Tombstoning with MVVM and more than one page - windows-phone-7

Where can I find informatin about tombstononig with more that one page?
I`ve 2 pages every one with his own viewmodel, from page 1 nagite to page 2, If in this page ocurs tombstonig How can save and restore page1´s viewmodel?

Save the state of page 1 in OnNavigatedFrom if the phone tombstones or navigates to page 2
Restore the state of page 1 in OnNavigatedTo.
Delete the state of page 1 if the user navigates backwards at page 1.


Oracle Apex 5 Rows for page

Hy guys i have just start to develop with Apex 5 i have this problem.
In this page, i have 15 rows, and the other page i have 1 row, but if i press next page, i have this problem.
and i can't go in another page, and if i press ok or cancel the action is the same, the page doesn't refresh.
i print the setting for this page.
Sorry guys but i'm at the begging.
To me, it looks like you should first save changes you've made on this page - otherwise, if you proceed to the next page, those changes will be lost.
If you want to "skip" that warning, navigate to Page properties, scroll down to "Navigation" and turn off "Warn on unsaved changes".

Xamarin Forms: Values vanished/refreshed on swiping more than four content pages inside carousel page or tabbed page

I am working on a xamarin forms project which have a carousel page container, and content pages as its children are created dynamically on different condition checks. (Minimum 8 children in my case)
Let's take the mentioned minimum case. I enter some values in entry/picker controls in the 1st child and then navigate/swipe pages till 5th child. When I came back to the first child page, the values I entered/selected are now vanished/refreshed.
I have noticed that carousel page saves only 3 pages data in it. i.e. (Left Page, Current Page and the Right Page).
And Tabbed page saves 4 pages data.
I want the values to stay in the child page where I entered whether I navigate to the last most page or in the middle and navigate back to that page.
I have googled via the letters as "Carousel page/ Tabbed page Saved states" etc. but unable to find something useful.
So, I need to know the property name/ method name etc. by which xamarin forms setting the limit of carousel page as 3 and tabbed page as 4.
Waiting for your response.
OK I found that I was using a Custom Picker Control and the value refreshing issue is with it. I just forget to set the selectedIndex of the picker on OnElementChanged event.

Partial refresh of JSF page using ui:repeat and AJAX

I have a page say "Main Page" (Page 1) which looks like a Outlook calendar page having a large number of rows displayed using . Actually, the columns represent "Weeks" and the rows represent "Products". The functionality is that the user can choose a product week combination and create offers for the chosen week.Ideally, as we have a lot of rows (products), we should have ideally implemented pagination but we have not.
We use JSF2 (Mojarra faces that comes with JBoss EAP 6.0). Main Page uses a different bean and Details page uses a different bean and both are in session scope.
When the user creates an offer, instead of refreshing the entire page (i.e. Page1), we just refresh the impacted cells using AJAX. However, the On double clicking the slot(offer), we redirect to a different page (Page2) that displays offer details.
Page 1 - Main Page and Page 2 - Details page.
There are 2 cases from here :
Case 1: User goes from Main page to the details page, just views information on the details page and clicks the close button. In this case, it is enough for me to display Main Page as it was before I opened the details page. To achieve this, we used browser history.back(). However, we faced the below issues :
(a) history.back() works only in Firefox and does not work in Chrome/IE.
(b) Even if we do history.back(), the page loading is cleary visible and as our page is heavy, it takes a few seconds. I would like to avoid re-rendering of main page again (i.e. make it look like opening a popup from the main page and closing it)
Case 2: User goes from Main Page to Details page and makes certain updates which require us to reflect those updates in the main page.(For example: change color of the slot from red to green on the main page).
Currently, when Details page is closed, we call an API that provides us with refreshed data (so that we do not need to maintain the list of actions that the user had performed) and we reload the entire Main page (Page1). However, as the page takes a long time to load, we are asked to refresh only the affected slots/rows.
So, the problem here is that if we have to achieve the refresh of Main Page through AJAX, we need to maintain a list of activities that has been done on the details page and feed it through AJAX which appears to be a complicated activity. (We also want to avoid calling the API.)
Is there any workaround which helps us to refresh only the selected rows on the Main Page to minimise the page load time. Can ui:repeat be partially re-rendered ?
PLease advise.

jqgrid - any event before a page unloads

Does jqGrid have any event before a current page unloads?
I have virtual paging turned on and when you are between 2 pages e.g page 1 and page 2, I want to trigger something when page 2 loads.
You can use the loadComplete event to capture when page 2 loads, which seems like it should be good enough.

navigate back and display the previous page without reloading the previous page variables and designs?

I have one issue in my program, i have three pages in my program, Main page, first page and second page. I'm able to navigate from the main page to the first page and from the first page to the second page. I have a stack panel in the first page. It consists of children which are dynamically created from the db. This page contains a OnNavigateTo method, for bringing the elements from the main page and displaying it, And i wrote my codings in this method to add dynamically children to the stackpanel. when navigating back from the second page to the first page, the compiler will goes to the OnNavigateTo method and regenerate the children of the stackpanel once again.
My problem is:
i want to show the previously displayed first page with all the data, when the back button is pressed. I doesn't want the page to regenerate again. I want the static page which i have previously when i go back from the second page to the first page.
How to do it? please help me with some piece of code... Thank You..
Do the logic in the constructor, because it doesn't get called when navigating back (unless the app has been tombstoned). OnNavigatedTo gets called every time no matter how you navigate to the page.
Read this for more info:
WP7 Development Tip of the Day: Page Startup: The Constructor
