Library for photo-booth style effects - image

Are there any good tools or libraries that do image effects similar to Photo Booth on OS X? It doesn't have to be live, just applying the effect to an image would be enough. As a bonus: python bindings preferred.

What about image magick ?
It does a lot of effect, is Python compliant and can do way more than what you aim at.
You can use it in console or through the api.
Example of effects (sepia included)
With it, you can distort, blur, watermark, . . . whatever you want :)
It supports a lot of languages, and there is even a port to android on github


Programming language selection for showing image with other images on

I want to make a program that displays an image with other images on it (a map with various icons on it). What language (and library!) would you recommend, based on these facts:
-I have some basic oop knowledge
-I'll need a free and windows OS IDE for that
I would guess java? But it is not easy to compress my question to a good quality google search string....
displays an image with other images on it
Almost every language can achieve this. Such as Python with Pillow C++ with opencv and many other options. (I believe most of mainstream languages will have their own image library)
The problem is, what you want to implement specifically?
if you just want to put some images on to another image, and you do not need extra interactive function. Go with Python and Pillow, it is easy to learn and can perfectly solve your problems.

Is there some easy use image processing/editing library for Cocoa?

Like OpenCV
I hope the library can do several simple image edit operation, like DrawLine(UiImage, startPoint, endPoint), or ConvertToGray(UiImage)
CoreImage is the built-in image manipulation library in Cocoa.
For example: What is the best Core Image filter to produce black and white effects?
I'd suggest using OpenCV , which is a great algorithms and image processing library.
Choosing Opencv would give you more future option.
Try this
OpenCV is not meant for image editing. You can do that, but it's like buying a big track to carry your groceries from the market.
The best way to do it is to look into some already integrated image editing libraries. And as I know, in Cocoa there are several of them. CoreImage, mentioned by Dor, is one of them.
And there are some specialized image editing / UI toolkits that may help you better than OpenCV. You may check whether ImageMagik or QT are available for Mac/iOS

Qt widgets for HDR image display

I'm currently developing a consrol software for a camera that delivers 14 bit/sample grayscale images (specifically it's a scientific x-ray camera).
So far I just used the upper 8 bits and passed those to a QImage, so that I could see something. However now I need to show all detail, a widget that supports HDR and tone/pseudocolour mapping is needed.
Before I start developing such a widget and subclass QImage for HDR support I'd like to know if someone already did this for Qt and published the source under LGPL.
VTK has really good Qt widgets and supports everything what you may need for medical imaging.
Currently we use ParaView. ParaView is based on VTK and Qt, fully open source and easily extensible.

What's the most optimal PNG internal format for iOS display can be generated from non-Apple platform?

PNG is recommended, fastest format for iOS. However PNG itself have several internal sub-formats. Alpha channel, byte ordering, color depth and etc.
I read Converting a normal PNG to iPhone Optimized format but the Q/A is about to images in bundles. Now I'm generating many thumbnails optimized for iOS from server. I can't use Apple's framework on server. However sub-optimal format is enough too. I want to hear opinions.
Given that Xcode-optimized PNGs are overrated simply creating smallest possible file may be a better option, and pngquant + PNGOUT or AdvPNG are good tools for that.
The iOS SDK runs pngcrush on the images it puts in the application bundle. Looking at the settings it uses would be a good place to start.
$ /Applications/\
/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/pngcrush \
-revert-iphone-optimizations -q Local.png Local-standard.png

What are the GUI libraries used by Unity3d and other software that doesn't look like traditional applications?

I have been dealing with GTK & QT on linux, Windows forms on windows and some others like Tk, Wx. But I can see a lot of GUIs that don't look like traditional applications like unity 3d, some Adobe applications, 3ds max etc..
Are they using special libraries ? or there is a way for advanced theming of the above libraries ? Or are they just creating their own libraries ? How do they create them ?
Well usually they make their own libraries
Some applications ( exp : Blender ( that has a really good GUI )) use there own libraries .
Blender implements its whole GUI using OpenGL so Unity , 3DsMax should be similar
*By ( that has a really good GUI ) I mean it looks good
*3 years but I Just saw the question ;)
A lot of the libraries that are independent will do a lot from scratch. Eg. use Cairo directly in building their engine so that they can do display and capture input from the users as well. A lot of the widgets they have for the GUI are done from basic bottom up principles. The new non-server standalone apps can use frameworks like Electron (which desktop apps like Skype now use) rely on HTML/CSS/Javascript so that the primitive widgets are the standard browser elements of a webpage navigation in an application form.
I believe Unity uses Dear ImGui for the their UI, especially with the new UI documents system, it's quite impressive how much stuff you can do with it, you can look for some tutorials about it and if you have heard of Hazel engine (from The Cherno channel in You Tube) it uses ImGui to render all the UI, so try going it a look, it might suit you.
Dear ImGui:
enter image description here
