Uriinfo for PUT method - jersey

I am using Urinfo for accessing query parameters in my restful web service as follows
public Response Association(
#Context UriInfo uriInfo){
String clinicianId = uriInfo.getQueryParameters().getFirst("clinicianId");
List<String> providerList = uriInfo.getQueryParameters().get("clinicialProviderId");
How to access Parameters for PUT metod using uriinfo.

The same way.
Perhaps I don't understand the question. Query parameters are accessed the same way regardless of the HTTP method. Are you talking about different parameters for PUT? Do you mean Form fields? If you are sending form data in your PUT request and you want to access that, you can use #FormParam to inject them into your method parameters or fields. Btw, there is also #QueryParam you can use to inject query parameters instead of using UriInfo.


How to get the original handler URI (with wildcards, etc.) in a HandlerInterceptor in Spring?

I am collecting custom metrics for my controller endpoints via HandlerInterceptor. In postHandle I have everything I need and I would like to save the metrics for my endpoints along with the original route defined in the controller, so not the actual route filled with the data.
E.g. I have #GetMapping("/cats/{name}") and make GET request on /cats/tom I still want the defined route "cats/{name}"
I found that I can do this with the Object handler which is the parameter of postHandle -> I can cast it to HandlerMethod get the annotations of the method and find it from memberValues. This seems a bit overkill I also have to filter for Get-, Post-, Put-, Delete-, Patch-, RequestMapping annotations. Is there any easier or more straightforward way to do this? If so how? If not what else do I have to take into consideration with this solution?
It turns out Spring adds this data to the HttpServletRequest attributes. So it can be retrieved using:
String routePattern = (String) request.getAttribute("org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping.bestMatchingPattern");

Access data computed in filter for each request inside Spring Controller/Service Class

In our application, all rest apis are of the form:
I have to verify the {product_id} inside a Spring Security Filter/SpringMVC interceptor, by fetching the ProductDetails from DB for the product_id. The ProductDetails will be used inside Spring Controllers/Service classes.
I don't want to fetch the ProductDetails again inside Controllers/Service. So I want to store the ProductDetails object somewhere for that RequestScope.
I have 3 approaches in mind. But each have their pros and cons. Please let me know which one better out of the 3. Also suggest any alternative approach.
Save the ProductDetails object inside request attribute.
Inside Controller, i can easily get the HttpRequest. Inside Service, I can get HttpRequest by:
HttpServletRequest request;
RequestAttributes attribs = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
HttpServletRequest request = null;
if (attribs instanceof ServletRequestAttributes) {
request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) attribs).getRequest();
But I don't want to have HTTP request dependency inside Service to make to code more independent from WebLayer logic.
Use any in memory cache based on product_id to stored ProductDetails
But this I think a over kill only for this use case. Increasing unnecessary dependencies of a cache.
Store the Object in a ThreadLocal variable to store request scope data.
But not sure if it correct this way.
Let me know an efficient approach to solve this problem
1st and 3rd are suitable for your problem statment but first one is more elegant as data will stored only for current request scope and will get automatically lost when server send response. You can also use threadLocal but you have to be cautious ,if you forget to remove object it will hang around in an environment that uses a thread pool.
The first approach you mentioned is more efficient way to access the same data in both filter and controller even though you have to inject the dependency of HttpservletRequest in SpringController.
If the data is very user specific like other user will not have access to those data in that case you should use ThreadLocal.

Iterable object as parameter in spring data rest api

Hi I need to pass a json object in POST request of the SPRING DATA REST. Is it possible to pass directly and make it process with save(iterable) with any Jackson script or we have to use a Controller with #RequestBodyand process the Iterableand save it using repository function??
Now I am doing,
#RequestMapping(value = "batchInsert", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String batchInsert(#RequestBody List<Test> test){
return "loaded";
and implements Serilizable in DAO objectand my doubt whether there is any default format to pass whole json without using any controller as CRUD operates normally. Please help me find solution. Am new to springs and I am unable to use the same url to get request in spring-data-rest API, if I use batchInsertin controller and in rest api. Fortunate to use different api calls now for inserting and searching purpose. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried specifying the consumable media type?
#RequestMapping(value = "batchInsert", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes="application/json")
It's quite common to pass JSON objects to Spring controllers, so it should work...

ASP.NET Web API Deserialize Query Parameters into Nested POCO Action Parameter

Already checked this question but didn't answer.
I have a fully functional RESTful web service written using ASP.NET Web API and it currently supports CORS effectively for cross-origin access from browsers that support CORS. Problem is that current business needs require support of browsers that don't support CORS. I am adding JSON-P support to my web service in addition to supporting CORS and through the magic of action selectors and type formatters, my actual web service code hasn't changed....yet.
Currently I use nested POCO objects (objects that contain other objects) as parameters, for example, for my Post actions. Since I'm supporting XML and JSON incoming, the POST data gets deserialized nicely into the POCO objects, since both XML and JSON support nested deserialization. But to support JSON-P, I have to now emulate a POST through Query Parameters. Getting to the Post action method is successful via an httpMethod Query Parameter and a custom action selector.
First of all, and I ask this after reading responses to other questions, will the registered type formatters even access the Query Parameters for deserializing if I have no request body? The JSON-P request is going to be a simple GET request with no body, so I'm not even sure if it is possible to have a POCO in my action parameter and have it deserialized with a GET request and only Query Parameters.
EDIT: Looks like I may be able to do some MediaTypeFormatter magic with a custom formatter and using the QueryStringMapping. Not sure yet though.
Second, is it possible to deserialize Query Parameters into nested properties of the POCO object? And if so, what is the naming convention for Query Parameters to do this? For example XML of Bob would get deserialized into Message.User.FirstName if the action parameter was of type Message.
EDIT: FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter has some of the functionality that I want if I could just redirect it to use the Query String instead of the body. But I also don't want a JToken object -- I'd like my POCO, but I think I can deserialize a JToken with JSON.NET. So I'm probably going to steal the code from FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter and the relate internal class FormUrlEncodedJson to make a custom formatter. Just need to make sure question #1 is possible first.
Example POCOs
public class User
public string FirstName { get; set;}
public class Message
public User User { get; set; }
Example "standard" RESTful POST
POST /api/messages
Content-Type: text/xml
Example Hypothetical JSON-P Simulated POST
<script type="text/javascript"
EDIT: Overall Goal: I'm trying to leave the action methods alone right now if possible since they currently handle RESTful CORS-enabled requests. My goal is to add JSON-P support to the calls without changing the method signature. I've got that mostly accomplished; all I have left is being able to deserialize the Query Parameters into the action method parameters when it's a JSON-P request.
Try adding [FromUri] to your action definition, i.e.:
public HttpResponseMessage YourAction([FromUri] YourModel model)
At this point in time it seems that I must create two different paths in the API. Because of the way request parameter deserialization works, and model binding vs. media type formatters, and the lack of a hook in this particular area, I cannot have one single Web API method and have the parameters taken from either the query string or the content based upon various request factors.

How to troubleshoot spring mvc mapping issue?

I have a simple Spring program, the backend is Spring MVC with Restful web service, the front end is pure HTML + ajax.
My problem is, when I try to use the following to map a HTTP request params to a pojo, it always fails:
#RequestMapping(value = "/books", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public #ResponseBody
String updateBook(BookInfo book)
Here I use PUT method, because it's a modification operation. There's no exception, but I get nothing injected into book object.
With same HTTP request parameters, if I change the method to POST, and client send it via a POST, it would be success:
#RequestMapping(value = "/books", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<String> addBook(BookInfo book)
This time book will always get the filled.
Why there's difference between PUT and POST? or it's the issue of return type? (one is ResponseBody, the other is ResponseEntity)? Or, if you use PUT, then the pojo must be in persistent context?
How should I investigate the issue?
I think its not the problem with your configuration or code.
In Spring Framework there is a filter provided named HiddenHttpMethodFilter that serves all the method but initially it will do the POST request but with a hidden _method form field. And this filter reads this hidden field value and then changes the method value accordingly. Please refere this link to know more about this. I think configuring with this filter will resolve your problem.
Hope this helps you. Cheers.
