Why does GCC add assembly commands to my inline assembly? - gcc

I'm using Apple's llvm-gcc to compile some code with inline assembly. I wrote what I want it to do, but it adds extraneous commands that keep writing variables to memory. Why is it doing this and how can I stop it?
mov r11, [rax]
and r11, 0xff
cmp r11, '\0'
becomes (in the "assembly" assistant view):
mov 0(%rax), %r11 // correct
movq %r11, -104(%rbp) // no, GCC, obviously wrong
and $255, %r11
movq %r11, -104(%rbp)
cmp $0, %r11

You need to use GCC's extended asm syntax to tell it which registers you're using as input and output and which registers get clobbered. If you don't do that, it has no idea what you're doing, and the assembly it generates can easily interfere with your code.
By informing it about what your code is doing, it changes how it does register allocation and optimization and avoids breaking your code.

it's because gcc tries to optimize your code. you can prevent optimizations by adding -O0 to command-line.

Try adding volatile after __asm__ if you don't want that. That additional commands are probably part previous/next C instructions. Without volatile compiler is allowed to do this (as it probably executes faster this way - not your code, the whole routine).


which MOV instructions in the x86 are not used or the least used, and can be used for a custom MOV extension

I am modelling a custom MOV instruction in the X86 architecture in the gem5 simulator, to test its implementation on the simulator, I need to compile my C code using inline assembly to create a binary file. But since it a custom instruction which has not been implemented in the GCC compiler, the compiler will throw out an error. I know one way is to extend the GCC compiler to accept my custom X86 instruction, but I do not want to do it as it is more time consuming(but will do it afterwards).
As a temporary hack (just to check if my implementation is worth it or not). I want to edit an already MOV instruction while changing its underlying "micro ops" in the simulator so as to trick the GCC to accept my "custom" instruction and compile.
As they are many types of MOV instructions which are available in the x86 architecture. As they are various MOV Instructions in the 86 architecture reference.
Therefore coming to my question, which MOV instruction is the least used and that I can edit its underlying micro-ops. Assuming my workload just includes integers i.e. most probably wont be using the xmm and mmx registers and my instructions mirrors the same implementation of a MOV instruction.
Your best bet is regular mov with a prefix that GCC will never emit on its own. i.e. create a new mov encoding that includes a mandatory prefix in front of any other mov. Like how lzcnt is rep bsr.
Or if you're modifying GCC and as, you can add a new mnemonic that just uses otherwise-invalid (in 64-bit mode) single byte opcodes for memory-source, memory-dest, and immediate-source versions of mov. AMD64 freed up several opcodes, including the BCD instructions like AAM, and push/pop most segment registers. (x86-64 can still mov to/from Sregs, but there's just 1 opcode per direction, not 2 per Sreg for push ds/pop ds etc.)
Assuming my workload just includes integers i.e. most probably wont be using the xmm and mmx registers
Bad assumption for XMM: GCC aggressively uses 16-byte movaps / movups instead of copying structs 4 or 8 bytes at a time. It's not at all rare to find vector mov instructions in scalar integer code as part of inline expansion of small known-length memcpy or struct / array init. Also, those mov instructions have at least 2-byte opcodes (SSE1 0F 28 movaps, so a prefix in front of plain mov is the same size as your idea would have been).
However, you're right about MMX regs. I don't think modern GCC will ever emit movq mm0, mm1 or use MMX at all, unless you use MMX intrinsics. Definitely not when targeting 64-bit code.
Also mov to/from control regs (0f 21/23 /r) or debug registers (0f 20/22 /r) are both the mov mnemonic, but gcc will definitely never emit either on its own. Only available with GP register operands as the operand that isn't the debug or control register. So that's technically the answer to your title question, but probably not what you actually want.
GCC doesn't parse its inline asm template string, it just includes it in its asm text output to feed to the assembler after substituting for %number operands. So GCC itself is not an obstacle to emitting arbitrary asm text using inline asm.
And you can use .byte to emit arbitrary machine code.
Perhaps a good option would be to use a 0E byte as a prefix for your special mov encoding that you're going to make GEM decode specially. 0E is push CS in 32-bit mode, invalid in 64-bit mode. GCC will never emit either.
Or just an F2 repne prefix; GCC will never emit repne in front of a mov opcode (where it doesn't apply), only movs. (F3 rep / repe means xrelease when used on a memory-destination instruction so don't use that. https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/xacquire:xrelease says that F2 repne is the xacquire prefix when used with locked instructions, which doesn't include mov to memory so it will be silently ignored there.)
As usual, prefixes that don't apply have no documented behaviour, but in practice CPUs that don't understand a rep / repne ignore it. Some future CPU might understand it to mean something special, and that's exactly what you're doing with GEM.
Picking .byte 0x0e; instead of repne; might be a better choice if you want to guard against accidentally leaving these prefixes in a build you run on a real CPU. (It will #UD -> SIGILL in 64-bit mode, or usually crash from messing up the stack in 32-bit mode.) But if you do want to be able to run the exact same binary on a real CPU, with the same code alignment and everything, then an ignored REP prefix is ideal.
Using a prefix in front of a standard mov instruction has the advantage of letting the assembler encode the operands for you:
template<class T>
void fancymov(T& dst, T src) {
// fixme: imm -> mem needs a size suffix, defeating template
// unless you use Intel-syntax where the operand includes "dword ptr"
asm("repne; movl %1, %0"
#if 1
: "=m"(dst)
: "ri" (src)
: "=g,r"(dst)
: "ri,rmi" (src)
: // no clobbers
void test(int *dst, long src) {
fancymov(*dst, (int)src);
fancymov(dst[1], 123);
(Multi-alternative constraints let the compiler pick either reg/mem destination or reg/mem source. In practice it prefers the register destination even when that will cost it another instruction to do its own store, so that sucks.)
On the Godbolt compiler explorer, for the version that only allows a memory-destination:
test(int*, long):
repne; movl %esi, (%rdi) # F2 E9 37
repne; movl $123, 4(%rdi) # F2 C7 47 04 7B 00 00 00
If you wanted this to be usable for loads, I think you'd have to make 2 separate versions of the function and use the load version or store version manually, where appropriate, because GCC seems to want to use reg,reg whenever it can.
Or with the version allowing register outputs (or another version that returns the result as a T, see the Godbolt link):
test2(int*, long):
repne; mov %esi, %esi
repne; mov $123, %eax
movl %esi, (%rdi)
movl %eax, 4(%rdi)

Why does gcc emit 0x0(%r13) in one instruction but (%r13) in another?

I am debugging a piece of code which has the following instruction.
mov %esi,0x0(%r13)
Then at another place, I see an instruction like this:
mov %esi,(%r13)
I thought the former one moves the contents of esi register to address given by contents of r13 + 0x0. With that logic, the latter should also result in the same effect.
Is there any difference between these instructions?
Why does gcc write the same thing differently?
EDIT: The disassembly has been generated using objdump -S.

Why is an empty function not just a return

If I compile an empty C function
void nothing(void)
using gcc -O2 -S (and clang) on MacOS, it generates:
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
popq %rbp
Why does gcc not remove everything but the ret? It seems like an easy optimisation to make unless it really does something (seems not to, to me). This pattern (push/move at the beginning, pop at the end) is also visible in other non-empty functions where rbp is otherwise unused.
On Linux using a more recent gcc (4.4.5) I see just
Why the rep ? The rep is absent in non-empty functions.
Why the rep ?
The reasons are explained in this blog post. In short, jumping directly to a single-byte ret instruction would mess up the branch prediction on some AMD processors. And rather than adding a nop before the ret, a meaningless prefix byte was added to save instruction decoding bandwidth.
The rep is absent in non-empty functions.
To quote from the blog post I linked to: "[rep ret] is preferred to the simple ret either when it is the target of any kind of branch, conditional (jne/je/...) or unconditional (jmp/call/...)".
In the case of an empty function, the ret would have been the direct target of a call. In a non-empty function, it wouldn't be.
Why does gcc not remove everything but the ret?
It's possible that some compilers won't omit frame pointer code even if you've specified -O2. At least with gcc, you can explicitly tell the compiler to omit them by using the -fomit-frame-pointer option.
As explained here: http://support.amd.com/us/Processor_TechDocs/25112.PDF, a two-byte near-return instruction (i.e. rep ret) is used because a single-byte return can me mispredicted on some on some amd64 processors in some situations such as this one.
If you fiddle around with the processor targeted by gcc you may find that you can get it to generate a single-byte ret. -mtune=nocona worked for me.
I suspect early, your last code is a bug. As johnfound says. The first code is because all C Compiler must always follow _cdecl calling convention that in function means (In Intel, sorry, I don't know the AT&T Syntax):
Function Definition
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;Some function
pop rbp
In caller :
call _functionA
sub esp, 0 ; Maybe if it zero, some compiler can strip it
Why GCC is always follow _cdecl calling convention when not following that is nonsense, that is the compiler isn't smarter that the advanced assembly programmer. So, it always follow _cdecl at all cost.
That is, because even so called "optimization compilers" are too dumb to generate always good machine code.
They can't generate better code than their creators made them to generate.
As long as an empty function is nonsense, they probably simply didn't bother to optimize it or even to detect this very special case.
Although, single "rep" prefix is probably a bug. It does nothing when used without string instruction, but anyway, in some newer CPU it theoretically can cause an exception. (and IMHO should)

GCC with the -fomit-frame-pointer option

I'm using GCC with the -fomit-frame-pointer and -O2 options. When I looked through the assembly code it generated,
push %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
at the start and pop %ebp at the end is removed. But some redundant subl/addl instructions to esp is left in - subl $12, %esp at the start and addl $12, %esp at the end.
How will I be able to remove them as some inline assembly will jmp to another function before addl is excecuted.
You probably don't want to remove those -- that's usually the code that allocates and deallocates your local variables. If you remove those, your code will trample all over the return addresses and such.
The only safe way to get rid of them is not to use any local variables. Even in macros. And be really careful about inline functions, as they often have their own locals that'll get put in with yours. You may want to consider explicitly disabling function inlining for that section of code, if you can.
If you're absolutely sure that the adds and subs aren't needed (and i mean really, really sure), on my machine GCC apaprently does some stack manipulation to keep the stack aligned at 16 byte boundaries. You may be able to say "-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2", which will align to 4-byte boundaries -- which x86 processors like to do anyway, so no code is generated to realign it. Works on my box with my GCC; int main() { return 0; } turned into
xorl %eax, %eax
but the alignment code looked different to start with...so that may not be the problem for you.
Just so you're warned: optimization causes a lot of weird stuff like that to happen. Be careful with hand-coded assembler language and optimized <insert-almost-any-language-here> code, especially when you're doing something as unstructured as a jump from the middle of one function into another.
I solved the problem by giving a function prototype, then defining it manually like this:
void my_function();
asm (
".globl _my_function\n"
/* Assembler instructions go here */
Later I also wanted the function to be exported, so I added this at the end of the source file:
asm (
".section .drectve\n\t"
".ascii \" -export:my_function\"\n"
How will I be able to remove them as some inline assembly will jmp to another function before addl is executed.
This will corrupt your stack, that caller expects the stack pointer
to be corrected on function return. Does the other function return
by ret instruction? What exactly do you try to achieve? maybe there's another solution possible?
Please, show us the lines around the function call (in the caller) and your
entry/exit part of your function in question.

How to debug an assembled program?

I have a program written in assembly that crashes with a segmentation fault. (The code is irrelevant, but is here.)
My question is how to debug an assembly language program with GDB?
When I try running it in GDB and perform a backtrace, I get no meaningful information. (Just hex offsets.)
How can I debug the program?
(I'm using NASM on Ubuntu, by the way if that somehow helps.)
I would just load it directly into gdb and step through it instruction by instruction, monitoring all registers and memory contents as you go.
I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know there but the program seems simple enough to warrant this sort of approach. I would leave fancy debugging tricks like backtracking (and even breakpoints) for more complex code.
As to the specific problem (code paraphrased below):
extern printf
format: db "%d",0
v_0: resb 4
global main
push 5
pop eax
mov [v_0], eax
mov eax, v_0
push eax
call printf
You appear to be just pushing 5 on to the stack followed by the address of that 5 in memory (v_0). I'm pretty certain you're going to need to push the address of the format string at some point if you want to call printf. It's not going to take to kindly to being given a rogue format string.
It's likely that your:
mov eax, v_0
should be:
mov eax, format
and I'm assuming that there's more code after that call to printf that you just left off as unimportant (otherwise you'll be going off to never-never land when it returns).
You should still be able to assemble with Stabs markers when linking code (with gcc).
I reccomend using YASM and assembling with -dstabs options:
$ yasm -felf64 -mamd64 -dstabs file.asm
This is how I assemble my assembly programs.
NASM and YASM code is interchangable for the most part (YASM has some extensions that aren't available in NASM, but every NASM code is well assembled with YASM).
I use gcc to link my assembled object files together or while compiling with C or C++ code. When using gcc, I use -gstabs+ to compile it with debug markers.
