Running bundle w/ no command - bundler

What command is being run when you call bundle? Is it just calling bundle install under the hood?

Just running bundle calls the bundle script with it's last parameter-set.
Suppose, in your project, you initially did bundle install and then changed your Gemfile. To update the gems, you need not repeat bundle install again (though, you still can), you can simply run:
Similarly, if you initially used bundle install --binstubs (with binstubs flag), using bundle later in the project, will trigger the former command again.
Good luck. :)


How to install additional gems with bundler in production environment?

I have a staging server. And I've got some issue I'd like to investigate right there. But I forgot to add byebug to Gemfile. I can surely add it locally, run bundle, commit to repository, deploy. But isn't there an easier way?
When I try to change Gemfile remotely and run bundle I get:
You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
If this is a development machine, remove the /home/gccs/website-backend/releases/20161018143057/Gemfile freeze
by running `bundle install --no-deployment`.
You have added to the Gemfile:
* byebug
Gems are installed with capistrano, basically, like so:
bundle install --path /home/user/app/shared/bundle --without development test --deployment --quiet
Edit .bundle/config changing BUNDLE_FROZEN: '1' to '0' (or removing it) is enough in order to be allowed by Bundler to manage gems in a deployment environment. Then you can edit the Gemfile, run bundle, restart your application and the custom gems are ready to be used.
If you intend to use them outside of the application runtime (f.e. if you need pry in rails console) restarting the server is not needed.
The reason why you're unable to install additional gems is because the bundle is frozen. You can check it like so:
$ grep FROZEN .bundle/config
If you remove the line (as suggested by mdesantis) or change "1" to "0", you'll be able to install whatever gems you like, as if it were developer machine. But generally it's best to restore the value, if no more needed. Not sure if bundler will do that automatically on next deploy.

Gems install under vendor/bundle in rails app local testing

I have a rails app that I'm running locally where the gems are installed in the vendor/bundle directory. I want to add some debugging statements to a gem and then test it locally. I'm running bundle exec rackup to run the server. I've tried rerunning bundle install before starting the application, but that still doesn't seem to pick up my changes. Any ideas?
Running bundle show --paths will print out exactly where Bundler is loading your gems from, so you can double-check that against the files you are editing.
As a shortcut, bundle open <gemname> will open that gem's directory in your editor of choice (whatever your EDITOR environment variable is set to). You can then edit it directly there.
There is normally no need to re-run bundle install or rebuild the gem when you edit files this way.

How do I properly install and run Thin?

How does one install and run Thin? According to the official page, I can start it with bundle exec thin start, but no dice. Instead I get Could not locate Gemfile. If I restart Terminal and run gem install thin again, it seems to install it again as if it weren't properly installed the first time.
The guide assumes you're using it in a Ruby project. Using bundle ... requires there to be a Gemfile in the current directory. It'll work if you cd to a Ruby project and add gem thin to your Gemfile.
Here's some info on Gemfiles:

Using Bundler in deployment

Pretty fundamental question but I'm trying to understand how best to use Bundler in a deployment situation.
I'm working on a Sinatra application that has about 20 dependent gems. During development, I'm using RVM with a custom gemset for the application, and I run bundle install to update the gemset in accordance with the gemfile.
When it comes to deployment (manually for now, so I can understand how it all works before using a tool like capistrano), I need to do bundle install --development right? This downloads the gems and places them in vendor/bundle.
My question is what else do I need to do? I'm using Unicorn on the server - do I just bundle exec unicorn ... and everything just works? (i.e. bundler finds the vendor directory and uses the gems from there?)
Should unicorn be a vendored gem in the application or a separate 'system' gem on the server that all applications share?
You need --deployment key, not --development:
On first run bundler creates config in .bundle directory. You can check it by running bundle config or just cat .bundle/config in project's directory. So bundle exec unicorn is enough since bundler knows where gems are installed. On development machine you can also install gems to arbitrary directory using --path key. For more details see manpage for bundle install (link above or bundle help install).

Bundler: do I have to use the same commandline options each time?

I had some problems with Bundler and stopped using it for a while. Now, I'm getting back to using it, and read up on it more this time and decided these are the first commands I should run:
bundle install --binstubs --path vendor
bundle package
I know that future calls to bundle will remember the path, but now I've updated my Gemfile with a new gem, should I run...?
bundle install - Bundler will work out that I already have the other gems cached, and I want executables to bin/.
bundle install --local - Bundler needs to know I want to use the cached gems but remembers the other stuff. This doesn't work (or, more precisely, isn't for this situation), just use bundle install and it won't reinstall current gems (although I've seen it do that which is why I asked)
bundle install --local --binstubs - Bundler isn't going to remember anything and I need to provide it.
Any other combination/commands I'm not aware of.
And then, do I need to re-run bundle package again after this? My experiments show me that re-running bundle package is not required, the cache is updated with new gems.
I did read the docs, (and a couple of blogs, though finding up-to-date ones is quite difficult) but this isn't clear to me.
Any help is much appreciated.
Certain options are what bundler calls remembered options and are stored in .bundle/config. These remembered options don't need to be typed again and again.
According to the, the remembered options are --deployment, --path, --binstubs, --without
