Cannot import provisioning profile into Xcode - xcode

I am a beginner of iOS development. I am helping to archive an .ipa file for an in-house iPad app. I am not the Admin/Agent so I received one certificate file plus two provisioning files. I installed the certificate using Keychain Access, which waas successfully. And I can see the certificate appear on the Organizer's TEAMS group as well.
But I was failed to import the two provisioning profiles. I dragged them to Xcode icon, nothing happened. I clicked the "import" button on Organizer and selected the profiles, nothing happened... Anyone knows why? I hope there's at least some pop-up warning messages so that I know what's wrong, but I just cannot see the profiles added to my list.

Okay I figured it out and I hope it would be helpful for others.
My company use Exchange Server for emails and it seems that it would somehow affect the provisioning profiles. So I asked the admin to zip the profiles before sending and the problems was solved.


Xcode apple developer certificate expiration: (0xE8008018)

Just for the record: I had a stranger response from Xcode when I tried to run my app on my device.
Please verify that your device's clock is properly set, and that your
signing certificate is not expired. (0xE8008018).
My certificate expires today at midnight AND my several provisioning profiles need a serious cleaning.
What is the administrative process to get it all renewed to get a build AND run working?
You need to :
Connect to Apple Developer Member Center
Click on 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles'
iOS Apps must not have an expiration date notification or else
renew it, and come back here
Click on 'Provisioning profiles'
If no one has 'active' status, that is the problem
Add one for 'iOS App Development'
Choose the right 'App ID' : your BundleID, or wildcard
The next screen should show you valid certificates. If not, go create one (click on 'Certificates' item on the left menu) and come back here
Choose one certificate
Then you see all the devices you declared in 'Devices', select those on which you want to run your app
Give a profile name and generate it
You will download a file named : [profile name].mobileprovision
Double-click to install it
At this step, my problem was solved. Build and run on my phone is ok.
I had the same exact thing only... all my profiles, certificates and everything were up-to-date in the Dev portal. What fixed it for me was under the General tab of my app's target, changing the 'Team' dropdown to none... and then back to my company. Forced Xcode to re-request whatever it thought it needed from the Dev Portal.
Back in business... :-)
Or go to your Utilities/Keychain and delete all the certs there. Run from Xcode and it will sort it all out for you.
If you work in a group and suffer this problem, but your colleagues do not, you may ask somebody to export the developer profile as described in
Then import the .developerprofile file.
Worked like a charm for me.
Hi All Just delete the developer certificate and install it again.delete the account fomr xcode preferences and add it again.
Works for me
Restarting XCode made XCode solve the problem for me showing this prompt:
Just pressed "Fix Issue" and it worked.
Delete all expired certificates from Keychain rest xcode will handle.

App profile needs to be renewed?

I just clicked on Organiser in XCode (I'm running latest publicly available version), and I noticed on one of my apps profiles it says "renew" so I click on that and I get an error msg, saying..
The given profile was not found on the provisioning portal.
Please refresh your provisioning profiles before attempting to renew
I don't understand any of that. So...
1) What is it asking me to renew? a development profile? do I need to renew developer profiles? what happens if I don't?
2) Why am I getting an error? what does it mean by "refresh my provisioning profiles" ?
3) Do I have to do this (whatever this is and however I have to fix it) for all profiles? development and distribution?
well i dont know if you have found an answer or not but here is my answer.
you need a valid developer and also distribution profile ( i am sure you are aware of this already) to upload your app. if your app is uploaded and is in the app store you still have maintain a valid developer profile in order for your app to stay in the app store. otherwise they will bring it down.
the fact that it asks you to refresh your developer profile is related to the new system of developer profiles that all of a sudden got introduced. there is no need of renewing your profiles every 3 months anymore. your profiles are good for a year. you have to go to organizer in xcode and select all the profiles you have in there. delete them and then go to your team or your own name on the right pane and there you find the refresh button down at the bottom of the window. when you use that it resyncs your profiles with the developer site.
yes you may have to do that for all of your profiles if you have not done that in past three months.
i hope you find my answer useful.
Just go to the developers site and revoke the ones that are about to expire or already expired. Then remove them from keychain and xcode also. Then in keychain create a new certificate request and on the Dev site create new profiles. After creating the new ones download them so they can synch with keychain. After that go the organizer and refresh. Xcode will synch with developer site and will download the new ones. Make sure you connect your test devices so the new profiles can be updated as well. That should do the trick.

xcode organizer refreshing provisioning profiles

I have had a look around and everyone seems to be having loads of different issues with the xcode organizer, but they don't seem to be having the same issue so I can't quite isolate my issue.
The issue I am having is when I go to the organizer and refresh the provisioning profiles it produces a message saying
Sign in with your Apple ID
the username and password I provide are both correct but the window goes away and then immediately returns and doesn't say whether or not I enter correct details (I know they are correct) and it will continue asking me this for as long as it takes to refresh the profiles. This also happens when I select a device to use for development, but the device is never actually added to the team provisioning profile even though it says it has been.
Has anyone any idea how I can stop this?
I guess in your position I would carry out the following checks:
Can you log in to your account on the Provisioning Profile. If
you can then your Apple ID and password must be OK
When in Xcode and responding to the 'sign in' message are you
using the username & password remembered by KeyChain? Are you sure
these are both OK? Maybe enter them manually again to make sure
In Xcode go to the Provisioning Profiles screen in the Organiser
tab and right-click a profile and select 'reveal in Finder'. Does
the folder holding your local copies of provisioning profiles
contain any extra files that might be old/corrupted versions? If so,
delete them, return to Xcode and attempt to refresh again.
If the above three checks don't yield anything useful then I
think it must be something corrupted on the provisioning profile
(such as a provisioning profile or certificate) that needs to be
revoked - letting Xcode create it/them anew for you. Or something
out-of-date or corrupted locally (maybe a public or private key or
certificate in KeychainAccess - a local copy of a provisioning
profile). And you may have to start revoking/deleting digital assets
to get things working again (but only do this if you have no other
I once had a horrible issue with an iPhone developer certificate that took ages to fix - but perseverance eventually paid off - good luck!

No identities are available for signing - publishing app in xcode

I'm fighting with this problem for two days.
I've finished my app in xcode 4.6, I created the app on Itunes Connect and the status is Waiting For Upload. I've also all the certificates (developer and Distribution) and in Distribution Provisioning Profiles I have my profiles.
In xcode I create the archive by the comand Product -> Archive and everything goes ok. But when I click on validate or Submit an error message comes out: No identities are available for signing (in my Keychain everything is ok).
Even if I press Download Identities nothing happens.
I have no idea how to fix the problem. I have spent two days looking for solutions here and in other forums, following the instructions, but I have not found anything...
Thank you for your help.
Have you completed the code signing section?
If you select your project name from the top of the inspector on the left of Xcode, click Build Settings than find the Code Signing section:

"A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier '' could not be found" error

I am working on an app that I would like to put onto some iPads (not the App Store). I bought the developer license, and added the provisions on Xcode. Now when I try to build the app for the iPad which I have connected to my computer, I get the error:
A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier '' could not be found
I think that this problem has been caused because I have two different teams running on my Xcode, and I don't know how to specify the correct one (one has expired). Also, I remember when I first created my App that I didn't really pay attention to the fields like 'Company Name', can I change those now?
EDIT: Here are the provisions I do have:
I had the same issue when i first installed the provisioning profile on the XCode. i'm using Xcode 4.5.* version. Although I installed the prov profile and certs in my mac, when i go to the Devices tab in the organizer in Xcode and clicked my device, i still couldn't see the new provisioning profile was added to the device. So I clicked the "Add to Portal" button with a + mark on it. It did the trick and i was able to test my app successfully without any errors about missing prov profile. Hope this helps for some of you with the issue i had.
This is a very common (to me at least) error. It sounds like you just don't have a mobile provision for the app you're trying to put on your iPad. You need a .mobileprovision file for each app identifier. As for the various names of things, you can edit them in the info tab of your project or in info.plist.
If one of your profiles has expired then delete it, although this shouldn't affect anything.
To get a provision for your app, go to the apple provisioning portal and add a provisioning profile. Then you just have to put all of the specifications (UDID, development cert, application ID) in and it'll kick out a provision. There's a how-to guide on the apple developer site for both making provisions and putting them where they're supposed to be.
For some reason it also looks like your app's identifier is empty; you can change this in your project's info tab. The .mobileprovision app ID and your app's ID have to match EXACTLY otherwise nothing works.
In my case, I had to first BUILD the app with Cmd-B.
This popped up a keychain window access asking me to "Allow" (or "Always Allow") Xcode to access the keychain.
Only THEN could I actually run the program to launch it on my iPhone.
Apparently, hitting only run didn't do the trick.
(Btw, remember to first sign your app with the "iPhone Developer: Your Name ()" key.
As Dustin said:
The .mobileprovision app ID and your app's ID have to match EXACTLY
otherwise nothing works.
In your info.plist XCode automatically sets the 'Bundle identifier' to something like:
Delete the '${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}' and leave only 'com.domainname.applicationname' so that it exactly matches your provisioning profile ID.
This worked for me when I had the same issue. Hope it helps.
This progress is a chaos. the hardest issue in the universe and the world I think.
it should be simple.
in xcode5 "fix issues" button doesn't fix issues. but hey ! this isnt take a day. but some hours to fix.
