How to create multiline refresh in unix shell - shell

I know how to make the last line of a terminal app refresh itself by clearing \r carriage return at the line.
How can I do this with more lines than just the last? (how do programs like vi do it?)
Without externals such like ncurses, tput, etc

How can I do this with more lines than just the last? (how do programs
like vi do it?)
They're using ncurses, termcap, terminfo, the lot.

If you want to do it without using curses and the like, then you'll have to know which terminal control codes to send for each different terminal type that you plan to support.
You also need to know how to achieve the required effect in terms of the operations that each terminal does support. Some terminals may have a single 'clear to end of screen' command; others may require many characters to be written.
On the whole, it might be easier to use something designed to handle the job — and the terminfo terminal database.


Input line that stays at the bottom of the screen

My program constantly outputs text to the terminal. I need the user input line to always stay below this output; if the user types something, it shouldn't jump over the output.
Is there any Ruby library that can provide this functionality?
There could not be any ruby library providing this functionality since none of the known terminals support splitting the areas inside themselves.
This is the terminal issue: they are not capable of dividing their internal window into two parts.
What you can do, though, it to use two different shells for input and for output with IO#popen.

Emacs: some programs only work in ansi-term, some programs only work in shell

Relative Emacs newbie here, just trying to adapt my programming workflow to fit with emacs. So far I've discovered shell-pop and I'm quite enjoying on-demand terminals that pop up when needed for banging out the odd commands.
What I understand so far about Emacs is that shell is a "dumb" terminal that doesn't support any ansi control codes, and that makes it incompatible with things like ncurses that attempt to draw complex UI's on a terminal emulator. This is why you can't use less or top or similar in shell-mode.
However, I seem to be having trouble with ansi-term, it's not the be-all, end-all that it's cracked up to be. Sure, it has no problems running less or git log or even nano, but there are a few things that can't quite seem to display properly when they're running in an ansi-term, such as apt-get and nosetests. I'm not sure quite what the name is for it, but apt-get's output is characterised by live-updating what is displayed on the very last line, and then having unchanging lines of text scroll out above that line. It seems to be halfway between something like less and something dumber, like cat. Somehow ansi-term doesn't like this at all, and I get very garbled output, where it seems to output everything on one line only or just generally lose it's place and output things all over, randomly. In the case of nosetests, it starts off ok, but if any libraries spew out any STDERR, the output all goes to hell in a similar way.
With some fiddling it seems possible to fix this by mashing C-l and RET, but it's not always reliable.
Does anybody know what's going on here? Is there some way to fix ansi-term so that it can display everything properly? Or is there perhaps some other mode that I don't know about that is way better? Ideally I'd like something that "just works" as effortlessly as, eg, Gnome Terminal, which can run all of the above mentioned programs without a single hiccup.
I resolved this issue by commenting out my entire .emacs.el and then uncommenting and restarting emacs for every single line in the file. I discovered that the following line alone was responsible for the issue:
'(fringe-mode 0 nil (fringe))
(this line disables the fringes from inside custom-set-variables).
I guess this is a bug in Emacs, that disabling the fringe causes term-mode to garble it's output really badly whenever any output line exceeds $COLUMN columns.
Anyway, I don't really like the fringes much at all, and it seems I was able to at least disable the left fringe without triggering this issue:
(set-fringe-mode (cons 0 8))
Maybe apt-get does different things based on the $TERM environment variable. What happens if you set TERM=dumb? If that makes things work, then you can experiment with different values until you find one that supports enough features but still works.
Note that git 2.0.1 (June 25th, 2014) now better detects dumb terminal when displaying verbose messages.
That might help Emacs better display some of the messages received from git, but the fringe-mode bug reported above is certainly the main cause.
See commit 38de156 by Michael Naumov (mnaoumov)
sideband.c: do not use ANSI control sequence on non-terminal
Diagnostic messages received on the sideband #2 from the server side are sent to the standard error with ANSI terminal control sequence "\033[K" that erases to the end of line appended at the end of each line.
However, some programs (e.g. GitExtensions for Windows) read and interpret and/or show the message without understanding the terminal control sequences, resulting them to be shown to their end users.
To help these programs, squelch the control sequence when the standard error stream is not being sent to a tty.

Win32 Console -- Backspace to Last Line

I'm writing a command interpreter like BASH, and a \ followed by a newline implies a continuation of the input stream; how can I implement that in Win32?
If I use the console mode with ENABLE_LINE_INPUT, then the user can't press backspace in order to go back to the previous line; Windows prevents him from doing so. But if I don't set ENABLE_LINE_INPUT, then I have to manually reposition the cursor, which is rather tedious given that (1) the user might have redirected the input stream, and that (2) it might be prone to race conditions, and I'd rather have Windows do it if I can.
Any way to have my newline and eat it too?
If this would require undocumented CSRSS port requests, then I'm still interested!
Assuming you want this to run in a window, like command prompt does by default, rather than full screen, you could create a GUI application with a large textbox. Users would type into the textbox, and you could parse whatever was entered, and output to the same box (effectively emulated the Win32 Console).
This way whatever rules you want to set for how the console behaves is completely up to you.
I might be mistaken is saying this, but I believe that the Win32 Console from XP onward works exactly like this, and it just listens for output on stdout; there shouldn't be any reason you can't do the same.
Hope this was helpful.

Ruby Keyboard event handling

I'm using curses to develop a small console application.
I have a main loop section which waits for user input, it uses the getstr function, of course this waits for the user to press enter.
I would like to capture the up and down and tab keypresses. I suppose this can't be done with getstr.
Anyone have any idea how to do this?
EDIT: I've tried using STDIN.getc wihch blocks the application from running, and getch doesn't catch the arrow keys.
EDIT #2: I'm trying this code on Windows. It seems that Curses.getch works for Linux, but on Windows I get no key sent for the up arrow.
You need to set the "cbreak" mode of the tty so that you get keypresses immediately. If you don't do this, the Unix terminal-handling system will buffer the input until a newline is received (i.e., the user hits ENTER), and the input will all be handed to the process at that point.
This isn't actually Ruby- or even curses-specific; this is the way all applications work that run through a Unix tty.
Try using the curses library cbreak() function to turn on this mode. Don't forget to call nocbreak() to turn it off before you exit!
For reading a single character, STDIN.getc will return a Fixnum of the ASCII code of the character. Quite possibly you'll find to be more convenient, since it returns a one-character string of the next character.
However, you'll find that the "up/down" keys,if by that you mean the arrow keys, are actually a sequence of characters. On most ANSI-like terminal emulators these days (such as xterm), the up arrow will be "\e[A" (that \e is an escape character) for example. There are termcap (terminal capability) databases to deal with this sort of thing, and you can access them through curses, but intially you may find it easiest just to experiment with interpreting these directly; you're not very likely to run into a terminal using anything other than ANSI codes these days.
you want getch rather than getstr. also see curt sampson's comment about the arrow keys not being a single character.

Is there a terminal program that differentiates between input, output, and commands?

Is there a terminal program that shows the difference between input, standard output, error output, the prompt, and user-entered commands? It should also show when standard input is needed vs. running a command.
One way would be to highlight each differently. The cursor could change color depending on if it was waiting for a command, running a command, or waiting for standard input.
Another way would be to have 3 frames -- a large frame on the top for output (including prompt and commands running), a small frame near the bottom for standard input, and an one-line frame at the bottom for command line input. That would possibly even allow running another command to provide input while the previous command is still waiting for standard input.
Hotwire could be a good candidate, but it's not doing that out of the box, AFAIK
For now it appears that there is no such program.
My program gush (Graphical User SHell) does part of this.
It uses different colours for commands and program stdin/stdout/stderr.
Note that the traditional separation of shell and terminal makes this
impossible because the interface between them models an old serial
terminal connection and therefore only has a single input and single
output channel. I get around this problem by combining shell and
terminal into one program.
It would be nice to also indicate when a program is waiting for input,
but I don't think there's any way to detect this, unless you traced the
system calls of the child program to detect when it tries to read stdin.
For interactive programs, you can guess that if the last output did not
end with newline it's probably prompting for input, but this would not
work for non-interactive programs, eg. sed.
