal with such big data, cause memory can't contain the whole dataset.
Or I'm wrong? Could some give me some recommendation?
Your question title is:
Which opensource recommendation system should I choose to deal with
big dataset?
and in the first line you say
I want to build a recommendation system, and the target is to deal with really big data set, > like 1 TB data.
And you are asking for an recommendation as an answer.
To answer your second question first. In my experience of building recommender systems I would advise you do not "build" a recommender system from the ground up if you can avoid it. Recommender Systems are complex and can use a wide range of techniques to provide a user with a recommendation. So my recommendation is unless you are really committed, and have a team of people with a range of experience and knowledge in recommender systems, statistics, and software engineering then look to implement an existing recommender system rather than building your own.
In terms of which open source recommender system you should choose, this is actually pretty difficult to answer with great accuracy. Let me try to answer this by breaking it down.
Consider the open source license, its restrictions and your requirements.
Consider which algorithm you want to use to make recommendations
Consider the environment you will be running your recommender system on.
I recommend you look more into the algorithm side as it will be the determining factor as to which tool you can use, or whether you will need to roll your own. Start reading here for a very brief insight in to the different approaches that recommender systems use. In summary the different approaches are:
Content based
Neighbourhood / Collaborative filtering based
Constraint based
In your case to keep things relatively straightforward it sounds like you should consider a user-user collaborative filtering algorithm for this. The reasons being:
Neighbourhood Collaborative Filtering is quite intuitive to understand and it can be relatively easy to implement.
With this method you can also justify your recommendations to your users in a basic way
There is no requirement to build a model for training, and the processing of neighbours can be done "offline", to provide quick recommendations to the end user.
Storing neighbours is actually quite memory efficient, which means better scalability. Something it sounds like you will need lots of.
The user-based part of my suggestion is because it sounds like you have less users than you do items. In a user-based nearest neighbourhood a predicted rating of a new item I for user U is calculated by looking at the other users who have also rated item I and are most similar to user U. Because you have fewer users than items in your system it will be faster to compute user-based collaborative filtering compared with item-based collaborative filtering.
Within the user-based collaborative filtering you need to consider what rating normalisation (mean-centering vs z-score) you want to use, the similarity weight computation method (e.g. Cosine vs Pearsons correlation vs other similarity measures) you want to use, neighbourhood selection criteria (pre-filtering of neighbours, number of neighbours involved in the prediction), and any Dimensionality Reduction methods (SVD, SVD++) you want to implement (with a large dataset like yours you will want to seriously consider DM).
So really instead of looking for an open source that will be able to process your data set you should consider your algorithm choice first, then look to find a tool that has an implementation of this algorithm, and then assess whether it can process your the volume involved in your dataset.
In saying all of that, if you do choose to go down the user-based collaborative filtering route then I am confident that Apache Mahout will be able to solve your problem, and if not it will certainly help you understand the complexity involved in building your own (just look at their source code).
Please note the advice is really consider the algorithm choice. "Good" recommender systems are so much more than just being able to process a large dataset. You need to think about accuracy, coverage, confidence, novelty, serendipity, diversity, robustness, privacy, risk user trust, and finally scalability. You should also consider how you are going to perform experiments and evaluate your recommendations, remember if the recommendations you are churning out are rubbish and it is turning your users off then there is no point to have a recommender system!
It is such a big area with lots to think about, there is probably no one single tool that is going to help you with everything, so be prepared to do a lot of reading and research as well as implementing lots of different open source tools to help you.
In saying that, start looking at Apache Mahout. Going back to the break-down of the 3 areas I said you should think about.
It has a commercial-friendly open-source license,
it has really great implementation of the algorithms you are likely going to need to use, and
it can work on distributed environments (read scalable).
Hope that helps, and good luck.

Beyond item-to-item recommendations

Simple item-to-item recommendation systems are well-known and frequently implemented. An example is the Slope One algorithm. This is fine if the user hasn't rated many items yet, but once they have, I want to offer more finely-grained recommendations. Let's take a music recommendation system as an example, since they are quite popular. If a user is viewing a piece by Mozart, a suggestion for another Mozart piece or Beethoven might be given. But if the user has made many ratings on classical music, we might be able to make a correlation between the items and see that the user dislikes vocals or certain instruments. I'm assuming this would be a two-part process, first part is to find correlations between each users' ratings, the second would be to build the recommendation matrix from these extra data. So the question is, are they any open-source implementations or papers that can be used for each of these steps?
Taste may have something useful. It's moved to the Mahout project:
In general, the idea is that given a user's past preferences, you want to predict what they'll select next and recommend it. You build a machine-learning model in which the inputs are what a user has picked in the past and the attributes of each pick. The output is the item(s) they'll pick. You create training data by holding back some of their choices, and using their history to predict the data you held back.
Lots of different machine learning models you can use. Decision trees are common.
One answer is that any recommender system ought to have some of the properties you describe. Initially, recommendations aren't so good and are all over the place. As it learns tastes, the recommendations will come from the area the user likes.
But, the collaborative filtering process you describe is fundamentally not trying to solve the problem you are trying to solve. It is based on user ratings, and two songs aren't rated similarly because they are similar songs -- they're rated similarly just because similar people like them.
What you really need is to define your notion of song-song similarity. Is it based on how the song sounds? the composer? Because it sounds like the notion is not based on ratings, actually. That is 80% of the problem you are trying to solve.
I think the question you are really answering is, what items are most similar to a given item? Given your item similarity, that's an easier problem than recommendation.
Mahout can help with all of these things, except song-song similarity based on its audio -- or at least provide a start and framework for your solution.
There are two techniques that I can think of:
Train a feed-forward artificial neural net using Backpropagation or one of it's successors (e.g. Resilient Propagation).
Use version space learning. This starts with the most general and the most specific hypotheses about what the user likes and narrows them down when new examples are integrated. You can use a hierarchy of terms to describe concepts.
Common characteristics of these methods are:
You need a different function for
each user. This pretty much rules
out efficient database queries when
searching for recommendations.
The function can be updated on the fly
when the user votes for an item.
The dimensions along which you classify
the input data (e.g. has vocals, beats
per minute, musical scales,
whatever) are very critical to the
quality of the classification.
Please note that these suggestions come from university courses in knowledge based systems and artificial neural nets, not from practical experience.

How the computer knows "Recommended for You"?

Recently, I found several web site have something like : "Recommended for You", for example youtube, or facebook, the web site can study my using behavior, and recommend some content for me... ...I would like to know how they analysis this information? Is there any Algorithm to do so? Thank you.
Amazon and Netflix (among others) use a technique called Collaborative filtering to suggest things you might like based on the likes/dislikes of others who have made purchases and selections similar to yours.
Is there any Algorithm to do so?
Yes. One fairly common one is to look at things you've selected in the past, find other people who've made those selections, then find the other selections most common among those other people, and guess that you're likely to be interested in those as well.
Yup there are lots of algorithms. Things such as k-nearest neighbor:
Here is a pretty good book on the subject that covers making these sorts of systems along with others:
It's generally done by matching you with other users who have similar usage history / profile and then recommending other things that they've purhased/watched/whatever.
Searching for "recommendation algorithm" yields lots of papers. Most algorithms incorporate "machine learning" algorithms to determine groups of things (comedy movies, books on gardening, orchestral music, etc.). Your matching with those groups yields recommendations. Some companies use humans to classify things, too.
Such an algorithm is going to vary wildly from company to company. In many cases, it analyzes some combination of your search history, purchase history, physical location, and other factors. It probably will also compare purchases/searches amongst other people to find what those people have purchased/searched for, and recommend some of those products to you.
There are probably hundreds of these algorithms out there, but I doubt you can use any of them (that are actually good). Probably you are better off figuring it out yourself.
If you can categorize your contents (i.e. by tagging or content analysis), you can also categorize your users and their preferences.
For example: you have a video portal with 5 million videos .. 1 mio of them are tagged mostly red. If 80% of all videos watched by a user (who is defined by an IP, a persistent user account, ...) are tagged mostly red, you might want to recommend even more red videos to him. You might want to refine your recommendations by looking at his further actions: does he like your recommendations -- if so, why not give him even more, if not, try the second-best guess, maybe he's not looking for color, but for the background music ...
There's no absolute algorithm to do it, but all implementations will go into a similar direction. It's always basing on observing users, which scares me from time to time :-)
There's whole lot of algorithms tackling the issue: Wiki article. It's a Machine Learning domain problem. Computer's can be learned using two main techniques: classification and clustering. They require some datasets as input. If the dataset is informative (really holds some useful patterns) than those ML techniques can dig most of it.
Clustering could be best to use for this kind of problem. It's main usage is to find similarities among points in provided dataset. If the points are, e.g. your search history, they can be grouped together to form certain clusters. If Your search history closely relates to another, a hint can be given - picking links that are most similar to Your's.
The same comes with book recommendations - it's obvious what dataset they use: "Other people who bought this product also bought Product A, Product B,...". The key here is to match your profile to other's and use the most similar to recommend.
The computer retrieves information from the human brain with complex memory scan process, sorts it accordingly and outputs results based on what you have experienced in your life so far.

Media recommendation engine - Single user system - How to start

I want to implement a media recommendation engine. I saw a similar posts on this, but I think my requirements are bit different from those, so posting here.
Here is the deal.
I want to implement a recommendation engine for media players like VLC, which would be an engine that has to care for only single user. Like, it would be embedded in a media player on a PC which is typically used by single user. And it will start learning the likes and dislikes of the user and gradually learns what a user likes. Here it will not be able to find similar users for using their data for recommendation as its a single user system. So how to go about this?
Or you can consider it as a recommendation engine that has to be put in say iPods, which has to learn about a single user and recommend music/Movies from the collections it has.
I thought of start collecting the genre of music/movies (maybe even artist name) that user watches and recommend movies from the most watched Genre, but it look very crude, isn't it?
So is there any algorithms I can use or any resources I can refer up to?
MicroKernel :)
What you're trying to do is quite challenging... particularly because it's still in the research stage and a lot of PHDs from reputable universities across the world are trying to get a good solution for that.
SO here are some things that you might need:
Data that you can analyze:
Lots, and lots, and lots of data!
It could be meta data about the media (name, duration, title, author, style, etc.)
Or you can try to do some crazy feature extraction from the media itself.
References to correlate the data to.
Since you can't get other users, you always need the user feedback.
If you don't want to annoy your user to death with feedback questions, then make your application connect to a central server so you can compare users.
An algorithm that can model your data sufficiently well.
If you have no experience at all, then try k-nearest neighbor (the simplest one).
Collaborative filtering
Pearson Correlation
Matrix Factorization/Decomposition
Singular value decomposition (SVD)
Ensemble learning <-- Allows you to combine multiple algorithms and take advantage of their strengths.
The winners of the NetFlix prize said this:
Predictive accuracy is substantially
improved when blending multiple
predictors. Our experience is that
most efforts should be concentrated in
deriving substantially different
approaches, rather than refining a
single technique. Consequently, our
solution is an ensemble of many
There is no silver bullet for recommendation engines and it takes years of exploration to find a good combination of algorithms that produce sufficient results. :)
