How to use QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(...) under MacOS - macos

I'm currently testing a software written for windows under MacOS X.6. And most stuff works already, but Currently I'm stuck with 1 thing:
The native SaveFileName Dialog under Mac.
QString fileName = m_sSaveAsDir + "untitled." + m_sFileExtension;
qDebug() << "File Extension:" << m_sFileExtension; //"jpg"
qDebug() << "SaveDir:" << m_sSaveAsDir; //""
qDebug() << "Filename:" << fileName; //Filename: "untitled.jpg"
fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( 0, tr( "Save As" ),
fileName, tr("Images (*.dng *.tif *.jpg)"), 0, 0 );
qDebug() << "Filename:" << fileName; //Filename: "//...../Pictures/untitled.dng"
So obviously the former extension jpg is ignored under MacOs and therefore not displayed nor saved. Which is fine for me.
Further the Qt manual says that under MacOS the filter is ignored. Which is correct if I have a look at the folder in the Browser in the SaveDialog (the files are not filtered ). But it seems that the first extension in the filter is used as an extension as long as no extension was entered in the filedialog, which is very annoying.
How can I come around this problem?
I tried to use the NonNativeSaveDialog by changing the last argument in the getSaveFileName() method to "DontUseNativeDialog", which pretty much works but doesnt look good.
Any suggestions?
Greetings Donny

You can construct the dialog yourself using non-static QFileDialog methods. Follow the QFileDialog docs for this, then look to QFileDialog::setDefaultSuffix(), which you can set to an empty string, like this:
Then nothing will be automatically appended to the end of the file. I don't have a Mac handy to test this, but it should work.


VLC Media Player LUA Extension fails detecting whether the media file actually exists or not in Windows

As I stated in Q-title, I am trying to utilize an existing VLC extension developed in LUA programming language.
The Lua extension can be referred from here, when I correctly place this extension in %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions path and then open any video/audio file and run it and then when I select View > Remove current file from playlist and disk option, it closes the currently playing media file & throws this error: lua info: [vlc-delete] error: File does not exist.
Not sure but I suspect this is due to Windows quotes issue when FileName and/or FilePath contains spaces in them. And also from the error, it seems that io.popen("if exist " .. file .. " (echo 1)") : read "*l" == "1" isn't reliable for correctly detecting whether file actually exists or not.
I am relatively new to Lua programming, so can anyone assist about any better methods for checking whether file exists or not that works in latest VLC versions like 3.x+(cause I am using VLC 64Bit in Windows 10/11 64Bit), or just assist fix this mentioned issue ?
Note that when the script calls fileExists method, it does takes care of quotes properly: if not fileExists("\"" .. file .. "\"") then return nil, "File does not exist" end
After hours of troubleshooting, I was able to fix the issue, which was due to the way the quoted(space-containing) file path was passed to another function and the Lua library method of os.remove not working on the passed parameter.
So I just had an idea, I am mainly using Windows OS only, then why not convert the script to rely on Windows OS core(batch/cmd) functions only and do the safe checking of whether file exists and then delete with those core Windows functions too.
And so I just did that and got the plugin to actually check whether the file exists and delete the file, if it does then delete it. Here's the working code:
-- Copy this file to %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\ and restart VLC Media player.
function descriptor()
return {
title = "VLC Delete Media File(Windows only)";
version = "1.0";
author = "Vicky Dev";
shortdesc = "&Remove current file from playlist and disk";
description = [[
<h1>VLC Delete Media File(Windows only)</h1>"
When you're playing a file, use this to easily
delete the current file from your <b>playlist</b> and <b>disk</b> with one click.<br>
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for damage caused by this extension.
function sleep(seconds)
local t0 = os.clock()
local tOriginal = t0
while os.clock() - t0 <= seconds and os.clock() >= tOriginal do end
function removeItem()
local id = vlc.playlist.current()
vlc.playlist.gotoitem(id + 1)
function activate()
local item = vlc.input.item()
local uri = item:uri()
uri = string.gsub(uri, "^file:///", "")
uri = vlc.strings.decode_uri(uri)
path = string.gsub(uri, "/", "\\")"[VLC Delete Media File(Windows only)] removing: "..uri.." : "..path)
retval, err = os.execute("if exist ".."\""..path.."\"".." #(call )")
if (type(retval) == 'number' and retval == 0) then
os.execute("del /f /a /q ".."\""..path.."\"")
function click_ok()
function deactivate()
function close()
function meta_changed()
Hope this helps anyone who wants this cool feature of deleting the media files from player itself, instead of going to the location and doing it.

Locating and opening programs based on a word in python

I have a script where a user will input a program to open, and that script will open the program. The way I've done it isn't very efficient and so I'm leading into problems.
If I input "Open chrome", the script starts a search for a file called chrome.exe on your computer and then launches it. This works for a few programs like chrome.exe, steam.exe etc, but there are programs where their exe file is named differently.
For example, "Open word". The script will search for a program named word.exe, but the Microsoft Word exe file is actually named WINWORD.EXE, so the search will fail.
So my question is how can I make this more efficient? I know I could add exceptions and find the directory of the file myself but this would be impractical to do for many programs.
with sr.Microphone() as source:
success = False
print (">")
audio = r.listen(source)
t = r.recognize_google(audio)
print (": " + t)
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Unknown input")
except sr.RequestError as e:
print("An error occured at GAPI\nA common cause is lack of internet connection")
if "open" in t:
t = t.replace("open","")
t = t.replace(" ","")
z = t
speak = "Opening " + z
t = t + ".exe"
print (t)
for a,d,f in os.walk("C:\\"):
for files in f:
if files == t.lower() or files == t.capitalize() or files == t.upper():
pat = os.path.join(a,files)
print (pat)[pat])
success = True
I did some research and found out about something called filename pattern searching. I've been unable get it running, any ideas?

glog always create two files, which has nearly the same content

My test code as blow:
std::string strLogPath = "d:/logtest/";
FLAGS_log_dir = strLogPath;
FLAGS_stderrthreshold = google::GLOG_INFO;
FLAGS_minloglevel = google::GLOG_INFO;
//FLAGS_colorlogtostderr = true;
std::string strLogPath1 = "d:/logtest/L";
google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_INFO, strLogPath1.c_str());
google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_ERROR, strLogPath1.c_str());
google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_WARNING, strLogPath1.c_str());
google::SetLogDestination(google::GLOG_FATAL, strLogPath1.c_str());
LOG(INFO) << "infoinfo";
LOG(WARNING) << "wwwww";
LOG(WARNING) << "wwwww";
LOG(ERROR) << "eeeeee";
//LOG(FATAL) << "ffffff";
LOG(WARNING) << "wwwww";
LOG(WARNING) << "wwwww";
LOG(WARNING) << "wwwww";
I got two log files, one file contain all messages(INFO, WARNING and ERROR), and the other contain all WARNING and ERROR messages, but without INFO. This is quiet different from my expectation. I want all messages in one file, and don't like the WARNING and ERROR messages appear twice in different files.
It would be highly appreciated if someone can tell me the solution.
Thanks a lot in advance.
You probably already have a solution for your problem but I will post this anyway for other users.
glog is not designed for logging in one file as far as I know. Therefore you can't do what you want using only glog.
However there are other solutions for your problem.
First: Write your own little logging library. This isn't very complicated and is a great Programming training ;)
Second: For *nix only. Activate logging to stderr in glog using the logtostderr-Flag and redirect the output from stderr to the desired log file.
LOG(INFO) << "Info";
LOG(WARNING) << "Warning";
LOG(ERROR) << "Error";
and on the shell: ./MyProg 2>logFile
Last: Keep everything as it is and delete the logfiles you don't need. Either within your program using c/c++ or with a call to system()

QT use unzip on OS X

I'm trying to unzip from within my application. I only need this to work on OS X.
For some reason I cannot get this to unzip my file:
QProcess *proc = new QProcess( this );
proc->start("unzip", QStringList(""));
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
There are two things you can try.
1. Instead of "unzip", use "/usr/bin/unzip", ie, provide the full path of the program.
2. Use one big string, not string list. Like this:
If someone is still interested my solution:
QString path = "/tmp/";
QProcess unzip;
unzip.setWorkingDirectory("/tmp/"); // set working directory - for extraction
unzip.start("unzip", QStringList() << "-o" << path); // overwrite files
if (!unzip.waitForFinished()) return; // wait for finished here
QByteArray result = unzip.readAll(); // read the result
unzip.close(); // close the process
qDebug() << result; // debug the result

Print current frame during command line render?

Is there a way to basically print my own output during a command line render?
Let's say I don't need/want all the other output that maya spits out by default, I know you can change the verbosity level, but there's very specific things I'd like to output but I can't figure it out. I currently render out the verbosity output to file, so I wanted to print in the terminal (I'm using MAC) the frame that the render is currently up to.
This may just be simple minded, but here's what I tried:
Render -preFrame "print `currentTime -q`;" -s 1 -e 20 -rd /render/directory/ maya_file.mb
Obviously, -preFrame expects a string, according to the docs this can take mel commands, but obviously this is limited to certain commands, I'm assuming the currentTime command is pulling the information from the timeline in maya, not queering it from the Renderer it self... When I run the above command, straight away, it spits out this: -bash: currentTime: command not found and soon after the render fails/doesn't start.
Idealy, I'd like to print the following as it starts each frame:
"Started rendering frame XXXX at TIME GOES HERE", that way, I can quickly look at the terminal, and see if the renderer has failed, stuck or where it's up to and when it started it.
So my question is, seeing is currentTime is a mel command used from within Maya, is there another way I could print this information?
After many hours of searching for this answer, I ended up finding out that you can start maya as an interactive shell. By doing this, I was able to source a script as I opened it, and run whatever I want into memory as If I had Maya open at the time.
/Applications/Autodesk/maya2014/ -prompt -script "/Volumes/raid/farm_script/setupRender.mel"
In the setupRender.mel file, I was able to assign variables, containing options for renders etc, in doing this, I was also able to create a global variable for the frame number, and increment it during the preFrame callback, like so:
int $startFrame = 100;
int $endFrame = 1110;
global int $frameCount = 0;
string $preRenderStatistics = "'global int $frameCount; $frameCount = " + $startFrame + ";'";
string $preFrameStatistics = "'print(\"Rendering frame: \" + $frameCount++)'";
string $additionalFlags = "";
string $sceneFilePath = "'/Volumes/path/to/file/intro_video_001.mb'";
system("Render -preRender " + $preRenderStatistics + " -preFrame " + $preFrameStatistics + " -s " + $startFrame + " -e " + $endFrame + " -x " + $additionalFlags + " " + $sceneFilePath);
This is a very simplified version of what I currently have, but hopefully this will help others if they stumble across it.
Take a look at the pre render layer MEL and/or pre render frame MEL section of the Render Settings.
It expects MEL, so you'll either need to write it in MEL or wrap your python in MEL. For such a simple use, I'd say just write it in MEL:
print `currentTime -q`
